• Title/Summary/Keyword: 투자정책

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음료$\cdot$다류 산업

  • 손헌수
    • Food Industry
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    • s.180
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    • pp.27-64
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    • 2004
  • 국내 제조업 전체에서 식음료품은 $6.31\%$를 차지하고 있다. 2000년을 기준으로 식품산업의 총매출실적을 보면 32조 3,463억원을 기록하고 있는데, 이 중 식료품은 26조 921억원, 알콜올음료를 포함한 음료품은 6조 2,516억원을 차지하고 있다. 2001년, 음료시장의 규모는 약 2조 7,900억원 정도였다. 빠르게 성장하던 전체 음료시장의 매출은 IMF 이후 약간 주춤하는 경향을 보였지만 지속적으로 매출액이 상승하여 2002년에는 3조 4천억원의 매출을 기록하였다. 이것은 사이다, 후레바, 정통주스, 냉장주스, 스포츠 음료, 두유 및 기능성음료 등이 성장을 주도하였다. 2003년 상반기, 1조 6,500억원으로 전년 동기대비 $3\%$ 감소하였지만 2003년 전체 실적은 대략 지난해와 비슷한 3조 5,000억원 규모로 전망된다. 내수량의 경우 탄산음료와 과즙음료가 감소하는 경향을 나타냈지만, 전체적으로는 증가하였다. 다류시장의 규모는 약 650억원, 캔커피시장의 규모는 2,400억원 정도로 나타났다. 이처럼 음료$\cdot$다류 시장은 전체적으로 약 4조원의 거대시장규모를 형성하고 있으며 내수가 지속적으로 증가되고 있어, 점차 시장규모도 증가할 것으로 전망되고 있다. 최근에는 기능성 음료 및 다류의 시장규모가 전체의 $20\%$에 달할 정도로 신장하였으며, 기능성음료 및 다류의 특허출원도 지속적으로 증가하고 있는 실정이다. 이는 비단 국내에서 뿐만 아니라 세계적인 현상이며 이러한 추세는 앞으로 지속될 것으로 전망되고 있다. 이처럼 기능성음료 및 다류의 성장이 두드러지고 있는 것은 시대가 변하면서 현대인들의 생활방식과 식생활 변화, 질병형태 다양화 등 여러 사회적 여건이 변화되고 있는데 기인하며, 현대인의 건강에 대한 관심의 증대는 음료시장의 쾌속성장과 틈새수요를 지속적으로 창출하고 있다. 현재 세계 건강기능성 식품의 시장 규모는 약 160조원이며, 국내의 경우 약 1조원에 이르는 실정이다. 이 중 기능성음료 시장은 국내에서 약 4천억원 규모로 기능성식품 시장의 $40\%$를 차지하고 있다. 이처럼 기능성음료 시장은 최근 연간 $7\%$ 정도의 빠른 성장률을 보이고 있으며 향후에도 $6.7\%$의 실질 연간 성장률을 지속할 것으로 전망되고 있다. 전해질(이온)음료나 식이섬유를 포함하는 다이어트음료에서 출발한 기능성음료는 숙취해소, 성인병 예방, 스트레스 해소에 이르기까지 각종 질병의 치료 및 예방으로 확대되고 있다. 앞으로는 BT 및 나노 기술 등을 이용한 신기능 소재들에 대한 다각적인 효능의 규명에 따른 음료$\cdot$다류 소재의 개발과 더불어 체질개선, 다이어트, 숙취해소 등의 특정한 기능성과 관련한 음료$\cdot$다류의 특허출원이 계속될 것으로 전망된다. 복잡한 한약의 제조과정을 단순화하여 티백이나 캔 형태로 만든 맛과 기능이 조화된 음료$\cdot$다류 분야의 연구개발이 지속될 것으로 보이며, 시장 규모의 확대와 더불어 기능성과 간편성을 동시에 추구하는 신세대 소비자들의 성향을 겨냥하여 기존의 음료$\cdot$다류 전문 업체 외에도 제약회사 등의 비음료 업체도 다양한 형태의 음료$\cdot$다류 기술개발을 지속할 것으로 예상되고 있다. 특히 새로운 신기능성 소재를 개발하는 것은 고부가가치 기술로써 BT, NT 등의 최첨단 기술의 발전과 도입으로 인해 그동안 수입에 의존하던 기능성 소재들도 국내 기업들의 축전된 기반기술을 통하여 대거 참입할 것으로 보인다. 하지만, 여러 업체의 음료$\cdot$다류시장 진출에 따라 야기될 수 있는 비위생이고 효능이 불확실한 식품의 유통, 업체간의 과열경쟁에 따른 유통질서 문란 등은 모처럼 활기를 되찾은 음료$\cdot$다류 분야의 기술개발을 위축시킬 수도 있으므로 정부차원에서 체계적이고 효율적인 관리가 조속히 이루어져야 할 것이며 이를 제도적으로 뒷받침하기 위한 정책이 수립되고 시행되어야 할 것으로 보인다. 특히, 원료적인 측면에서의 무역 불균형은 반드시 해소되어야 할 부분이다. 대부분이 수입 기능성 원료에 의존하고 있는 현실에서 국내의 BT 기술 확충에 더욱 많은 투자와 노력이 집중되어야 할 것이다. 세계적으로 경쟁이 될 수 있는 기능성 소재의 개발과 이를 통한 신기능 음료의 개발은 단순한 수학적 계산을 넘어서 국가의 기술력을 홍보할수 있는 좋은 계기가 되기 때문이다. 바야흐로 음료$\cdot$다류 분야에 대한 열기가 식품시장을 주도하면서, 시장이 안정적으로 확대되기 위해서는 지속적인 기술개발이 이루어져야 한다는 것은 재론의 여지가 없다고 하겠다.

