• Title/Summary/Keyword: 토양지형단위

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Development of Hydrologic Components of CAT (Catchment hydrologic cycle Assessment Tool) (CAT 모형의 수문해석모듈 개발)

  • Noh, Seong-Jin;Kim, Hyeon-Jun;Jang, Cheol-Hee;Lee, Yong-Jun
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2009.05a
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    • pp.159-163
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    • 2009
  • CAT(Catchment hydrologic cycle Analysis Tool)은 기존 개념적 매개변수 기반의 집중형 수문모형과 물리적 매개변수 기반의 분포형 수문모형의 장점을 최대한 집약하여, 도시유역 개발 전 후의 장 단기적인 물순환 변화 특성을 정량적으로 평가하고 물순환개선시설의 효과적인 설계를 지원하기 위한 물순환 해석 모형이다. CAT은 수문학적으로 균일하게 판단되는 범위를 소유역으로 분할하여 지형학적 요인에 의한 유출 특성을 객관적으로 반영할 수 있으며, 개발 공간 단위별로 침투, 증발, 지하수 흐름 등의 모의가 가능하도록 하는 Link-Node 형식으로 개발되었다. 모형의 UI(User Interface)는 사용자가 손쉽게 모형을 적용 관리하고, 여러 시나리오를 동시에 효과적으로 모의하여 분석할 수 있도록 설계되었다. 또한 모든 입력 출력 자료를 Excel이나 텍스트 형식과 연동되도록 하여 프로젝트별 매개변수 관리가 용이하도록 개발하였다. CAT의 수문해석모듈로 증발산, 침투, 유역 유출, 지하수 유거, 하도추적 등의 모듈을 개발하였다. 증발산은 기준 증발산을 외부에서 직접 입력하거나, Penman-Monteith 방법을 선택할 수 있으며, 침투는 토양의 수리전도도에 따른 연직방향 침투 및 사면방향 복귀류를 고려할 수 있다. 노드의 지하수 유거를 고려하여 기존 노드-링크 방식 모형의 장기 유출 해석시 제한점을 보완하였으며, 하도추적을 위해 Muskingum, Muskingum-Cunge, Kinematic wave 방법 등의 해석법을 제공하였다. CAT의 수문모듈을 이용하여 설마천 유역을 단일노드 및 멀티노드로 개념화하여 모의하였으며, 모의결과를 관측유량과 비교한 결과, 두 경우 적절한 범위내의 결과임을 확인할 수 있었다. CAT의 안정적인 수문해석 기능을 바탕으로 향후 물순환개선시설 모듈과의 결합을 통해 장기 물순환 해석에 광범위하게 활용될 수 있을 것으로 판단된다.

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Analysis of Forest Cover Information Extracted by Spectral Mixture Analysis (분광혼합분석 기법에 의한 산림피복 정보의 특성 분석)

  • 이지민;이규성
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.411-419
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    • 2003
  • An area corresponding to the spatial resolution of optical remote sensor imagery often includes more than one pure surface material. In such case, a pixel value represents a mixture of spectral reflectance of several materials within it. This study attempts to apply the spectral mixture analysis on forest and to evaluate the information content of endmember fractions resulted from the spectral unmixing. Landsat-7 ETM+ image obtained over the study area in the Kwangneung Experimental Forest was initially geo-referenced and radiometrically corrected to reduce the atmospheric and topographic attenuations. Linear mixture model was applied to separate each pixel by the fraction of six endmember: deciduous, coniferous, soil, built-up, shadow, and rice/grass. The fractional values of six endmember could be used to separate forest cover in more detailed spatial scale. In addition, the soil fraction can be further used to extract the information related to the canopy closure. We also found that the shadow effect is more distinctive at coniferous stands.

