• 제목/요약/키워드: 큰 수

검색결과 29,583건 처리시간 0.065초

Conservation Treatment and Study on Manufacturing Techniques of Jija Chongtong Gun in the Middle of Joseon Dynasty (조선 중기 제작된 지자총통의 보존처리와 제작기법 연구 -동아대학교 석당박물관 소장 보물 지자총통을 중심으로-)

  • Nam Dohyeon;Park Younghwan;Lee Jaesung
    • Conservation Science in Museum
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    • 제30권
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    • pp.23-46
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    • 2023
  • The Jija Chongtong Gun, owned by Seokdang Museum of Dong-A University, is a tubedstyle heavy weapon of the battlefield in the mid-Joseon Dynasty and is the second largest firearm after Cheonja Chongtong. The original surface color of the Jija Chongtong Gun was obscured by foreign substances and therefore it was judged that its condition requires the conservation treatment. For stable conservation treatment, gamma ray and X-ray non-destructive transmission surveys was conducted to determine the internal structure and conservation condition. And the component analysis on the material components and surface contaminants of Jija Chongtong Gun was conducted by utilizing the p-XRF component analysis, SEM-EDS component analysis, and XRD analysis. As a result of the gamma-ray and X-ray non-destructive transmission investigation, a large amount of air bubbles was observed inside Jija Chongtong Gun, and the part that appeared to be a chaplet by visual observation was not identified. As a result of gamma-ray and p-XRF component analysis, it was confirmed that Jija Chongtong Gun was bronze made of copper (Cu), tin (Sn), and lead (Pb) alloy. As a result of surface analysis of foreign substances using SEM-EDS, it was confirmed that the main components of white foreign substances were calcium (Ca), sulfur (S), and titanium (Ti). Titanium was presumed to be titanium dioxide (TiO2), the main component of white correction fluid. The red foreign substance was confirmed to contain barium (Ba) as its main ingredient, and was presumed to be barium sulfate (BaSO4), an extender pigment in paint. White and red contaminants, mainly composed of titanium and barium, are presumed to have been deposited on the surface in recent years. The yellow foreign substances were confirmed to be aluminum (Al) and silicon (Si), and were presumed to have originated from soil components. As a result of SEM-EDS and XRD component analysis, the white foreign substance was confirmed to be gypsum (CaS). Based on the results of component analysis, surface impurities were removed, stabilization treatment, and strengthening treatment were performed. During the conservation process, unknown inscriptions Woo (右), Byeong (兵), Sang (上), and Yi (二) were discovered through a portable microscope and precise 3D scanning. In addition, the carving method, depth, and width of the inscription were measured. Woo Byeong Sang is located above Happo Fortress in Changwon, and Yi can be identified as the second hill.

Assessment of water supply reliability in the Geum River Basin using univariate climate response functions: a case study for changing instreamflow managements (단변량 기후반응함수를 이용한 금강수계 이수안전도 평가: 하천유지유량 관리 변화를 고려한 사례연구)

  • Kim, Daeha;Choi, Si Jung;Jang, Su Hyung;Kang, Dae Hu
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • 제56권12호
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    • pp.993-1003
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    • 2023
  • Due to the increasing greenhouse gas emissions, the global mean temperature has risen by 1.1℃ compared to pre-industrial levels, and significant changes are expected in functioning of water supply systems. In this study, we assessed impacts of climate change and instreamflow management on water supply reliability in the Geum River basin, Korea. We proposed univariate climate response functions, where mean precipitation and potential evaporation were coupled as an explanatory variable, to assess impacts of climate stress on multiple water supply reliabilities. To this end, natural streamflows were generated in the 19 sub-basins with the conceptual GR6J model. Then, the simulated streamflows were input into the Water Evaluation And Planning (WEAP) model. The dynamic optimization by WEAP allowed us to assess water supply reliability against the 2020 water demand projections. Results showed that when minimizing the water shortage of the entire river basin under the 1991-2020 climate, water supply reliability was lowest in the Bocheongcheon among the sub-basins. In a scenario where the priority of instreamflow maintenance is adjusted to be the same as municipal and industrial water use, water supply reliability in the Bocheongcheon, Chogang, and Nonsancheon sub-basins significantly decreased. The stress tests with 325 sets of climate perturbations showed that water supply reliability in the three sub-basins considerably decreased under all the climate stresses, while the sub-basins connected to large infrastructures did not change significantly. When using the 2021-2050 climate projections with the stress test results, water supply reliability in the Geum River basin was expected to generally improve, but if the priority of instreamflow maintenance is increased, water shortage is expected to worsen in geographically isolated sub-basins. Here, we suggest that the climate response function can be established by a single explanatory variable to assess climate change impacts of many sub-basin's performance simultaneously.

