• Title/Summary/Keyword: 측정원리

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A Study on high efficiency Bridgeless PFC Converter applied SiC SBD (SiC SBD 적용한 고효율 Bridgeless PFC 컨버터에 대한 연구)

  • Jeon, Joon-Hyeok;Kim, Hyung-Sik;Kim, Hee-Jun;Ahn, Joon-Seon
    • The Journal of Korea Institute of Information, Electronics, and Communication Technology
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.449-455
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    • 2019
  • This paper proposes a flyback diode of bridgeless PFC converter as SiC SBD (Schottky Barrier Diode) to achieve high efficiency. In addition, through the explanation of the operation principle of the bridgeless PFC converter, the conduction section of the freewheel diode is shown in the bridgeless PFC converter to verify the contribution of system loss due to the loss of the freewheel diode. The advantages of the SiC SBD device's physical properties and the reverse recovery characteristics are explained, and the efficiency is measured by measuring the turn-on and turn-off losses. The loss was calculated. The simulation results were calculated in consideration of device characteristics and verified through the waveform analysis and comparison of the actual system. In order to consider the device characteristics, the simulation was conducted using the thermal module of PSIM. As a result of the prototype test, the turn-on loss was 0.608W and the turn-off loss was 21.62W, resulting in the total switching loss of 22.228W. The comparison of the two results proved the validity of the experimental method. In addition, a high efficiency of 94.58% is achieved.

Clinical Microscopy: Performance, Maintenance and Laser Safety (임상에서의 현미경: 작동, 유지보수 및 레이저 안전)

  • Lee, Tae Bok
    • Korean Journal of Clinical Laboratory Science
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    • v.51 no.2
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    • pp.125-133
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    • 2019
  • A microscope is the fundamental research and diagnostic apparatus for clinical investigation of signaling transduction, morphological changes and physiological tracking of cells and intact tissues from patients in the biomedical laboratory science. Proper use, care and maintenance of microscope with comprehensive understanding in mechanism are fully requested for reliable image data and accurate interpretation for diagnosis in the clinical laboratory. The standard operating procedure (SOP) for light microscopes includes performance procedure, brief information of all mechanical parts of microscopes with systematic troubleshooting mechanism depending on the laboratory capacity. Maintenance program encompasses cleaning objective, ocular lenses and inner optics; replacement and calibration of light source; XY sample stage management; point spread function (PSF) measurement for confocal laser scanning microscope (CLSM); quality control (QC) program in fluorescent microscopy; and systematic troubleshooting. Laser safety is one of the concern for medical technologists engaged in CLSM laboratory. Laser safety guideline based on the laser classification and risk level, and advisory lab wear for CLSM users are also expatiated in this overview. Since acquired image data presents a wide range of information at the moment of acquisition, well-maintained microscopes with proper microscopic maintenance program are impulsive for its interpretation and diagnosis in the clinical laboratory.

Development of Chemical and Biological Decontamination Technology for Radioactive Liquid Wastes and Feasibility Study for Application to Liquid Waste Management System in APR1400 (액체방사성폐기물에 대한 화학적, 생물학적 제염기술 개발 및 APR1400 액체폐기물관리계통 적용을 위한 타당성 연구)

  • Son, YoungJu;Lee, Seung Yeop;Jung, JaeYeon;Kim, Chang-Lak
    • Journal of Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Waste Technology(JNFCWT)
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.59-73
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    • 2019
  • A decontamination technology for radioactive liquid wastes was newly developed and hypothetically applied to the liquid waste management system (LWMS) of the nuclear power plant (NPP) to evaluate its decontamination efficacy for the purpose of the fundamental reduction of spent resins. The basic principle of the developed technology is to convert major radionuclide ions in the liquid wastes into inorganic crystal minerals via chemical or biological techniques. In a laboratory batch experiment, the biological method selectively removed more than 80% of cesium within 24 hours, and the chemical method removed more than 95% of cesium. Other major nuclides (Co, Ni, Fe, Cr, Mn, Eu), which are commonly present in nuclear radioactive liquid wastes, were effectively scavenged by more than 99%. We have designed a module including the new technology that could be hypothetically installed between the reverse osmosis (R/O) package and the organic ion-exchange resin in the LWMS of the APR1400 reactor. From a technical evaluation for the virtual installation, we found that more than 90% of major radionuclides in the radioactive liquid wastes were selectively removed, resulting in a large volume reduction of spent resins. This means that if the new technology is commercialized in the future, it could possibly provide drastic cost reduction and significant extension of the life of resins in the management of spent resins, consequently leading to delay the saturation time of the Wolsong repository.

