• Title/Summary/Keyword: 초등학교 과학과 교과서

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Analysis of Learning Objectives on Elementary School Biology (초등학교 자연과 생물 영역의 교육 목표 분석)

  • Shim, Kew-Cheol;Lee, Hyun-Uk;Chang, Nam-Kee
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.539-544
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    • 1998
  • The consistency and balance of objectives by objective domains in units, sub-units and instructional units were investigated. The 6th elementary biology curricular teaching guidebooks were analysed. Domains of objectives are cognitive, inquiry process, instrumental skill, creative, affective and STS. Cognitive objectives were most dominant in all units, sub-units and instructional units. But no objective for creative domain were suggested. In unit and sub-unit, proportions of objectives were cognitive, inquiry process, affective, instrumental skill and STS domains in order. Objectives for cognitive and inquiry process domains were more than others in instructional units, Except cognitive and inquiry process domains, objectives for the others were not consistent in all units, sub-units and instructional units. Especially, the percentages of objectives for affective domain decreased in units, sub-units and instructional units orderly. These resulted from teaching objective domains categorized formally, Thus, it is necessary to develope curriculum and textbook to be consistent and balanced with objective domains and reflect upon the characteristics of them.

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The Connection Analysis on the Areas of Clothing and Textiles in Practical Arts, Technology and Home Economics, and the Science of Home Economics Courses (초등 실과, 기술가정, 가정과학 교과 내 '의생활' 영역의 연계성 분석)

  • Lee, Eun-Joo;Shin, Hye-Won
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.19 no.1 s.43
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    • pp.1-14
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    • 2007
  • This study aimed to analyze the contents of clothing and textile areas in practical arts, technology and home economics, and science of home economics courses, and the degrees of vertical connections among them. Totally 21 textbooks were chosen for this study, which consist of fifth and sixth grade practical arts textbooks(one from each grade), sixteen technology and home economics textbooks(eight from each eighth and tenth grade), and three high school science of home economics textbooks. In order to analyze systematically the degrees of vertical connections, clothing and textile areas were divided into 6 large sections, which were subdivided into 48 specific categories(contents) by content analysis. The method of connection analysis was based on development(constant continuity and sequence), repetition (continuity without considering sequence), gap(sequence without considering the continuity of curriculum), and reduction(the lack of both continuity and sequence). The connection analysis were done in 48 categories separatively. In the sections of clothing attire and clothing management, the most categories(46.1% and 44.5%) were evaluated as having connections of reductions. No category was analyzed as development in the section of clothing planning and the most categories(83.3%) had connections of repetitions. In the clothing material section showed to be the section with the most in-depth and expanded content compared to the previous educational levels, with developed categories of 50%. The most degree of connection in the clothing and textile areas of practical arts, technology and home economics, and science of home economics subjects was the development at 29.2%, followed by repetition at 25%, reduction at 25%, and finally gap at 20.8%. Developed categories were relatively more than repetitive, reduced, or gap contents. However, as the connection between grades was not highly outstanding, it was difficult to say that the connection of the curriculum was adequately distributed according to the school grades.

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An Exploration of Discrepancies between Text and Content Knowledge of Pre-service Elementary Teachers through an Analysis of Questions and Answers Created in the Interactive Reading of a Teacher's Guide: Focusing on a 'Shadow and Mirror' Unit (상호작용적 독해 과정에서 생성된 질문과 답변의 분석을 통한 교사용 지도서와 초등예비교사의 내용지식 사이의 불일치 탐색 -'그림자와 거울' 단원을 중심으로)

  • Arla Go;Jiwon Lee
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.43 no.3
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    • pp.253-263
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    • 2023
  • This study explored the discrepancy between the text of a teacher's guide about straight and reflective light and the content knowledge of pre-service elementary teachers. A total of 455 questions and 543 answers generated by 279 pre-service elementary teachers after reading a 'Shadow and Mirror' unit in the teacher's guide were analyzed. The questions were classified according to the types of concepts and discrepancies, and the answers were analyzed for accuracy. The results of analyzing the concepts of questions revealed that the pre-service elementary teachers were most curious about the shadow in the straight concept, the mirror image in the reflection concept, and the light source in other concepts. The questions with a low correct answer rate due to incorrect- or non-answers, such as those concerning the superposition principle of light by reflection, the principle of experimental tools, and images by lenses, were only partially or not included in the teacher's guide. When the questions were classified according to the type of discrepancy, the frequency of questions due to knowledge deficit was higher than that due to knowledge clash. This demonstrates that the concepts that teachers need to know must be supplemented with the contents of the teacher's guide. Discrepancies due to knowledge clashes are often caused by conflicts between what is experienced in everyday life and what is presented in textbooks. Therefore, it is necessary to reduce the discrepancy between the texts of the teacher's guide and the knowledge of pre-service elementary teachers by including the differences between the actual context of everyday life and the context of the textbook in the teacher's guide.

