• Title/Summary/Keyword: 특수임무

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Requirement of verification formality and enforcement way about police performance evaluation (경찰 근무성적평정에 대한 검증절차 도입의 필요성과 시행방안)

  • Kim, Joung-gyu
    • Proceedings of the Korea Contents Association Conference
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    • 2008.05a
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    • pp.236-241
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    • 2008
  • The Police are classed special service on civil service system. Most of special service officers are applied special personnal law. It is for this reason that organization and mission are different from general public officials. The police performance evaluation is enforced in dissimilar form with another civil services for these cause. This study proposed to verification formality about appraisal result to desirable operation of police performancce evaluation system. At system enforcement early, it may be desirable that verification is limited finally supervisors rating.

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Design and implementation of IMGL Communication Software on GEOKOMPSAT-2 (정지궤도복합위성의 IMGL 통신 소프트웨어 설계 및 구현)

  • Kang, Soo-Yeon
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2015.10a
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    • pp.345-347
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    • 2015
  • 인공위성은 다양한 센서장치, 구동장치, 전자장치들로 구성되어 있으며, 위성을 제어하는 컴퓨터 장치는 이들 장치들과 다양한 종류의 통신 버스로 연결되어있다. 정의된 프로토콜에 따라 명령을 전송하고 장치들의 상태 정보를 수집하여 위성을 운영한다. 위성에서 많이 사용되는 대부분의 상용 센서나 구동장치들은 표준화된 버스 (ex, 1553B, CAN, UART, etc ...) 인터페이스를 지원한다. 그러나 위성의 임무나 설계에 맞게 특수하게 제작된 장치의 경우는 범용의 버스보다는 용도에 적합한 프로토콜이 설계되고 제작된다. 본 논문에서는 2018년 발사 예정인 정지궤도복합위성 컴퓨터 장치 (GMU) 내의 프로세스 모듈과 시스템의 이상상태를 감지하여 GMU의 운용 모드 및 형상의 변경을 담당하는 MRE 모듈사이의 통신을 담당하는 IMGL 설계를 소개하고 IMGL 운영을 담당하는 소프트웨어 설계 및 구현 내용을 기술한다.


  • 박성동;배정석;성단근;최순달
    • Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.105-116
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    • 1996
  • This study is based upon the thermal modeling, analysis and operational results of KITSAT-1 and KITSAT-2 microsatellites launched on August 11, 1992 and Septermber 26, 1993, respectively. As KITSAT-1/2 was designed to be launched as an auxiliary payload of ARIANE launcher, the constraints on volume, power consumption, and mass were required to adopt passive thermal control method controlling absorptivity, emissivity, and conductivities among adjacent modules. The main of KITSAT was to take Earth images using CCD cameras positioned at the bottom of spacecraft, in which the cameras were always pointing to the center of Earth. This study is concerned with orbital analysis, thermal modeling, simulation results, and its verification by utilizing in-orbit telemetry data of KITSAT-2. The results of telemetry analysis show that the thermal modeling is matched to actual temperature data within 10 degrees of error range in average.

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A Study on ESP Skating English Education Based on Job Analysis (직무분석 기반 특수목적 빙상 영어 교육에 대한 연구)

  • Kim, Soo-Yeoun;Kim, Ji-Eun
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.16 no.7
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    • pp.256-263
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    • 2016
  • Soo-Yeoun Kim & Ji-Eun Kim 2016. A Study on ESP Skating English Education Based on Job Analysis. This study aims to provide skating ESP(English for Specific Purposes) education model for skating instructors in Korea. For this purpose, a total of twenty-seven professional skating instructors were surveyed according to a questionnaire, which asked about their English skills and perspective of the importance of English study and English skating class. The main results are as follows: most skating instructors' confidence in their English is low; majority of them answered that English study is needed for skating instructors; a majority of them want English teaching that focused on speaking and teaching activities. After that, skating instructors' jobs were analyzed using the DACUM(Developing A Curriculum Method). A DACUM committee extracted the duties and tasks which require English education and conducted a survey that targeted skating instructors. When interpreting the study on ESP Skating English Education based on job analysis, it was evident that the English language would be essential for enabling effective communication with judges during national sports competitions, information exchange with foreign skaters, and for technical skating instructions. (Kookmin University, Catholic Kwandong University)