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The Political-Economic of Capitalism and its Effects on Spatial Dynamics (도시공간의 변화에 내재한 정치${\cdot}$경제적 논리의 규명-서울시 도심재개발을 대상으로-)

  • Park, Sun-Mee
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.213-226
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    • 1993
  • In Korea, the urban studies of geography have mainly dealt with such a series of research as system of urban place and internal structure of urban area. The existing studies have been carried out with ecological approach. Ecologists, now a days, regard organiation and transfor-mation of the urban space as the process of invasion, succession, and segregation. However it is more proper that cities should be considered not as fragmantary objects, as some ecologists insist, but as synthetic ones in social structure. This research, with adopting a case of the renewasl of central area in Seoul, tried to make it clear that the formation and transition of the city is a product of social structure and examined polical and economic logic which exists in variation of urban space in detail. The results of this study are as follows; Urban renewal of central area is closely related with production and reproduction in capitalist society. In urban center, as business activities had increased since 1973 due to decen-tralization of production process, the necessity of reorganizing the land use in existing central area accordingly increased. The urban renewal program of central area in Seoul was inrroduced under such situation. The urban renewal of central area reflecting the capital logic has changed the central area with six hundred year's tradition. From the urban renewal of central area, not only was the central area, which traditionally had been mixed with various fun-ctions, simplified into the unitary area of busi-ness, but also physical landscape changed. As the land lot in renewal area expanded into regular shape, buildings became larger and taller. The program tremendously raised the price of related area. Aiming at these profits caused by the raised price, a great number of capitalists participated in the program. And as the benefit ratio of the manufacture sector continuously dropped with the economic recession, the pro-gram was carried out much more vigorously. That was because the idle capital accumulated during the recession was invested in property sector and was self-proliferated. The urban renewal raised the land value of central area and drove out the people living in this area. The people moved into the whole parts of the city resulting diffused squatter settlements. And the urban changes in central area were results of the policy of municipal authorities, who supported and systematized the changes lawfully and administratively, as well as reali-zation of capital logic. Due to the renewal policies of central area in Seoul, much more renewals by the only capitalists were carried out than those by the people themselves living in that area. The integration of land ownership in the law of urban renewal shows the reason of that. Moreover, the law allows the third deve-loper to participate in the tasks and admits the land expropriation rights. The municipal autho-rities guaranteed the profitability of the tasks through finacial aid, tax benifit, and relaxation of regulations for construction. As examined above, the changes in the land use of urban space have been led not by the ecological process of development of the city itself, but by the restructuring of capitalism and the intervention of the government authorities.

