• Title/Summary/Keyword: 툴 서버

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End-to-end Packet Statistics Analysis using OPNET Modeler Wireless Suite (OPNET Modeler Wireless Suite를 이용한 종단간 패킷 통계 분석)

  • Kim, Jeong-Su
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartC
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    • v.18C no.4
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    • pp.265-278
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    • 2011
  • The objective of this paper is to analyze and characterize end-to-end packet statistics after modeling and simulation of WiFi (IEEE 802.11g) and WiMAX (IEEE 802.16e) of a virtual wireless network using OPNET Modeler Wireless Suite. Wireless internal and external network simulators such as Remcom's Wireless InSite Real Time (RT) module, WinProp: W-LAN/Fixed WiMAX/Mobile WiMAX, and SMI system, are designed to consider data transfer rate based on wireless propagation signal strength. However, we approached our research in a different perspective without support for characteristic of these wireless network simulators. That is, we will discuss the purpose of a visual analysis for these packets, how to receive each point packets (e.g., wireless user, base station or access point, and http server) through end-to-end virtual network modeling based on integrated wired and wireless network without wireless propagation signal strength. Measuring packet statistics is important in QoS metric analysis among wireless network performance metrics. Clear packet statistics is an especially essential metric in guaranteeing QoS for WiMAX users. We have found some interesting results through modeling and simulation for virtual wireless network using OPNET Modeler Wireless Suite. We are also able to analyze multi-view efficiency through experiment/observation result.

Research of Soft-Interface Creation and Provision Methodology According to Applications Based on Mobile Device Environment (모바일 디바이스 환경에서 어플리케이션에 따른 소프트 인터페이스 제작 및 제공 방안 연구)

  • Cho, Changhee;Park, Sanghyun;Lee, Sang-Joon;Kim, Jinsul
    • Journal of Digital Contents Society
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.513-519
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    • 2013
  • In this paper, we provide interfaces according to user application environments and provide tools through web-site that users can create interface to apply a wide range of application environment. HTML5 is used in the creation processing, so users can create various interfaces by dragging mouse and apply it to multimedia, game applications as well as documents by using the ASCII code and key events that are provided in the Android OS. Database of interfaces is stored in HDFS (Hadoop Distributed File System) based on Hadoop for management and users can have their own designed interface or select interfaces through simple login any time. In order to provide interface quickly, HIVE based on Hadoop is used for search and the data is provided in XML file which smart mobile can process quickly.

A Study on Parallel AES Cipher Algorithm based on Multi Processor (멀티프로세서 기반의 병렬 AES 암호 알고리즘에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Jung-Oh;Oh, Gi-Oug
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.171-181
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    • 2012
  • This paper defines the AES password algorithm used as a symmetric-key-based password algorithm, and proposes the design of parallel password algorithm to utilize the resources of multi-core processor as much as possible. The proposed parallel password algorithm was confirmed for parallel execution of password computation by allocating the password algorithm according to the number of cores, and about 30% of performance increase compared to AES password algorithm. The encryption/decryption performance of the password algorithm was confirmed through binary comparative analysis tool, which confirmed that the binary results were the same for AES password algorithm and proposed parallel password algorithm, and the decrypted binary were also the same. The parallel password algorithm for multi-core environment proposed in this paper can be applied to authentication/payment of financial service in PC, laptop, server, and mobile environment, and can be utilized in the area that required high-speed encryption operation of large-sized data.

Cryptanalysis and Remedy Scheme on Qiu et al.'s Enhanced Password Authentication Scheme for SIP (SIP를 위한 Qiu등의 개선된 패스워드 인증 기법에 대한 보안 분석 및 강화 기법)

  • Kim, Hyunsung
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.18 no.5
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    • pp.249-256
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    • 2020
  • The session initiation protocol (SIP) is a signaling protocol, which is used to controlling communication session creation, manage and finish over Internet protocol. Based on it, we can implement various services like voice based electronic commerce or instant messaging. Recently, Qiu et al. proposed an enhanced password authentication scheme for SIP. However, this paper withdraws that Qiu et al.'s scheme is weak against the off-line password guessing attack and has denial of service problem. Addition to this, we propose an improved password authentication scheme as a remedy scheme of Qiu et al.'s scheme. For this, the proposed scheme does not use server's verifier and is based on elliptic curve cryptography. Security validation is provided based on a formal validation tool ProVerif. Security analysis shows that the improved authentication scheme is strong against various attacks over SIP.

Nutrient Enabled National Agricultural Pesticide Risk Analysis (NAPRA) WWW Decision Support System for Agricultural Best Management Practices (최적관리기법을 위한 웹기반 NAPRA 의사절정 지원시스템)

  • Lim, Kyoung-Jae;Engel Bernard A.;Kim, Ki-Sung;Choi, Joong-Dae
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.9 no.1 s.18
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    • pp.85-93
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    • 2003
  • Many features of the Single Field version have been enhanced to provide user friendly interface. The County/Watershed version of NAPRA WWW system was further enhanced. The newly developed Web GIS version is an ideal tool for novice users, such as farmers, to simulate the effects of agricultural management for their farms because of its easy-to-use Web GIS interface. The NAPRA WWW system provides an easy to use WWW interface and uses spatial and relational databases to simplify the process of preparing model files. Thus, the NAPRA WWW systems now can be effectively used for nutrient management as well as pesticide management to identify the least impact agricultural management practices.