A Study to Determine the Slope Length and Steepness Factor of Universal Soil Loss Equation with Determining and Adapting Major Slope Length at Field Scale (필지 단위 주경사장 산정 및 적용을 통한 범용토양유실공식 지형인자 산정 개선 연구)

  • Park, Youn Shik;Park, Jong-Yoon;Jang, Won Seok;Kim, Jonggun
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.61 no.6
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    • pp.55-65
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    • 2019
  • Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) is to estimate potential soil loss and has benefit in use with its simplicity. The equation is composed of five factors, one of the factors is the slope length and steepness factor (LS factor) that is for topographic property of fields to estimate potential soil loss. Since the USLE was developed, many equations to compute LS was suggested with field measurement. Nowadays the factor is often computed in GIS software with digital elevation model, however it was reported that the factor is very sensitive to the resolution of digital elevation model. In addition, the digital elevation model of high resolution less than 3 meter is required in small field application, however these inputs are not associate with the empirical models' backgrounds since the empirical models were derived in 22.1 meter field measurements. In the study, four equation to compute LS factor and two approaches to determine slope length and steepness were examined, and correction factor was suggested to provide reasonable precision in LS estimations. The correction factor is computed with field area and cell size of digital elevation model, thus the correction factor can be adapted in any USLE-based models using LS factor at field level.

Spatial Distribution and Vegetation-Environment Relationship of Forest Vegetation in Ulleung Island, Korea (울릉도 산림식생의 공간분포 및 환경과의 상관관계 분석)

  • Lee, Jung-Hyo;Cho, Hyun-Je;Hur, Tae-Chul
    • Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.29 no.6
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    • pp.521-529
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    • 2006
  • This study was carried out to classify all forest vegetation types in Ulleung Island, Korea using the methodology of the Z.-M. school's phytosociology, and map out the spatial distribution patterns of those vegetation types. The forest vegetation was classified into the mountain forest type (Acer okamotoanum community group) and maritime forest type (Artemisia scoparia community group). Vegetation units at the community level were divided into three categories; six communities, sixteen groups, and seven subgroups, giving a total of 22 communities. Total area for mapping was 5,544.9 ha, of which Fagus engleriana community accounted for 1,952 ha (35.2%), Hedera rhambea community ror 1,196 ha (21.6%), Camellia japonica community for 1,104 ha (19.9%), Sambucus sieboldiana var. pendula community for 612 ha (11.0%), Aster spathulifolius community for 506 ha (9.1%), and Tsuga sieboldii - Pinus parviflora community for 174 ha (3.1%). According to canonical correspondence analysis (CCA), variables such as $Mg^{2+}$, pH, $Ca^{2+}$ were positively correlated in maritime vegetation types, and variables such as total nitrogen, carbon content, C/N ratio and ration exchange capacity (CEC) were highly correlated in mountain vegetation types, respectively. The sea level and the slope direction were not showing regular trend as a factor to decide on species diversity, evenness and richness in this research area. But it seems to be affected by topography, slope degree and dominance vegetation.

A Study on Hydrologic Clustering for Standard Watersheds of Korea Water Resources Unit Map Using Multivariate Statistical Analysis (다변량 통계분석기법을 이용한 전국 표준유역 대상 수문학적 군집화 연구)

  • Ahn, So-Ra;Kim, Sang-Ho;Kim, Seong-Joon
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.91-106
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    • 2014
  • This study tries to cluster the 795 standard watersheds of Korea Water Resources Unit Map using multivariate statistical analysis technique. The 30 factors of watershed characteristics related to topography, stream, meteorology, soil, land cover and hydrology were selected for comprehensive analysis. From the factor analysis, 16 representative factors were selected. The significant factors in order were the pedological feature, scale and geological location and meteorological and hydrological features of the watershed. As a next step, the 73 gauged watersheds were selected for cluster analysis. They are scattered properly to the whole country and the discharge data were within a confidential level. Based on the 73 watersheds, the other ungaged watersheds were clustered by applying the 16 factors and calculating Euclidian distances. The clustering results showed that the similarity between standard watersheds within the same river basin were 87%, 69%, 41%, 52%, and 27% for Han, Nakdong, Geum, Seomjin, and Yeongsan river basins respectively.