The Effects of Managers on Organizational Performance in NBA and KBL Teams: The Moderating Role of Player Capabilities (프로스포츠 산업 조직 구성원의 역량에 따른 관리자의 역할: 미국프로농구(NBA)와 한국프로농구(KBL)의 감독과 선수단 전력 수준에 관한 실증연구 분석)

    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • 제17권6호
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    • pp.195-208
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    • 2022
  • The role of venture CEO and their intrinsic capabilities on organizational performance can be determined by the level of resource synchronization initiated by the focal managers. Despite the important role of venture CEOs, a systematic lack of in-depth theoretical and empirical studies on ruminating the relationship between the effects of a CEO's capabilities and organizational performance depending on the level of resource synchronization exist for the rationale of investigation. To supplement the limitations of previous studies, this research empirically analyzes the role of managers specifically synchronizing organizational resources that affect organizational performance in the professional sports industry. Based on the entrepreneurship theory and resource-based view (RBV), this research conceptualizes the roles of venture CEO and basketball head coach in the professional sports industry as very similar in terms of organizational structure and performance mechanism embedding entrepreneurial characteristics necessary for managing organizational resources. In this research, we hypothesized (1) organizational resource synchronization will mediate the positive relationship between the ability of professional basketball head coach and organizational performance and (2) the indirect effect of the professional basketball head coach's capabilities on organizational performance mediated by resource synchronization will be moderated by the capabilities of players. To test these hypotheses, we utilized the PROCESS macro model 58 with the empirical data of 9 seasons (2013~2014-2021~2022) of 30 National Basketball Association (NBA) and 10 Korean Basketball League (KBL) teams. The statistical results showed that (1) resource synchronization mediates the positive relationship between professional basketball head coach capabilities and organizational performance and (2) the capabilities of players moderated the indirect effects of the abilities of head coaches on team performance via resource synchronization. This paper contributes to both academic and practical domains of entrepreneurship by empirically testing the research model through objective professional sports data.

Study on Characteristic Factors of Female Entrepreneurs for Vitalization of Female Entrepreneurship: Focusing on Case Studies (여성창업 활성화를 위한 여성창업가의 특성요인에 관한 연구: 사례연구를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Yun-Sun;Lee, Il-Han
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • 제17권5호
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    • pp.49-65
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    • 2022
  • This study conducted an exploratory study based on in-depth interviews to understand the characteristics and capabilities of female entrepreneurs to promote women entrepreneurship. Therefore, in this study, through in-depth interviews with eight female entrepreneurs, the main contents of entrepreneurial attitudes (need for independence, development desire, favorable conditions), start-up entry rate, start-up motivation, start-up activities and constraints were analyzed. As a result, first, it was found that the entrepreneurial attitude of female entrepreneurs has a strong motivation for successful management based on a feeling of self-satisfaction, has characteristics that prioritize independence and self-actualization, and favorable conditions for starting a business are important. Second, it was found that women's individual differences from men and social structural factors had no significant effect on the entry rate of women. Third, it was found that the most important entrepreneurship motivation for women is the spirit of challenge, self-satisfaction, and the desire to balance work and family. Fourth, female entrepreneurs showed little difference in perception between male and female entrepreneurs in terms of resource access, but there was some discrimination in the network. Fifth, the main industries of female entrepreneurs are small businesses, and there is a tendency to be concentrated in industries with low profit margins and low growth and sales. Finally, it was found that barriers to women's entrepreneurship still exist. Based on the results of this study, the following implications are suggested. First, this study is differentiated in that it mainly identified the characteristics of women's experiences and social environments while starting a business and running a business. Second, in the case of female entrepreneurs, there is a need to spread a positive awareness of women entrepreneurship by arguing that the barriers to entrepreneurship unique to women are not high and can be sufficiently overcome. Lastly, although opportunistic start-ups based on women's social experience or management ability in work life are important for women's entrepreneurship, government support policies are needed to promote professional technology start-ups.

