• Title/Summary/Keyword: 평균타수

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The Evaluation of Potential Invasive Species in the Gangneungnamdae Stream in Korea using a Fish Invasiveness Screening Kit (FISK (Fish Invasiveness Screening Kit)를 이용한 강릉남대천의 잠재적 침습 이입종 평가)

  • Kim, Jeong Eun;Lee, Hwang Goo
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Biology
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    • v.36 no.1
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    • pp.73-81
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    • 2018
  • This study was conducted to understand the current status of the translocated species using a precede study and a model to evaluate the potential invasiveness that could adversely affect the aquatic ecosystem in the Gangneungnamdae Stream. A total of 12 translocated species were investigated and identified from 9 sites in a precede study, and steadily increased since 1982. For the study, which utilized research based on the total FISK (Fish Invasivenss Screening Kit) scores, all of the non-native fishes in Gangneungnamdae Stream were classified into two groups: namely as a high and a medium risk of becoming invasive. It was determined that there were two species (Zacco platypus and Pseudorasbora parva) that were determined to have posed the highest risk. The study determined that the mean scores were shown to have ranged from $3.06({\pm}0.16)-3.42({\pm}0.13)$. Consequently, the habitat analysis showed that the determined QHEI (Qualitative Habitat Evaluation Index) values in the stream averaged 146 (88-171), indicating that an optimal habitat condition did exist in that locale. It can be inferred that compared to land use in the surrounding watersheds, the QHEI values and frequency of translocated species showed the lower the altitude of stream, the QHEI values were decreased and in case of land use pattern, a noted decreased forest and grassland area, and gradually increased urbanized area was seen to exist in the region. The correlation between the fish assemblage, QHEI, land use pattern of surrounding watershed and number of translocated species was identified and analyzed when the stream altitude decreased, and the number of species was increased (r= - 0.782, p=0.0127), the number of species was decreased (r= - 0.737, p=0.0234), and finally when the QHEI values were decreased, it was noted that the urbanized area was increased (r=0.292, p=0.446). In the case of the number of translocated species, when the number of translocated species was increased, the associated urbanized area was increased.