Lessons from Cross-Scale Studies of Water and Carbon Cycles in the Gwangneung Forest Catchment in a Complex Landscape of Monsoon Korea (몬순기후와 복잡지형의 특성을 갖는 광릉 산림유역의 물과 탄소순환에 대한 교차규모 연구로부터의 교훈)

  • Lee, Dong-Ho;Kim, Joon;Kim, Su-Jin;Moon, Sang-Ki;Lee, Jae-Seok;Lim, Jong-Hwan;Son, Yow-Han;Kang, Sin-Kyu;Kim, Sang-Hyun;Kim, Kyong-Ha;Woo, Nam-Chil;Lee, Bu-Yong;Kim, Sung
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.149-160
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    • 2007
  • KoFlux Gwangneung Supersite comprises complex topography and diverse vegetation types (and structures), which necessitate complementary multi-disciplinary measurements to understand energy and matter exchange. Here, we report the results of this ongoing research with special focuses on carbon/water budgets in Gwangneung forest, implications of inter-dependency between water and carbon cycles, and the importance of hydrology in carbon cycling under monsoon climate. Comprehensive biometric and chamber measurements indicated the mean annual net ecosystem productivity (NEP) of this forest to be ${\sim}2.6\;t\;C\;ha^{-1}y^{-1}$. In conjunction with the tower flux measurement, the preliminary carbon budget suggests the Gwangneung forest to be an important sink for atmospheric $CO_2$. The catchment scale water budget indicated that $30\sim40%$ of annual precipitation was apportioned to evapotranspiration (ET). The growing season average of the water use efficiency (WUE), determined from leaf carbon isotope ratios of representative tree species, was about $12{\mu}mol\;CO_2/mmol\;H_2O$ with noticeable seasonal variations. Such information on ET and WUE can be used to constrain the catchment scale carbon uptake. Inter-annual variations in tree ring growth and soil respiration rates correlated with the magnitude and the pattern of precipitation during the growing season, which requires further investigation of the effect of a monsoon climate on the catchment carbon cycle. Additionally, we examine whether structural and functional units exist in this catchment by characterizing the spatial heterogeneity of the study site, which will provide the linkage between different spatial and temporal scale measurements.

Distribution Pattern of Vascular Plant Species along an Elevational Gradient in the Samga Area of Sobaeksan National Park (소백산국립공원 삼가지구 관속식물의 고도별 분포패턴)

  • Park, Hwan Joon;Ahn, Ji Hong;Seo, In soon;Lee, Sae Rom;Lee, Byoung Yoon;Kim, Jung Hyun
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.109 no.1
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    • pp.1-22
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    • 2020
  • In order to evaluate the vertical distribution and distributional pattern of vascular plants in the Samga district of Sobaeksan National Park, vascular plants were surveyed along a hiking trail from the Samga Tour Support Center to the top of a mountain. The elevation range was divided into 11 sections with 100 m intervals from 400 m to 1439 m above sea level.A total of 375 taxa were listed, comprising 92 families, 235 genera, 332 species, 3 subspecies, 37 varieties, and 3 forms. The pattern of species richness along the elevational gradient showed a reverse hump-shaped trend. The species distribution pattern was positively correlated with the soil exchangeable cations Ca2+ and Mg2+, soil pH, available phosphate, and the warmth index. Furthermore, slope, soil moisture content, and soil exchangeable cations were significantly correlated with species distribution. DCA grouped herb species into two groups. Stands of each section were sequentially arranged from 400 m to 1500 m along an altitudinal gradient. Soil moisture content, soil pH, soil K2+ and Na2+, available phosphate, and slope were significantly correlated with stand distribution. This study provides important data that could be useful for conservation and the sustainable use of biodiversity in the study area. In order to understand the ecological and environmental characteristics and distribution of plant species, it will be necessary to continuously develop relative studies with continuous monitoring.