Measuring and Improving Method the Performance of E-Commerce Websites (전자상거래 웹사이트의 성능 측정 및 향상 방법)

  • Park, Yang-Jae
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.15 no.9
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    • pp.223-230
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    • 2017
  • In the current wireless Internet environment, using a mobile device to quickly access a web site is closely related to measuring the performance of a website. When accessing a website, the user has a long time to access the website and has no access to the website.In this case, the performance of the web site should be improved by measuring and analyzing the performance of the connection delay due to a problem of the web site.Among the performance measurement factors of Web sites, Web page loading time is a very important factor for a successful service business in the situation where most of e-commerce business is being developed as a web-based service.An open source tool was analyzed to analyze the performance of the e-commerce web page to present problems, software optimization methods and hardware optimization methods. Applying two optimization methods to suit the environment will enable stable and e-commerce websites.

Development of a Solid Modeler for Web-based Collaborative CAD System (웹 기반 협동CAD시스템의 솔리드 모델러 개발)

  • 김응곤;윤보열
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.6 no.5
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    • pp.747-754
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    • 2002
  • We propose a Web-based collaborative CAD system which is independent from any platforms, and develop a 3D solid modeler in the system. We developed a new prototype of 3D solid modeler based on the web using Java 3D API, which could be executed without any 3D graphics software and worked collaboratively interacting with each user. The modeler can create primitive objects and get various 3D objects by using loader. The interactive control is available to manipulate-objects such as picking, translating, rotating, zooming. Users connect to this solid modeler and they can create 3D objects and modify them as they want. When this solid modeler is imported to collaborative design system, it will be proved its real worth in today's CAD system. Moreover, if we improve this solid modeler adding to the 3D graphic features such as rendering and animation, it will be able to support more detail design and effect view.

The End-to-End Encryption for Enhancing Safety of Electronic Financial Transactions (전자금융거래의 안전성 강화를 위한 종단간 암호화)

  • Seung, Jae-Mo;Lee, Su-Mi;Ahn, Seung-Ho;Noh, Bong-Nam
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.10 no.8
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    • pp.1920-1925
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    • 2009
  • '05. June, the first Internet banking accident occurred by the malignant cord. It discontinued security programs for protecting important financial informations. A computer hacker had made a collation of password, OTP(One Time Password) values etc and illegally withdraw one´s savings from the bank using the financial information. The attackers are continuously attempted with the hacking tool under bypass security programs as the vaccine program or the personal fire-wall. Therefore, an electronic financial system should be composed with the goal which is to protect financial informations from user's terminal to a banking server. In this paper, we make an analysis of menaces in electronic financial transactions and explain considerable security issues to enhance safety in Internet banking, CD/ATM and mobile banking.

Application of GeoJSON to Geo-spatial Web Service (지공간정보 웹 서비스에서 GeoJSON 적용)

  • Park, Yong-Jae;Lee, Ki-Won
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.24 no.6
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    • pp.613-620
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    • 2008
  • Web on Web 2.0 paradigm is regarded as a kind of platform. Accordingly, users on web can use almost same applications like using certain applications on personal computer, to given purposes. For Web as platform, it needs web-based or web-recognizable file format to communicate or to exchange various information contents and data among applied applications. Text-based JSON is a practical format directly linked Javascript on Web, so that XML-typed data, being previously built, can be possible for tagging process containing JSON format. However, GeoJSON handling geo-spatial data sets is now fledgling stage in standards. Thus, it is not on the practical applicability level, and there are a few tools or open sources for this format. To adopt GeoJSON for the future Geo-web application, users implement GeoJSON parser or apply the server-based open source GIS for their purpose. In this study, a preliminary work for GeoJSON application in Geo-web service carried out using Google Maps API and openlayers library API.

Real-Time Visualization of Web Usage Patterns and Anomalous Sessions (실시간 웹 사용 현황과 이상 행위에 대한 시각화)

  • 이병희;조상현;차성덕
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information Security & Cryptology
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.97-110
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    • 2004
  • As modem web services become enormously complex, web attacks has become frequent and serious. Existing security solutions such as firewalls or signature-based intrusion detection systems are generally inadequate in securing web services, and analysis of raw web log data is simply impractical for most organizations. Visual display of "interpreted" web logs, with emphasis on anomalous web requests, is essential for an organization to efficiently track web usage patterns and detect possible web attacks. In this paper, we discuss various issues related to effective real-time visualization of web usage patterns and anomalies. We implemented a software tool named SAD (session anomaly detection) Viewer to satisfy such need and conducted an empirical study in which anomalous web traffics such as Misuse attacks, DoS attacks, Code-Red worms and Whisker scans were injected. Our study confirms that SAD Viewer is useful in assisting web security engineers to monitor web usage patterns in general and anomalous web sessions in particular.articular.