• Title/Summary/Keyword: 지형 인식

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Consideration of the Problems with the Information Board of Gosu Cave's Viewing Objects (고수동굴 관람대상물의 안내판에 대한 문제점 고찰)

  • Jo, Mi-Ryung
    • Journal of the Speleological Society of Korea
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    • no.93
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2009
  • The results of the consideration over the information board: First, most names on the information board have abstract names based on the type of features rather than the academic names of the cave terrain. Second, the role of the information media is insufficient because it only provides the name of features without the academic explanations. Third, there are a few mistakes in the information board, and some parts, which may cause academic debates, have not been described correctly.

A Study on the application of 3-D Geo Spatial Information by Integration of RS and GIS data (원격탐사와 GIS 데이터의 통합에 의한 3차원 지형공간정보시스템 적용 연구)

  • 연상호;홍일화
    • Proceedings of the Korea Contents Association Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.380-383
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    • 2003
  • 지형공간에 대한 3차원 이상의 입체적인 지공간에 대한 시각화와 더불어 시시각각으로 변화하는 지형공간을 유지하기 위해서는 시공간에 존재하는 정부의 취득과 표현기법이 신속하고 다양한 정보의 분석과 정리가 필수적인 숙제로 인식되어가고 있다. 렬 연구에서는 농촌 및 산촌지역을 대상으로 수집한 위성영상과 국립지리원에서 제작한 수치지도를 이용해 정밀지형보정을 실시하고 DEM과 정사영상을 이용해 3차원 이상의 다차원적인 공간정보시뮬레이션을 제작한 것이다. 이러한 입체적인 조감도의 작성기술은 각 분야에서 널리 활용될 수 있는 매우 중요한 요소기술로 활용될 수 있어, 위성영상을 이용하여 기존의 수치지형도와의 결합을 통한 3차원 영상 지도의 제작을 시도하여 다차원적인 분석이 가능한 입체 영상 조감도를 작성하였으며, 비행 시뮬레이션 기법에 의한 가상적인 접근이 가능한 연구결과를 얻어냄으로써 지형공간정보의 고부가 콘텐츠 활용을 유도하도록 하였다.

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Structuring of Elementary Students' Spatial Thinking with Spatial Ability in Learning of Volcanoes and Earthquakes Using GeoMapApp-Based Materials (GeoMapApp 자료를 이용한 화산과 지진 학습에서 초등학생의 공간 능력에 따른 공간적 사고의 발현 양상)

  • Song, Donghyuk;Maeng, Seungho
    • Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education
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    • v.40 no.3
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    • pp.390-406
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    • 2021
  • This study investigated how elementary students with different spatial ability constructed spatial thinking process about on volcanoes and earthquakes with GeoMapApp-based materials. Students' spatial thinking process was analyzed in terms of spatial concept recognized, tools of spatial representation, and their spatial reasoning to construct topographic structure. The student group with high-scored spatial ability showed the spatial reasoning based on internal representation of building mental images through sectional division of horizontal distance, directly connected with spatial concept, or distorting spatial concept. The student group with low-scored spatial ability built the spatial reasoning directly connected with spatial concept instead of transforming into internal representation, and partially recognized spatial concept on either distance or depth. Based on the results, we argued identifying spatial concepts such as distance, height, or depth from the GeoMapApp data would be funda- mental for the better spatial thinking.

Volcanic landforms in Korea (한국의 화산지형 연구)

  • Kim, Taeho
    • Journal of The Geomorphological Association of Korea
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.79-96
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    • 2011
  • Volcanic landforms are classified into the volcanic edifice produced through constructive processes of eruption and the crater generated by destructive processes of eruption. Both landforms are distributed around Korean Peninsula including attaching islands. However, only a few regions such as Mt. Baekdu, Jeju Island, Ulleung Island, and Chugaryeong, which are closely related with the volcanic eruption occurred during the Quaternary, could be considered as a volcanic landform. It results in categorizing the volcanic landform as an unusual topography in Korea. The study of Korean researchers on the volcanic landform were regularized in 1970s on Jeju Island, in 1980s on Ulleung Island, and in 1990s on Mt. Baekdu, respectively. Oreums and lava tubes in Jeju Island have been also examined since 1980s. Compared with other fields of geomorphology, researches as well as researchers on the volcanic landform are very few in Korea. Geomorphologists are expected to perform an active research in that the volcanic landform of Korea have diverse values.

An Investigation on the Problem in the Names and Explanations of Cave Formations (공개동굴 지형지물의 명칭 및 설명문에 대한 문제점 고찰)

  • Hong, Hyun-Cheol
    • Journal of the Speleological Society of Korea
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    • no.87
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    • pp.23-33
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    • 2008
  • All types of tourists visit the cave. The names and explanations of cave formations give very useful information to them. Unfortunately, however, there are a lot of wrong and incorrect statements in the information. Thispaper has investigated this problem in considerations for the importance of information delivery. The problem has turned out as follows: 1) Most of the cave formation names are too abstract based on the shape instead of scientific names; 2) The names are mostly available with little scientific explanation; 3) In case of explanation, wrong, incorrect and controversial statement is found.

Preprocessing for utilize facial shape information (얼굴윤곽 정보 활용을 위한 얼굴영상 전처리)

  • 유연희;고재필;변혜란
    • Proceedings of the Korean Information Science Society Conference
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    • 2003.04c
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    • pp.337-339
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    • 2003
  • 얼굴인식은 얼굴 요소간의 지형적 특징보다 얼굴 영역 영상을 그대로 사용하여 인식하는 외관기반(appearance-based) 방법이 선호된다. 이때, 배경의 영향을 배제하기 위해 얼굴요소정보를 포함하는 최소 사각 영역을 사용하거나, 타원 마스크를 적용한다. 그러나, 이러한 전처리 방법은 개인별 외관특징으로써의 얼굴 윤곽 정보를 활용하지 못하게 한다. 본 논문에는 얼굴의 윤곽정보를 추출하기 위한 전처리 절차를 제안하고, ORL 얼굴 데이터에 대한 인식률 실험을 통해 제안하는 방법이 얼굴인식 성능을 크게 향상시킬 수 있음을 보인다.

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A review and new view on the study on minor erosional forms in bedrock channels in Korea (한국의 기반암 하상 침식 지형 연구)

  • KIM, Jong Yeon
    • Journal of The Geomorphological Association of Korea
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.35-57
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    • 2011
  • Minor erosional forms in the bedrock river, like potholes, are not just research subject for the professional geomorphologis. In addition, these features attract general public and make them understand the social contribution and importance of geomorphologic research activities. In this paper, the studies on bedrock minor forms in Korea was reviewed. For further researches, some of major erosional processes and minor forms in bedrock rivers were discussed in detail. Cavitation, plucking, hydro-wedging, and abrasion by passing sediment particles are the major processes to create the longitudinal or transverse minor forms like pothole, furrows, flutes, and runnels. Especially the definition of furrows and runnels are explained to prevent the confusion with pothole, weathering pits and grooves. To make a progress in research on bedrock minor forms the quantitative relationship between the variables should be studied. New techniques for scientific estimation of erosion rates and exposure ages of bedrock surfaces should be used in this field.