• Title/Summary/Keyword: 토양지형단위

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Runoff Estimation for Small Watershed by Interactive Program (Interactive program에 의한 소유역의 유출량 산정)

  • 안상진;김종섭
    • Water for future
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.97-107
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    • 1992
  • The purpose of this study is to estimate the flood hydrograph and runoff at ungaged small watershed by using interactive program with geomorphologic and climatic data obtained from the topographic maps following the law of stream classification and ordering by Horton and Strahler. The present model is modified from Allam's interactive program which derives the geomorphologic instantaneous unit hydrograph(GIUH). This program uses the results of Laplace transformation and convolution integral of probability density function in travel time at each station, This program is used to estimate the time to peak, the flood discharge and the direct runoff at San seong station in Bocheong Stream.

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Estimation of Evapotranspiration Distribution using LAI (LAI를 고려한 유역 증발산량 분포 분석)

  • Kim, Joo Hun;Kim, Kyung Tak;Park, Jung Sool
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2004.05b
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    • pp.1276-1279
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    • 2004
  • 수문순환 과정에서 증발산은 물이 유역으로부터 제거되는 주요 기작으로서, 증발산에 중요한 역할을 하는 식물은 지구 육지 표면의 약 $70\%$ 정도를 점유하고 있으며, 생태계의 가장 중요한 구성인자로서, 식물의 종류 및 군집의 공간적 분포유형, 생육주기 및 형태적 변화 등과 같은 정보들은 그 지역의 기후, 토양, 지질, 지리적 특성을 밝히는데 중요한 역할을 한다. 식생관련 정보 중 엽면적 지수란 단위지표면적당 총 엽면적의 비를 나타내는 것으로 환경생태, 기상, 수문분야에서 다양하게 활용되고 있다. 본 연구에서는 Landsat 위성영상과 DEM 등의 GIS 자료를 이용하여 지형적인 요소를 고려하여 유역의 증발산량을 분포형으론 산정하는 것을 목적으로 하고 있다. 연구대상유역은 한강의 제1지류인 경안천유역으로 하였고, 증발산량 산정에 필요한 기상자료는 월평균기온, 수평면일사량, 상대습도를 이용하였고, 일사량비와 일조시간비 계산을 위해 위도별에 따른 총일조시간과 월평균일사량을 계산하였다. 잠재증발산량 산정은 Penman-Monteith식을 이용하여 산정하였으며, 식생지수와 밀접한 관계가 있는 LAI를 고려하여 산정하였다.

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Estimation of Danger Zone by Soil Erosion Using RUSLE Model in Gyeongju National Park (RUSLE 모형을 이용한 경주국립공원의 토양침식 위험지역 추정)

  • Choi, Chul-Hyun;You, Ju-Han;Jung, Sung-Gwan
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.27 no.5
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    • pp.614-624
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study is to offer the raw data for establishing the plan of disaster prevention and the continuous conservation of soil ecosystem by grasping the potential soil loss and the danger of erosion using RUSLE method on whole districts in Gyeongju National Park, Korea. In the results of the average amount of soil erosion for the year, the average of all districts was 5.7 ton/ha in annual, and Namsan district was the highest in 7.6 ton/ha in annual and Seoak district was the lowest in 2.1 ton/ha in annual. The dangerous district due to the soil erosion was analyzed as under 1%, and Gumisan and Hwarange district was not serious. But Namsan district was higher than others, especially, there was intensive in all over Geumohbong. Therefore, to protect the all over Geumohbong, we will establish the valid of restoration and management. The types of land cover in Gyeongju National Park mostly showed forest, and as the average amount of soil erosion in forest was 3.7 ton/ha in annual, there was good condition. In the results of the amount of soil erosion due to landform, the deep canyon showed as 7.3 ton/ha in annual per unit area, secondly, the U-shaped valley was analyzed as 6.1 ton/ha in annual. The plain and high ridge were predicted that there occurred the small amount of soil erosion. In future, if we will analyze the amount of soil erosion in Korean National Parks, we will offer the help to establishing the plan of conservation and restoration on soil ecosystem in whole National Parks.