MXene Based Composite Membrane for Water Purification and Power Generation: A Review (정수 및 발전을 위한 맥신(MXene) 복합막에 관한 고찰)

  • Seohyun Kim;Rajkumar Patel
    • Membrane Journal
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.181-190
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    • 2023
  • Wastewater purification is one of the most important techniques for controlling environmental pollution and fulfilling the demand for freshwater supply. Various technologies, such as different types of distillations and reverse osmosis processes, need higher energy input. Capacitive deionization (CDI) is an alternative method in which power consumption is deficient and works on the supercapacitor principle. Research is going on to improve the electrode materials to improve the efficiency of the process. A reverse electrodialysis (RED) is the most commonly used desalination technology and osmotic power generator. Among many studies conducted to enhance the efficiency of RED, MXene, as an ion exchange membrane (IEM) and 2D nanofluidic channels in IEM, is rising as a promising way to improve the physical and electrochemical properties of RED. It is used alone and other polymeric materials are mixed with MXene to enhance the performance of the membrane further. The maximum desalination performances of MXene with preconditioning, Ti3C2Tx, Nafion, and hetero-structures were respectively measured, proving the potential of MXene for a promising material in the desalination industry. In terms of osmotic power generating via RED, adopting MXene as asymmetric nanofluidic ion channels in IEM significantly improved the maximum osmotic output power density, most of them surpassing the commercialization benchmark, 5 Wm-2. By connecting the number of unit cells, the output voltage reaches the point where it can directly power the electronic devices without any intermediate aid. The studies around MXene have significantly increased in recent years, yet there is more to be revealed about the application of MXene in the membrane and osmotic power-generating industry. This review discusses the electrodialysis process based on MXene composite membrane.

Evaluation of the Effects of Interfering Factors on the Bacterial Endotoxin Testing of Radiopharmaceuticals (방사성의약품의 박테리아 엔도톡신 시험에서 반응간섭인자들의 영향에 대한 평가)

  • Jun Young PARK
    • Korean Journal of Clinical Laboratory Science
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    • v.56 no.2
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    • pp.171-180
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    • 2024
  • The endotoxin test is based on the reaction between Limulus Amebocyte Lysate (LAL) and the lipopolysaccharides of Gram-negative bacteria. In this study, we sought to identify factors that interfere with the LAL testing of radiopharmaceuticals and evaluated acceptable ranges. A gel-clot LAL test and a chromogenic LAL test were used as endotoxin tests. We compared the performances of the Endosafe LAL and recombinant Endosafe Recombinant Cascade Reagent (rCR) cartridges for the chromogenic test. The factors that interfered with 68Ga-DOTATOC injection were pH, 4-(2-hydroxyethyl) piperazine-1-ethanesulfonic acid (HEPES) buffer, and organic solvents, especially ethanol. However, interference by these factors was overcome by diluting the 68Ga-DOTATOC injection tenfold. In addition, no interference was observed at pH values between 4 and 8, at a HEPES concentration of 2,000 ㎍/mL, or an ethanol concentration of <1%. Furthermore, results showed that interfering factors had similar effects on the performances of the Endosafe LAL and Endosafe rCR cartridges. The results of this study are expected to be useful for evaluating factors that interfere with the endotoxin testing of new radiopharmaceuticals.

Development and application of non-invasive drug delivery systems utilizing pulse power, and its application to mouse models (펄스파워를 적용한 비침습 약물 전달기 개발 및 마우스 모델로의 적용)

