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Comparative Analysis of Anti-Terrorism Act and its Enforcement Ordinance for Counter-Terrorism Activities (대테러 활동을 위한 테러 방지법과 시행령의 비교 분석)

  • Yoon, Hae-Sung
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.48
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    • pp.259-285
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    • 2016
  • As the need for anti-terrorism legislation has been continuously argued, Anti-terrorism act has been enacted and enforced. On the other hand, there still remain a lot of points to be discussed regarding the definition of the concept of terrorism, matters of human rights violations, strengthening authority of the investigation and intelligence agencies, and mobilization military forces for the suppression of terrorism. Also, reviewing Anti-terrorism act and its enforcement ordinance draft, this legislation seems to regulate terrorist groups like IS. If so, in the case of terrorism of North Korea or domestic anti-government organizations, whether this law would be applied could become an issue. In the case of terrorism of North Korea, Ministry of National Defense has a right of commandership in the military operations, however, it is also possible to apply the article 4 of Natural Security Act a crime of performing objective-or a crime of foreign exchange on Criminal law as legal grounds for not military terrorisms but general investigations. Therefore, it is necessary to involve consideration about this matter. Furthermore, in the view of investigation, Anti-terrorism act and its enforcement ordinance draft do not mention Supreme Prosecutors Office and Ministry of Justice that conduct investigations. In the case of terrorism, the police and prosecution should conduct to arrest criminals and determine crimes at the investigation stage, however, any explicit article related to this content in Anti-terrorism act and its enforcement ordinance draft was unable to be found. Although Anti-terrorism act is certainly toward preventive aspects, considering some matters such as prevention, actions on the scene, maneuver after terrorism, arresting terrorists, investigation direction, cooperation, and mutual assistance, it is necessary to reflect these contents in Anti-terrorism act. In other words, immediately after terrorists attacks, it is possible to mobilize the military operations by Integrated Defense act in order to arrest them in the case of military terrorism. Nevertheless, because both military terrorism and general one are included in the investigation stage, it needs to begin an investigation under the direction of the prosecution. Therefore, above all, a device for finding out the truth behind the case at the investigation stage is not reflected in the current Anti-terrorism act and its enforcement ordinance draft. Accordingly, if National Intelligence Service approaches information at the prevention level in this situation, it may be necessary to come up with follow-up measures of the police, the prosecution, and military units.

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Research Trends and Future Directions for R&D Vitalization of Domestic Dairy Industry (국내 유가공산업의 R&D활성화를 위한 연구 동향과 방향)

  • Yoon, Sung-Sik
    • Journal of Dairy Science and Biotechnology
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.23-31
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    • 2011
  • Domestic dairy industry is now standing at the crossroad for planning next fifty years, mainly because economic and environmental situations surrounding Korean peninsula are fast changing. For the aspects of dairy consumption, fresh milk consumed less, while consumption of the other milk and dairy products is slightly increasing every year. In 2010, it is approximately estimated that 1,939,000 tons of raw milk was used and the supply would be short by about 35,000 tons, based on the amounts in the previous year. Currently, multilateral negotiations against US and EU are underway. When it will be in effect in the future, significant damage would be expected in the dairy and livestock sectors, leading to cut domestic milk supply. Quality of farm-gate milk is graded as 1A on average 90% or more, loaded with very low in microbial and somatic cell counts. Therefore, policy implications have to be placed toward switch currently the UHT processing method to Pasteurization or the LTLT technology, by which natural flavors and nutrients in milk mostly remain after heat treatment. Domestic cheese products comprise only 10% and the rest is occupied by the various kinds of imported natural products. The market size keeps increasing up to 65,423,000 tons last year. When it comes to vitalization of our natural cheese industry, cheese whey, which is a main by-product in cheese manufacture, is a critical issue to be solved and also "On-Farm Processing" would be combined with a growth of big dairy companies when few immediate issues among the relevant regulations will be eased and alleviated in the near future. Fermented milk market is recorded as a single area of gradual increase in the past 10 years, Korea. Fermented yogurts with health claims targeted stomach, liver, and intestine are popular and has grown fast in sales amounts. In this context, researches on beneficial probiotic lactic acid bacteria are one of the important projects for domestic milk and dairy industries. Labelling regulations on efficacy or health-promoting effects of functional dairy products, which is the most important issue facing domestic dairy processors, should be urgently examined toward commercial expression of the functionality by lawful means. Colostrum, a nutrition-rich yellowish fluid, is roaded with immune, growth and tissue repair factors. Bovine colostrum, a raw material for immune milk preparations and infant formula, can be used to treat or prevent infections of the gastrointestinal tract. Nanotechnology can be applied to develop new milk and dairy products such as micro-encapsulated lactase milk for consumers suffering lactose intolerance. Raw milk is suggested to be managed by its usage in the processing line because imbalance of supply and demand is structural problem in every country and thus the usage systems as in the advanced dairy countries is worth of bench-marking to stabilize milk supply and demand. Raw milk produced is desirable to divide into the three parts; domestic, import, and buffering purposes. It is strongly recommended that a domestic dairy control center as an institutional framework should be urgently established as is Dairy Board in New Zealand and Australia. Lastly, government policy should be directed to foster the highly-educated people who are majoring in Dairy Sciences or working in the dairy industry by means of financial support in studying and training abroad as well.

