• Title/Summary/Keyword: 토목 시설물

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Forecasting the Changes in Construction Market by Analyzing General·Specialty Contractors' Perception on Business Area Abolition (종합·전문건설사업자의 상호시장진출 의향 및 참여방식 분석을 통한 종합·전문간 업역철폐에 따른 건설시장 변화 예측)

  • Kim, Sung-Il;Chang, Chul-Ki
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.88-97
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    • 2023
  • The purpose of this study is to forecast future changes in the construction market following the reorganization of the construction production system by analyzing the possible market size in which general contractors and specialty contractors may participate in each other, and by carrying out a survey. The ratio of correlation between general construction and specialty construction industries was derived by analyzing the relevance of work area of general contractors and specialty contractors, the similarity of registration standards, and the market in which general contractors and specialty contractors may be able to mutually participate. In order to overcome the limitation of previous studies which analyze the changes in construction market based on the statistical data, and to analyze in more detail the impact of reorganization of construction production system from market participants' view, a survey targeting general contractors and specialty contractors for their willingness and method of participating in the mutual market was conducted. As a result of the survey, it was found that 52% of general contractors were willing to participate in the specialized construction market and 55.1% of specialty contractors were willing to participate in the general construction market. It was found that there was a high willingness to participate in the earthworks, reinforced concrete works, facility maintenance and management, water and sewage facility works, and interior works, and high competition is expected for projects with a scale of 500 million to less than 3 billion won. Through this study, it will be possible for general and specialty contractors to understand the changes in the construction market due to the reorganization of the construction industry production system, and to respond effectively to these changes.

Vegetation filtering techniques for LiDAR data of levees using combined filters with morphology and color (형태와 색상의 복합형 필터를 이용한 제방 LiDAR 측량 데이터의 식생 영상 제거 기법 연구)

  • Park, Heeseong;Lee, Du Han
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.56 no.2
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    • pp.139-150
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    • 2023
  • Terretial LiDAR surveying is highly useful for maintenance of civil facilities as it can easily detect the temporal deformation of structures or topography. However, for river facilities such as levess, it is difficult to detect the deformation of the topography or structure under vegetations due to the influence of vegetation. Vegetation filters can be divided into color filters and morphological filters. In this study, combined filters with color and morphology are developed to improve the accuracy of vegetation filters. 8 color filters, 6 morphological filters, and 4 combined filters are applied to the vegetation removal on the embankment slope, and their accuracy and calculation time are compared. Color filters show a short calculation time, but the accuracy was low in the vegetation area. Morphological filters show high accuracy in the vegetation area, but low accuracy in places with severe local topographical changes such as heavy rocks. Combined filters also show a tendency similar to morphological filters, but in the case of ExGGM, the accuracy is excellent in both the vegetation and rock area. Considering the accuracy and calculation time, the combined filter ExGGM is suitable for general cases, and the shape filter GrMIn or the complex filter ExGISL is suitable for cases where the local topographical change is not severe.

A study on How to Improve the Work of Professional Landscape Construction in Preparation for the Reorganization of the Production System in the Construction Sector - Based on the Survey Results - (건설분야 생산체계 개편에 대비한 조경분야 전문공사업 업무 개선 방향 - 설문조사 결과를 중심으로 -)

  • Ahn, Myung June
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.52 no.3
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    • pp.33-45
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    • 2024
  • The government is promoting the reorganization of the construction indusrty under the theme of reorganizing the production system. However, it has been pointed out that this is contrary to the increasingly specialized and technical skills of the landscaping field. Therefore, it is urgent to respond to the construction industry integration policy and improve an appropriate work system and the content of the landscape field. Therefore, this study investigated the intention of the industry to reorganize the production system and the production structure of the landscape field, so that it can be used as a reference for future changes. As a result of the survey, 1) the perception of the reorganization policy is a highly requesting step-by-step promotion that reflects the industry's will, 2) the system is divided into generalization and specialization and is highly opposed to integration, 3) appropriate design and construction costs are the most important directions for improving landscape construction projects, and 4) reestablishing the relationship with related civil engineering works is important for improving detailed construction types. Overall, it was pointed out that the current specialized landscape construction does not sufficiently reflect the changing landscape business and is only appropriate for subcontractors in other industries. Therefore, it is necessary to promote policies that reflect this. In the long run, it is urgent to establish the status of landscape construction as an independent object, and it is necessary to supplement the legal system and change the industry accordingly.