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Analysis of Actual Conditions of Unnatural Death Cases and Questionnaire for Initial Crime Scene Investigation of Police (변사체 발생실태 및 경찰의 현장 초동조치에 관한 설문 분석 - 경북지역을 중심으로 -)

  • Cho, Doo-Won;Chae, Jong-Min
    • Journal of forensic and investigative science
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.11-30
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    • 2006
  • The preliminary investigative activities by the police officer play a critical role in identifying the cause of death in unnatural death investigations. The failure to secure the crime scene leads to the destruction of significant evidence, which results in the difficulty or impossibility to identify the cause of death. In order to prevent this jeopardizing crucial evidence, and to identify the level of preliminary investigation on the scene, this research is conducted and analyzed with questionnaires of 300 police first responders and 100 detectives. As a result, it was disclosed that there is a possibility for first responders to fail to ensure scene security, scene observation, and canvass interviews. Besides, when medical personnel have no choice but to contaminate the crime scene in order to save lives, it is necessary for them to take photos and to take proper actions before they enter the scene. The importance of scene-control education cannot be emphasized enough in order to prevent media from entering and destroying the evidence. Through research of actual conditions of unnatural death cases which occurred in Kyongbook Province for last five years, the statistics regarding a few different types of death were analyzed as follows. Evidence that homicide, suicide, accidental death, and disaster deaths have increased year by year. Therefore, it is deemed necessary for the government to take multilateral policies to reduce them, and for police to reinforce their investigative skills. Further, the insufficient number of autopsy facilities and forensic pathologists, only 13% of the deceased (1,237 cases) have had an autopsy conducted to identify the cause of death for last five years. The other, 87.3% (8,496 cases) of the deceased, were handled through simple postmortem examination. The significance of this percentage is that there is still the possibility not revealing the cause of unjust deaths. Therefore, it is necessary to furnish police agency with the reasonable amount of funding for autopsies and maintaining enough forensic pathologists.

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Evaluation and Improvement for Enforcement of the Waste Recycling System in Pohang City (쓰레기 종량제 실시 후 평가 및 개선방향 - 포항시 중심으로 -)

  • Ha, Yeong-Gil;Park, Kyung-Min;Lee, Sung-Kook
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.97-105
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    • 1996
  • This study conducted to determine the evaluation and improvement for enforcement of the waste recycling system in Pohang city and surveyed 4 areas at the southern and northern districts respectively by a team of two officials during the period 6 February 7 February 1995. The rates of the use for waste recycling system's envelope from home trash were 94.2% at the northern district and 92.8% at the southern district by areas, 95.6% at the group houses (apartments and tenement houses) and 91.3% at the separate houses by patterns of house, the low economic class 96.4%, the middle economic class 96.3% and the upper economic class 87.5% by the economic levels, and the bell method 96.5%, the container method 95.6%, door take method 86.1% in order, respectively. The trash from houses were garbage 57.4%, paper 18.7%, plastic 10.3%, fiber 7.9%, bottle 2.7%, metal and can 1.4%, and wood and rubber 0.7% in order. The rates of the reuse trash(reuse possible paper, plastic, bottle, can and metal) were 20.2% of the total, 21.8% at the southern district and 18.5% at the northern district by areas, 25.7% at the separate houses and 14.7% at the group houses(apartments and tenement houses) by patterns of house, and the door take method 34.3%, the bell take method 17.1% and the container take method 14.7% in order, respectively. There were the double envelopes of the plastic bag from stories 46.3% and the clear plastic bag 29.5% in the waste cycling system's envelopes. There were 1.9 double envelopes in the waste cycling system's envelopes. Garbage occupied more than half of the total trash, so it is need to be compost and provender.

