• Title/Summary/Keyword: 창업여성

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Curriculum Development for the Fostering Consultant in the Field of Rural Women's Business Startup (농촌여성의 소규모 창업을 위한 컨설팅 전문가 육성 교육과정 연구)

  • Kim, Won-Suok;Ko, Soon-Chul;Kwon, Oh-Park
    • Journal of Agricultural Extension & Community Development
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.167-180
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    • 2003
  • The objective of this research is to acquire basic data to develop a program for professional consultants who can consult and provide advice for rural women's small business entrepreneur. In this research, startup business educational programs and 10 major related textbooks in Korea were analyzed, and a survey was conducted in which 71 owners of government funded rural small business responded. The major findings are as follows; First, most programs were targeting city females and were providing basic information mostly using lecture method over a few days. And no programs for rural women's small business could be found. Second, no textbooks dealing with rural women's small business could be found and the contents of each textbook differed significantly even though there were a few common points. Third, the result of the survey indicated that rural women's small business entrepreneurs had difficulty especially in acquiring necessary initial funds and raw materials, selling products, and judging the possibility of business success. And, there was significant difference in importance and perceived knowledge over 36 business know-hows in business startup area among the respondents. Based on the results, the followings could be recommended; First, educational programs for rural women's small business entrepreneurs should use a unique and different approach than other industries. Also, it is necessary to foster startup consultants especially for the rural women's small business entrepreneurs and to develop a delivery system for the startup educational programs. Second, contents of educational programs need to be selectively included depending on the level of uses. Finally, a workbook should be developed so that entrepreneur candidates can actually practice rather than just acquiring basic information and superficial knowledge during the participation.

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A Study on factors affecting the promotion of Women-Owned Business (여성창업기업의 기업성과에 영향을 미치는 요인에 관한 연구)

  • 문숙재;최자경
    • Journal of Family Resource Management and Policy Review
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.61-78
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    • 2001
  • This study intends to provide the groundwork for an establishment of women entrepreneur policy and the guidelines for start-up of women-owned business. The findings of the study are as follows; Women starts business for a financial reasons and this makes up 26 percent, which ranked the highest of respondents motive for starting up a business. The double labor - due 새 the practice of housework and running a business simultaneously - forms 19.6 percent of the bottleneck in operating business. In addition, the worst financial strain, 43 percent, occurred during the business preparatory period. As the entrepreneurship is higher, they are more backed up with support in education and training. In addition, annual net profit of business operated by the older age group is relatively greater. The firm performance is greater as she holds a higher academic degree. As the goal of annual net profit is higher that is set up before the start-up, the net gain turns out to be greater in actual operation, thus resulting in greater effects. The study shows that when they received economic aid, the initial capital had been greatly affected The younger age group makes up the higher percentage of support in education and training. After considering all the findings collectively, the conclusions are as follows; First, the firm performance is affected by the entrepreneurship, schooling, age, and the goal of the female entrepreneur. Second, a support in education and economic does not have a direct effect on the firm performance. However, the study reveals that the entrepreneurship of those who received educational support is higher than that of those who did not. Third, the in-depth interview reveals the facts that how they had been brought up and how the role of the family had a significant effect on their management of business.

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Essay on the Community Archpe ('마을아르페'(Community Archpe) 시론 - 마을 차원의 "책, 기록, 역사 그리고 치유와 창업의 커뮤니티"를 위한 제안-)

  • Lee, Young-Nam
    • The Korean Journal of Archival Studies
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    • no.18
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    • pp.221-254
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    • 2008
  • Community Archpe is . Community Archpe is as close as a kind of a complex of culture space or community center which puts individuals and small community together with culture soil in a central position. For example Community Archpe can include community library, community archive, community historical center, community recovery center, community commencement of an enterprise center, etc. We need small library, archive and historian rather than big scale institution and professional system to take care of culture soil which belongs to an individual and community. Community Archpe is located in coordinates of two intention points. First intention is, a 'Heterogenous Smithy'. Heterogeneity deals with Community Archpe's life. Second intention is, a 'Feminine Smithy'. Community Archpe can be a recovery community when we are in the recovery context, which understand and support a person through archives and history. Then, what can Community Archpe do? First, it can be a new movement of the community. Second, it can also be a centripetal point of classic life. Community Archpe surly locates in the central of Community. Therefore, it will be a cultural literary soil and be a smithy of community history and culture. Thus Community Archpe will change a lot of things on people's life. Community Archpe will be a small happiness to ordinary people, even though it is not a state organ realizing large values.

