• Title/Summary/Keyword: 진화 프레임워크

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Structural Change Detection Technique for RDF Data in MapReduce (맵리듀스에서의 구조적 RDF 데이터 변경 탐지 기법)

  • Lee, Taewhi;Im, Dong-Hyuk
    • KIPS Transactions on Software and Data Engineering
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    • v.3 no.8
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    • pp.293-298
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    • 2014
  • Detecting and understanding the changes between RDF data is crucial in the evolutionary process, synchronization system, and versioning system on the web of data. However, current researches on detecting changes still remain unsatisfactory in that they did neither consider the large scale of RDF data nor accurately produce the RDF deltas. In this paper, we propose a scalable and effective change detection using a MapReduce framework which has been used in many fields to process and analyze large volumes of data. In particular, we focus on the structure-based change detection that adopts a strategy for the comparison of blank nodes in RDF data. To achieve this, we employ a method which is composed of two MapReduce jobs. First job partitions the triples with blank nodes by grouping each triple with the same blank node ID and then computes the incoming path to the blank node. Second job partitions the triples with the same path and matchs blank nodes with the Hungarian method. In experiments, we show that our approach is more accurate and effective than the previous approach.

Introduction and Utilization of Time Series Data Integration Framework with Different Characteristics (서로 다른 특성의 시계열 데이터 통합 프레임워크 제안 및 활용)

  • Jisoo, Hwanga;Jaewon, Moon
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.27 no.6
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    • pp.872-884
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    • 2022
  • With the development of the IoT industry, different types of time series data are being generated in various industries, and it is evolving into research that reproduces and utilizes it through re-integration. In addition, due to data processing speed and issues of the utilization system in the actual industry, there is a growing tendency to compress the size of data when using time series data and integrate it. However, since the guidelines for integrating time series data are not clear and each characteristic such as data description time interval and time section is different, it is difficult to use it after batch integration. In this paper, two integration methods are proposed based on the integration criteria setting method and the problems that arise during integration of time series data. Based on this, integration framework of a heterogeneous time series data was constructed that is considered the characteristics of time series data, and it was confirmed that different heterogeneous time series data compressed can be used for integration and various machine learning.

Adaptive Evolution of Behavioral Memory Circuits in Evolution of Artificial Individuals (인공개체 진화에서 행위기억회로의 적응적 진화)

  • Jung, Bo-Sun;Jung, Sung Hoon
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers
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    • v.53 no.3
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    • pp.67-75
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    • 2016
  • This paper investigates how artificial individuals with behavioral memory circuits adaptively evolve with respect to given environments on a cell-level simulation framework simulating artificial individuals. This makes it possible for us to analyse the advantages of artificial individuals with behavioral memory circuits against the simple artificial individuals that can do only simple reactions with respect to the environments and to know which advanced reactions are possible. In order to do this analysis, we experimented various tests on a specific prey pattern and examined the results. As a first experiment, we tested that artificial individuals with four memory steps competed against from those without memory step to those with three memory steps. Experimental results showed that the artificial individuals with four memory steps were superior to most others. However, artificial individuals with two memory steps were better than those with four memory steps. This was caused that the artificial individuals with two memory steps could evolve faster than those of four memory steps. In a second experiment that all types of artificial individuals are simultaneously evolved, the artificial individuals with two memory steps also showed the best result in the experiment. We could conclude that the artificial individuals with memory was better than those without memory and the best memory steps of artificial individuals were depended on the complexity of prey patterns.

A Design of Framework for Thin-Client by using X Protocol based Application (X 프로토콜 기반의 애플리케이션을 통한 씬-클라이언트 프레임워크 설계)

  • Song, Min-Gyu
    • Journal of Digital Contents Society
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.509-520
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    • 2009
  • The advancement of network & application technology causes a major change for the use of IT(Information Technology) equipment, including computer and mobile system. In the process from beginning with main frame in the 1960s and 70's, through the server-client paradigm in the 1980s and toward the development of network computer since 90's, computer systems are now evolutioning from isolated physical system to complementary network based virtual system[1][2]. In network based computer system, application and data required for operation are stored at not client as local system, but at server[1]. User can use application & data on a server as if those are on a local client, and a client is now toward a developing thin and network friendly system. In this paper, we discuss possible ways for the efficient implementation of thin-client. For the use of remote application & data as if in local environment, we make use of X protocol. Unlike formal simple Client - Server paradigm, we design a Proxy for middle-tier server for the improvement of QoS and session persistence. X server, Xvfb(X virtual frame buffer) are implemented on thin client and Server, respectively and we applied XSMP(X Session Management Protocol) to our framework for session management. In the end, beyond simple transfer of server display, we suggest thin client framework for the transfter of remote server application over internet.

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A Study on Malicious Email Incident Prevention Framework: Focusing on User Behavior Support (악성메일 사고예방 프레임워크 연구: 사용자 행동 지원 중심)

  • Youngkug Choi;Ick-Hyun Kwon
    • Convergence Security Journal
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.11-24
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    • 2024
  • Malicious email attacks, including phishing, scams, BEC, social engineering, and ransomware, are increasing and pose significant risks to organizations. Existing email filtering technologies cannot fully defend against these evolving threats, and human errors combined with low security awareness increase the chances of incidents. This study proposes a strategy to enhance users' ability to identify malicious emails by providing extended inspection data and visibility when interacting with emails. It incorporates a Zero Trust security model, treating all emails as potential threats to prevent incidents. We also advocate for the international standardization of email inspection information and the legal establishment of software safety standards. We refer to this approach as the 'Malicious Email Incident Prevention Framework,' which includes user education and training to internalize Zero Trust principles. Future research will focus on refining this framework to improve security awareness and foster a safer internet environment.