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A Study on Responses of the Korean kidnapping Terror in overseas (한국인 해외인질납치테러 대응방안)

  • Jeong, Joon-Sik;Kim, Won-Ki
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.20
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    • pp.339-363
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    • 2009
  • The 9.11 demonstrated that terrorist attack could be more serious problem than the war in our modern life. No countries in the world have evaded being a target for terrorists today. As well as South Korea, the whole world must share attentions and responsibilities for fighting against the terrorism. Since the international terrorist groups have expanded their targets from Western countries to Koreans, civilian hostages are no longer other's affair; it became a serious threat to public. Increased Korean investment, trade, missionary, and travel overseas also expanded activity regions worldwide. It also result increased terrorist threats and possible abduction. The number of kidnapping crisis has increased since the terrorists use it as an effective method of sending a message. Piracy refers to a broad range of violent acts at sea, and has traditionally been regarded as common enemies. Piracy constitutes a great threat to the security of navigation as well as to the safety of vessels and crews. Lessons from hostage issues such as Korean hostage crisis in Somalia and Afghanistan show that it can cause criticism on moral issues if armed rescue missions fail or hostages are killed, so the governments and related corporations try to solve it by paying ransom. Terrorists and use these advantages in order to put a huge pressure on the governments. In this study we will look at essential characteristics and types of hostage abductions and recognition of national safety, lessons and solutions to previous Korean hostage cases in overseas. At the same time, it provides a guidelines of the direction in the fighting against terrorist groups and Piracy.

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The Situation and the Tasks of UK Rail Privatization, Focusing on after the Hatfield Accident (영국 철도 민영화의 현황 및 과제 (Hatfield사고 이후의 변화를 중심으로))

  • Lee, Yong-Sang
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.24 no.2 s.88
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    • pp.91-100
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    • 2006
  • This paper examines the situation and tasks of UK rail privatization, especially focusing on after the Hatfield rail accident. Earlier research which focused on the UK's Privatization had little knowledge of the explanations for recent changes. Moreover they had difficulty making a direct comparison between national rail and the privatized rail. Therefore we aye left without a good explanation which has a comprehensive perspective. I attempt to show the change in the rail privatization Process and its outcome, focusing on after the Hatfield rail accident. This Paper argues that the UK's vail privatization process has a regulatory framework which is too complicated with overlapping responsibilities that brought about inefficiency, increasing costs and a superficial safety regime. Especially the planning of rail and infrastructure maintenance did not come to play an appropriate role. However after 2000, the government took charge of setting the strategy for railways, and the Office of Rail Regulation covered safety performance and cost. explain that these changes present a good opportunity to solve the problem of passing the buck for poor performance. Through the analysis, I find that the passenger rail network is well-suited to deliver long distance business and commuters and that the subsidy from the government is decreasing. However, performance, for example punctuality and reliability. should be improved. Especially the Hatfield rail accident caused a reduction in the satisfaction of passengers. In future. the problems of rising costs and monopoly franchise system should be addressed.

Unbilled Revenue and Analysts' Earnings Forecasts (진행기준 수익인식 방법과 재무분석가 이익예측 - 미청구공사 계정을 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Bo-Mi;Park, Bo-Young
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.36 no.3
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    • pp.151-165
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    • 2017
  • This study investigates the effect of revenue recognition by percentage of completion method on financial analysts' earnings forecasting information in order industry. Specifically, we examines how the analysts' earnings forecast errors and biases differ according to whether or not to report the unbilled revenue account balance and the level of unbilled revenue account balance. The sample consists of 453 firm-years listed in Korea Stock Exchange during the period from 2010 to 2014 since the information on unbilled revenue accounts can be obtained after the adoption of K-IFRS. The results are as follows. First, we find that the firms with unbilled revenue account balances have lower analysts' earnings forecast accuracy than the firms who do not report unbilled revue account balances. In addition, we find that the accuracy of analysts' earnings forecasts decreases as the amount of unbilled revenue increases. Unbilled revenue account balances occur when the revenue recognition of the contractor is faster than the client. There is a possibility that managerial discretionary judgment and estimation may intervene when the contractor calculates the progress rate. The difference between the actual progress of the construction and the progress recognized by the company lowers the predictive value of financial statements. Our results suggest that the analysts' earnings forecasts may be more difficult for the firms that report unbilled revenue balances as applying the revenue recognition method based on the progress criteria. Second, we find that the firms reporting unbilled revenue account balances tend to have higher the optimistic biases in analysts' earnings forecast than the firms who do not report unbilled revenue account balances. And we find that the analysts' earnings forecast biases are increases as the amount of unbilled revenue increases. This study suggests an effort to reduce the arbitrary adjustment and estimation in the measurement of the progress as well as the introduction of the progress measurement method which can reflect the actual progress. Investors are encouraged to invest and analyze the characteristics of the order-based industry accounting standards. In addition, the results of this study empower the accounting transparency enhancement plan for order industry proposed by the policy authorities.

