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Use of Ketamine Hydrochloride for Pediatric Dental Patient at General Hospital (응급실에서 소아외상환자의 치과적 처치를 위한 케타민 진정법의 사용 현황)

  • Cha, Yoonsun;Kim, Jihun
    • Journal of the korean academy of Pediatric Dentistry
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    • v.42 no.1
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    • pp.38-44
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    • 2015
  • Children commonly experience orofacial injuries and often need emergency treatment. Due to fear and anxiety, children tend to be uncooperative in emergency rooms. Ketamine hydrochloride is a well-known sedative agent at medical-based emergency rooms which has been used for procedural sedation. In this paper, we will discuss the sedation of uncooperative young patients, who needed dental treatments in the emergency room at Wonju Severance Christian Hospital, using ketamine. We collected the records of patients under 18-years-old who visited the emergency room for dental treatment from January 2010 to May 2014. The data was categorized by age, sex, required dental treatments and application of ketamine sedation. Among 659 pediatric patients who visited for emergency dental treatments, 118 patients were treated under sedation using ketamine. Majority of patients were under the age of 6 (110 patients), and the most frequent cause of sedation was suture of oral laceration (105 patients). Though ketamine should not be used by dentists alone, dentists in emergency rooms can easily meet the patients under deep sedation using ketamine. Hence, dentists in emergency rooms need to be aware of the clinical effects, considerations, and potential adverse effects of ketamine.

Inpatient Dental Consultations to Pediatric Dentistry in the Yonsei University Severance Hospital (연세대학교 세브란스 병원 내 입원한 환자의 소아치과 의뢰 현황)

  • Joo, Kihoon;Lee, Jaeho;Song, Jeseon;Lee, Hyoseol
    • Journal of the korean academy of Pediatric Dentistry
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    • v.41 no.2
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    • pp.145-151
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    • 2014
  • The goal of this study was to describe dental consultation of pediatric inpatients to the department of pediatric dentistry at Yonsei University Severance Hospital. 391 dental consultations at Yonsei University Severance Hospital referred to pediatric dentistry in the year 2012 were included in this study. Consultations were categorized according to patients' gender, age, chief complaint, referred department and diagnosis. 288 patients (166 males and 122 females) with an average age of 5.9 were referred to the Department of Pediatric Dentistry. 129 cases (33.1%) from Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, 80 cases (20.5%) from Pediatric Hematology- Oncology, 51 cases (13.0%) from Pediatric Cardiology, and 44 cases (11.3%) from Pediatric Neurology. Chief complaints were ranked from oral examination (39.7%), dental caries (14.0%), pre-operative evaluation (12.8%) and others (33.5%); including oral pain, trauma, tooth mobility, orthodontic treatment, self-injury, fabrication of obturator and etc. Dental consultations should be encouraged as dental care and treatment could affect the control of systemic diseases of admitted patients. Pediatric inpatients have been referred to pediatric dentistry for not only comprehensive oral exam but also various chief complaints. The most frequent dental diagnosis made and treatment performed were dental caries and non-invasive/preventive care respectively.

Prevalence of Emergency Traumatic Injuries in 100 Wild Boar Hunting Dogs (100마리의 야생 멧돼지 사냥견에서 응급 외상성 질환의 분류)

  • Ko, Jae-Jin;Kim, Se-Hoon;Ji, Joong-Ryong;Shim, Kwan-Seob;Kim, Nam-Soo
    • Journal of Veterinary Clinics
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    • v.27 no.6
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    • pp.718-722
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    • 2010
  • To investigate patterns and severity of hunting-related emergency traumatic injuries in wild boar hunting dogs. One hundred wild boar hunting dogs with emergency traumatic injuries sustained during wild boar hunting as a result of wild boar attack and accidental shooting of ensnarement in a trap. The retrospective study involved 100 dogs brought to CAMC for treatment of emergency traumatic injury sustained during wild boar hunting in Jeon-buk province from August 2007 to April 2008. Medical information obtained from the medical records included signalment; cause of injury; number, location and severity of injuries; and mortality. The 100 patients displayed 136 injuries (single injury in 71 dogs and multiple injuries in 29 dogs). Causes of the emergency traumatic injuries were wild boar attack (n = 92), accidental shooting (n = 7), and entrapment (n = 1). The thoracic area was the most common site of injury. The most common injury severity score (ISS) was code 2. The mortality rate was 9%, and all deaths involved thoracic injury. Emergency traumatic injuries sustained during wild boar hunting are most commonly thoracic injuries caused by prey attack. The nature of the injuries can differ from those typically encountered by small animal veterinarians.