A Study on Agrifood Purchase Decision-making and Online Channel Selection according to Consumer Characteristics, Perceived Risks, and Eating Lifestyles (소비자 특성, 지각된 위험, 식생활 라이프스타일에 따른 농식품 구매결정 및 온라인 구매채널 선택에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Myoung-Kwan;Park, Sang-Hyeok;Kim, Yeon-Jong
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.147-159
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    • 2021
  • After the 2020 Corona 19 pandemic, consumers' online consumption is increasing rapidly, and non-store online retail channels are showing high growth. In particular, social media is gaining its status as a social media market where direct transactions take place in the means of promoting companies' brands and products. In this study, changes in consumer behavior after the Corona 19 pandemic are different in choosing online shopping media such as existing online shopping malls and SNS markets that can be classified into open social media and closed social media when purchasing agri-food online. We tried to find out what type of product is preferred in the selection of agri-food products. For this study, demographic characteristics of consumers, perceived risk of consumers, and dietary lifestyle were set as independent variables to investigate the effect on online shopping media type and product selection. The summary of the empirical analysis results is as follows. When consumers purchase agri-food online, there are significant differences in demographic characteristics, consumer perception risks, and detailed factors of dietary lifestyle in selecting shopping channels such as online shopping malls, open social media, and closed social media. Appeared to be. The consumers who choose the open SNS market are higher in men than in women, with lower household income, and higher in consumers seeking health and taste. Consumers who choose the closed SNS market were analyzed as consumers who live in rural areas and have a high degree of risk perception for delivery. Consumers who choose existing online shopping malls have high educational background, high personal income, and high consumers seeking taste and economy. Through this study, we tried to provide practical assistance by providing a basis for judgment to farmers who have difficulty in selecting an online shopping medium suitable for their product characteristics. As a shopping channel for agri-food, social media is not a simple promotional channel, but a direct transaction. It can be differentiated from existing studies in that it is approached as a market that arises.

The Study of Structural Relationship among the Customers' Service Recovery of Complaint and After Behavioral Intention in the Service Industry (서비스 산업에서 고객 서비스 불평 회복과 사후행동의 구조적 관계 연구)

  • Heo, Seon Hee;Youn, Chun Sung
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.165-176
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    • 2014
  • This study is directed to examine the most useful restoration strategies for turning the customers' dissatisfaction caused by unsuccessful spa service to the satisfaction through each fair factors and tries to suggest the practical schemes to cope with complaints and dissatisfaction of spa service customers by establishing the system dealing with customers' complaints. And this verifies the relationship between the alternative attraction and the intention of conversion as the action after the restoration from the unsuccessful services. Moreover, it analyzes the mediation effect that a formation of reliance through the restoration of unsuccessful services has. To achieve the purpose of this study, the subject got decided as women who are customers of private spa facilities situated in Seoul and Gyeonggi-do region for the purpose of skin care in 1 year recently. After understanding their experiences of complaining about the services, this study investigates the alternative attraction and the intention of conversion as the next action and the perception of fairness and trust in the efforts of Spa service business for recovery. As the result of verifying hypothesis, it is shown that the recovery satisfaction increases when the 3 points of the distributive justice, procedural justice, and interactional justice, which are the fairness factors of the effort to restore services according to the quality of service, are more positive. In the relation among recovery satisfaction, trust, the alternative attraction, and the intention of conversion, the result was that recovery satisfaction affects trust in positive way and alternative attraction in negative way. However, the positive and meaningful result came out in contrast with the hypothesis which predicted the negative effect of recovery satisfaction on the intention of conversion. Furthermore, it means that indirect effectiveness which carries trust and alternative attraction should be considered instead of the direct effectiveness that the recovery satisfaction affects on the intention of conversion. In this study, it can be interpreted that the combined increase of the trust and the alternative attraction makes the intention of conversion higher rather than the higher intention of conversion following the decrease of the recovery satisfaction in view of the result that the indirect effectiveness is high between the recovery effort and the intention of conversion. In the relation among the intention of conversion, trust, and alternative attraction, the intention of conversion got influenced in positive way and negative way by trust and alternative attraction respectively and trust influenced the alternative attraction negatively as well. It means the high quality of services or the recovery of services has a direct causation which carries conviction to the customers' intention of action.