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A Study on the Efficiency Enhancement Plan of the Broadcasting: Advertising Industry Infrastructure Construction Direction in Korea (한국 방송광고산업 인프라 구축방향에 관한 효율성 제고방안 연구)

  • Yeom, Sung-Won
    • Korean journal of communication and information
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    • v.22
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    • pp.131-166
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    • 2003
  • The opening of advertising market and introduction of the free competition doctrine make the competition harsher among advertising agencies. Advertising agencies do their best to execute their ad more efficiently and scientifically. But, it is the reality that broadcasting advertising industry in korea did not construct enough infrastructure to execute the systematic activities compared with that of advanced countries. So, we need to grasp the present conditions and draw a time-table to construct primarily necessary infrastructures. In case of hardware infrastructure in advertising industry, digitalization of broadcasting and convergence of broadcasting with telecommunication make it hurry to construct that. But as the ad agencies was in the situation to compete each other, they have a difficulty to construct common hardware infrastructure enthusiastically. Thus, it is necessary to build hardware infrastructure in advertising industry for policy. And the construction of that should be executed systematically not for the short term effects but for the long term objectives. Also, it is the most important to construct reliable Software infrastructure in advertising industry from all of ad agencies. In these days, ad agencies have a tendency not to believe the important information, like the data of ratings and advertising transaction information, in relation to the advertising activities. And they do not share and communicate about the information of the advertising industry trends, research trends, advertisement related information. So, it is also hurry to build the on-line and off-line database system. Finally, for the development of brainware infrastructure in advertising industry, it is the most necessary to activate the cooperation relation between university and advertising agencies. Universities need to invite experts in the advertising to teach the students practical knowledge and ad agencies to recruit students who want to develop their carrier in the advertising industries. In conclusion, advertising industry in korea to solve these tasks for the development of advertising industry infrastructure in the way of cooperation and harmony of each other rationally and efficiently.

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e-Navigation 관련 산업현황에 관한 기초연구