Structural Stability Analysis Study for Existing Subway Tunnels Using a 3D Stress-Pore Pressure Coupled Finite Element Modelling of NATM Tunneling (NATM 터널굴착시 응력-간극수압 연계 3차원 유한요소모델링을 통한 기존 지하철터널의 구조적 안정성 해석연구)

  • Kong, Byung-Seung
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.13 no.6 s.58
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    • pp.192-203
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    • 2009
  • In the new Seoul-Busan high speed railroad construction specially in area of city center passage the roadbed establishment is recommended the staibility for the existing subway tunnel segments of Busan subway 1st and 2nd lines regarding the appearance condition, a quality condition and the durability of the objective facility, and it evaluates the numerical analysis using MIDAS/GTS which leads the stability of the objective facility and investigatesd tunnels. Fundamental issues in tunneling under high groundwater table are discussed and the effect of groundwater on tunnel excavation was examined using a 3D stress-pore pressure coupled Finite-Element Method. Based on the results the interaction mechanism between the tunnelling and groundwater is identified. In the both of 1st and 2nd Line the maximum sinkage, unequal sinkage and the lining stress from numerical analysis are within permission and the damage degree is appearing to be disregarded. But it enforces necessary Pre-grouting in order to minimize an actual tunnel face conduct and when the tunnel is excavated it is also necessary to minimize the outflow possibility.

A Study on the Road Safety Analysis Model: Focused on National Highway Areas in Cheonbuk Province (도로 안전성 분석 모형에 관한 연구: 전라북도 국도 권역을 중심으로)

  • Lim, Joonbeom;Kim, Joon-Ki;Lee, Soobeom;Kim, Hyunjin
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.583-595
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    • 2014
  • Currently, Korean transportation policies are aiming for increase of safety and environment-friendly and efficient operation, by avoiding construction and expansion of roads, and upgrading road alignments and facilities. This is revealed by that there have been 22 road expansion projects (30%) and 50 road improvement projects (70%) under the 3rd Five-Year Plan for National Highways ('11~'15), while there were 53 road expansion projects (71%) and 22 road improvement projects (29%) under the 2nd Five-Year Plan for National Highways. For more effective road improvement projects, there is a need of choosing projects after an objective and scientific safety assessment of each road, and assessing safety improvement depending on projects. This study is intended to develop a model for this road safety analysis and assessment. The major objective of this study is creating a road safety analysis and assessment model appropriate for Korean society, based on the HSM (Highway Safety Manual) of the U.S. In order to build up data for model development, the sections thought to have identical geometrical structure factors in 5 lines, Cheonbuk province, were divided as homogeneous sections, and representative values of geometric structures, facilities, traffic volume, climate conditions and land usage were collected from the 1,452 sections divided. In order to build up data for model development, the sections thought to have identical geometrical structure factors in 5 lines, Cheonbuk province, were divided as homogeneous sections, and representative values of geometric structures, facilities, traffic volume, climate conditions and land usage were collected from the 1,452 sections divided. The collected data was processed correlation analysis of each road element was implemented to see which factor had a big effect on traffic accidents. On the basis of these results, then, an accident model was established as a negative binomial regression model.Using the developed model, an Crash Modification Factor (CMF) which determines accident frequency changes depending on safety performance function (SPF) predicting the number of accident occurrence through traffic volume and road section expansion, road geometric structure and traffic properties, was extracted.

