• Title/Summary/Keyword: 콘텐츠 선택기법

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An Analysis of Filter Bubble Phenomenon on YouTube Recommendation Algorithm Using Text Mining (텍스트 마이닝 기법을 이용한 유튜브 추천 알고리즘의 필터버블 현상 분석)

  • Shin, Yoo Jin;Lee, Sang Woo
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.21 no.5
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2021
  • This study empirically confirmed 'the political bias of the YouTube recommendation algorithm' and 'the selective exposure of user' to verify the Filter Bubble phenomenon of YouTube. For the experiment, two new YouTube accounts were opened and each account was trained simultaneously in a conservative and a liberal account for a week, and the "Recommended" videos were collected from each account every two days. Subsequently, through the text mining method, the goal of the research was to investigate whether conservative videos are more recommended in a righties account or lefties videos are more recommended in a lefties account. And then, this study examined if users who consumed political news videos via YouTube showed "selective exposure" received selected information according to their political orientation through a survey. As a result of the Text Mining, conservative videos are more recommended in the righties account, and liberal videos are more recommended in the lefties account. Additionally, most of the videos recommended in the righties/lefties account dealt with politically biased topics, and the topics covered in each account showed markedly definitive differences. And about 77% of the respondents showed selective exposure.

Educational Needs Analysis of General Security Jobs in Physical Protection Field using the DACUM Technique (DACUM기법을 활용한 물리적방호 분야 일반보안 직무의 교육 요구분석)

  • Lee, Jin Gu;Jung, Il Chan;Park, Min Ju
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.21 no.5
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    • pp.234-246
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study is to develop the main subjects of the job-based curriculum by deriving the job analysis results of general security job workers in the physical protection field responsible for responding to threats to nuclear materials and nuclear facilities. In the job analysis stage, FGI was conducted on 7 content experts to derive 8 duties and 55 tasks. In addition, knowledge and skills were drawn for each task. In the analysis of educational needs, surveys were conducted for workers in general security jobs to derive the top 25 educational priorities through t-test and Borich needs assess model. At the stage of selecting core tasks and organizing required/optional contents, 42 tasks, both above average or at least one of them, were derived as core tasks based on the result of evaluation of importance and difficulty ratings of 55 tasks through a questionaire. In addition, tasks applied to the top 25 rankings derived from Borich needs assess model were applied as the required contents when designing courses, and tasks which applied only one of them were selected as optional contents. At the stage of required/optional modules and educational contents, four required modules and five optional modules were derived by drifting similar tasks between the required and optional contents. Based on the above results, the study suggested academic and practical implications and future suggestions.

Approach to the Selection of Concepts and Images for GUI Design using Emotional Words -Mobile Phone with Boombox- (GUI 디자인에서 감성적 어휘를 이용한 컨셉 및 이미지 선택 -붐박스가 기능을 가진 휴대폰-)

  • Hyun, Hye-Jung;Ko, Il-Ju
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.9 no.12
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    • pp.103-112
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    • 2009
  • With technological development of product designs, products of various concepts have been developed and products by customized design concepts have been actively launched. For successful development, it is necessary to convey the target concept to the product development process exactly in order to create the targeting design. The study found the design concept of mobile phones with a boom box through emotional verbal expression, and defined the concept target by using visual images in accordance with the relative target with a view to looking for the design concept suitable to product development target. Regarding the visual image, the test for coordination among participants was conducted to select the image on which the interest groups participating in the development reach an agreement. As a result of the test, it aimed to propose the method to select concepts and images for rational choice by means of clustering algorithms. This method is considered to contribute to building the design concept and actualizing GUI design.

Forecasting Short-Term KOSPI using Wavelet Transforms and Fuzzy Neural Network (웨이블릿 변환과 퍼지 신경망을 이용한 단기 KOSPI 예측)

  • Shin, Dong-Kun;Chung, Kyung-Yong
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.11 no.6
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 2011
  • The methodology of KOSPI forecast has been considered as one of the most difficult problem to develop accurately since short-term KOSPI is correlated with various factors including politics and economics. In this paper, we presents a methodology for forecasting short-term trends of stock price for five days using the feature selection method based on a neural network with weighted fuzzy membership functions (NEWFM). The distributed non-overlap area measurement method selects the minimized number of input features by removing the worst input features one by one. A technical indicator are selected for preprocessing KOSPI data in the first step. In the second step, thirty-nine numbers of input features are produced by wavelet transforms. Twelve numbers of input features are selected as the minimized numbers of input features from thirty-nine numbers of input features using the non-overlap area distribution measurement method. The proposed method shows that sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy rates are 72.79%, 74.76%, and 73.84%, respectively.

Subjectivity Study for Michelin Guide Restaurant Customers: Applying the Q Methodology (미쉐린 가이드 레스토랑 이용고객에 대한 주관성 연구: Q방법론 적용)

  • Kim, Chan-Woo
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.18 no.5
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    • pp.635-646
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    • 2018
  • This study applied Q methodology to graduate students of food service management department in Seoul to grasp subjective perception of customers using Michelin guide restaurant. Six types of analysis result were obtained. Specifically, the first type (N = 3): Restaurant hygiene-seeking type, the second type (N = 6): Restaurant taste-seeking type, the third type N = 5): Select Restaurant Compare Prices type, 4th type (N = 3): Pursuing taste for restaurant price type, 5th type (N = 2) Restaurant full service select type, and 6th type (N = 3): Restaurant menu configuration Select. In the future, the research on the Michelin guide restaurant will be revised and supplemented with more detailed Q methodological questions and analytical techniques based on many documents and empirical studies, to analyze the various opinions of respondents more concrete and objectively.