Construction of Three Dimensional Soil Cadmium Pollution Map Using Geotechnical Information DB System (국토지반정보시스템을 이용한 3차원 토양오염지도 구축)

  • Hwang, Dae Young;Kang, In Joon;Jang, Yong Gu;Kim, Soo Kyum
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.13-19
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    • 2016
  • This study presented the build-up of three-dimensional soil pollution map for precise analysis. To do this, survey on the existing pollutant region on Dongnae-gu, Busan that is the study subject, showed that it tended to produce 0.72 clusters. So, this study suggested to investigate center of $1km{\times}1km $ grid and, as the results of comparing the pollution map that input pollution figure values based on the actually investigation point showed precise results. And, it divided the standard of pollution into 5 levels in surface and underground space and the map was built up using IDW interpolation against the amount of polluted substance. The pollution of ground surface, flow of polluted substance, coefficient of permeability and ground water level that are 504 geotechnical informations were selected as the influential parameters in pollution analysis of underground space, and it calculated that to 0~20 points by dividing the characteristics. It enables the build-up of pollution map of ground surface-underground with depth that considers the characteristics of soil layers and it is considered that it is possible to analyze the general infiltration. And, it was considered that it enables more accurate forecast about influential analysis per depth and pollution of underground water.

Simulation of soil moisture on Youngdam Dam basin using K-DRUM (K-DRUM 모형을 이용한 용담댐 유역의 토양수분 변화 모의)

  • Hur, Young Teck;Lim, Kwang Suop;Park, Jin Hyeog;Park, Gu Young
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2016.05a
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    • pp.281-281
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    • 2016
  • 기후변화로 인한 기상학적 자연재해로부터 대비하고 안정적인 용수공급을 위해 유역의 다양한 수문 요소들에 대한 분석 필요성이 증가하고 있다. 계절적 강수량의 편차가 큰 우리나라는 유역 통합 물관리가 중요하며, 효율적 수자원 관리와 물안보 확보를 위해 유역내 물순환을 이해하는 것이 중요하다. 유역의 유출을 결정하는 요소들에는 강우, 증발산량, 토양 수분 및 지하수 등이 있으며, 시간적으로는 홍수와 같이 단기에 발생하는 유출과 장기적으로 발생하는 유출이 있다. 장기 유출은 단기 유출에 비해 토양내 수분량이 무시할 수 없을 정도로 영향을 미치게 되므로, 1년 이상의 장기 유출 해석을 위해서는 강우가 발생하지 않는 기간 동안의 토양 수분량 변화와 증발산 영향을 고려할 필요가 있다. K-water에서 자체 개발된 분포형 장단기유출 모델인 K-DRUM은 유역을 격자(grid)단위로 구분하고 각 셀들에 대한 매개변수는 흐름방향도, 표고분포도, 토지이용도, 토지피복도 등을 GIS처리하여 일괄 입력할 수 있도록 함으로써 매개변수 산정과정에서 문제가 되는 경험적인 요인을 제거하였다. 흐름의 구분은 얕은면 흐름, 지표하 흐름, 지하수 흐름으로 구분하여 운동파법과 선형저류법을 적용하였다. 또한 초기 토양함수 자동보정기법으로 실제의 기저유출량을 재현하여 전체적인 유출모의 정확도를 높였으며, FAO-56 Penman-Monteith법을 적용한 증발산량 산정모듈과 Sugawara et al.(1984)이 제안한 개념적 융설 및 적설모듈을 추가하였다. K-DRUM모형을 이용한 유출분석은 용담댐 시험유역을 대상으로 2013년도 1년간의 유출모의를 수행하였다. 입력자료는 용담댐 유역의 지형, 토양 및 토지특성 정보와 시단위 강우 및 기상정보(온도, 바람, 일사 등)를 활용하였다. 분석 결과, 총 관측유출량은 7,151 ㎥/s이고 총 계산유출량 $8,257m^3/s$이며, 관측유출량 대비 계산유출량은 약 115% 정도로 나타났다. 연간 총 강우량은 1303.5 mm로 유역면적 약 $930km^2$을 적용하여 유역 총 강우량을 산정하면 $14,030m^3/s$로서 관측유출량은 유역 총 강우량 대비 51%이고 계산유출량은 59% 정도로 나타났다. 즉 유역 유출율은 약 51% 수준으로 보통의 유역과 유사한 수준이다. 관측된 토양수분량과 K-DRUM 모형의 계산된 토양수분량을 비교하기 위하여 관측 토양수분량의 비율을 이용하여 비교하였다. 모의결과 토양수분은 강우에 의해 변화하며, 관측결과와 유사한 형태로 나타남을 알 수 있었다.