A Study on the Effects of Entrepreneurial Marketing Orientation on the Management Performance: Mediated Effect of Organizational Marketing Capabilities (창업자의 앙트레프레니얼 마케팅 지향성이 경영성과에 미치는 영향: 조직내 마케팅역량의 매개효과)

  • Byun, Hong Joo;Byun, Chung Gyu;Ha, Hwan Ho
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • 제17권4호
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    • pp.87-100
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    • 2022
  • Early start-up companies have an inherent limitation of lack of resources. Despite these limitations, in order to survive, the entrepreneur's personal ability to efficiently use limited resources is required. In the marketing field, various studies are needed to reduce the business failure rate through establishing growth strategies and innovation. Accordingly, it is necessary to apply the concept of entrepreneurial marketing, which has been researched and developed overseas for 30 years, to fit the domestic reality. According to the flow of this study, an empirical study should be preceded to clarify the influence relationship between entrepreneurial marketing orientation, marketing competency, and management performance, along with a theoretical theorem on entrepreneurial marketing that is suitable for early start-ups and small and medium-sized enterprises(SMEs) and can respond innovatively to changes. The establishment of entrepreneurial marketing orientation and the processes from which this concept leads to business performance through the organization's marketing capabilities and its effects will be empirically verified. For an empirical survey, a survey was conducted on founders of 220 companies, and path analysis using structural equations was used for hypothesis verification. The findings are as follows. First, it was found that the entrepreneurial marketing orientation had a positive effect on both the organization's marketing capabilities and management performance. Second, it was found that the organization's marketing capabilities also had a positive effect on management performance. Third, as a result of empirical analysis of the mediating effect of the organization's marketing capabilities on the relationship between entrepreneurial marketing orientation and management performance, it was found that marketing capabilities showed a greater mediating effect on non-financial performance than financial performance. On the other hand, it was confirmed that marketing performance had a stronger mediating effect on financial performance than non-financial performance. By confirming and presenting the concept and constituent factors of entrepreneurial marketing orientation of domestic start-ups, which were academic gaps for the purpose of this paper, the academic research is differentiated in that they were verified as six components of entrepreneurial marketing. The practical implications of the research results will be that the entrepreneurial marketing-oriented mindset of small and medium-sized companies will optimize market analysis capabilities, network with various stakeholders, and increase the organization's ability to demonstrate marketing capabilities.

Study on Air Logistics Service Provider's Performance Under Post Covid19 Situation: Focusing on Trust and Reciprocity (포스트 코로나 시대의 항공물류 서비스기업의 경영성과에 대한 연구: 신뢰 및 호혜 개념을 중심으로)

  • Moon, Myungjoo;Koh, InKon
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • 제17권3호
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    • pp.135-145
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    • 2022
  • Due to COVID 19, we are facing unprecedented phenomena. Among various industries, the aviation industry, as it is directly affected by the corona crisis is actively establishing various survival strategies, such as expanding cargo transportation. The market size of air cargo transportation is continuously increasing due to the characteristics that distinguish it from other transportation, and as individualism and selfishness deepen in the aftermath of COVID 19, it can be inferred that the concept of reciprocity within distribution channels will become important in the post-corona era. The specific contents of this study(research question) are as follows. First, as a central member of the air logistics distribution channel, logistics service companies business process and the sub-dimensions of trust of are identified, and how trust is built with transportation companies is investigated. Second, the effect of such trust on the various performances of logistics service companies is analyzed. Third, we examine whether the influences of the sub-dimensions of trust change according to the perceived reciprocity of logistics service companies. In addition, we investigate whether the perceived reciprocity changed before and after the corona situation. In particular, this study theoretically integrates the concepts of trust and commitment, which have been distinguished in many prior studies, to improve the parsimony and practicality of the research model. This study will be able to present useful academic and practical implications by empirically examining how trust is built between members of the air logistics distribution channel and furthermore, how much it affects the performance of logistics service companies, and by identifying the moderating effect of reciprocity.

