• Title/Summary/Keyword: 테일링

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Brief Review of Tailings Treatments in Oil Sands Field (오일샌드 테일링 처리 동향연구)

  • Kyeongseok Oh
    • Journal of the Korean Applied Science and Technology
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    • v.40 no.2
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    • pp.332-341
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    • 2023
  • The controversy is becoming a hot issue after informed that the water release from Canadian oil sands tailings may initiate within a few years. The surface-mined bitumen extraction in open pit generates wastewater inevitably, which has been conveyed to store in tailings ponds. Currently, the size of tailings pond is getting seriously larger. It is known that tailings treatment is very difficult because the generation of MFT (mature fine tailings) layer is hardly processable. It would be the key process to separate solids and liquid placed within MFT where fine particles are well dispersed. In this paper, the surface-mined bitumen extraction process was first introduced, and followed by presenting the components of tailings as well as the characteristics of MFT. In addition, MFT process options were evaluated. It is expected that successful MFT treatments may be achieved by dewatering process using effective polymer flocculants in near future.

The Pigrailing and The Loss Analysis of low loss LiNbO$_3$ Optical Waveguide with Fiber-to-fiber Insetion Loss<6dB (Total Fiber-to-fiber Insertion Loss가 <6dB 인 Ti:$LiNbO_3$ 과도파로 Pigtailing 및 손실분석)

  • 김성구;박계춘;조재철
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers
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    • v.11 no.7
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    • pp.557-564
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    • 1998
  • A low loss x-cut $LiNbO_3$optical waveguide was fabricated by Yi in-diffusion, and the properties of guided-mode and the total insertion loss of the pigtailed waveguide with polarization maintaining fiber(PMF) were measured at optical wavelength 1550nm. for forming the waveguides, the parameters of diffusion, Ti thickness, waveguide line-width, length, diffusion temperature, time and atmosphere were set $1400{\AA}$, $8{\mu}m$, 3.3cm, $1050^{\circ}C$, 8 hours and wet bubbled oxygen, respectively. And then after the polishing and piatailing, it showed that the total insertion loss was -4.1dB for TM mode, -5.5dB for TE mode, and mode size, that is, the horizontal/ vertical size were $13.8{\mu}m/18{\mu}m$ for TM mode, $9.6{\mu}m/6.5{\mu}m$ for TE mode.

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A Study of Comparison Analysis on Online Visual Merchandising Practices between Korea and China (한국과 중국의 온라인 비주얼 머천다이징 실행에 관한 비교분석 연구)

  • Park, Hyun-Hee;Li, Qin;Jeon, Jung-Ok
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.33 no.6
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    • pp.916-928
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    • 2009
  • The objective of this study is to investigate the differences in online visual merchandising practices of online apparel retailers between Korea and China. The 40 websites based on the sales were selected with 5 retail stores per website. Totally, 200 online retail stores were analyzed by content analysis and chi-square test. As a result, 8 online visual merchandising factors were extracted: convenience, product presence, product information, service, interest, participation, aesthetics, and fitness. There were significant differences in all 8 factors of online visual merchandising practices of apparel retail stores between Korea and China. The contribution of this study is to supply for understanding of what are the online visual merchandising composition items and factors and how they were used differently between Korea and China in a real situation of online visual merchandising.

The study of the packaging for Ti:LiN$bO_3$optical modulator device and its electrical and optical characteristics (Ti:LiN$bO_3$ 광변조기 소자의 패키징 및 전기.광학적 특성)

  • 윤형도;김성구;이한영;윤대원
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Telematics and Electronics D
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    • v.35D no.6
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    • pp.72-78
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    • 1998
  • An optical modulator Ti:LiNbO$_3$optical waveguide and CPW electrode structure were fabricated. The optical modulator was packaged using components such as ferrules, dirmy LN block and glass, vibration and shock absorbption pad, and alumina feeder through processings of pigtailing. Au wire bonding, epoxing, SMA connecting, sealing. The electrical and optical characteristics were measured after packaging. The electrical properties of S$_{21}$ and S$_{11}$ were obtained as 9.8 GHz at -3 dB and -8.9dB at 14.4GHz, respectively. Optical waveguide prepared met requirements for a single mode at a 1550nm wavelength range. Insertion loss was 4.3dB at room temperature after packaging, and was varied 4.3~6.4dB at various temperatures, 5~45$^{\circ}C$. E-O bandwidth measurement showed 3dB optical response at 7.8GHz, which means that it is applicable for 10Gbps optical communicationon

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Preparations of z-cut LiNbO$_3$ Optical Waveguide for High Refractive Index Change and Properties of Insertion Loss as a Function of Ti Thickness (高 굴절율화된 z-cut LiNbO$_3$ 광도파로 제작 및 Ti 두께에 따른 삽입손실특성)

  • 김성구
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Telematics and Electronics D
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    • v.36D no.5
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    • pp.69-79
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    • 1999
  • In this paper, we proposed a diffuion model of Ti diffused lithium niobate optical waveguide for fabricating waveguides with high refractive index and compared with conventional one. The achivement of low optical insertion loss between waveguide interface and single mode fibers was discussed as a function of Ti thickness for $\lambda$=1.55$\mu\textrm{m}$ The proposed diffusion method exhibited higher refractive index waveguide than conventional one for $\lambda$=0.6328$\mu\textrm{m}$ We have achieved the total fiber-waveguide-fiber insertion loss as low as 0.5dB/cm in z-cut and 1$\pm$0.5dB/cm in x-cut for both TM and TE mode of Mach-Zehnder interferometric waveguide in the range of Ti thickness 1000-1400$\AA$ for $\lambda$=1.55$\mu\textrm{m}$ From these results, this diffusion model for making a low loss waveguide can be used for low-power-modulators and switches.

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