Outcomes of Child Contact Investigations of Active Pulmonary Tuberculosis Patients: A Single Center Experience from 2012 to 2014 (활동성 폐결핵 환자의 소아청소년 접촉자 조사 결과: 2012년부터 2014년까지 단일 기관의 경험)

  • Lee, Taek-jin;Kim, Eun-kyung;Jeong, Hye-cheol
    • Pediatric Infection and Vaccine
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.91-96
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    • 2015
  • Purpose: The study aimed to determine data collected during tuberculosis (TB) contact investigations and to evaluate the outcomes of these investigations. Methods: We reviewed medical records for child contacts of patients with culture-positive pulmonary TB aged 19 years or older between August 2012 and July 2014. Results: A total of 116 child contacts were identified for 79 patients with culture-positive pulmonary TB. Of 116 contacts identified, 22% were incompletely screened. Of 90 contacts who completed screening, 42% had negative tuberculin skin test (TST) results, 58% had positive results, and 1% had active pulmonary TB at the time of investigation. Of 50 contacts with TB patients with a negative smear, 50% had positive TST results. Age ${\geq}5$ years (OR 8.3; 95% CI 2.3-30) and male gender (OR 3.9; 95% CI 1.5-9.9) were significantly associated with being incompletely screened. Conclusions: Improvement is needed in the process of contact investigations to ensure that contacts of patients with active pulmonary TB are identified and appropriately screened.

Clinical Characteristics of Misdiagnosed Delirium (오진된 섬망 환자의 임상적 특징)

  • Oh, Eugene;Baek, Sue-Hyun;Kim, Min-Hyuk;Min, Seongho;Park, Ki-Chang;Ahn, Jung-Sook
    • Korean Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.87-92
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    • 2014
  • Objectives : Delirium of hospitalized patients is common and it is significantly associated with increased mortality rate. Misdiagnosis rates of delirium are reported in a range of 36.7 to 63% in clinical setting. We aimed to identify the clinical features and symptomatic characteristics associated with misdiagnosis of delirium. Methods : Subjects were 256 inpatients who were referred for psychiatric consultation and diagnosed with delirium by a psychiatrist at a university hospital between January 1 and June 30, 2012. Clinical data were obtained with retrospective chart review. Patients were divided into misdiagnosed group and correct diagnosed group, after reviewing the reason which were described in the consultation request form. Results : Sixty nine(27%) subjects of the 256 patients were referred for other reasons(mood, substance, anxiety, dementia etc.) than "delirium/confusion" by clinician(misdiagnosed group). In misdiagnosed group, use of antipsychotics was more common. There were no differences between the two groups in age, gender, and department of referring clinician. Fluctuation score of DRS-R-98 was higher in the correct diagnosed group. Conclusions : In this study, the risk of misdiagnosis was higher when the patients have taken antipsychotics or less symptom fluctuation. Careful clinical attention is needed for diagnosis for delirium in these patients.

