• Title/Summary/Keyword: 진동성능평가

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Aerodynamic Stability Assessment of PWS and CFRC Hanger Ropes for Suspension Bridge by Experiments (현수교 PWS 및 CFRC 행어로프의 내풍안정성 실험 평가)

  • Park, Hyung-Ghee;Kang, Seon-Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Hazard Mitigation
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    • v.8 no.6
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    • pp.21-30
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    • 2008
  • In this study, to evaluate the aerodynamic stability of suspension bridge hanger ropes, the wind tunnel tests are carried out. It is found that the vortex induced vibration is detected only in single PE-coated PWS cable case. And the wake galloping is occurred in twin cables spaced $3\sim6$ cable diameters of cable center to center when the incidence angle of wind is only zero degree. In case of other incidence angles of wind except zero degree, the wake galloping or the wake flutter are showed in twin cables even outside range of the bounds of $3\sim6$ cable diameters. CFRC cable shows very stable for the twin cables regardless of the distance between two cables, and also for various incidence angles of wind. Thus the characteristic of CFRC rope overwhelms one of PWS cable in aerodynamic stability.

A study on the improvement of the protective shield construction method and explosion-proof tube performance for tunnel blasting (터널 발파에 대한 방호쉴드 공법 및 방폭튜브 성능 개선 연구)

  • Sang-Hwan Kim;Soo-Jin Lee;Jung-Nam Kwon;Dong-gyun Yoo;Yong-Woo Kim;Kwang-Eun Cho
    • Journal of Korean Tunnelling and Underground Space Association
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.285-303
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    • 2023
  • Interest in building underground spaces is increasing for the creation of downtown infrastructure and efficient space utilization. A representative method of utilizing underground space is a tunnel, and in addition to road tunnels, the construction of utility tunnels such as power conduits and utility conduits is gradually increasing. The current basic tunnel construction method can be divided into NATM (New Austrian Tunnelling Method) and TBM (Tunnel Boring Machine). The NATM is a reliable method, but it is accompanied by vibration and noise due to blasting. In the case of the TBM excavation method, there are disadvantages in terms of construction period and construction cost, but it is possible to improve economic feasibility by introducing appropriate complementary methods. In this study, a blasting method was develop using the NATM after TBM pre-excavation using the protective shield method. This is a method that compensates for the disadvantages of each tunnel construction method, and is expected to reduce construction costs, blasting vibration, and noise. In order to review the performance of the developed method, an experiment was conducted to evaluate the performance of explosion-proof tube to which a protective shield scale model was applied, and the impact of blasting vibration of the protective shield method was analyzed.

Design and Analysis of Square Beam Type Piezo-electric Vibrating Gyroscope (압전세락믹을 이용한 사각보형 진동자이로의 설계, 제작 및 평가)

