• Title/Summary/Keyword: 패턴 확장

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Estimating Willingness to Switch to MVNO for Activation of Mobile Data Services (무선데이터서비스 활성화를 위한 MVNO 전환의사비용 추정)

  • Lee, Sang Woo;Ko, Chang Youl
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2015
  • This study uses the contingent valuation method to estimate the switching cost for adopting the MVNO service. The findings are as follows.: First, Willingness To Switch(WTS) increases as users' using pattern and perceived degree of MVNO service, but satisfaction with current service provider does not play a significant role in predicting Switching Cost. This means that as amount of money users can save exceeds a certain level, users decide to willingly change their service provider to MVNO regardless of their level of satisfaction with current service provider. Second, there are differences in WTS among service subscribers in SKT, KT and LGU+. It means that there will be a difference in the tendency to switch to MVNO among subscribers of service providers. This study suggest the following mangerial perspective to effectively promote the MVNO and boost the MVNO market for activation of mobile data services.: First, MVNOs are better off applying differentiated pricing scheme at attractive rates than using a differentiation of service product and quality. Second, regulators should consider how to implement an MVNO regulatory policy when there is an asymmetric customer loyalty among MNOs. This research will be used to set the MVNO's pricing strategy and to build up a successful regulatory policies.

Multiple Camera Calibration for Panoramic 3D Virtual Environment (파노라믹 3D가상 환경 생성을 위한 다수의 카메라 캘리브레이션)

  • 김세환;김기영;우운택
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea CI
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    • v.41 no.2
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    • pp.137-148
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    • 2004
  • In this paper, we propose a new camera calibration method for rotating multi-view cameras to generate image-based panoramic 3D Virtual Environment. Since calibration accuracy worsens with an increase in distance between camera and calibration pattern, conventional camera calibration algorithms are not proper for panoramic 3D VE generation. To remedy the problem, a geometric relationship among all lenses of a multi-view camera is used for intra-camera calibration. Another geometric relationship among multiple cameras is used for inter-camera calibration. First camera parameters for all lenses of each multi-view camera we obtained by applying Tsai's algorithm. In intra-camera calibration, the extrinsic parameters are compensated by iteratively reducing discrepancy between estimated and actual distances. Estimated distances are calculated using extrinsic parameters for every lens. Inter-camera calibration arranges multiple cameras in a geometric relationship. It exploits Iterative Closet Point (ICP) algorithm using back-projected 3D point clouds. Finally, by repeatedly applying intra/inter-camera calibration to all lenses of rotating multi-view cameras, we can obtain improved extrinsic parameters at every rotated position for a middle-range distance. Consequently, the proposed method can be applied to stitching of 3D point cloud for panoramic 3D VE generation. Moreover, it may be adopted in various 3D AR applications.

A Study on Practicalization of Low Vibration New KINRECKER-II (미진동 발파용 New KINECKER-II 실용화에 관한 연구)

  • Jang, Seung-Ho;Park, Hee-Won;Lim, Jung-Hyuk;Lee, Chang-Yeop;Ahn, Bong-Do;Kang, Dae-Woo;Lee, Ha-Young
    • Explosives and Blasting
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    • v.35 no.1
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    • pp.43-52
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    • 2017
  • Mountain and hill areas occupy by more than 70% in South Korea and Rock drilling should be applied in order to reduce noisy & vibration from massive civil engineering business such as road expansion, high-way construction, subway construction and construction of site renovation such as a newly-built & re-development of apartment, newly-built of high-rising building in downtown area. As Blasting noise & vibration such as vibration, noise, fly rock etc caused by blasting operation from large small scale construction occurs, neighboring residents who demand the compensation file a civil complaint so that the business reach a deadlock. As the excavation method for these areas, There are blasting of micro-vibration, mechanical excavation method(Rock splitter, Breaker etc), similar blasting method(plasma, gel fragmentation etc) to date. In this study, we are trying to find the feature & performance which get improved economic feasibility & construct ability through improving sympathetic detonation of New KINECKER-I used in blasting of micro-vibration & formulation and would provide convenience for use by introducing standard blasting pattern & construction method. Also, checked and confirmed all the blasting with connecting cap has been cleary detonated.

A Empirical Study on Preference Property for the Private Brand(PB) of Large Discount Stores in Gyeonggi-Do (경기지역의 대형할인점 유통업체브랜드(PB) 선호특성에 대한 실증연구)

  • Kim, Jeong-in;Lee, Jae-hak;Han, Kyu-baek
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.101-117
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    • 2007
  • Recently, in the process of distribution industry's growth, distribution environment is changing rapidly by appearance of new business condition and strategy of multiple store. According to the intensification of competition, recently large discount stores are developing private brand(PB) products for the purpose of product differentiation and profitability. But after the economic crisis in 1997, young housewives and salaried man's that have rational and practical buying pattern become the core consumer's in the large discount stores. Hence low price strategy is not new things for the consumer's anymore. In addition to, acquiring new consumer, many discount stores are establishing new stores at the rural area. But they undergo hardships of establishing new stores at the rural area because of disparity consumer's behavior, income level and consumption's pattern among regions. So, when they try to establish new stores, they need to know consumer's behavior at the region. Therefore the purpose of this study is to analyze preference property for the private brand(PB) of large discount stores in Gyeonggi-Do.