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EUS 도입에 따른 언더라이팅 효율극대화 방안

  • Jo, Seok-Hoon
    • The Journal of the Korean life insurance medical association
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    • v.24
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    • pp.79-96
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    • 2005
  • 1. 연구배경과 문제제기 - 보험시장의 환경변화 : 보험업법 개정, 방카슈랑스 도입, 고(高)보장성 생존급부(CI, LTC)상품의 등장, 통신판매 전문보험회사의 설립 허용 - 현행 언더라이팅 시스템의 문제점 : 위험난이도와 판매 채널별 특성이 고려되지 않고 언더라이터에 전건 배정 되어 업무의 효율성이 낮음 - 보험시장의 환경변화에 맞는 EUS(Expert Underwriting System) 도입으로 언더라이팅의 효율성을 증대하고자함 2. 국내/외 생보사 언더라이팅 시스템 현황 비교 및 개선방안 - 국내 언더라이팅 시스템 현황 : 청약서 입력/스캔 후 진단 및 적부 유무(有無)에 따라 자동으로 언더라이터에게 심사가 배정됨 - 미국 언더라이팅 시스템 현황 : EUS에 의한 1차 전산승낙여부 결정 후(後)언더라이터에게 심사가 배정됨 - 위험난이도의 고저(高低)와 관계없이 언더라이터에 배정되는 심사시스템의 문제점을 극복하고 체계적인 위험평가를 위해 EUS도입이 필요함 3. EUS 선행요건 - 고객정보의 확보 - 국내 생보사의 고객정보 수집원 : 청약서, 모집인 보고서, 건강진단서,적부조사, 보험사고정보조회시스템 (ICPS), 고액보험 및 상해보험 중복가입자에 대한 정보 교환제도 - 북미 생보사의 고객정보 수집원 : 청약서, 모집인 보고서, 의사소견서 및 진료기록서, 건강검진, 적부조사, 정보교환제도( 북미보험사간 의료정보 공유-MIB) - 정확한 고객정보의 확보방안 : 법률/제도의 정비, 청약서 질문 내용의 세분화, 의료정보교환제도의 구축 4. EUS 개요 및 현황 - EUS의 정의: 고객의 정보를 입력하여 청약부터 보험증권 발행 단계까지 One-Stop 서비스를 제공하는 것으로 언더라이터가 청약서를 가지고 언더라이팅 하는 것과 동일한 업무를 할 수 있는 전문가 시스템 - EUS의 장점: (1) 비용절감 및 인력의 효율적 활용 (2) 업무별 시스템화 되는 조직속성에 적합함. (3) 언더라이팅 정책이 경영 환경 변화에 대처하는데 신속함 - 국외 EUS 현황 (예: Cologne Re) 및 사례연구 5. 위험분류 및 EUS 개요현황 (언더라이팅 시스템 도입) - 위험관리 선행요건으로 위험요소별 분류가 체계적으로 수립되어야 함. - 데이터웨어하우스 (의사결정을 목적으로 설계된 조회와 분석이 가능한 통합된 정보저장소) 시스템 사용 - EUS 도입을 통한 언더라이팅 프로세스: 데이터마이닝 과정을 통해 "자동승낙, 언더라이터에게 심사배정, 적부의뢰, 진단의뢰, 텔레 언더라이터, 보완지시"등이 결정됨. 6. 판매채널별 EUS 활용방안 - 대면채널: 효용성 높은 정보제공과 정확한 위험분석이 가능한 시스템으로 고(高)보장, 고(高)위험 상품에 대해 언더라이터가 집중 심사 할 수 있게 함. - 방카슈랑스: 3S(간결, 신속, 서비스)의 특성에 맞는 전과정 무인자동심사시스템 - 비대면채널: 판매상품과 타겟시장을 명확히 한 후 도덕적 위험과 재무적 위험에 대한 평가시스템 및 의사결정 시스템을 도입 7. 결론 - EUS 도입의 기대효과 (1) 심사기일의 단축으로 고객만족 실현 (2) 체계적 과학적 리스크 관리로 위험률차익 증대에 기여 (3) 업무효율의 증대와 언더라이터의 역량강화 (4) CRM 활용증대와 모바일 청약시스템 구축의 근간 - EUS 도입시 경제적 법률적 제도적 문제 극복과 생보 업계 공동의 관심과 노력이 필요함 - EUS를 활용하여 종합적.체계적 리스크 관리가 가능한 금융회사로의 경쟁력 향상에 기여함.

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Pulmonary Embolectomy for Treatment of Pulmonary Embolism (폐색전증의 수술적 치료)

  • Park, Byung-Joon;Park, Pyo-Won;Shim, Young-Mog;Lee, Young-Tak;Park, Kay-Hyun;Kim, Jhin-Gook;Kim, Wook-Sung;Sung, Ki-Ick
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.42 no.4
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    • pp.492-496
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    • 2009
  • Background: The treatment of acute pulmonary embolism is difficult, and it can be lethal when cardiogenic shock is involved with major pulmonary embolism. In the past, pulmonary embolectomy was considered as the last choice for patients with pulmonary embolism. Accordingly, we analyzed our experience with seven cases of pulmonary embolectomy as an alternative option for the early treatment of pulmonary embolism. Material and Method: A retrospective analysis of medical charts of all patients who underwent pulmonary embolectomy at our hospital over the past eight years was performed. The patients were observed during their hospital stay and followed until their last visit to the outpatient department. Result: Among 7 patients (4 men and 3 women), 4 had massive pulmonary embolism, and 3 had sub massive pulmonary embolism. An extracorporeal membrane oxygenator was inserted in 3 patients before surgery. There was no mortality, and postoperative echocardiography showed no pulmonary hypertension in 6 patients. Conclusion: Pulmonary embolectomy can be performed with minimal mortality. We think that the use of an extracorporeal membrane oxygenator in patients with cardiogenic shock before surgery improves survival.