  • Hwi-Chan Ham;Kyu-Sik Kim;Ji-Hwan Lee;Hyung-Jin Choi;Do-Nyun Kim;Jai-Ick Yoh
    • Journal of IKEEE
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.97-103
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    • 2024
  • Some drugs can offer far better medical effectiveness as it is injected through the intradermal layer of the skin, known as a needle-free injection. However, conventional needle-free devices might deliver a relatively large amount of drug in a just single spot of skin, splitting open the tissue layer structure, which might cause bruising and bleeding. By injecting the small volume with a fast repetition rate in a large surface area of skin, the patient may get much fewer injuries and pain. To achieve that specification, the driving force must be instantaneous and short-pulsed. Such a form of an injection device has been developed but the efficacy of those devices has been rarely examined. Therefore, this study developed the laser-induced microjet device that ejects microjet whose speed is ~310 m/s, during the 400~800 ㎲ of pulse time. The device can eject ~1 µL of the drug at the rate at which each shot repeated 10 shots per second. Using this specification, we evaluated the efficacy of drug injection onto mouse models. After injecting the insulin solution into the mouse model, the blood insulin level is detected, resulting in 20 % of blood insulin level with the ordinary needle syringe injection method.

A Comparative Study on Synthesis and Characteristics of LiDAR-detectable Black Hollow-Structured Materials Using Various Reduction Methods (다양한 환원법을 활용한 라이다 인지형 검은색 중공구조 물질의 제조 및 특성 비교 연구)

  • Dahee Kang;Minki Sa;Jiwon Kim;Suk Jekal;Jisu Lim;Gyu-Sik Park;Yoonho Ra;Shin Hyuk Kim
    • Journal of Adhesion and Interface
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.56-62
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    • 2024
  • In this study, LiDAR-detectable black hollow-structured materials are synthesized using different reducing agents to evaluate their applicability to LiDAR sensor. Initially, white SiO2/TiO2 core/shell (WST) materials are fabricated via a sol-gel method, followed by a reduction using ascorbic acid (AA) and sodium borohydride (SB). After the reduction, subsequent etching of the SiO2 core leads to the formation of two different black hollow-structured materials (AA-BHT and SB-BHT). The lightness (L*) and near-infrared (NIR) reflectance (R%) of AA-BHT are measured as ca. 19.1 and 34.5 R%, and SB-BHT shows values of ca. 11.5 and 31.8 R%, respectively. While AA-BHT exhibits higher NIR reflectance compared to SB-BHT, it displays slightly lower blackness. Compared with core/shell structured materials, improved NIR reflectance of both AA-BHT and SB-BHT is attributed to the morphology of hollow- structured materials, which increase light reflection at the interface between air and black TiO2 according to the Fresnel's reflection principle. Consequently, both AA-BHT and SB-BHT are effectively detected by the commercially available LiDAR sensors, validating their suitability as black materials for autonomous vehicle and environment.

Development of a Java Compiler for Verification System of DTV Contents (DTV 콘텐츠 검증 시스템을 위한 Java 컴파일러의 개발)