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Spatial Characteristics of Gwangneung Forest Site Based on High Resolution Satellite Images and DEM (고해상도 위성영상과 수치고도모형에 근거한 광릉 산림 관측지의 공간적 특성)

  • Moon Sang-Ki;Park Seung-Hwan;Hong Jinkyu;Kim Joon
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.115-123
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    • 2005
  • Quantitative understanding of spatial characteristics of the study site is a prerequisite to investigate water and carbon cycles in agricultural and forest ecosystems, particularly with complex, heterogeneous landscapes. The spatial characteristics of variables related with topography, vegetation and soil in Gwangneung forest watershed are quantified in this study. To characterize topography, information on elevation, slope and aspect extracted from DEM is analyzed. For vegetation and soil, a land-cover map classified from LANDSAT TM images is used. Four satellite images are selected to represent different seasons (30 June 1999, 4 September 2000, 23 September 2001 and 14 February 2002). As a flux index for CO₂ and water vapor, normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) is calculated from satellite images for three different grid sizes: MODIS grid (7km x 7km), intensive observation grid (3km x 3km), and unit grid (1km x 1km). Then, these data are analyzed to quantify the spatial scale of heterogeneity based on semivariogram analysis. As expected, the scale of heterogeneity decreases as the grid size decreases and are sensitive to seasonal changes in vegetation. For the two unit grids where the two 40 m flux towers are located, the spatial scale of heterogeneity ranges from 200 to 1,000m, which correspond well to the climatology of the computed tower flux footprint.

Analysis on Spatiotemporal Variability of Erosion and Deposition Using a Distributed Hydrologic Model (분포형 수문모형을 이용한 침식 및 퇴적의 시.공간 변동성 분석)

  • Lee, Gi-Ha;Yu, Wan-Sik;Jang, Chang-Lae;Jung, Kwan-Sue
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.43 no.11
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    • pp.995-1009
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    • 2010
  • Accelerated soil erosion due to extreme climate change, such as increased rainfall intensity, and human-induced environmental changes, is a widely recognized problem. Existing soil erosion models are generally based on the gross erosion concept to compute annual upland soil loss in tons per acre per year. However, such models are not suitable for event-based simulations of erosion and deposition in time and space. Recent advances in computer geographic information system (GIS) technologies have allowed hydrologists to develop physically based models, and the trend in erosion prediction is towards process-based models, instead of conceptually lumped models. This study aims to propose an effective and robust distributed rainfall-sediment yield-runoff model consisting of basic element modules: a rainfall-runoff module based on the kinematic wave method for subsurface and surface flow, and a runoff-sediment yield-runoff model based on the unit stream power method. The model was tested on the Cheoncheon catchment, upstream of the Yongdam dam using hydrological data for three extreme flood events due to typhoons. The model provided acceptable simulation results with respect to both discharge and sediment discharge even though the simulated sedigraphs were underestimated, compared to observations. The spatial distribution of erosion and deposition demonstrated that eroded sediment loads were deposited in the cells along the channel network, which have a short overland flow length and a gentle local slope while the erosion rate increased as rainfall became larger. Additionally, spatially heterogeneous rainfall intensity, dependant on Thiessen polygons, led to spatially-distinct erosion and deposition patterns.