  • 이정훈;박규연;이종원
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering Conference
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    • 1995.04a
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    • pp.282-286
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    • 1995
  • 일반적으로 관성계 내의 물체에 대한 동적특성의 파악을 위해서는 속도, 가속도 및 각속도, 각가속도에 대한 정보를 필요로 하며 자이로는 이중에서 각속도를 측정하는 장치이다. 운동하는 질량에 회전각속도가 인가될 때 발생되는 코리올리힘을 측정하여 회전각속도를 검출하는 개념의 각속도 센서인 진동자이로는 성능이 회전형 자이로에 비해 떨어지나 구조가 간단하고 소형이며 대량생산이 가능한 장점이 있다. 진동자이로의 효시로는 1950년 영국의 Sperry Gyroscope Company의 "Gyroton"이며, 전자기력을 이용한 가진과 측정이 그 특징으로서 실험실 조건에서 지구의 자전속도를 측정할 수 있었다. 그후 1960년대에 General Electric에서 "VYRO"라는 모델을 개발했는데 압전소자를 이용하여 가진과 측정을 하는 방법이 사용되었다. 1980년대에 Watson Ind., Soderkvist등은 센서자체가 압전물질로 만들어진 자이로를 실험하였고 1990년도에 들어서는 진동자이로의 원리를 마이크로 머시닝 기술과 연계시켜서 소형 경량화와 대량생산을 목표로 연구가 일부 진행되고 있다. 현재 제품화되어 실제 응용되고 있는 예로는 무라다사의 삼각프리즘 형태의 자이로, 토킨사의 원통형 자이로 등이 있으며 이러한 자이로는 캠코더 화면의 안정화 장치에 주로 사용되고 있다. 본 논문에서는 압전소자의 압전, 전왜 방정식으로 출발하여 자이로헤드의 동적 거동을 해석하였다. 진동자이로는 물체의 공진주파수에서의 진동현상을 이용하며, 두 방향의 고유진동수를 일치시켜야 하는 등의 설계조건이 있다. 이러한 조건을 만족하도록 사각보 구조를 기본으로 하여 새로운 형태의 자이로헤드를 고안하였다. 자이로헤드의 구동회로를 설계, 해석하고 각속도를 측정할 수 있는 검출회로를 설계하여 설계된 진동자이로의 동적 특성을 확인하고 보정회로를 이용하여 사용 주파수 영역을 넓혔다.이용하여 사용 주파수 영역을 넓혔다.러한 강이성들이 보장되는 제어이론들 중 H$_{\infty}$ 제어이론이 많이 연구/응용 되고 있다. 특히 공칭 플랜트 모델과 함께 사용되는 플랜트 모델과 함께 사용되는 플랜트 불확실성 모델은 직접적으로 성능 및 안정도에 영향을 미치므로 주의 깊게 선정해야 한다. 방법의 실질적인 적용에는 어려움이 있다. 본 연구에서는 기존의 방법들의 단점을 극복할 수 있는 새로운 회귀적 모우드 변수 규명 방법을 개발하였다. 이는 Fassois와 Lee가 ARMAX모델의 계수를 효율적으로 추정하기 위하여 개발한 뱉치방법인 Suboptimum Maximum Likelihood 방법[5]를 기초로 하여 개발하였다. 개발된 방법의 장점은 응답 신호에 유색잡음이 존재하여도 모우드 변수들을 항상 정확하게 구할 수 있으며, 또한 알고리즘의 안정성이 보장된 것이다.. 여기서는 실험실 수준의 평 판모델을 제작하고 실제 현장에서 이루어질 수 있는 진동제어 구조물에 대 한 동적실험 및 FRS를 수행하는 과정과 동일하게 따름으로써 실제 발생할 수 있는 오차나 error를 실험실내의 차원에서 파악하여 진동원을 있는 구조 물에 대한 진동제어기술을 보유하고자 한다. 이용한 해마의 부피측정은 해마경화증 환자의 진단에 있어 육안적인 MR 진단이 어려운 제한된 경우에만 실제적 도움을 줄 수 있는 보조적인 방법으로 생각된다.ofile whereas relaxivity at high field is not affected by τS. On the other hand, the change in τV does not affect low field profile but strongly in fluences on both inflection fie이 and the maximum relaxivity value. The results shows a fluences on both inflection field and the

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Shaking table test for analysis of seismic performance of cut and cover tunnel using EPS block as backfill material (개착식 터널의 뒤채움재로 EPS블럭의 내진 성능 평가를 위한 진동대 시험)

  • Kim, Nag-Young;Lee, Yong-Jun;Lee, Seung-Ho;Chung, Hyung-Sik
    • Journal of Korean Tunnelling and Underground Space Association
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    • v.4 no.4
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    • pp.333-342
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    • 2002
  • World widely, the occurrences of earthquakes have been increased recently. Speculating from cases of earthquakes in the world, it is reported that damages have been made underground structures like cut-and-cover tunnels, especially on the upper of tunnel with a shallow depth and the backfilled area adjacently by earthquakes. Earthquakes have a tendency to increase recently in Korea but it is deficient in seismic design criteria. In this study, Shaking table test on both soil and EPS blocks was performed to analyze the efficiency of the seismic performance of the cut-and-cover tunnels according to characteristic of backfill materials and embanking material. It turned out to be effective in improving the seismic performance according to analysis of strain and bending stress of tunnel by earthquakes.

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Development and Verification of Active Vibration Control System for Helicopter (소형민수헬기 능동진동제어시스템 개발)

  • Kim, Nam-Jo;Kwak, Dong-Il;Kang, Woo-Ram;Hwang, Yoo-Sang;Kim, Do-Hyung;Kim, Chan-Dong;Lee, Ki-Jin;So, Hee-Soup
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences
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    • v.50 no.3
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    • pp.181-192
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    • 2022
  • Active vibration control system(AVCS) for helicopter enables to control the vibration generated from the main rotor and has the superb vibration reduction performance with low weight compared passive vibration reduction device. In this paper, FxLMS algorithm-based vibration control software of the light civil helicopter tansmits the control command calculated using the signals of the tachometer and accelerometers to the circular force generator(CFG) is developed and verified. According to the RTCA DO-178C/DO-331, the vibration control software is developed through the model based design technique, and real-time operation performance is evaluated in PILS(processor in-the loop simulation) and HILS(hardware in-the loop simulation) environments. In particular, the reliability of the software is improved through the LDRA-based verification coverage in the PIL environments. In order to AVCS to light civil helicopter(LCH), the dynamic response characteristic model is obtained through the ground/flight tests. AVCS configuration which exhibits the optimal performance is determined using system optimization analysis and flight test and obtain STC certification.