  • Choe, Han-Gyu;Gang, Byeong-Jae
    • 선박안전기술공단연구보고서
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    • s.4
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    • pp.1-108
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    • 2007
  • 2007. 7. 23 IMO의 NAV(항해안전전문위원회)53차 회의에서는 e-Navigation을 해상에서의 안전, 보안, 해양환경보호를 목적으로 전자적인 수단에 의해 선박과 육상에서 해양정보를 수집, 교환, 표시함으로써 항구와 항구간의 항해 및 관련된 서비스를 향상시키는 것으로 정의하고 있다.2005년 11월 영국의 교통부 장관 Stephen 박사는 Royal Institute ofNavigation에서의 연설에서 해상안전과 환경보호를 위하여 선박의 항해를 감시하는 관제소 및 항행하는 선박에 유용하고 정확한 정보가 더 많이 필요함을 역설하였다. 그리고 첨단 기술에 의해 자동화된 항공 항법분야를 예로들면서, 선박의 항법 분야도 항해와 관련된 모든 시설 및 작업을 전자적 수단으로 대체하는 개념인 e-Navigation으로 전환되어야 하며 영국은 이에 필요한 작업을 주도하겠다는 의견을 피력하였다. Stephen은 e-Navigation 도입으로 얻을 수 있는 이익으로 첫째, 항해 실수로 인한 사고 확률저감, 둘째,사고 발생 시 인명 구조 및 피해 확산을 위한 효율적 대응, 셋째, 전통적인항해시설 설치 불필요로 인한 비용 저감, 넷째 선박입출항 수속의 간편화 및항로의 효율적 운용으로 인한 상업적 이익 등을 들었다. 반면에e-Navigation 체계로 전환 시 예상되는 장애로는 첫째, 체계 구축을 위한 비용(특히 개발도상국가들의 경우 어려움 예상), 둘째, e-Navigation의 성과 달성을 위하여 세계 전 해역의 모든 선박이 e-Navigation 체계에 동참하도록유도하는 문제, 셋째, 전자해도 표시 및 선교 장비들에 대한 표준화 문제, 넷째, 육상에 설치할 e-Navigation 센터의 설계 및 구축 등을 꼽았다.IMO는 2005년 81차 MSC(해사안전위원회) 회의에서 영국이 일본, 마샬아일랜드, 네덜란드, 노르웨이, 싱가포르, 미국과 공동으로 제안한 ‘e-Navigation전략 개발’ 의제를 2006년 82차 MSC 회의에서 채택하고, NAV(항해 전문위원회)를 통하여 2008년까지 e-Navigation의 구체적 개념을 정립하고 향후 개발하여야 할 전략적 비전과 정책을 수립하기로 하였다. 이어서 영국을 의장으로 e-Navigation 전략개발 통신작업반이 구성되었는데, 지난 년간 19개국, 16개 전문기관이 참여하여 아래의 작업이 수행되었다. ○ e-Navigation 개념의 정의와 목적 ○ e-Navigation에 대한 핵심 이슈 및 우선 순위 식별 ○ e-Navigation 개발에 따른 이점과 단점의 식별 ○ IMO 및 회원국 등의 역할 식별 ○ 이행계획을 포함한 추가 개발을 위한 작업계획의 작성 IMO에서 수행되고 있는 e-Navigation 전략 개발 의제 일정은 2008년까지이다. 이 전략 개발에 있어서 중요한 요소는 e-Navigation이 포함할 서비스범위, 포함하는 서비스 제공에 필요한 인프라 및 장비의 식별, 인프라 구축및 운용비용을 부담할 주체에 대한 논의, e-Navigation으로 인한 이익과 투자비용에 대한 비교 분석 등이다. 이 과정에서 정부, 선주, 항만운영자, 선원등의 입장 차이와 선진국과 개발도상국 간의 경제 수준 차이는 전략 개발에있어 큰 어려움을 줄 것이므로, 이들이 합의된 전략을 만들기 위해서는 예정된 기간보다 다소 늦어질 가능성도 있다.e-Navigation 전략 개발이 완료되면 1단계로는 해상교통 관제시스템, 선박선교 장비, 무선 통신장비 등에 대한 표준화 작업이 이루어질 것이다. 이 과정에서 각국 간에 자국 보유 기술을 표준화시키기 위한 경쟁이 치열할 것으로 예상된다. 2단계에서는 e-Navigation 체계 하에서의 다양하고 풍부한 서비스 제공을 위한 관련 소프트웨어 및 하드웨어의 개발이 이루어질 것으로전망되는데, 이는 지난 10년간 육상에서 인터넷망 설치 후 이루어진 관련 서비스 산업의 발전을 돌아보면 쉽게 짐작할 수 있을 것이다.e-Navigation 체계 하에서 선박의 항해는 현재와는 전혀 다른 패러다임으로 바뀔 것이다. 예를 들어 현재 입출항 시 요구되던 복잡한 절차는one-stop 쇼핑 형태로 단순화되고, 현재 선박 중심의 항해에서 육상e-Navigation 센터가 적극적으로 관여하는 항해 체계로 바뀔 것이며, 해상정보의 공유와 활용이 무선 인터넷을 통해 보다 광범위하게 이루어질 것이 다.e-Navigation의 잠재적 시장 규모는 선박에 새로이 탑재될 지능형 통합 항법시스템 구축과 육상 모니터링 및 지원 시스템 등 직접 시장이 약 50조원,전자해도, 통신장비, 관련 서비스 컨텐츠 등 간접 시장의 규모가 150조원으로 총 200조원으로 대략 추산하고 있다. 향후 이 거대한 시장을 차지하기 위한 전략 수립이 필요한 시점이다. 지금까지 항해 장비 관련 산업은 선진국의일부 업체들에 의해 독점되어 왔다. 우리나라는 조선과 해운에서 모두 선진국임에도 불구하고 이 분야에서는 대부분 수입에 의존해 왔다. e-Navigation체계 하에서는 전체 시장이 커지고 장비의 사양이 표준화됨에 따라 어느 소수 업체가 현재처럼 독점하기는 더 이상 어려울 것으로 예상된다. 따라서e-Navigation은 우리나라도 항해 장비 분야 시장을 차지할 수 있는 좋은 기회라고 할 수 있다. 특히 조선 1위의 장점을 적극 활용한다면 다른 나라보다우위의 경쟁력을 확보할 수도 있다. 또한, 서비스 분야의 시장은 IT 기술과밀접한 관계가 있으므로 IT 강국인 우리나라가 충분한 경쟁력을 갖고 있다고 할 수 있다.그러나, EU를 비롯한 선진국에서는 이미 e-Navigation 에 대비한 연구를10여년 전부터 수행해 왔다. 앞에서 언급한 EU의 MarNIS 사업은 현재 거의마무리 단계로 당장 실용화 할 수 있는 수준에 있는 것으로 보인다. 늦었지만 우리도 이를 따라잡기 위한 연구를 서둘러야 할 것이다. 국내에서도e-Navigation의 중요성을 깊이 인식하고, 2006년에는 관련 산학연 전문가들로 작업반을 구성하여 워크숍 등을 개최한 바 있다. 또한 해양수산부에서도e-Navigation 핵심기술 개발을 위한 연구사업을 기획 추진하고 있다.그러나 현재 항해통신장비들의 기술기준은 ITU의 전파규칙(RR)과 IMO결의 및 SOLAS 협약을 따르고 있는데 이들 규약이나 결의에 대한 국제적인 추이와 비교할 때 국내의 기술은 표준화되지 못한 부분이 많은 실정이다.본 연구에서는 e-Navigation sytem중 표준화가 필요한 요소와 전자해도,AIS 등 e-Navigation(통합전자항법시스템)관련 국내산업현황 실태조사를 통해 국내 e-Navigation기술개발 동향에 대해 조사하고자 한다.