Epidemiological Characteristic and Risk Factor of COVID-19 Cluster Related to Educational Facilities in Gangwon-do, Korea (December 10, 2020-September 23, 2021) (강원도내 교육시설관련 코로나바이러스감염증19 집단발생의 역학적특성과 위험요인 (2020.12.10-2021.9.23))

  • Hyosug Choi;Mi Young Kim;Shinyoung Lee;Eunmi Kim;Yeo Jin Kim
    • Pediatric Infection and Vaccine
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    • 제31권1호
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    • pp.102-112
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    • 2024
  • Purpose: To identify the epidemiological characteristics and risk factors of coronavirus disease 19 (COVID-19) outbreaks depending on the type of educational facility by analyzing the COVID-19 cluster associated with educational facilities. Methods: This study is based on epidemiological investigation of COVID-19 cluster in Gangwon-do, Korea from December 10, 2020 to September 23, 2021 reported to the Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency's Integrated Disease and Health Management System. Four hundred seven patients in 19 facilities, classified as cluster related to educational facilities, were the study population. The result of preliminary epidemiology survey report, in-depth epidemiological survey by phone and the result of risk assessment derived from the field epidemiology investigation were retrospectively analyzed to evaluate infectivity and the characteristics of the risk factors. Results: There were total of 407 confirmed patients related to 19 educational facilities, with 204 students under the age of 19 (50.1%). One hundred fifty-five preceding spreaders were from families (38.1%) and 125 were the teachers (30.7%). The place exposed to confirmed patients was the highest with 139 people (34.2%) at home. Conclusions: It was confirmed that the cause of the occurrence of clusters related to educational facilities was higher due to family transmission than the risk of facilities in schools. Nevertheless, continuous efforts should be made to control infection in educational facilities, and that teachers' implementation of principles for prevention of COVID-19 personal hygiene in their daily lives should be strengthened.

The Development of a Benthic Chamber (BelcI) for Benthic Boundary Layer Studies (저층 경계면 연구용 Benthic chamber(BelcI) 개발)

  • Lee, Jae-Seong;Bahk, Kyung-Soo;Khang, Buem-Joo;Kim, Young-Tae;Bae, Jae-Hyun;Kim, Seong-Soo;Park, Jung-Jun;Choi, Ok-In
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    • 제15권1호
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    • pp.41-50
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    • 2010
  • We have developed an in-situ benthic chamber (BelcI) for use in coastal studies that can be deployed from a small boat. It is expected that BelcI will be useful in studying the benthic boundary layer because of its flexibility. BelcI is divided into three main areas: 1) frame and body chamber, 2) water sampler, and 3) stirring devices, electric controller, and data acquisition technology. To maximize in-situ use, the frame is constructed from two layers that consist of square cells. All electronic parts (motor controller, pA meter, data acquisition, etc.) are low-power consumers so that the external power supply can be safely removed from the system. The hydrodynamics of BelcI, measured by PIV (particle image velocimetry), show a typical "radial-flow impeller" pattern. Mixing time of water in the chamber is about 30 s, and shear velocity (u) near the bottom layer was calculated at 0.32cms1. Measurements of diffusivity boundary layer thickness showed a range of 180230μm. Sediment oxygen consumption rate, measured in-situ,was 84mmolO2m2d1, more than two times higher than on-board incubation results. Benthic fluxes assessed from in-situ incubation were estimated as follows: nitrate + nitrite = 0.18±0.07mmolm2d1 ammonium 23±1mmolm2d1 phosphate = 0.09±0.02mmolm2d1 and silicate = 23±1mmolm2d1.