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Study on the establishment of an efficient disaster emergency communication system focused on the site (현장중심의 효율적 재난통신체계 수립 방안 연구)

  • Kim, Yongsoo;Kim, Dongyeon
    • Journal of the Society of Disaster Information
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.518-527
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    • 2014
  • Our society is changed and diversified rapidly and such tendency is accelerated day after day and has made a lot of problems in the many fields. The important thing we have to recognize is such tendency has a bad effect recently on the safety system in Korea. So it is time to enhance the national safety system and moreover recently Sewol-ho(passenger ship) went down in the sea, it made people remind the importance of national safety system. With this incident, Korean government decided to establish the national safety communication network against the disaster. At this time, I will propose several ideas about the national safety communication network. 1. It must to be established an unified network to contact people who is on a disaster site anytime and anywhere. This is most important element on all disaster sites. 2. PS-LTE technology must to be adopted to the network because it has many advantages including various multimedia services compared to the TETRA in the past. 3. 700MHz is the most efficient band for the network because it has wide cell sites coverage compared to 1.8GHz. 4. Satellite communication system is needed to the network for back-up. 5. It will be effective to adopt Social Media to the communication network system like a Twitter or Facebook for sharing many kinds of information and notifying people of warning message. 6. It can make the network more useful to introduce the latest technology like a sensor network. And Korean government has to improve the system related to the disaster including law and operating organization.

The Trend of Aviation Terrorism in the 4th Industrial Revolution Period and the Development Direction for Domestic Counter Terrorism of Aviation (제4차 산업혁명 시대의 항공 테러리즘 양상 및 국내 항공테러 대응체계 발전방향)

  • Hwang, Ho-Won;Kim, Seung-Woo
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.155-188
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    • 2017
  • On the one hand, the 4th Industrial Revolution provides a positive opportunity to build a new civilization paradigm for mankind. However, on the other hand, due to the 4th Industrial Revolution, artificial intelligence such as 'Goggle Alpha Go' revolutionized and even the human ability was replaced with a 'Silicon Chip' as the opportunity to communicate decreases, the existence of human beings is weakened. And there is a growing concern that the number of violent crimes, such as psychopath, which hunts humans as games, will increase. Moreover, recent international terrorism is being developed in a form similar to 'Psychopathic Violent-Crime' that indiscriminately attacks innocent people. So, the probability that terrorist organizations abuse the positive effects provided by the Fourth Industrial Revolution as means of terrorism is increasing. Therefore, the paradigm of aviation terrorism is expected to change in a way that attacks airport facilities and users rather than aircraft. Because airport facilities are crowded, and psychopathic terrorists are easily accessible. From this point of view, our counter terrorism system of aviation has many weak points in various aspects such as: (1) limitations of counter-terrorism center (2) inefficient on-site command and control system (3) separated organization for aviation security consultation (4) dispersed information collection function in government (5) vulnerable to cyber attack (6) lack of international cooperation network for aviation terrorism. Consequently, it is necessary to improve the domestic counter terrorism system of aviation so as to preemptively respond to the international terrorism. This study propose the following measures to improve the aviation security system by (1) create 'Aviation Special Judicial Police' (2) revise the anti-terrorism law and aviation security law (3) Strengthening the ability respond to terrorism in cyberspace (4) building an international cooperation network for aviation terrorism.

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Study on Legal Position of Aviation Security Subject in Aviation Safety and Security (공항보안요원의 법적 지위에 관한 연구)

  • Hwang, Ho-Won
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.157-179
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    • 2006
  • According to the Annex 17 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation, an appropriate authority of each contracting state has to define and allocate tasks and coordinate activities between the departments, agencies and other organizations of the State, airport and aircraft operators and other entities concerned with or responsible for the implementation of various aspects of the national civil aviation security programme. The airport has to take leading role in implementing security tasks at airport area because the airport operator is the provider of airport facilities and services to its customer and the security activities belong to its services. So Republic of Korea Government enact the Law, Aviation Safety and Security. The Purpose of this Act is to prevent any unlawful act in airport facilities with international conventions, including the ICAO to provide for standards, procedures and mandatory matters needed to ensure the safety and security of civil aviation. But the Act has some error. So is this paper to review the revision of aviation security regulation and the changes of aviation security responsibilities and task assignment. There is the term "aviation security personnel", who are charged with the task of preventing any act of disrupting the order and safety in airport. But there is no term "security screening personnel" who performs to detect or search for dangerous object, such as weapons or explosives, which may be used for the unlawful obstruction.