Vision-Based Trajectory Tracking Control System for a Quadrotor-Type UAV in Indoor Environment (실내 환경에서의 쿼드로터형 무인 비행체를 위한 비전 기반의 궤적 추종 제어 시스템)

  • Shi, Hyoseok;Park, Hyun;Kim, Heon-Hui;Park, Kwang-Hyun
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.39C no.1
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    • pp.47-59
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    • 2014
  • This paper deals with a vision-based trajectory tracking control system for a quadrotor-type UAV for entertainment purpose in indoor environment. In contrast to outdoor flights that emphasize the autonomy to complete special missions such as aerial photographs and reconnaissance, indoor flights for entertainment require trajectory following and hovering skills especially in precision and stability of performance. This paper proposes a trajectory tracking control system consisting of a motion generation module, a pose estimation module, and a trajectory tracking module. The motion generation module generates a sequence of motions that are specified by 3-D locations at each sampling time. In the pose estimation module, 3-D position and orientation information of a quadrotor is estimated by recognizing a circular ring pattern installed on the vehicle. The trajectory tracking module controls the 3-D position of a quadrotor in real time using the information from the motion generation module and pose estimation module. The proposed system is tested through several experiments in view of one-point, multi-points, and trajectory tracking control.

Geographic Factors and the Modeling of Rice Culture under Normal Season in Korea (지리적환경조건에 따른 수도 보통기 재배시기 추정에 관한 연구)

  • Lim, M.S.;Chung, G.S.;Cho, C.Y.;Park, L.K.;Bae, S.H.;Ham, Y.S.;Lee, E.U.;Choi, H.O.
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.118-127
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    • 1984
  • In order to find an appropriate model for rice crop-season, the possibility to utilize the geographical conditions instead of meteorological factors was examined on the data from the Local Adaptability Test(LAT) conducted over the country from 1962 to 1980. The mutiple regression model, $Y={\Upsilon}={\ss}{\sum}_{i=1}^n{\beta}^1X^iwas applied on seeding, transplanting, heading and marginal heading date, and multiple regression coefficients(\beta) and multiple correlation coefficients (R) were tested. Two varietal groups, japonica(1962-l971) and indica/japonica(l972-1980) were separately tested. The application of these established models, growth duration in nursery and paddy field, cultural season, and the relation between heading date and yield are reviewed.

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  • Park, Eun-Seo;Song, Young-Joo;Yoo, Sung-Moon;Park, Sang-Young;Choi, Kyu-Hong;Yoon, Jae-Cheol;Yim, Jo-Ryeong;Choi, Joon-Min;Kim, Byung-Kyo
    • Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.463-472
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    • 2005
  • In this paper, the dynamic model development for interplanetary navigation has been discussed. The Cowell method for special perturbation theories was employed to develop an interplanetary trajectory propagator including the perturbations due to geopotential, the Earth's dynamic polar motion, the gravity of the Sun, the Moon and the other planets in the solar system, the relativistic effect of the Sun, solar radiation pressure, and atmospheric drag. The equations of motion in dynamic model were numerically integrated using Adams-Cowell 11th order predictor-corrector method. To compare the influences of each perturbation, trajectory propagation was performed using initial transfer orbit elements of the Mars Express mission launched in 2003, because it can be the criterion to choose proper perturbation models for navigation upon required accuracy. To investigate the performance of dynamic model developed, it was tested whether the spacecraft can reach the Mars. The interplanetary navigation tool developed in this study demonstrated the spacecraft entering the Mars SOI(Sphere of Influence) and its velocity .elative to the Mars was less than the escape velocity of the Mars, hence, the spacecraft can arrive at the target planet. The obtained results were also verified by using the AGI Satellite Tool Kit. It is concluded that the developed program is suitable for supporting interplanetary spacecraft mission for a future Korean Mars mission.