A clincal study of Kennedy classification and framework design of removable partial denture in Kyungpook National University hospital (경북대학교 병원에 내원한 국소의치 장착 환자의 Kennedy 분류에 따른 분포상황 및 그 설계특성에 관한 연구)

  • Cha, Phill-Seon;Jeong, In-Yeong;Cho, Sung-Am
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics
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    • v.48 no.3
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    • pp.189-193
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    • 2010
  • Purpose: This study was aimed to investigate the frequency of different classes of partial edentulism and the most frequently used design components of conventional removable partial dentures. Materials and methods: 63 patients who were treated with removable partial denture in Kyungpook National University hospital for 2003-2006 were selected. A total of 76 removable partial denture frameworks were investigated. Kennedy classification was used to identify the class of partial edentulism. Results: Results indicated that Kennedy class I removable partial dentures were the most frequently constructed. Most patients' cases were designed without modification areas. Conclusion: The most common type of direct retainer were the RPI clasp and RPA clasp in both maxilla and mandible. Lingual bar, linguoplate and anterior posterior palatal straps were the more frequently used mandibular and maxillary major connectors respectively. We did not have any case about Kennedy class IV patients.

HOME NURSING CARE NEEDS IN RURAL KOREA (한국 농촌 지역의 가정간호 요구에 관한 연구)