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A Study on Visual Identity of Korean Government (우리나라 행정부의 시각 정체성 연구)

  • Cho, Ju-Eun
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.19 no.2 s.64
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    • pp.261-272
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    • 2006
  • As we cannot think of our lives without a nation, it is closely related to almost every part of our daily lives. The role of government is becoming more important in the complex modern society as an essential element of national authority even though the government has indirect and secondary characteristics in its functional performance. Therefore, the government has to be efficient in planning and executing its policies, and it needs to be representative and fair as part of a national authoritative community. In the 21st century when symbolic and cultural importance of images are becoming more important, it is crucial for the government organizations to have an integrated identity design system that can satisfy both of these requirements of the government. However, the C.I.(Corporate Identity) of each Korean administrative branch has been developed separately and sporadically, which resulted in lack of consistency as part of the government. Shape and material of their C.I.s that follow short term design trend and popularity also lack uniqueness which can be distinguished from those of any private corporation. This may show that our government lacks systematic administrative capability, since image of a feature represents its characteristics and reality, and their recognition and evaluation from others become identity of the feature. In this perspective, the purpose of this thesis is to suggest an identity design system that has certain rules and regularity with wide variety of possible alterations for the central administration in Korea. In order to represent this visually, identity design system with both integrity and variety of possible alteration is created based on traditional Korean culture, especially the concept of Umyang-ohaeng and Samjae.

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