Physical Properties of Surface Sediments of the KR(Korea Reserved) 1, 2, and 5 Areas, Northeastern Equatorial Pacific (북동태평양 대한민국 광구 KR1, 2, 5 지역 표층 퇴적물의 물리적 특성 비교)

  • Lee, Hyun-Bok;Chi, Sang-Bum;Park, Cheong-Kee;Kim, Ki-Hyune;Ju, Se-Jong;Oh, Jae-Kyung
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    • 제13권3호
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    • pp.168-177
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    • 2008
  • Trafficablility of a miner and potential environmental impacts due to mining activities should be considered in the selection of a commercial manganese nodule mining site. These two factors can be evaluated comparatively with physical properties and shear strength of sea-bed sediments. For the qualitative comparison of potential minig sites in terms of these two factors, physical properties such as water contents, void ratios, porosities, and grain densities, and shear strengths of surface sediments were determined for the three potential manganese nodule mining sites(KR1, KR2, and KR5) in the Korean manganese nodule contract area, northeast Pacific. For the study, sediment samples were collected from 107 stations from 2004 to 2006. The physical properties of surface sediments showed more significant differences between northern(KR1, KR2) and southern(KR5) blocks than between northern blocks(KR1 vs. KR2). Water content, void ratio, and porosity of sediments from KR5 were relatively higher than those from KR1 and KR2. Grain density of sediments from KR5 was relatively lower than those from KR1 and KR2. Shear strengths of the top 10cm sediments were higher in KR1 and KR2, whereas those of the deeper part were highest in KR5 block. Generally, sediments of high water contents are less suspendible than those of the low water contents by benthic disturbances, thus less disturbance is expected in the sediments of high water content by mining activities. In terms of trafficability, the shear strength of sediment below 10 cm deep is more important than shallower part because miner will disturb at least top 10 cm interval of the surface sediments. Base on these results, we conclude that KR5 area will be the best site for commercial mining among three investigated sites in this study.

Metagenomic Analysis of Jang Using Next-generation Sequencing: A ComparativeMicrobial Study of Korean Traditional Fermented Soybean Foods (차세대 염기서열 분석을 활용한 장류의 메타지놈 분석 : 한국 전통 콩 발효식품에 대한 미생물 비교 연구)

  • Ranhee Lee;Gwangsu Ha;Ho Jin Jeong;Do-Youn Jeong;Hee-Jong Yang
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • 제34권4호
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    • pp.254-263
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    • 2024
  • Korean jang is a food made using fermented soybeans, and the typical products include gochujang (GO), doenjang (DO), cheonggukjang (CH), and ganjang (GA). In this study, 16S rRNA metagenome analysis was performed on a total of 200 types of GO, DO, CH, and GA using next-generation sequencing to analyze the microbial community of fermented soybean foods and compare taxonomic (biomarker) differences. Alpha diversity analysis showed that in the CHAO index, the species richness index tended to be significantly higher compared to the DO and GA groups (p<0.001). The results of the microbial distribution analysis of the GO, DO, CH, and GA products showed that at the order level, Bacillales was the most abundant in the GO, DO, and CH groups, but Lactobacillales was most abundant in the GA group. Linear discriminant analysis effect (LEfSe) analysis was used to identify biomarkers at the family and species levels. Leuconostocaceae, Thermoactinomycetaceae, Bacillaceae, and Enterococcaceae appeared as biomarkers at the family level, and Bacillus subtilis, Kroppenstedtia sanguinis, Bacillus licheniformis, and Tetragenococcus halophilus appeared at the species level. Permutational multivariate analysis of variance (PERMANOVA) analysis showed that there was a significant difference in the microbial community structure of the GO, DO, CH, and GA groups (p=0.001), and the microbial community structure of the GA group showed the greatest difference. This study clarified the correlation between the characteristics of Korean fermented foods and microbial community distribution, enhancing knowledge of microorganisms participating in the fermentation process. These results could be leveraged to improve the quality of fermented soybean foods.