The Content Analysis of the Elementary Science Textbooks in the 6th National Curriculum (제 6차 교육과정에 의한 초등학교 자연 교과서의 내용 분석)

  • 최영란;이형철
    • Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.55-65
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    • 1998
  • This study was intended to suggest the desirable direction in the 7th national curriculum revision through the analysis of the elementary science textbooks in the 6th national curriculum. The analysis system was composed of three categories, (1)knowledge (2)inquiry process and (3)attitude. And knowledge was divided into fact, concept and rule. And inquiry process was divided into thirteen subcategories such as manipulating experimental apparatus, observing, measuring, recording data, classifying, interpreting/ predicting, determining relationship/ causal explanation, extrapolating/ interpolating, drawing conclusions/ formulating a generalization or model, evaluating, formulating a problem, generating a hypothesis and designing an experiment/ controlling variables. Each sentence in the textbooks was considered as an analyzing unit. The frequency and percentage of each category were counted and the ratios were calculated. The findings could be summarized as follows: 1. The content of the elementary science textbooks was composed of knowledge 10.3%, inquiry process 88.8%, attitude 0.8% respectively. 2. As increasing the grades, the ratio of knowledge showed high frequency, but that of attitude showed low frequency. 3. In All the grades, the ratio of observing was the highest in inquiry process. 4. In the domain of physics and chemistry, the manipulating experimental apparatus showed high frequency. In the domain of biology and earth science, the role of observing was emphasized.

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The illustration Analysis of the Elementary Science Textbooks (초등학교 자연 교과서의 삽화 분석)

  • 최영란;이형철
    • Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.45-53
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    • 1998
  • This study was intended to suggest the desirable direction in the 7th national curriculum revision through the illustration analysis of the elementary science textbooks in the 6th national curriculum. The analysis system was composed of two categories, (1)the kind of illustrations (2)the .ole of illustrations The kind of illustrations was divided into five subcategories such as photograph, pictures, illustrations, cartoons and diagrams. And the role of illustrations was divided into four subcategories such as motive induction, guidance for experimentation, the presentation of data and the results of experimentation. Each sentence in the textbooks was considered as an analyzing units. The frequency and percentage of each category were counted and the rates were calculated. The findings could be summarized as follows: 1. The illustration in the primary science textbooks was mostly composed of photographs (87.1%). 2. The examination of the role of illustrations showed that the presentation of data was 46.2%, the guidance for experimentation 38.4%, the results of experimentation 8.6% and the motive induction 6.8% respectively. 3. In the domains of physical and chemical science, the role of guidance for experimentation was emphasized. But the biological and earth science domains showed high tendency of the presentation of data.

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The Conceptual Study on Driving Factors for Wind based on Land and Sea Breeze in the Elementary Textbooks (초등학교 교과서 속 해륙풍에 기반한 바람이 부는 이유에 대한 개념적 고찰)

  • Lee, Gyuho
    • Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education
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    • v.34 no.4
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    • pp.486-501
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    • 2015
  • In the elementary school science curriculum, wind is one of the most important concept. In particular, land and sea breeze has been a key example to deliver how wind is driven, and thus its model experiments have been used to help students understand causes of wind. Here we compare causes and explanations for wind and land and sea breeze between textbooks in colleges and elementary schools to examine any potential improvement for the contents. In addition, we conducted survey to examine how pre-service teachers understand land and sea breeze, and convection box experiment used in elementary school textbooks is useful to understand land and sea breeze. Based on the comparison, we find that college level textbook explains the cause of wind as atmospheric pressure difference while elementary school textbooks explain them differently according to curriculums. In the textbooks, there are a difference in the way described for land and sea breeze. Analysis of questionnaire indicate that pre-service teachers understood land and sea breeze correctly, and they selected the convection box experiment in 2009 curriculum textbooks as the most suitable one. Explanations and experiments for land and sea breeze in the textbooks have been revised as the modification of elementary school curriculums. We expect this study helps to deliver more solid contents for wind and land and sea breeze in the upcoming new curriculum.