  • Son, Min-Sung;Park, Jin-Ki;Lee, Yang-Sun
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2007.05a
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    • pp.1487-1490
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    • 2007
  • 디지털 위성방송의 시작과 더불어 본격적인 데이터 방송의 시대가 열렸다. 데이터방송이 시작 되면서 데이터방송용 양방향 콘텐츠에 대한 수요가 급속하게 증가하고 있다. 하지만 양방향 콘텐츠 개발에 필요한 저작 도구 및 검증 시스템은 아주 초보적인 수준에 머물러 있는 것이 현실이다. 그러나 방송의 특성상 콘텐츠 상에서의 오류는 방송 사고에까지 이를 수 있는 심각한 상황이 연출 될 수 있다. 본 연구 팀은 이러한 DTV 콘텐츠 개발 요구에 부응하여, 개발자의 콘텐츠 개발 및 사업자 또는 기관에서의 콘텐츠 검증이 원활이 이루어 질수 있도록 하는 양방향 콘텐츠 검증 시스템을 개발 중이다. 양방향 콘텐츠 검증 시스템은 Java 컴파일러, 디버거, 미들웨어, 가상머신, 그리고 IDE 등으로 구성된다. 본 논문에서 제시한 자바 컴파일러는 양방향 콘텐츠 검증 시스템에서 데이터 방송용 자바 애플리케이션(Xlet)을 컴파일하여 에뮬레이팅 하거나 런타임 상에서 디버깅이 가능하도록 하는 바이너리형태의 class 파일을 생성한다. 이를 위해 Java 컴파일러는 *.java 파일을 입력으로 받아 어휘 분석과 구문 분석 과정을 거친 후 SDT(syntax-directed translation)에 의해 AST(Abstract Syntax Tree)를 생성한다. 클래스링커는 생성된 AST를 탐색하여 동적으로 로딩 되는 파일들을 연결하여 AST를 확장한다. 의미 분석과정에서는 확장된 AST를 입력으로 받아 참조된 명칭의 사용이 타당한지 등을 검사하고 코드 생성이 용이하도록 AST를 변형하고 부가적인 정보를 삽입하여 ST(Semantic Tree)를 생성한다. 코드 생성 단계에서는 ST를 입력으로 받아 이미 정해 놓은 패턴에 맞추어 Bytecode를 출력한다.ovoids에서도 각각의 점들에 대한 선량을 측정하였다. SAS와 SSAS의 직장에 미치는 선량차이는 실제 임상에서의 관심 점들과 가장 가까운 25 mm(R2)와 30 mm(R3)거리에서 각각 8.0% 6.0%였고 SAS와 FWAS의 직장에 미치는 선량차이는 25 mm(R2) 와 30 mm(R3)거리에서 각각 25.0% 23.0%로 나타났다. SAS와 SSAS의 방광에 미치는 선량차이는 20 m(Bl)와 30 mm(B2)거리에서 각각 8.0% 3.0%였고 SAS와 FWAS의 방광에 미치는 선량차이는 20 mm(Bl)와 30 mm(B2)거리에서 각각 23.0%, 17.0%로 나타났다. SAS를 SSAS나 FWAS로 대체하였을 때 직장에 미치는 선량은 SSAS는 최대 8.0 %, FWAS는 최대 26.0 %까지 감소되고 방광에 미치는 선량은 SSAS는 최대 8.0 % FWAS는 최대 23.0%까지 감소됨을 알 수 있었고 FWAS가 SSAS 보다 차폐효과가 더 좋은 것으로 나타났으며 이 두 종류의 shielded applicator set는 부인암의 근접치료시 직장과 방광으로 가는 선량을 감소시켜 환자치료의 최적화를 이룰 수 있을 것으로 생각된다.)한 항균(抗菌) 효과(效果)를 나타내었다. 이상(以上)의 결과(結果)로 보아 선방활명음(仙方活命飮)의 항균(抗菌) 효능(效能)은 군약(君藥)인 대황(大黃)의 성분(成分) 중(中)의 하나인 stilbene 계열(系列)의 화합물(化合物)인 Rhapontigenin과 Rhaponticin의 작용(作用)에 의(依)한 것이며, 이는 한의학(韓醫學) 방제(方劑) 원리(原理)인 군신좌사(君臣佐使) 이론(理論)에서 군약(君藥)이 주증(主症)에 주(主)로 작용(作用)하는 약물(藥物)이라는 것을 밝혀주는 것이라고

Analysis Study of Mobile LiDAR Performance Degradation in Rainfall Based on Real-World Point Cloud Data (강우 시 모바일 LiDAR 성능저하에 대한 실측 점군데이터 기반 해석 연구)

  • Youngmin Kim;Bumjin Park
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.23 no.5
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    • pp.186-198
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    • 2024
  • LiDAR is a key sensor used in autonomous vehicles, and its range of applications is expanding because it can generate 3D information and is relatively robust to various environmental factors. However, it is known that LiDAR performance is degraded to some extent due to signal attenuation and scattering by raindrops during rain, and thus the need for analysis of factors affecting rainfall in road environment detection and utilization using LiDAR has been confirmed. In this study, we analyze how signal attenuation and scattering, known as factors degrading LiDAR performance during rain, cause performance degradation based on real data. We acquire data using facilities that utilize high-luminosity retroreflective sheeting in indoor chamber where quantity of rainfall can be controlled, and quantitatively confirm the degradation of LiDAR performance during rain by interpreting it from the perspective of signal attenuation and scattering. According to the point cloud distribution and performance analysis results, LiDAR performance deteriorates due to signal attenuation and scattering caused by rain. Specifically, the quantitative performance analysis shows that LiDAR experiences a decrease in intensity primarily due to signal attenuation from rain, as well as a reduction in NPC and intensity due to signal scattering effects, along with an increase in measurement distance error.