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A Study on Hyangcheong and Jakcheong's Official Duties and Personnel Practices of Anbyeon of Hamgyeong Province in the 19th century - Focusing on an article of 'a list of Hyangcheong and Jakcheong's officials' - (19세기(世紀) 함경도(咸鏡道) 안변(安邊)의 향청(鄕廳)·작청(作廳) 직임(職任)과 인사관행(人事慣行) - '향청·작청 직임 명단' 문서를 중심으로 -)

  • Park, Kyoung ha
    • Journal of Korean Historical Folklife
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    • no.44
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    • pp.145-176
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    • 2014
  • This study analyzed official duties and personnel practices of Hyangcheong(鄕廳), administrative organization in which sajok(士族) participate this office, and Jakcheong(作廳), hyangree(鄕吏)'s office, of Anbyeon of Hamgyeong Province in the 19th century. Although there have beeen somewhat of case study of Gyeongsang, Honam, etc., study on Hamgyeong Province has been almost nonexistent because of the limitation of materials. Hence, this paper specifically examined Hyangcheong and Jakcheong's official duties and personnel practices through an article of 'a list of Hyangcheong and Jakcheong's officials' of Anbyeon, newly found, which is in the possession of this writer. Especially, this study virtually traced individual ststus and family by analyzing Hyangcheong and Jakcheong's 40-official duties and a list of 330-ofiicial duties for sixs years. And then by comparing it against Jokbo(族譜), I have grasped 19-Famlily of them. Executives of Hyangcheong could be grasped as they were status of Yangban(兩班), but members of Jakcheong were hardly identified because they were status of hyangree, thus most of them were not enscrolled in Jokbo. Hyangcheong and Jakcheong's official duties could be found by compare it with other area in Ehubgi(邑誌) Hamgyeong Province. the features of officiak duties are as in the following. On general administrative organization, Sajok's Hayngcheong, Jakcheong as general administrative organization and Jangcheong(將廳) as police work existed. As Pyeongando and Hamgyeongdo were border areas, Jangcheong was independent and led other institutions. However, in Anbyeon, Hojang(戶長) of Hayngcheong and Jakcheong divided dudies and commanded. Hojang'role was higher than any other areas, Because Hojang is in charge of Jangcheong's functions. Jakcheong was centrally operated by Hojang, Eebang(吏房), and Hyeongbang(刑房), so-called 'Samgonghyeong(三公兄)', Whereas Anbyeon was operated by Hojang, Eebang, Chunchong(千摠). In the general areas, While Juasu(座首) Byeolgam(別監), Executive of Hyangcheong, manages each warehouse(倉) where the nation's tax revenues are kept, In Anbyeon besides Joasu, Hyangso(鄕所). The principle of Hyangcheong and Jakcheong's personnel practices was one-period, but there were many consecutive terms, every other year terms, or tranference into other area. Police work was assumed by specific persons because it was relatively specialized job, However in case of Ghamsaek(監色) of each warehouse(倉), Hyangso(鄕所) of Hyangcheong or Hojang of Jakcheong had held plural offices, and was solely responsible it. On the overall features of its operation, Hyangcheong held plural offices, but rotation was made only within Hyangcheong. On the other hand, in the case of Jakcheong, Hojang, Eebang, and even Buriebang circulated their positions, but the other Hyangree rotated each Saek(色) and Guamguan of each warehouse(倉). This writer confirmed that unlike Gyeongsang and Hamgyeong, Hyangcheoung or duties of Hyangree were not handed from generation to generation by several families and, many families shared their work by circulating positions.

A Study on the Ship Channel Design Method using Variable Bumper Area Model (I) (가변범퍼영역모델을 이용한 항로설계기법(I))

  • Jeong Dae-Deug;Lee Joong-Woo
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research Conference
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    • 2004.11a
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    • pp.169-174
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    • 2004
  • To design ship channel is one of important factors for planning and developing a port. In most case, the core factors for designing ship channel are the layout and width of dvnnel provided the net underkeel clearance is assessed as safety. In this study, Variable Bumper Area(VBA) model is applied to design and assess ship channel. This model reflects ship's principle dimension, ship domain theory, ship speed, conning officer's ship handling skill and experience and all external forces which cause leeway, set and drift and the change of ship maneuvering characteristics. Full Mission Ship Handling Simulator is used to analyze ship dynamic data according to conning officer's ship control, external forces, etc. This model uses Domain-index for assessing the efficiency and safety of the channel. The proposed model is applied to Ulsan new port plan which has a channel width of 1.5 times the length if the largest vessel, a radius if 5 times the length of the largest vessel in a curve of 57 degree centerline angle and SBM facility adjacent to the lateral edge if channel. The result of this study shows tint the width and radius of channel curve are suitable for the target ship but the difficulty of ship handling is caused by the large course change and SBM located in the vicinity if channel.