An Analysis of STEAM Elements included in the Elementary School Mathematics Textbooks Revised on 2009 - Focusing on the 3rd and 4th Grade Group - (2009 개정 교육과정에 따른 초등수학교과서의 STEAM 요소 분석: 3~4학년군을 중심으로)

  • Ryu, Sung Rim
    • Education of Primary School Mathematics
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.235-247
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    • 2015
  • This study analyzed what STEAM elements, except mathematical content, are contained in 2009 revised elementary school 3rd and 4th grade group mathematics textbooks. STEAM elements in the textbooks were examined by grade and by content area in the elementary school mathematics curriculum. According to the results, the difference between 3rd and 4th grade in the number of STEAM elements is almost not visible. Distribution of specific content areas could be seen that the distribution STEAM element is similar to the percentage distribution of the content area. However, the number of STEAM elements are different depending on the type of STEAM. The number of arts element is 448(67.6%) and this elements are seen the most. The number of representative art and cultural art is 344(51.9%) and 104(15.7%), respectively. The number of technology-engineering and science is 160(24.1%) and 55(8.3%), respectively. We need to developed to promote use of science element in next mathematics curriculum.

Development of Robot Contents for STEAM education (STEAM 교육을 위한 로봇 콘텐츠 개발)

  • Nam, Yun Jeong;Kim, Hee Sun
    • Journal of Korea Society of Industrial Information Systems
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.9-18
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    • 2015
  • Educational learning methods that take advantage of a robot provide opportunities for students to develop high dimensional thinking, a creative expression and discovery learning opportunity. It is also perceived as a suitable tool for STEAM systems which can be used in a variety of school curriculums. Therefore we designed and developed STEAM educational contents using robots in this study. This study analyze elementary text books and design the convergence contents from various subjects such as math, science, engineering and art through a robot. This study has developed educational materials by making a robot based on the designed contents. They have been applied to after school materials and then evaluated for comprehension, interest and participation. The results of this study have shown very encouraging evaluations from participating students. Accordingly, this study has shown that STEAM contents that take advantage of a robot have improved student participation, interests, and comprehension in the curriculums. Additionally, integrating STEAM educational content has proved more effective in contrast to being separated.

An Analysis of the Inquiry Activity Types Presented in the 5th & 6th Grade Elementary Science Textbooks (초등 5~6학년군 과학 교과서에 제시된 탐구 활동 유형 분석)

  • Song, Shin-Cheol;Shim, Kew-Cheol
    • Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education
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    • v.38 no.4
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    • pp.453-464
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    • 2019
  • In this study, the types of inquiry activities in the $5^{th}$ & $6^{th}$ grade science textbooks according to the 2015 revised science national curriculum were analyzed and compared according to grade level and science area. Science textbooks for elementary school $5^{th}$ & $6^{th}$ graders contain quite diverse types of inquiry activities, which are student-centered inquiry activities. There were comparatively higher proportions of inquiry types such as experiment & observation and simulation, but relatively lower of inquiry types of investigation-discourse & presentation, discussion, expression. Elementary science textbooks are expected to cultivate science key competencies for elementary school students. Considering the science area, the motion & energy, substances, earth & space, and integration areas had the most experiment & observation among activity types, while the life area had the most simulation activities. Even in some area of the 6th grade science textbook, there was little or no data interpretation, discussion, and simulation activities. In order to achieve the goal of elementary science education, science textbooks should be developed considering the revision of future elementary science curriculum.

Analysis of Impacts of Digital-Textbooks on Learners' Self-regulated Learning and Problem-solving Competency (디지털교과서가 학습자의 자기조절학습 및 문제해결 역량에 미치는 효과 분석)

  • Cha, Hyun-Jin;Kye, Bokyung;Jeong, Kwang Hoon
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.13-25
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    • 2017
  • This study aims to analyze the impacts on self-regulated learning (SRL) and problem-solving (PS) competencies rather than learning achievement through the use of digital textbooks in the SMART learning environment. To achieve the objective, $3^{rd}$ and $4^{th}$ grade elementary and $1^{st}$ year middle school students were selected from 29 schools where the digital textbooks were utilized in the subjects of science in pilot schools in 2014. In this, One-Group Pretest-Posttest Designs were applied as a research method to analyze SRL and PS competencies. Additionally, the effect size of Cohen's d was presented in order to display the practical significance. The results showed the positive impacts on SRL and PS competencies, in spite of a small effect size of about 0.2 through the use of digital textbooks. ANCOVA was conducted to determine the difference in the impacts according to demographic variables. The results demonstrated that the difference in the impacts on both SRL and PS were statistically significant according to the grade and level. For SRL, both the elementary grade 4 and middle school students showed more significant differences than elementary grade 3. Moreover, for PS, the elementary grade 4 students showed the most significant difference.