Suggestion on the Optimal Length of Long Tunnels Considering Traffic Safety Characteristics (교통안전 특성을 고려한 장대터널 적정길이 제시)

  • Kim, Joong-Hyo;Lee, Jeong-Hwan;Kwon, Sung Dae;Ha, Dong Ik
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.203-211
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    • 2014
  • Tunnel reduces travel time as and it is essential facilities for the eco-friendly road construction. In recent years, It has been accelerating the tunnel construction to provide a higher level of traffic service but a driver driving in the narrow and dark tunnel takes characteristically psychological anxiety and the restriction of the sight. Moreover, A driver passing through more than 1,000m long tunnel, as to pass inside the monotonous form of the tunnel for a long time can cause drowsiness and increase the driver load. This driver load can degrade road-holding of the inside of the long tunnel highly and pose a high risk of accidents. Accordingly, In this study is to present the proper length of the Tunnel, considering the characteristics of traffic accident. For this, this study is that the long tunnel that affects traffic safety traffic safety variables are selected and classified. Traffic safety variables are classified in detail as a variable of the traffic accident and velocity one, the applicable variables the number of the traffic accident, the ratio of the traffic accident, driving velocity, the individual vehicle velocity etc. Traffic safety variables are categorized as more than a pole length of the tunnel in order to examine its impact on correlation analysis. The results indicate significant results in traffic accidents in accordance with traffic accidents, traffic safety, selects the variable was Variable depending on the length of the tunnel traffic safety point of significantly increasing the possibility of an accident can be seen as a high point. And the point of the Distribution of selected variables in order to create a traffic safety was a significant increase in traffic safety variables was set at critical intervals. Before reaching the critical point and the corresponding length of the long tunnel was set at the proper length. In this study, the optimum length of the proposed long tunnel through the long tunnel that occur in the future to contribute to reducing traffic accidents would be able to be determined.

Estimating the Dimension of a Crosswalk in Urban Area - Focusing on Width and Stop Line - (도시부 횡단보도 제원 산정에 관한 연구 - 폭과 정지선을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Yoomi;Park, Jejin;Kwon, Sungdae;Ha, Taejun
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.36 no.5
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    • pp.847-856
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    • 2016
  • Recently, with a high level of economic growth, rapid urbanization, population, environment and housing problems were accompanied in Korea. In particular, the traffic problem has become a serious social problem. As the current transportation policy has been carried out, concentrating on traffic flow, in 2015, death rate for pedestrians while walking (1,795 persons) is 38.8% compared to entire death rate in car accident (4,621 persons), so there is need to solve it. Although, crosswalk should make pedestrian cross it safely, it has been made on the basis of the width of road without exact standard for current width of the crosswalk and the location of stop line. Moreover, in the area around many campuses or commercial facilities, crosswalks are set with not considering pedestrian passage, but designed uniformly. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to estimate reasonable dimension of crosswalk considering pedestrian traffic and walking speed and it makes the accident rate lower in the crosswalk, which has a lot of problems including decisions of vehicle traffic signal time, lack of pedestrian's signal timing, pedestrian's crossing of long-distance. The following are the methodology of the study. Firstly, for crosswalk calculation of specifications, examination relating existing regulations and researches dealing with crosswalk, pedestrians and stop line is needed. After analyzing problems of current width of crosswalk and stop line, present the methodology to calculation of specifications and basing on these things, calculation of specifications for crosswalk will be decided. In conclusion, the calculation of specification and improvement of stop line for crosswalk laid out in this study are expected to be utilized as base data in case of establishing relevant safety facilities and standards.