    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.44-69
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    • 1988
  • 보건의료기술이 고도로 발달되었다 하더라도 의료의 혜택이 필요할 때 누구에게나 언제든지 제공될 수 없는한 전체 국민의 건강요구를 포괄적으로 충족시킬 수 있는 제도나 방법이 필요하게 된다. 본 연구는 사회 집단의 최소 단위인 가정을 중심으로 수행되고 있는 지역사회 가정간호의 합리적 수행에 필요한 기초자료를 얻기 위하여 가정간호 요구의 사정 및 가정간호 수행에 관하여 연구하였다. 가정 간호(Home Nursing Care, Home Health Care)는 추후관리를 받아야 할 대상자, 고령자, 만성질환자에게 규격화되어 있는 병원간호를 가정이라는 친숙한 분위기에서 개별적으로 제공되는 가정 중심의 심리적 안정은 물론 시간과 경비를 절감하는 효과적 간호수단이다. 본 연구의 목적은 첫째 우리나라 농촌가정의 가정간호의 요구는 무엇이며 그 요구의 원인은 무엇인가\ulcorner 둘째, 농촌가정에서 가지고 있는 상병에는 어떠한 것이 있으며 행하여 지고 있는 가정간호의 내용에는 어떤 것들이 있는가\ulcorner 셋째, 가정간호 수행자는 누구이며 이에 대한 수혜자의 만족도는 어느 정도인가\ulcorner 본 연구의 방법은 1985년 6월 18일 부터 8월 7일 까지 C군에 거주하는 주민중 11개소 보건진료소가 소재한 반의 주민 전체 1,027명 중 상병자 159명과 30세 이상의 인구 440명, 가구주 239명을 대상으로 가정방문을 통한 면접으로 질문지를 기록케 하여 자료를 수집하였다. 연구의 도구는 첫째 간호요구의 측정을 위한 도구로 Virginia Henderson의 기본간호활동 14가지를 기초로 지역주민 50명과 현직 간호원 50명에게 개방질문으로 얻은 내용을 중심으로 제작하였으며 둘째, 가정간호수행에 대한 도구로 Orem의 간호이론 중 간호방법 5가지를 근거로 개발하였다. 본 연구의 내용은 보건진료원에 의하여 사정된 간호요구와 그 원인들을 인간의 기본요구 영역별로 분류하여 가정간호진단을 위한 지역사회 가정간호사정 및 진단도구로 쓸 수 있도록 개발하였으며, 상병자에 대한 가정간호 수행은 수행빈도와 수행내용에 따른 수행자와 수행 만족도를 측정하였다. 1. 가정간호요구에 대하여 1) 가정간호요구 측정은 신체영역 중 몸을 청결히 하고 몸차림을 단정히 하여 피부를 보호하기 내용에서 더위나 추위에 대하여 옷을 맞추어 조절하기의 요구, 적절한 식사와 수분섭취하기 내용에서 배변의 요구, 또한 몸을 움직이고 바람직한 체위를 유지하기 내용에서 한가지 자세를 계속하기의 요구가 높았고 정상호흡하기 내용에는 일상활동시 호흡에 대한 요구가 높은 편이었다. 사회, 심리, 영적 간호요구 영역에서는 자신이 신앙에 따라 예배하기 내용에서 신앙으로 어려움을 극복하려는 요구가 높았으며 여러가지 오락의 형태를 취하여 이에 참여하기 내용에서는 취미생활의 요구가 높았다. 2) 가정간호요구는 연령이 높을수록 높았고 성별로는 여자의 가정간호요구가 남자보다 높았으나 내용별 요구의 차이는 없었다. 2. 가정간호수행에 대하여 1) 가정에서 수행되는 가정간호내용으로는 직접간호가 가장 많이 수행되었으며 내용으로는 구강청결, 옷 갈아 입기, 투약, 음식투여, 대ㆍ소변보기의 빈도가 많았다. 건강한 환경제공의 간호수행내용에서는 적당한 실내온도 유지하기의 빈도가 많았으며 안내와 지도내용에서는 투약요령 알기의 빈도가 많았으며, 보호와 지지내용과 교육의 간호수행내용에서는 현 상태 인정하기와 투약 방법에 대한 교육하기의 간호수행빈도가 가장 많았다. 2) 간호수행자에 있어서 직접간호 수행은 본인 스스로 하는 빈도가 가장 많았으며 안내와 지도 및 교육의 간호수행은 전문가가 많았고 보호와 지지간호는 가족이 많았고 건강한 환경제공간호는 배우자에서 더 많았다. 3) 간호수행자에 대한 만족도는 직접간호 방법에서는 가족이, 안내와 지도는 배우자가, 보호지지, 건강한 환경제공 및 교육에서는 전문가에 의한 간호수행 만족도가 높았다. 4) 상병상태에 따른 주 증상은 관절통 요통이 가장 많았고 상병자는 남자가 많았고 주 중상에 대한 성별간의 큰 차이는 없었다. 이상 가정간호요구와 정도 및 가정간호 수행의 내용을 기반으로 가정간호사업의 시행이 시급하다는 결론을 내릴 수 있었으며 가정간호사업의 시행을 위한 제도적 보완개선책이 요구된다고 결론을 지을 수 있다.

  • PDF

Retrospective study on marginal bone resorption around immediately loaded implants (즉시 하중 임플란트에서 변연골 흡수량에 관한 후향적 연구)

  • Lee, Sung-Hoon;Jung, Ji-Hye;Lee, Jin-Han;Cho, Hye-Won
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics
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    • v.56 no.2
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    • pp.114-119
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    • 2018
  • Purpose: Patients who treated implant immediate loading within a week after implant placement at Wonkwang University Dental Hospital Implant Center were evaluated marginal bone resorption. These retrospective analyses are intended to reinforce the clinical evidence for the implant immediate loading. Materials and methods: Medical history and radiographic data were investigated, which were the patients' who treated implant immediate loading and restoration with provisional prostheses between January 2005 and June 2016, at Wonkwang University Dental Hospital Implant Center. Total number of implants was 70, marginal bone resorption was measured according to implant length, diameter and connection type. To measure marginal bone resorption, periapical radiographs were taken when the implants were placed and after 6 month. Statistical analysis was done in Mann-whitney U test and Kruskal-wallis test with SPSS 22.0 software (P<.05). Results: Mean marginal bone resorption around immediately loaded implants according to implant connection type was shown $1.24{\pm}0.72mm$ in internal hexagon connection type and $1.73{\pm}1.27mm$ in external hexagon connection type. There was no statically significant difference in marginal bone resorption with implant length and diameter. Conclusion: Implants with immediated loading in internal hexagon connection type showed less marginal bone resorption significantly than in external hexagon connection type.