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A Study to Compare between Groups Glassified by Demographic Characteristic into Effects of Word of Mouth and Methods of Sales Promotion in Intention of Watching Movies (개봉 전 후 영화의 구전효과와 판촉방식에 따른 인구통계학적 집단 간의 차이에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Yang Sug;Lee, Bo Young
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.10 no.6
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    • pp.59-68
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    • 2015
  • It's important to analyse effects of word of mouth for making its impact higher in performance of motions pictures. And it's required to combine variety sales activities like free gift, promotion goods and price discount with word of mouth for the box office of film. The purpose of this study is to compare between groups classified by demographic characteristic into effects from word of mouth and methods of sales promotion in intention of watching film. On the other hand existing studies on sales activity and word of mouth were one-sided in theoretical background, a meaning of this study is theorizing a social phenomenon about sales promotion of movie giving actual examples that currently are effected by production company, Movie theaters, distribution company and affiliated company. For this purpose, it conducted a survey targeting 500 students in B university in Seoul city and 379 answers got received, and it proceeded this study with 369 answers except 10 inaccurate ones. Creating questionnaires with Likert 5 point scale, it decided that case of substantial inclination was 5 points and inverse one is 1 point. Doing analysis T and ANOVA according to male and female, kinds of major study and number of average monthly watching movie, it analysed the test results after comparison analysis between classified group. The results are summarized as follows: First, offering premiums is more effective by masculine than feminine, but situation of free gift is an opposite result. Second, there are no differences of effects word of mouth and methods of sales promotion by majority departments. Third, there are much differences between groups classified by average number of watching film in a month into effects from word of mouth and methods of sales promotion. Group of watching film more 3 times in a month is more effective than the other groups in intension of watching film by word of mouth. Fourth, word of mouth is great factor to increase intention of watching film and second one is discount on the price.

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The Impact of Self-efficacy on Job Engagement and Job Performance of SMEs' Members: SEM-ANN Analysis (중소기업 조직구성원의 자기효능감이 직무열의와 직무성과에 미치는 영향: 구조모형분석-인공신경망 분석의 적용)

  • Kang, Tae-Won;Lee, Yong-Ki;Lee, Yong-Suk
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.13 no.6
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    • pp.155-166
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the impact of self-efficacy of SMEs' organization members on job engagement and job performance, and to analyze the difference between gender and marital status by applying SEM-ANN analysis. To accomplish the study purpose, 285 valid samples were collected from 400 SMEs' organization members and analyzed. In this study, self - efficacy consisted of three sub-dimensions: self-confidence, self-regulation efficacy, and task difficulty preference. As a result of the analysis, self - efficacy such as self-confidence, self-regulation efficacy, and task difficulty preference had a positive direct effect on job engagement. In addition, self-efficacy and self-control efficacy have a positive effect on job performance, but the preference of task difficulty has no significant effect. In addition, job engagement has a positive(+) effect on job performance, and has a mediating role in the relationship between self-efficacy and job performance. Also, married males preferred self-regulation efficacy, while females preferred self-regulation and self-control efficacy regardless of marital status. The purpose of this study is to present the framework of self-efficacy-job engagement-job performance of SMEs by measuring the self-efficacy related researches mainly in education and service industries, and is meaningful that companies can help to find the basis of management of organization members by gender and marital status of organization members. In addition, the SEM-ANN analysis process of this study is different in that it explains the nonlinear (nonobservative) relationship that can analyze the influence or the combination of the reference variables in the linear (compensatory) relation using the SEM.