The inference about the cause of death of Korean Fir in Mt. Halla through the analysis of spatial dying pattern - Proposing the possibility of excess soil moisture by climate changes - (한라산 구상나무 공간적 고사패턴 분석을 통한 고사원인 추정 - 기후변화에 따른 토양수분 과다 가능성 제안 -)

  • Ahn, Ung San;Kim, Dae Sin;Yun, Young Seok;Ko, Suk Hyung;Kim, Kwon Su;Cho, In Sook
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.1-28
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    • 2019
  • This study analyzed the density and mortality rate of Korean fir at 9 sites where individuals of Korean firs were marked into the live and dead trees with coordinates on orthorectified aerial images by digital photogrammetric system. As a result of the analysis, Korean fir in each site showed considerable heterogeneity in density and mortality rate depending on the location within site. This make it possible to assume that death of Korean fir can occur by specific factors that vary depending on the location. Based on the analyzed densities and mortality rates of Korea fir, we investigated the correlation between topographic factors such as altitude, terrain slope, drainage network, solar radiation, aspect and the death of Korean fir. The density of Korean fir increases with altitude, and the mortality rate also increases. A negative correlation is found between the terrain slope and the mortality rate, and the mortality rate is higher in the gentle slope where the drainage network is less developed. In addition, it is recognized that depending on the aspect, the mortality rate varies greatly, and the mean solar radiation is higher in live Korean fir-dominant area than in dead Korean fir-dominant area. Overall, the mortality rate of Korean fir in Mt. Halla area is relatively higher in areas with relatively low terrain slope and low solar radiation. Considering the results of previous studies that the terrain slope has a strong negative correlation with soil moisture and the relationship between solar radiation and evaporation, these results lead us to infer that excess soil moisture is the cause of Korean fir mortality. These inferences are supported by a series of climate change phenomena such as precipitation increase, evaporation decrease, and reduced sunshine duration in the Korean peninsula including Jeju Island, increase in mortality rate along with increased precipitation according to the elevation of Mt. Halla and the vegetation change in the mountain. It is expected that the spatial patterns in the density and mortality rate of Korean fir, which are controlled by topography such as altitude, slope, aspect, solar radiation, drainage network, can be used as spatial variables in future numerical modeling studies on the death or decline of Korean fir. In addition, the method of forest distribution survey using the orthorectified aerial images can be widely used as a numerical monitoring technique in long - term vegetation change research.

Calibration and Validation of SWAT for the Neponset River Watershed in Boston (보스턴 넷폰셋강의 수질체계에 대한 스왓모델의 교정과 유효성 검증)

  • Lee, Ja-Won
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.19-26
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    • 2008
  • A validation study has been performed using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool(SWAT) model with data collected for the Neponset River watershed, which includes roughly 130 square miles of land located southwest of Boston. All of this land drains into the Neponset River, and ultimately into Boston Harbor. This paper presents the methodology of a SWAT model. The calculated contribution of the baseflow to the streamflow is far too high whereas the interflow is strongly underestimated. Alternatively, the modified and calibrated model yields far better results for the catchment. The modification allows hydrological processes to be modeled while not restraining the applicability of the model to catchments with other characteristics. For this study, the SWAT 2005 model is used with ArcGIS 9.1 as an interlace, and sensitivity analysis is performed to provide rough estimated values before adjusting sensitive input parameters during calibration period.

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Estimation of the Available Amount of Groundwater using Classifications of Landforms and Hydrogeological Units in N. Korea (지형면과 수문지질단위 분류를 이용한 북한의 지하수 부존량 추정)

  • Song, Sung-Ho;Park, Jongchul;An, Jung-Gi
    • Journal of Soil and Groundwater Environment
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    • v.20 no.7
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    • pp.23-33
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    • 2015
  • This study was conducted to provide the preliminary data on preparation for policy decisions regarding the groundwater supply scheme for N. Korea vulnerable to drought. Agricultural activities oriented to upland field due to the mountainous terrain more than 79% as well as the diversity of rainfall distribution over the country make more vulnerable to structural problems in the drought in N. Korea. Therefore, in anticipation of the expansion of exchange policies in agricultural sector, the available amount of groundwater needed for sustainable water resources supply was estimated for each administrative district after analyzing alluvium and hydrogeology distribution in N. Korea. Overall, the available amount of groundwater was estimated to 22.3 billion m3 (0.18 million m3/km2). The available amount of groundwater per unit area in Ryanggangdo and Gaesungsi was appeared very high in each of 0.56 and 0.39 million m3/km2, respectively, and it would be interpreted that two districts have relatively wide area of volcanic rocks and alluvium with highly permeable characteristics, respectively. Finally, to maximize the utilization of this study result, the available amount of groundwater distribution map was developed on the basis of the 1 × 1 km grid network over the entire N. Korea.