Vibration Control Performance of a Two-way Tuned Liquid Mass Damper Using Real-time Hybrid Shaking Table Testing Method (실시간 하이브리드 진동대 실험법에 의한 양방향 TLMD의 진동제어 성능평가)

  • Heo, Jae-Sung;Lee, Sung-Kyung;Park, Eun-Churn;Lee, Sang-Hyun;Kim, Hong-Jin;Jo, Ji-Seong;Cho, Bong-Ho;Min, Kyung-Won
    • Transactions of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering
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    • v.18 no.5
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    • pp.485-495
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    • 2008
  • An experimental real-time hybrid method, which implements the vibration control of a building structure with only a two-way TLMD, is proposed and verified through a shaking table test. The building structure is divided into the upper experimental TLMD and the lower numerical structural part. The shaking table vibrates the TLMD with the response calculated from the numerical substructure, which is subjected to the excitations of the measured interface control force at its top story and sinusoidal waves input at its base. The results show that the conventional method can be replaced by the proposed methodology with a simple installation and accuracy for evaluating the control performance of a TLMD.

Torsional Vibration Isolation Performance Evaluation of Centrifugal Pendulum Absorbers for Clutch Dampers (클러치 댐퍼용 원심 진자 흡진기의 비틀림 진동 절연 성능 평가)

  • Song, Seong-Young;Shin, Soon-Cheol;Kim, Gi-Woo
    • Transactions of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.436-442
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    • 2016
  • This paper presents the torsional vibration isolation performance evaluation of a centrifugal pendulum absorbers (CPAs) that has a continuously varying resonance frequencies proportional to engine firing (excitation) order. CPAs are commonly used to suppress torsional vibrations in rotating machinery and internal combustion engines. In this study, they are employed on the current spring type torsional damper inside a torque converter of automotive vehicle. To evaluate the effectiveness of designed resonance tuning order, the torsional vibration transmissibility based on torque measurements with respect to different engine firing orders is experimentally measured with a lower-inertia dynamometer. The torsional vibration transmissibility with respect to different frequencies with engine order of 2 is also evaluated. It has been demonstrated that the significant vibration reduction over operational frequency range of interest can be achieved by attaching simple pendulums. Future research direction includes the study on theoretical analysis, improved design of pendulum etc.

Estimation of Anti-vibration Glove Performance Considering the Vibration Characteristic of Power Tool through Development of Flexible Palm Adapter (Flexible Palm 어댑터의 개발을 통한 동력 공구의 진동 특성을 고려한 방진장갑의 성능 평가)

  • Song, Chi-Mun;Jang, Han-Kee;Hong, Seok-In;Chai, Jang-Bom
    • Transactions of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.217-224
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    • 2009
  • This study aims to show the guideline to select optimal anti-vibration gloves for specific power tools to prevent hazardous vibration to human body. It is most desirable for the correct evaluation of handtransmitted vibration form the power tool handle to measure the acceleration between the handle surface and the hand palm as recommended in ISO 5349-1. First, the accurate acceleration measurement device was developed of which the thickness and weight were less than 6 mm and 12 g respectively so that it can be placed between the handle and the palm without any inconvenience during the measurement. Finally, using the device we estimated anti-vibration glove performances considering the frequency characteristics of generated vibration by the power tool.

Transfer Learning-Based Vibration Fault Diagnosis for Ball Bearing (전이학습을 이용한 볼베어링의 진동진단)

  • Subin Hong;Youngdae Lee;Chanwoo Moon
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.845-850
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    • 2023
  • In this paper, we propose a method for diagnosing ball bearing vibration using transfer learning. STFT, which can analyze vibration signals in time-frequency, was used as input to CNN to diagnose failures. In order to rapidly learn CNN-based deep artificial neural networks and improve diagnostic performance, we proposed a transfer learning-based deep learning learning technique. For transfer learning, the feature extractor and classifier were selectively learned using a VGG-based image classification model, the data set for learning was publicly available ball bearing vibration data provided by Case Western Reserve University, and performance was evaluated by comparing the proposed method with the existing CNN model. Experimental results not only prove that transfer learning is useful for condition diagnosis in ball bearing vibration data, but also allow other industries to use transfer learning to improve condition diagnosis.

Evaluation of Mechanical and Vibration Characteristics of Laminated Damping Aluminum Panel for Automobile Components (자동차 부품용 알루미늄 접합 제진 패널의 기계적 특성 및 진동 특성 평가)

  • Bae, Sung-Youl;Bae, Ki-Man;Kim, Yun-Hae
    • Composites Research
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.113-119
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    • 2019
  • The objective of this research is to study the mechanical and vibration characteristics of vibration damping aluminum panels for automotive parts. For this purpose, the test and simulation results of aluminum-resin hybrid materials and aluminum sheet materials were compared. Tensile strength and elastic modulus of the hybrid material were approximately 10% lower than aluminum sheet. Also, it was showed that the hybrid material have lower natural frequency than aluminum sheet, and it was confirmed that loss factor increases as the thickness of resin increases. Finally, it is confirmed that the test results and the analysis results are similar with each other and the performance prediction of the materials are possible by FEA.