Development of Night Vision Imaging System for the KO-1 Aircraft (저속통제기 야시조명계통 개발)

  • Gwon, Jong-Gwang
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences
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    • v.34 no.5
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    • pp.107-116
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    • 2006
  • This paper deals with a development of night vision imaging system(NVIS) for the KO-1 aircraft. In the modern combat, NVIS has a tendency to be applied for night peculiar mission and pilot mission maximization. KO-1 aircraft, which was the first domestic applied NVIS, is forward air control acquired information of day/night enemy(foe) site and moving of enemy for low altitude flight. We have successfully finished a developmental requirement/criterion, development of system, and construction of test and evaluation through development of NVIS for the KO-1 aircraft. KO-1 aircraft is acquired timely initial operational capability.

위진남북조(魏晉南北朝)의 의정사(醫政史)에 관한 연구 -관우위진남북조적의정사연구(?于魏晉南北朝的醫政史硏究)

  • Kim, Gi-Uk;Park, Seon-Ju;Yang, Jun;Park, Hyeon-Guk
    • Journal of Korean Medical classics
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    • v.19 no.2 s.33
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    • pp.179-195
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    • 2006
  • 의약학적존재화발전인소유내재인소(?約學的存在和發展因素有內在因素), 내재인소리유학문본신적특수이론계통(內在因素里有學問本身的特殊理論系統), 함유혼풍부적과학의의(涵有婚豊富的科學意義), 임상치료효과(臨床治療效果), 병인적신뢰등(病人的信賴等). 외재인소리유정치(外在因素里有政治), 정책(政策), 경제(經濟), 문화방면등등(文化方面等等). 저반인소중의학정책적영향시최직접화결정성적(著般因素中?學政策的影向是最直接和決定性的). 병차의학정책적직접인소리유의약방면유관적제도(幷且?學政策的直接因素里有?約方面有?的制度), 정책(政策), 법평등(法平等), 간접인소리유국가전장제도(間接因素里有國家典章制度), 국가방침화정책등(國歌方針和政策等). 재고대봉건사회상정책적개념시국가(在古代封建社會上政策的槪念是國家), 정당재특정역사시기상위료실현노선화임무(政?在特定歷史時期上爲了悉現路善和任務), 규정적행동준칙(規定的行動准則), 비여선황제적소(比如宣皇帝的沼), 령(領), 칙(勅), 유급정부적각중정령등(愉及政府的各?政領等). 본논문시대한한의학원전학회지상기고적(本論文是大韓韓?學原典學會指上寄稿的)[관우진한시기의정사연구(?于秦漢時基?政史硏究)]상여천명(上如闡明), 통과화중국량준교수공동연구적연속적연구결과(通過和中國梁畯敎授共同硏究的連續的硏究結果). 지우위진남북조시기적의정사(至于魏晉南北朝試期的?政史), 논자관우위진남북조정치개요(?者?于魏晉南北朝政治槪要), 의약정책(?約政策), 의정조직적초보구조(?政組織的初步柩?), 의약정책화의약발전관계(?約政策和?約發展關系), 관우의정평가와형성원인등분성오개방면후(?于?政?伽和形成原因等分成五介方面后), 진행연구병정리보고기결과(進行硏究幷整理報告基結果).

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Verification System Necessity and Enforcement Device about Police Merit Rating System (경찰 근무성적평정에 대한 검증제 도입의 필요성과 시행방안)

  • Kim, Joung-Gyu
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.8 no.9
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    • pp.139-149
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    • 2008
  • The Police are classed special service on civil service system. Most of special service officers are applied special personal law. It is reason that organization and mission are different from general public officials. The police performance evaluation is enforced in dissimilar form with another civil services for these cause. This study proposed to verification formality about appraisal result to desirable operation of police performance evaluation system. At system enforcement early, it may be desirable that verification is limited finally supervisors rating.