A Framework to Develop Safe and Reliable SaaS Certification Systems (안전하고 신뢰할 수 있는 SaaS(Software as a Service) 인증제도 개발을 위한 프레임워크)

  • Seo, Kwang-Kyu
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.10 no.10
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    • pp.523-528
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    • 2012
  • The recent appearance and evolution of cloud service including IaaS(Infrastructure as a Service), PaaS(Platform as a Service) and SaaS(Software as a Service) is potentially one of the major advances in information and communication technology. While a lot of studies are currently taking place in the technology itself, there is an equally urgent need for understanding and researching the business-related issues surrounding cloud service. As more and more individuals and companies use the cloud service, their concerns are beginning to grow about just how safe and reliable an environment it is. This paper focus on SaaS as an one of the important cloud service. For successful implementation of SaaS service, it is necessary to establish the certification systems to ensure safety and reliability of SaaS. This paper provides the safe and reliable framework for systematic SaaS certification systems. In order to develop it, the critical issues related to service quality and certification of SaaS service are identified and the systematic framework for certification systems of SaaS service and service provider domains are developed. An evaluation methodology for the developed certification systems is also proposed.

A study on a cooperative MAC protocol at Ad Hoc networks (Ad Hoc 네트워크에서 Cooperative MAC 프로토콜에 관한 연구)

  • Jang, Jae-Shin
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.13 no.8
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    • pp.1561-1570
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    • 2009
  • Being different from traditional mobile communication networks or wireless LAN with access points, ad hoc network can provide direct communications between homogeneous stations. Thus, it can be considered as a much advanced network. Somehow, many researches have been done to enhance system performance of ad hoc networks up to now, one of which is cooperative communications. In this paper, a cooperative MAC protocol, called CO-MAC protocol, is proposed and its performance is evaluated with a mathematical approach. Numerical results show that this scheme provides more enhanced system throughput especially when frame transmission error probability is high than DCF scheme, which is the key protocol in IEEE 802.11 standard, and rDCF scheme.

A Secure and Privacy-Aware Route Tracing and Revocation Mechanism in VANET-based Clouds (VANET 기반 클라우드 환경에서 안전과 프라이버시를 고려한 경로추적 및 철회 기법)

  • Hussain, Rasheed;Oh, Heekuck
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information Security & Cryptology
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    • v.24 no.5
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    • pp.795-807
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    • 2014
  • Vehicular Ad hoc Network (VANET) has gone through a rich amount of research and currently is making its way towards the deployment. However, surprisingly it evolved to rather more applications and services-rich breed referred to as VANET-based clouds due to the advancements in the automobile and communication technologies. Security and privacy have always been the challenges for the think tanks to deploy this technology on mass scale. It is even worse that some security issues are orthogonally related to each other such as privacy, revocation and route tracing. In this paper, we aim at a specific VANET-based clouds framework proposed by Hussain et al. namely VANET using Clouds (VuC) where VANET and cloud infrastructure cooperate with each other in order to provide VANET users (more precisely subscribers) with services. We specifically target the aforementioned conflicted privacy, route tracing, and revocation problem in VANET-based clouds environment. We propose a multiple pseudonymous approach for privacy reasons and leverage the beacons stored in the cloud infrastructure for both route tracing and revocation. In the proposed scheme, revocation authorities after colluding, can trace the path taken by the target node for a specified timespan and can also revoke the identity if needed. Our proposed scheme is secure, conditional privacy preserved, and is computationally less expensive than the previously proposed schemes.

A Logical Model of Library System towards Knowledge Service (지식 서비스 지향 도서관 시스템의 논리 모델)

  • Lee, Hyun-Sil;Bae, Chang-Sub;Lee, Eun-Joo;Han, Sung-Kook
    • Journal of the Korean Society for information Management
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.45-67
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    • 2009
  • The ecosystem of the Library has been radically changing in the advent of ubiquitous information service technology. We are already aware of the digital library due to popularizing digital information resources and we are impressed with Library 2.0 and Social Semantic Digital Library of user-centered, service-oriented library. We summarize the ultimate goal of the evolution of library systems as knowledge services and propose a logical model of library system for the realization of knowledge services. This local model can be applied for a library framework to harmonize the diverse knowledge resources, active users with participation and collaboration, the innovation of library business and ubiquitous information service technologies to achieve the missions of library in knowledge-intensive society.

Development of a Business Model of the Robot Industry in the Convergence Age (컨버전스 시대에 로봇산업의 비즈니스 모델 개발)

  • Seo, Kwang-Kyu;Ahn, Beum-Jun
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.895-899
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    • 2009
  • This paper presents a business models of the robot industry for copying with aging society that facilitates to create new business opportunities in the convergence age. In order to identify the market drivers for both convergence and aging society, the trends of them analyzed. Through constructing and analyzing market value chain, we design a set of the business model of the robot industry focused on u-health robots of a convergence service type integrated ubiquitous, health and robot. In addition, we describe the evolution path of the proposed business model in terms of technology development and market. Finally, we develop a matrix based evaluation framework to measure and assess the effectiveness of the business model.