Communication Module Selection Algorithm for Energy Saving of Smartphone (스마트폰 에너지 절감을 위한 통신모듈 선택 알고리즘)

  • Lee, Chang-Moo;Lee, Seung-Jae;Choi, Deok-Jai
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.12 no.5
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    • pp.22-31
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    • 2012
  • A Smartphone is an intelligent device combined mobile phone and pc's support functions, and can perform multiple functions to satisfy the demands of users. It has excellent processing power and communication modules(DMB, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, NFC etc) to carry out the demands of users. But continuous using of battery power on processor and equipped modules causes acceleration of battery consumption. This means that effective power management in devices like smartphone is important. Therefore, the management of power consumption on system execution and communication module is a serious issue in this field of study. In this paper, we would like to propose a communication module selection algorithm based on energy consumption parameter of each communication module and data transfer time. Our scheme automatically select appropriate communication system to reduce high energy consumption on bluetooth sleep mode so that this scheme is more efficient and effective thus improving user convenience in longer usage time. Experimental results showed the 20% energy saving.

Fast Intra Mode Decision for H.264/AVC based on Directional Information (방향 정보를 이용한 H.264/AVC의 고속 인트라 모드 결정)

  • Lee, Kyung-Hee;Kim, Jong-Gu;Suh, Jae-Won
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.20-27
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    • 2009
  • H.264/AVC video coding standard adapting a rate-distortion optimization technique to select the best coding mode with multi reference frames for each macroblock gets a higher coding efficiency than those of previous video coding standards but the computational complexity increases drastically. Therefore, many fast mode decision algorithms are proposed to reduce the computational complexity. Among them, we propose a fast intra mode decision algorithm based on directional information of I4MB. The proposed algorithm achieves consistent time saving about 15% in IPPP sequences and 44% in all I frame sequences with negligible loss in PSNR and small increment of bit rate compared with that of JM11.0.

A Study on Image Feature Point Extraction for Realistic Contents (실감형 콘텐츠를 위한 영상 특징점 추출 기법 연구)

  • Kim, Jin-Sung;Park, Byeong-Chan;Won, Yu-Hyeon;Kim, Young-Mo;Kim, Seok-Yoon
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Computer Information Conference
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    • 2018.07a
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    • pp.385-386
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    • 2018
  • 최근 실감형 미디어에 대한 관심이 증폭되고 있으며 제조, 교육, 의료, 국방 등에 분야에서 기존 산업과 융합하여 많은 연구가 진행되고 있으며 MPEG에서도 이러한 실감형 미디어 기술에 대한 자체적인 표준화가 진행 중에 있다. 하지만 실감형 미디어에 대한 제작기술과 디스플레이기술에 대한 이슈는 있으나 콘텐츠 보호에 대한 기술 연구는 활발하게 진행되지 않고 있다. 더구나 실감형 미디어가 최근 웹하드, 토렌트 등에서 불법 유출 되고 있어 이에 대응한 저작권기술연구가 필요하다. 본 논문은 MPEG 산하에서 표준화가 진행되는 실감형 미디어 지원 포맷인 OMAF 구조를 설명하고 이에 대한 기술적 특징을 활용하여 특징점으로 활용될 수 있는 이미지 영역에 대한 선택 방안을 제안한다.

  • PDF

Fault Diagnosis Method of Power Transformer Using FCM and SOM (FCM과 SOM을 이용한 전력용 변압기 고장진단 기법)

  • Han, Wun-Dong;Lee, Dae-Jong;Ji, Pyeong-Shik
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.25-33
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    • 2007
  • The unexpected failure may cause a break in power system and loss of profits. Therefore it Is important to prevent abrupt faults by monitoring the condition of power systems. In this paper, we develop intelligent diagnosis technique for predicting faults of power transformer which plays an important role in the transmission and distribution systems among the various power facilities by using FCM and SOM. More specifically, FCM is used to select the efficient training data and reducing learning process time and SOM is used to diagnosis the power transformer. The proposed technique makes it possible to measures the possibility of aging as well as the faults occurred in transformer To demonstrate the validity of proposed method, various experiments are performed and their results are presented.

Cloud based Android Mobile Malware Detection Using Stage by Stage Analysis (단계적 분석 기법을 이용한 클라우드 기반 모바일 악성코드 탐지)

  • Lee, Jina;Min, Jae-Won;Jung, Sung-Min;Chung, Tai-Myoung
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2012.11a
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    • pp.1076-1079
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    • 2012
  • 스마트폰의 사용이 생활에 필수적인 요소가 되었다. 스마트폰 특징의 가장 핵심적인 부분이 다양한 콘텐츠를 사용자의 취향에 맞게 선택 할 수 있다는 점이기에 스마트폰의 콘텐츠 시장 또한 빠르게 커지고 있다. 오픈 마켓인 안드로이드의 특성 상 누구나 어플리케이션을 만들어 원하는 곳에 배포할 수 있고 어플리케이션을 다운받을 수 있는 소스도 한정되어 있지 않기 때문에 스마트폰 보안을 위협하는 악의적인 어플리케이션에 노출되기 쉽다. 개인적인 정보가 저장되어 있는 핸드폰의 특징 상 악성코드에 노출 될 경우 전화번호부 유출로 인한 인한 스팸이나 피싱에서 크게는 금융정보 유출까지, 입을 수 있는 피해가 크다. 이를 방지하기 위해 클라우드 컴퓨팅을 이용해 단계적으로 악의적인 어플리케이션을 걸러 내고 클라우드 서버에 어플리케이션 실행 환경을 제공함으로써 사용자의 기기를 안전하게 보호 할 수 있는 시스템을 제안한다.