A Study on the Unreasonable Market Orientation of Agricultural Management and Its Impact on Corporate Performance (농업경영체의 경영자역량이 시장지향성과 기업성과에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Youngbae Doo;Chulmoo Heo
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.203-214
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    • 2024
  • Recently, the number of agricultural management entities in Korea has been increasing due to the increase in new entrants such as returning to farming and the registration of independent management entities by young and female farmers. However, in terms of income, income is decreasing compared to urban workers. To overcome this, the government and local governments have established various policies and are providing continuous support, but they are not producing significant results and instead, the demands of agricultural and livestock management organizations are only increasing. In this study, the management competency of agricultural management bodies was selected as an independent variable, and creative competency, networking competency, self-control competency, and technical competency were selected as sub-variables. Market orientation was selected as a dependent variable and corporate performance was selected as a mediating variable. The research results confirmed that creative ability, networking ability, and technical ability had a direct effect on corporate performance, and that networking ability and technical ability had an effect on market orientation. In addition, it was confirmed that market orientation had an effect on corporate performance, and that market orientation had a mediating effect between networking ability and corporate performance, and between technical ability and corporate performance. The academic implications of this study are, first, that managers of agricultural management organizations have generally shown a somewhat negligent attitude toward the external environment and have been slow to respond to changes in the times. However, among the various competencies of managers, the fact that networking competency and technical competency affect market orientation is significant in that it expands the scope of research, and the self-control competency of the independent variable was found to have no effect on corporate performance. It is significant that the research was conducted under the hypothesis that self-control competency would have an effect on managers, but conflicting results were derived. In addition, managers of agricultural management organizations must recognize the need to carefully consider and implement creative and self-control capabilities. As a practical implication, it is judged that if managers immediately apply self-analysis, it will be helpful for the sustainable management of agricultural management entities, and it can be said that sales and profitability are the basis for achieving financial corporate performance, and it is judged that market-oriented management needs to be continuously managed.

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A Study on the Students' Needs for the Improvement of Liberal Arts Curriculum : Focused on the Case of J University (교양교육과정 개선을 위한 학생 요구 분석: J대학 사례를 중심으로)

  • Lee, Jung-Yull;Kim, Sam-Sup
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.17 no.12
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    • pp.545-554
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze students' needs for improving the liberal arts curriculum at J University. In order to achieve such as this, 422 students from 11 departments of J University's two campuses looked at the core goals of 1 liberal arts education, 2 core competences that they think should be achieved in the liberal arts curriculum, 3 subject areas of the liberal arts curriculum they wish to open, 4 hopeful subjects, and 5 urgent tasks in reforming liberal arts education. The results are as follows. First, male students were most likely to point out the achievement of core competency as a key goal of liberal arts education. Second, the core competences to be achieved in the liberal arts curriculum were found to place importance on communication and interpersonal relations, character, self-care development and job creation skills. Third, there was a high percentage of people who wanted to open a curriculum in the field of arts and sports. Fourth, liberal arts courses that wish to be opened appeared in the order of women's studies or feminism, sports related subjects, philosophy, and psychology. The results of this study could be used as basic data for the revision of the J University liberal arts curriculum.

Characteristics and Changes of Policy Responses to Local Extinction: A Case of Comprehensive Strategy and Basic Policy on Community-Population-Job Creation in Japan (지방소멸 대응 정책의 특징 및 변화 분석: 일본의 마을·사람·일자리 창생 종합전략 및 기본방침을 사례로)

  • Jang, Seok-Gil Denver;Yang, Ji-Hye;Gim, Tae-Hyoung Tommy
    • Journal of the Korean Regional Science Association
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    • v.40 no.1
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    • pp.37-51
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    • 2024
  • To respond to local extinction, South Korea, under the leadership of the Ministry of the Interior and Safety, identified depopulated areas in 2021 and launched the Local Extinction Response Fund in 2022. However, due to its early stage of implementation, analyzing the characteristics and changes of policy response to local extinction at the central government level remains a challenge. In contrast, Japan, facing similar issues of local extinction as South Korea, has established a robust central government-led response system based on the Regional Revitalization Act and the Comprehensive Strategy and Basic Policy on Community-Population-Job Creation. Hence, this study examines Japan's policy responses to local extinction by analyzing the first and second periods of the Comprehensive Strategy and Basic Policy on Community-Population-Job Creation. For the analysis, topic modeling was employed to enhance text analysis efficiency and accuracy, complemented by expert interviews for validation. The results revealed that the first-period strategy's topics encompassed economy and society, start-up, local government, living condition, service, and industry. Meanwhile, the second-period strategy's topics included resource, the New Normal, woman, digital transformation, industry, region, public-private partnership, and population. The analysis highlights that the policy target, policy direction, and environmental change significantly influenced these policy shifts.