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Deciphering the Genetic Code in the RNA Tie Club: Observations on Multidisciplinary Research and a Common Research Agenda (RNA 타이 클럽의 유전암호 해독 연구: 다학제 협동연구와 공동의 연구의제에 관한 고찰)

  • Kim, Bong-kook
    • Journal of Science and Technology Studies
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.71-115
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    • 2017
  • In 1953, theoretical physicist George Gamow attempted to explain the process of protein synthesis by hypothesizing that the base sequence of DNA encodes a protein's amino acid sequence and, in response, proposed the nucleic acid-protein information transfer model, which he dubbed the "diamond code." After expressing interest in discussing the daring hypothesis, contemporary biologists, including James Watson, Francis Crick, Sydney Brenner, and Gunther Stent, were soon invited to join the RNA Tie Club, an informal research group that would also count biologists and various researchers in physics, mathematics, and computer engineering among its members. In examining the club's formation, growth, and decline in multidisciplinary research on deciphering the genetic code in the 1950s, this paper first investigates whether Gamow's idiosyncratic approach could be adopted as a collaborative research forum among contemporary biologists. Second, it explores how the RNA Tie Club's research agenda could have been expanded to other relevant research topics needing multidisciplinary approach? Third, it asks why and how the RNA Tie Club dissolved in the late 1950s. In answering those questions, this paper shows that analyses on the intersymbol correlation of the overlapping code functioned to integrate diverse approaches, including sequence decoding and statistical analysis, in research on the genetic code. As those analyses reveal, the peculiar approaches of the RNA Tie Club could be regarded as a useful method for biological research. The paper also concludes that the RNA Tie Club dissolved in the late 1950s due to the disappearance of the collaborative research agenda when the overlapping code hypothesis was abandoned.

A Design of Open GIS Compliant Object Web (개방형 GIS 표준에 따른 오브젝트 웹 시스템 설계)

  • Park, Ki-Ho;Jeong, Jae-Gon
    • Journal of Korea Spatial Information System Society
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    • v.1 no.2 s.2
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    • pp.47-62
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    • 1999
  • To meet the interoperability requirements associated with geospatial data access and geoprocessing, much efforts to design prototypical systems conforming to $OpenGIS^{TM}$ specification has been made. With respect to Object Web GIS, however, current internet mapping technology mainly focuses on either developing mapping libraries or client applications regardless of the future needs for interoperability such as an integration of $OpenGIS^{TM}$ standard for CORBA. In this paper, we propose an $OpenGIS^{TM}$ compliant mapping kernel. OpenViews, which is designed to meet those requirements. The kernel of OpenViews encapsulates the process of acquiring geospatial data in the format of $OpenGIS^{TM}$ Geometry through ORB(Object Request Broker). OpenViews, being designed based on well-known design patterns, is a highly extensible in that programmers can easily customize it on the object oriented architecture. The components implemented in OpenViews are CORBA/Java objects, and as such are portable and scalable in a networked environment. A companion package, OpenBroker, is also developed as a portable geoprocessing application server to facilitate the implementation and configuration of server side CORBA objects. It can be used for implementing objects for spatial analysis service which would be independent of legacy spatial database systems in many cases. OpenViews, together with OpenBroker, has been successfully prototyped using the technologies including EJB and servlet as the core components of an Open GIS compliant internet mapping.

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Framework for Developing Mobile Embedded Convergence Software using CBD (컴포넌트 기반 모바일 임베디드 컨버전스 소프트웨어 개발 프레임워크)

  • Kim, Haeng-Kon
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.9 no.5
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    • pp.59-72
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    • 2008
  • Computing systems in the modern era are expanding rapidly to include mobile-based businesses that make us of the various convergence distributed business process. This has lead to growing interest in the field of mobile embedded software development methodology, which has in turn lead to the proliferation of the embedded mobility. The use of CBD (Component Based Development) provides reusability, maintainability and portability, all of which are very important and focus issues to the business process. It also comes with the inherent productivity, quality and reliability of CBD. To make efficient use of CBD, though, clarified interface definitions for component integration are necessary. These definitions should be made up of collaborative hierarchical and horizontal architecture layers. Successful definitions should apply an effective framework made up of the architecture and process. In this paper, we describe an interface specification for small grained mobile embedded components(MEC) for the mobile embedded domain to meet maximum user requirements. We build and deploy the reconfigurable design patterns and components (in business domain categories) to make a component hierarchy and business logics for mobile embedded software. Proposed components specification plays a major role in development of the software for handling inconsistency in existing specification. It also includes plenty of specification information, using semantics and modeling based mechanisms to support business processes. We propose a development model of mobile embedded software using CBD for very complex and dynamic mobile business. We can apply it in a plug and play manner to develop the software. We verify that our framework supports very good productivity, quality and maintainability to meet the user's requirements in mobile business.