Betweenness Centrality-based Evacuation Vulnerability Analysis for Subway Stations: Case Study on Gwanggyo Central Station (매개 중심성 기반 지하철 역사 재난 대피 취약성 분석: 광교중앙역 사례연구)

  • Jeong, Ji Won;Ahn, Seungjun;Yoo, Min-Taek
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.44 no.3
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    • pp.407-416
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    • 2024
  • Over the past 20 years, there has been a rapid increase in the number and size of subway stations and underground structures worldwide, and the importance of safety for subway users has also continuously grown. Subway stations, due to their structural characteristics, have limited visibility and escape routes in disaster situations, posing a high risk of human casualties and economic losses. Therefore, an analysis of disaster vulnerabilities is essential not only for existing subway systems but also for deep underground facilities like GTX. This paper presents a case study applying a betweenness centrality-based disaster vulnerability analysis framework to the case of Gwanggyo Central Station. The analysis of Gwanggyo Central Station's base model and various disaster scenarios revealed that the betweenness centrality distribution is symmetrical, following the symmetrical spatial structure of the station, with high centrality concentrated in the central areas of basement levels one and two. These areas exhibited values more than 220% above the average, indicating a high likelihood of bottleneck phenomena during evacuation in disaster situations. To mitigate this vulnerability, scenarios were proposed to distribute evacuation flows concentrated in the central areas, enhancing the usability of peripheral areas as evacuation routes by connecting staircases continuously. This modification, when considered, showed a decrease in centrality concentration, confirming that the proposed addition of evacuation paths could effectively contribute to dispersing the flow of evacuation in Gwanggyo Central Station. This case study demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed framework for assessing evacuation vulnerability in enhancing subway station user safety and can be effectively applied in disaster response and management plans for major underground facilities.

Economic Analysis of the Livestock Manure Treatment System Using Life-Cycle Cost Technique (LCC 기법을 통한 가축분뇨처리시설의 경제성 분석)

  • Kim, J.H.;Cho, S.H.;Kwag, J.H.;Choi, D.Y.;Jeong, K.H.;Chung, U.S.;Chung, M.S.;Park, S.K.
    • Journal of Animal Environmental Science
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    • v.17 no.sup
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    • pp.61-68
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    • 2011
  • To assess the total cost with all stages of facilities, the feasibility of Life Cycle Cost (LCC) analysis was examined in this study to estimate the livestock manure treatment system and optimal decision making process. For the economic evaluation, the plant/equipment investment and annual operation cost of four Public Livestock Recycling Facilities, whose treatment capacity is 100 ton piggery manure per day, was compared. The initial cost was in the range of 2,699 million won to 3,202 million won, where T and E methods were highest and lowest, respectively. The annual operation cost was in the level of 378 million to 498 million won, which decreased in the following order : T method > J method > E method > B method. For the LCC analysis, 4.7% of interest rate, 3.13% of inflation rate, and 1.52% of net discount rate was considered by the data received from Bank of Korea and Statics Korea in the period of 2000 to 2009. Also, for the calculation of present value factor, the durable years of civil engineering & construction, machinery and electric instrument was 30 years, 10 years and 15 years, respectively. Based on these consideration, operation cost was in the range of 17,570 won/ton to 20,661 won/ton, and E method (17,570 won/ton) was economical and B method (20,661 won/ton) was non-economical. Though initial cost of T method was higher than that of B method, LCC analysis of T method was lower than that of T method due to the lower operation cost. Therefore, LCC analysis, which considers both initial cost and operation cost, is more reasonable evaluation method than either initial cost or annual operation cost. For the change of LCC analysis according to the uncertainty, the sensitivity analysis was carried out using fluctuation magnitude of discount rate in the period of 2000 to 2009. As a result, LCC analysis evaluated by discount rate was stable for the uncertain factors since the cost leadership did not change even though the sensitivity analysis varied. In summary, the economic evaluation using LCC analysis could be an efficient reference to choose the suitable livestock manure treatment plants. Furthermore, standardization of statement calculation for the actual cost analysis should be conducted and more detailed study is necessary to validate this summary. Therefore, the application of comprehensive technology evaluation, which considers LCC analysis, should contribute in obtaining objectivity and enhancing reliability for the 'Evaluation of Livestock Manure Treatment System and its Technology'.