• Title/Summary/Keyword: 충전시설

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A Study on Strategy for Outbound Investment and Data Processing of EV Charging Facilities (전기차 충전시설의 데이터처리와 해외진출 전략방안)

  • Bong-Hoon Kim
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2023.11a
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    • pp.351-354
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    • 2023
  • 전기차의 보급에 따라 전기차 충전시설이 매 년 확대되고 있으며, 충전에 따른 데이터도 수집되고 있다. 전기차 충전시설의 2가지 방식인 플러그인 방식과 펜터그래프 방식의 특징을 반영할 수 있는 데이터 처리가 필요하고 이에 적합한 데이터 플랫폼 개발이 필요하다. 이러한 데이터 플랫폼의 구축은 향후 전기차 충전시설의 설치와 활용에 도움이 될 것이다. 또한 국내의 이러한 전기차 충전시설의 데이터 플랫폼을 향후에는 아시아 등 해외에 수출하거나 투자 진출 할 수 있는 방안들로 활용할 수 있다. 본 연구에서는 2가지 방식의 전기차 충전시설에 따른 데이터 플랫폼 개발시 고려사항을 도출하였고 이에따라 중국, 인도 및 아시아 시장 진출의 패키징 전략을 도출하였다.

Analysis of Electric Vehicle Charging Behavior and Factors Influencing Utilization (전기자동차의 충전시설 이용현황 및 이용 영향요인 분석)

  • Sujae Kim
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.23 no.5
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    • pp.62-72
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    • 2024
  • This study analyzes the recharging of electric vehicles and the factors influencing the utilization of chargers. Utilizing electric vehicle charging station data provided by the Korea Environment Corporation, utilization data in Seoul was constructed. A total of 5,810 charging stations and 28,233 chargers are in operation. The utilization rates for fast and slow chargers were 49.1% and 24.6%, respectively. On average, fast chargers were used 2.3 times per unit for 47.2 minutes per session, while slow chargers were used 1.2 times per unit for 251.5 minutes per session. Analysis of factors influencing charging station utilization revealed that fast chargers are more frequently used in stations with no usage restrictions, as well as areas with well-developed road infrastructure and in regions with a high density of commercial and business facilities. Unlike previous studies that relied on surveys, this study is significant because it utilizes actual charging station data. The results can serve as a foundational resource for formulating future charging infrastructure deployment strategies.

개정된 LPG충전시설 검사업무처리지침

  • Korea LPGas Industry Association
    • LP가스
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    • s.80
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    • pp.19-34
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    • 2002
  • 가스안전공사는 2001년도 검사업무 평가 결과, 검사원 및 민원인으로부터 질의가 많았던 내용들을 반영하여 "LPG 충전.저장.집단공급.판매시설 검사업무 처리지침"을 개정, 2002.4.15부터 시행에 들어갔다. 이중 LPG충전시설에 대한 내용을 게재한다.

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업계동향 - 충전소 비상발전기 보유 관련 기준 개정 안내

  • 한국LP가스공업협회
    • LP가스
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.24-25
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    • 2011
  • 현행 LPG충전소는 액화석유가스 충전시설의 시설기준 및 기술기준(액법 시행규칙 별표 3, 16항 및 KGS CODE 331~334)에 따라 비상발전기를 무조건 보유해오고 있었으나, 우리협회는 지식경제부 및 한국가스안전공사 등에 지속적 건의를 통해 관련규정 "비상전력설비 설치기준(KGS CODE)"을 개정(2011.07.27 시행)하여 비상발전기를 선택적으로 보유할 수 있도록 하였으니 충전소 운영에 참고하시기 바랍니다.

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LPG충전시설 안전관리방안

  • Korea LPGas Industry Association
    • LP가스
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    • s.88
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    • pp.46-56
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    • 2003
  • 이 내용은 가스안전공사가 발간한 가스안전지('03.11)에 게재된 것으로 LPG충전시설에 대한 안전관리에 도움이 되었으면 한다.

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A case study on optimal location modeling of battery swapping & charging facility for the electric bus system (전기버스를 위한 배터리 자동 교환-충전인프라 배치 최적화 모형개발 및 적용 사례 분석)

  • Kim, Seung-Ji;Kim, Wonkyu;Kim, Byung Jong;Im, Hyun Seop
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.121-135
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    • 2013
  • This paper propose an efficient algorithm for selecting electric bus charging facility location. In nature, the optimal charging facility location problem is similar to Set Covering Problem. Set Covering Problem is the problem of covering all the rows of an $m{\times}n$ matrix of ones and zeros by a subset of columns with a minimal cost. It has many practical applications of modeling of real world problems. The Set Covering Problem has been proven to be NP-Complete. In order to overcome the computational complexity involved in seeking optimal solutions, this paper present an enhanced greedy algorithm and simulated annealing algorithm. In this paper, we apply the developed algorithm to Seoul's public bus system.

Charging Behavior Analysis of Electric Vehicle (전기자동차 충전행태분석)

  • PARK, Kyuho;JEON, Hyeonmyeong;JUNG, Kabchae;SON, Bongsoo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.35 no.3
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    • pp.210-219
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    • 2017
  • Electric vehicles, which are attracting attention as eco-friendly vehicles, have been increasing in number since 2011 in Korea. The purpose of this study is to analyze the efficient operation of existing charging stations and factors to consider when installing additional charging stations based on the case of Jeju Island where the electric vehicle penetration rate is high and the charging infrastructure is relatively well established. The characteristics of using electric car charging stations by region, type of facility, and time of day are analyzed. As a result of analyzing the frequency of using the charger installed in Jeju Island, the utilization of both the fast charger and the slow charger is found to be concentrated in a specific area. The usage rate of charger installed in a business facility and a public parking lot is high in both fast charger and slow charger. However, according to the usage rate by time of day, the fast charger has a high utilization rate throughout the afternoon, while the use of a slow charger is concentrated in the morning. In order to enable users to utilize the electric vehicle charging station efficiently, it is necessary to provide a publicity guide for the charging station having a low utilization rate, a notice for using the charger, and a notification of completion of charging. Considering the charging demand, the area where the charger is not yet installed should be considered as the area to install the charger, and in addition, the additional installation should be considered in the area and the facility where the amount of charge is large. Service improvement is expected to be possible by utilizing actual electric vehicle charging behavior analysis result.

위험물질 수송시 위험성 평가 및 비상대응시스템 구축에 관한 연구

  • 류병태;유진환;엄성인;백종배;고재욱
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Industrial Safety Conference
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    • 2001.11a
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    • pp.153-158
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    • 2001
  • 현대 산업사화가 더욱 복잡·대형화되고 경제 발전이 가속화됨에 따라 가스연료는 가장 대중적이고 보편화된 편리한 연료로써 각 분야에서 다양한 형태로 사용되고 있다. 그러므로 가스 소비증가와 보급에 따른 제반 문제를 원활하게 해결하기 위해서 가스생산시설, 대형저장시설, 운송시설, 저장 충전시설 등의 시설 증설을 요구하고 있는 실정이다. 오늘날 국민의 생활 수준의 향상과 편의성의 추구로 에너지의 고급화와 청결화가 이루어져 주 에너지원으로 석유, 가스등이 많은 비율을 차지하고 있다.(중략)

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