Site Characteristics, and Vegetation Structure, and Dynamics of Forest Communities growing Kalopanax septemlobus (Thunb.ex Murray) Koidz. in Gangwon-do (강원도 음나무 자생 임분의 입지환경, 식생구조 및 동태)

  • 이철호;최영철;김세현;권기원
    • Korean Journal of Plant Resources
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.227-242
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    • 2000
  • Site characteristics, vegetation structure and dynamics of Kalopanax septemlobus forests in Mt. Heungjeong, Mt. Balwang and Mt. Gariwang were studied to provide the information need for national resources conservation and restoration of K. septemlobus forest in Gangwon-do of Korea. The K. septemlobus forests were distributed at 780m to 1,300m in altitude, steep slope, ridges-slope areas with facing northeast to northwest in good nutrition area. The annual diameter growth of those trees ranged 1.60mm to 2.41mm. Forty-three plots(20$\times$20m) were set up at three natural population of Kalopanax septemlobus forest and TWINSPAN method was used for vegetation structure analysis. The result of TWINSPAN ordination show that geographical features played a role in determining community types in the study areas. Community type of the study areas classified into three groups by TWINSPAN; K. septemlobus-Quercux mongolica- Acer mono community(Mt. Balwang), K. septemlobus-Q. mongolica- Tilia amurensis community(Mt. Heungjeong), K. septemlobus-Betula costata-Q. mongolica community(Mt. Gariwang). In most of the K. septemlobus forests, major woody species appeared predominantly were Q. mongolica, T. amurensis, Acer pseudo-sieboldianum, Lindera obtusiloba, A. mono, Magnolia sieboldii, Ulmus davidiana var. japonica. And also, Those species were surveyed in all the areas. Species diversity(H') of investigated areas ranged 0.3124~0.13992 and this value relatively higher than that of other forests with similar site. The range of similarity indices between surveyed areas was 64.1~64.54%. The distribution pattern of Morista's index show that Kalopanax septemlobus distributed randomly in tree and concentrated a few sample plots in subtree layer and shurb layer. K. septemlobus occupied 37.1~58.8% of tree layer story, 8.4~17.6% of subtree layer, 0~0.38% of shurb layer each surveyed area. The association analysis showed that Kalopanax septemlobus positively associated with Betula ermani, Deutzia glabrata, Carpinus cordata, Fraxinus mandshurica and negatively associated with Symplocos chinensis var. pilosa, Styrax obassia, Acer mono, Euonymus macroptera, Ulmus davidiana var. japonica. According to the diameter distribution of Kalopanax septemlobus community, the community of Mt. Gariwang will gradually decline and replaced by Quercus community. The communities of Mt. Heungjeong and Mt. Balwang has its seedlings and saplings, so it may be sustained.

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Flood Runoff Simulation using Radar Rainfall and Distributed Hydrologic Model in Un-Gauged Basin : Imjin River Basin (레이더 강우와 분포형 수문모형을 이용한 미계측 유역의 홍수 유출모의: 임진강 유역)

  • Kim, Byung-Sik;Bae, Young-Hye;Park, Jung-Sool;Kim, Kyung-Tak
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.52-67
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    • 2008
  • Recently, frequent occurrence of flash floods caused by climactic change has necessitated prompt and quantitative prediction of precipitation. In particular, the usability of rainfall radar that can carry out real-time observation and prediction of precipitation behavior has increased. Moreover, the use of distributed hydrological model that enables grid level analysis has increased for an efficient use of rainfall radar that provides grid data at 1km resolution. The use of distributed hydrologic model necessitates grid-type spatial data about target basins; to enhance reliability of flood runoff simulation, the use of visible and precise data is necessary. In this paper, physically based $Vflo^{TM}$ model and ModClark, a quasi-distributed hydrological model, were used to carry out flood runoff simulation and comparison of simulation results with data from Imjin River Basin, two-third of which is ungauged. The spatial scope of this study was divided into the whole Imjin River basin area, which includes ungauged area, and Imjin River basin area in South Korea for which relatively accurate and visible data are available. Peak flow and lag time outputs from the two simulations of each region were compared to analyze the impact of uncertainty in topographical parameters and soil parameters on flood runoff simulation and to propose effective methods for flood runoff simulation in ungauged regions.