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Resolution Methods for Developer's Difficulties in the Serious Game Developing Process for Science Learning (과학 학습 기능성 게임 개발 과정에서 개발자가 겪는 어려움과 대처 방법)

  • Hwang, Hyunjung;Lee, Changhoon;Jhun, Youngseok
    • Journal of The Korean Association of Information Education
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.121-132
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    • 2014
  • The main goal of this research is to invest the difficulties in the process of developing serious game for science learning to acquire the suggestion. We analysed the journals written by developers of game scenario on the procedure of the development and on the review of the accomplished game. Then we also interviewed the scenario developers as well as game developers. When interviewing the game developers, we passed them the thoughts and questions of scenario developers. The possible difficulties in developing serious game are form the difference of cognitions on the skills which can be embodied in the development process and interaction and communication problem between scenario developers and game developers. As a consequence of the research, we acquired some suggestions for developing serious game as follows; 1) Scenario developers and game developers must understand the concepts of serious game as well as learning theory; 2) Both scenario developers and game developers should be aware of secured technological capacity and allowed time period. 3) Scenario developer should take a part of game developer' role as using a learning contents authoring tool; 4) Scenario developers have to consistently interact with game developers in developing the games; 5) Scenario should be concretely described in detail; and 6) A Supervisor is essential to control both scenario developers and game developers.

Ontology-based Context-aware Framework for Battlefield Surveillance Sensor Network System (전장감시 센서네트워크시스템을 위한 온톨로지 기반 상황인식 프레임워크)

  • Shon, Ho-Sun;Park, Seong-Seung;Jeon, Seo-In;Ryu, Keun-Ho
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea CI
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    • v.48 no.4
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    • pp.9-20
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    • 2011
  • Future warfare paradigm is changing to network-centric warfare and effects-based operations. In order to find first and strike the enemy in the battlefield, friendly unit requires real-time target acquisition, intelligence collection, accurate situation assessment, and timely decision. The rapid development in advanced sensor technology and wireless networks requires a significant change in operational concepts of the battlefield surveillance. In particular, the introduction of a battlefield surveillance sensor network system is a big challenge to the ground forces which have lack of automated information collection assets. Therefore this paper proposes an ontology-based context-aware framework for the battlefield surveillance sensor network system which is needed for early finding the enemy and visualizing the battlefield in the ground force operations. Compared with the performance of existing systems, the one of the proposed framework has shown highly positive results by applying the context systems evaluation method. The framework has also proven to be satisfactory by the structured evaluation method using device collaboration. Since the proposed ontology-based context-aware framework has a lot of advantages in terms of scalability and reusability, the ground force's reconnaissance and surveillance system can be widely applied to expand in the future. And, ontology-based model has some weak points such as ontology data size, processing time, and limitation of network bandwidth. However, these problems can be resolved by customizing properly to fit the mission and characteristics of the unit. Moreover, development of the next-generation communication infrastructure can expedite the intelligent surveillance and reconnaissance service and may be expected to contribute greatly to expanding the information capacity.

Development of Reconfigurable Tactical Operation Display Framework by Battery and Battalion (포대/대대 별 재구성 가능한 전술작전화면 프레임워크 개발)

  • Lee, Sangtae;Lee, Seungyoung;Wi, SoungHyouk;Cho, Kyutae
    • Journal of KIISE
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    • v.44 no.5
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    • pp.476-485
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    • 2017
  • The tactical operation centers of future anti-aircraft missile systems provide the environment for the research on future air threats, tactical information, integrated battlefield environment creation and management, engagement control and command and control algorithms. To develop the key functional elements of integrated battlefield situation creation and processing and tactical operation automation processing operations, battery/battalion tactical operation control and reconfiguration design software are required. Therefore, the algorithm software of each function and the tactical operation display software and link software for interworking between equipment were developed as reconfigurable through a data-centric design. In this paper, a tactical operation display framework that can be reconfigured on the operation display of the tactical operations according to the battery/battalion is introduced. This tactical operation display framework was used to develop a common data model design for the reconfigurable structure of multi-role tactical operations with battery / battalion and mission views, and a display configuration tool that provides a tactical operation display framework for view development was also developed using the MVC pattern. If the tactical operation display framework is used, it will be possible to reuse the view design through the common base structure, and a view that can be reconfigured easily and quickly will also be developed.