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A Cognitive Pragmatic Approach to Contextual Effects In Modern Korean Poetry (한국 현대시 텍스트의 맥락 효과에 관한 인지 화용론적 연구)

  • HyonhoLee
    • Korean Journal of Cognitive Science
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.5-28
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    • 1994
  • In this thesis we attempt to analyze modern Korean poetic texts in the franmeworks of text limgisitics and cognitive pragmatics. Both frameworks describe and explai human verbal communicantion in terms of congnitive information-processing procedures.By utilizing analytical devices provided by seven standards of textuality we can analyze any type of text,especially in terms of the cognitive operations underlying the production and reception processes.It is clamed in cognitive pragmatic framework that human ostensive inforential communication is regulated by the Principle of Relevance.We claim that the relevance-based framework of pragmatics provides evidence and rationale for those cognitive operations identified in the text linguistic framework. poetic texts involve every kind of cognitive strategies and processing procedures underlying human verbal communication.So,if modern Korean poetic texts are satisfactorily analyzed by text linguistics and cognitive pragmatics,it means that both frameworks are very useful tools for analyzing texts and that all the other text types which are less complicated than poetic text will also be analyzed by these frameworks. Researchers of poetry,and poets,are sensitive to poetic effects.They feel more of poeticity while reading poetic texts than ordinary readers do.However,these researchers or poets sometimes give different interpretation of a single poetic text.The interpretation of poetry cannot be anything,because poets write poems with particular intertions and do not just throw them out so as to be interpreted at ramdom.This thesis suggersts that the poeticity felt by the reader can be described and accounted for in a scientific way.In other words,text linguistics and cognitive pragmatics enable the researchers of poetry to become objective in interpreting poetic texts. It will be clearly shown that we have to see poetic texts from a cognitive perspective,since they are by-products of cognitive processing performed by discourse participants.

A Study on Competitiveness-reinforcing Factors in Designing Digital Door Lock Products and in Penetrating the Market -With Focus on an Analysis of Consumers' Preference by Product- (디지털 도어락 시장 진입을 위한 제품디자인의 경쟁력 장화요소 연구 - 제품별 소비자 선호도 분석을 중심으로 -)

  • Yoo, Boo-Mee
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.18 no.1 s.59
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    • pp.135-144
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    • 2005
  • Consumers' awareness of product value, and their product preferences, are becoming increasingly influential in product development, particularly in corporations' efforts in manufacturing products with a competitive edge. Corporations conduct surveys on consumers' product satisfaction and preferences and conduct in-depth studies on consumer needs. They then manufacture products in accordance with the results of these surveys and studies. With the necessity and demand for digital door lock products recently growing, this research sought to explore product competitiveness reinforcement factors that could facilitate market penetration, and to formulate corresponding design strategies. In-depth consumer interviews were also conducted to identify consumer lifestyles and needs. Furthermore, consumer preference images, purchase and use-related patterns, and the status of door lock markets were studied. In the past, to design and manufacture consumer-oriented products, corporations primarily resorted to the improvement of the products' technological features. At present, the users' product preferences and the ways that they use these products are the factors that determine product design. Consumers today tend to adjust their lifestyles according to available products, and prefer products that have greater value in terms of lifestyle and culture. Strategic points for reinforcing competitiveness were presented in this study: first, offering different values that will enhance consumer satisfaction, second, positively developing bio-recognizable methods that will boost consumer preference, third, meeting the consumers' expectations that door lock products should not be mere 'entrance and exit control' systems, but network security systems and fourth, adopting convenient authentication methods backed by advanced technologies.

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Building Domain Ontology through Concept and Relation Classification (개념 및 관계 분류를 통한 분야 온톨로지 구축)

  • Huang, Jin-Xia;Shin, Ji-Ae;Choi, Key-Sun
    • Journal of KIISE:Software and Applications
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    • v.35 no.9
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    • pp.562-571
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    • 2008
  • For the purpose of building domain ontology, this paper proposes a methodology for building core ontology first, and then enriching the core ontology with the concepts and relations in the domain thesaurus. First, the top-level concept taxonomy of the core ontology is built using domain dictionary and general domain thesaurus. Then, the concepts of the domain thesaurus are classified into top-level concepts in the core ontology, and relations between broader terms (BT) - narrower terms (NT) and related terms (RT) are classified into semantic relations defined for the core ontology. To classify concepts, a two-step approach is adopted, in which a frequency-based approach is complemented with a similarity-based approach. To classify relations, two techniques are applied: (i) for the case of insufficient training data, a rule-based module is for identifying isa relation out of non-isa ones; a pattern-based approach is for classifying non-taxonomic semantic relations from non-isa. (ii) For the case of sufficient training data, a maximum-entropy model is adopted in the feature-based classification, where k-NN approach is for noisy filtering of training data. A series of experiments show that performances of the proposed systems are quite promising and comparable to judgments by human experts.