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Development of treatment facilities for improving water cycle in the water cycle analysis model for the urban catchment (도시유역 물순환 해석 모형의 물순환 개선시설 모듈 개발)

  • Jang, Cheol-Hee;Kim, Hyeon-Jun;Noh, Seong-Jin
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2010.05a
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    • pp.1360-1364
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    • 2010
  • 도시유역 물순환 해석 모형(Catchment hydrologic cycle Analysis Tool, CAT)은 기존의 개념적 매개변수 기반의 집중형 수문모형과 물리적 매개변수 기반의 분포형 수문모형의 장점을 최대한 집약하여, 도시유역 개발 전/후의 장/단기적 물순환 변화특성을 정량적으로 평가하고 물순환 개선시설의 효과적인 설계를 지원하기 위한 물순환 해석 모형이다. 이 모형은 수문학적으로 균일하게 판단되는 범위를 소유역으로 분할하여 지형학적 요인에 의한 유출 특성을 객관적으로 반영할 수 있으며, 개발 공간 단위별로 침투, 증발, 지하수 흐름 등의 모의가 가능하도록 하는 링크-노드 방식으로 개발되었다. 모형의 UI(User Interface)는 사용자가 손쉽게 모형을 적용/관리하고, 여러 시나리오를 동시에 효과적으로 모의하여 분석할 수 있도록 설계되었다. 또한, 모든 입/출력 자료를 엑셀이나 텍스트 형식과 연동되도록 하여 프로젝트별 매개변수 관리가 용이하도록 개발하였다. 특히 본 모형에서는 사용자의 목적에 맞는 다양한 물순환 개선시설(침투시설, 저류지, 습지, 빗물저장시설, 리사이클 및 외부급수 등)의 구현 및 모의가 가능하도록 개발하였다. 여기서, 물순환 개선시설이란 빗물을 흡수하고 저류할 수 있는 도시녹지시설 혹은 구조물로서 도심 내의 불투수면을 저감시키고 유출수를 줄이면서 동시에 녹지를 확보하여 효과적인 물순환 기능에 영향을 미치는 시설들이다. 이러한 물순환 개선시설은 신도시 및 지역 혁신도시 개발 등의 대규모 토지이용변화가 예상되는 개발지역에 대한 평가 및 개선 기술을 제공하여 물순환 건전화를 위한 설계에 직접적으로 활용될 수 있는 큰 장점을 지니고 있다. 먼저 침투 시설은 계획침투량을 반영하며 토양으로의 침투량과 지하수로의 이동을 모의한다. 저류시설은 하도 내에 위치한 online 저류지와 하도 외에 위치한 offline 저류지로 구분하고 저류지 수면의 증발량과 취수량을 고려하며, 방류구를 통한 방류량을 반영하였다. offline 저류지의 경우는 하도 내의 흐름의 규모에 따라서 일정량을 넘는 경우만 offline 저류지로 유입될 수 있는 양을 산정하도록 하였으며 하류 하천으로의 방류를 반영하여 홍수 후에 저류지가 비워지도록 하였다. 유역 내의 습지는 식생과 수면에서의 증발산을 반영하였다. 습지의 저류능력을 넘는 양은 월류되어 하류로 유출되며, 방류구를 통한 방류량을 반영하였다. 빗물저장시설의 경우는 초기우수와 같은 일정량 이하의 유입량과 시설용량을 초과하는 양은 방류하도록 하였고, 물 사용량을 반영하였다. 또한, 본 모형에서는 하천 내에서 취수하여 유역으로 공급할 수 있도록 리사이클 처리노드를 계획하였다. 리사이클은 용수 이용 목적에 따라 필요지역으로 공급되는 것으로 하였으며, 하천유지용수의 목적으로 취수되어 상류 혹은 하류의 임의 지역으로 공급되는 것을 포함하였다. 또한, 유역외부에 광역으로 급수되는 공급량도 반영하도록 하였다.

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