• 제목/요약/키워드: 톤필츠 트랜스듀서

검색결과 2건 처리시간 0.014초

1-3형 압전복합체를 이용한 광대역 수중 음향 트랜스듀서 개발 (Development of Underwater Wide-band Acoustic Transducer Using the 1-3 Piezoelectric Composite)

  • 이경우;소형종;임실묵;김원호;김대연
    • 한국소음진동공학회논문집
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    • 제18권4호
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    • pp.424-431
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    • 2008
  • Recently, it is required that acoustic transducers for underwater detection and communication sensor have wide bandwidth and low operating frequency. In this research, the new acoustic transducer is proposed. This transducer is tonpilz type, and made of 1-3 piezoelectric composites as a driving parts. The developed transducer is evaluated the TVR(transmission voltage response) and RVS(receiving voltage sensitivity) characteristics around $4{\sim}14\;kHz$ frequency range and is compared to conventional tonpilz transducer made of solid piezoelectric ceramics as a driving parts. The resonance frequency of the developed transducer is decreased by 30% and the -3 dB bandwidth is increased by 90%, compared to conventional transducer with same dimensions. The value of TVR is decreased by 9 dB and The value of RVS is the same at resonance frequency.

압전단결정(72PMN-28PT) 응용 수중음향 톤필츠 트랜스듀서 개발 (A Development of Underwater Acoustic Tonpilz Transducer with the Piezoelectric Single Crystal)

  • 권병진
    • 한국전기전자재료학회논문지
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    • 제29권9호
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    • pp.532-538
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    • 2016
  • In this paper, a underwater acoustic Tonpilz transducer with the piezoelectric single crystal(72PMN-28PT) is developed. The thickness and the number of piezoelectric elements are theoretically designed with the equivalent circuit analysis to have the desired resonance frequency. In order to compare the performances, a piezoelectric ceramic transducer is also manufactured and their electrical impedance, TVR (transmitting voltage response), RVS (receiving voltage response) and beam pattern are compared.