Analysis of Variation for Parallel Test between Reagent Lots in in-vitro Laboratory of Nuclear Medicine Department (핵의학 체외검사실에서 시약 lot간 parallel test 시 변이 분석)

  • Chae, Hong Joo;Cheon, Jun Hong;Lee, Sun Ho;Yoo, So Yeon;Yoo, Seon Hee;Park, Ji Hye;Lim, Soo Yeon
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.51-58
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    • 2019
  • Purpose In in-vitro laboratories of nuclear medicine department, when the reagent lot or reagent lot changes Comparability test or parallel test is performed to determine whether the results between lots are reliable. The most commonly used standard domestic laboratories is to obtain %difference from the difference in results between two lots of reagents, and then many laboratories are set the standard to less than 20% at low concentrations and less than 10% at medium and high concentrations. If the range is deviated from the standard, the test is considered failed and it is repeated until the result falls within the standard range. In this study, several tests are selected that are performed in nuclear medicine in-vitro laboratories to analyze parallel test results and to establish criteria for customized percent difference for each test. Materials and Methods From January to November 2018, the result of parallel test for reagent lot change is analyzed for 7 items including thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), free thyroxine (FT4), carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), CA-125, prostate-specific antigen (PSA), HBs-Ab and Insulin. The RIA-MAT 280 system which adopted the principle of IRMA is used for TSH, FT4, CEA, CA-125 and PSA. TECAN automated dispensing equipment and GAMMA-10 is used to measure insulin test. For the test of HBs-Ab, HAMILTON automated dispensing equipment and Cobra Gamma ray measuring instrument are used. Separate reagent, customized calibrator and quality control materials are used in this experiment. Results 1. TSH [%diffrence Max / Mean / Median] (P-value by t-test > 0.05) C-1(low concentration) [14.8 / 4.4 / 3.7 / 0.0 ] C-2(middle concentration) [10.1 / 4.2 / 3.7 / 0.0] 2. FT4 [%diffrence Max / Mean / Median] (P-value by t-test > 0.05) C-1(low concentration) [10.0 / 4.2 / 3.9 / 0.0] C-2(high concentration) [9.6 / 3.3 / 3.1 / 0.0 ] 3. CA-125 [%diffrence Max / Mean / Median] (P-value by t-test > 0.05) C-1(middle concentration) [9.6 / 4.3 / 4.3 / 0.3] C-2(high concentration) [6.5 / 3.5 / 4.3 / 0.4] 4. CEA [%diffrence Max / Mean / median] (P-value by t-test > 0.05) C-1(low concentration) [9.8 / 4.2 / 3.0 / 0.0] C-2(middle concentration) [8.7 / 3.7 / 2.3 / 0.3] 5. PSA [%diffrence Max / Mean / Median] (P-value by t-test > 0.05) C-1(low concentration) [15.4 / 7.6 / 8.2 / 0.0] C-2(middle concentration) [8.8 / 4.5 / 4.8 / 0.9] 6. HBs-Ab [%diffrence Max / Mean / Median] (P-value by t-test > 0.05) C-1(middle concentration) [9.6 / 3.7 / 2.7 / 0.2] C-2(high concentration) [8.9 / 4.1 / 3.6 / 0.3] 7. Insulin [%diffrence Max / Mean / Median] (P-value by t-test > 0.05) C-1(middle concentration) [8.7 / 3.1 / 2.4 / 0.9] C-2(high concentration) [8.3 / 3.2 / 1.5 / 0.1] In some low concentration measurements, the percent difference is found above 10 to nearly 15 percent in result of target value calculated at a lower concentration. In addition, when the value is measured after Standard level 6, which is the highest value of reagents in the dispensing sequence, the result would have been affected by a hook effect. Overall, there was no significant difference in lot change of quality control material (p-value>0.05). Conclusion Variations between reagent lots are not large in immunoradiometric assays. It is likely that this is due to the selection of items that have relatively high detection rate in the immunoradiometric method and several remeasurements. In most test results, the difference was less than 10 percent, which was within the standard range. TSH control level 1 and PSA control level 1, which have low concentration target value, exceeded 10 percent more than twice, but it did not result in a value that was near 20 percent. As a result, it is required to perform a longer period of observation for more homogenized average results and to obtain laboratory-specific acceptance criteria for each item. Also, it is advised to study observations considering various variables.