• Title/Summary/Keyword: 지형공간정보기술

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A Study for Forest Research using Airborne Laser Scanning (항공레이저측량을 이용한 산림조사 방법에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Eun-Young;Wie, Gwang-Jae;Cho, Heung-Muk;Yang, In-Tae
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.299-304
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    • 2010
  • Depending on the progress of the surveying and information processing technology, the rapidly developing field of spatial information and the 3D real world spatial information for a variety of content on the computer was able to easily access. In this research, to study on the spot or to use aerial photographs to measure trees of the acquired data, calculate the trees height, forest area and capacity, determine the distribution of the density of acquired points in the forest and analyze accurate and objective information was acquired. The United States, Canada and so on through the capacity of trees biomass, forest resource analysis, time series monitoring, wildfire behavior modeling and applied research and has been declared. During worldwide is increasing interest in forest resources. In nationally, extensive research and analysis of the forest consists of the correct management and protection of forest resources to be effective.

A Position Revision Method by Path-Loss Factor in GIS based Wireless Sensor Node Deployments (GIS기반 무선 센서노드 배치에서 경로손실을 고려한 위치 보정 방법)

  • Bae, Myung-Nam;Kwon, Hyuk-Jong;Kang, Jin-A;Lee, In-Hwan
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.111-121
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    • 2011
  • In this paper, we proposes a sensor node positioning algorithm that utilizes the geo-spatial elements and considers the factors to represent the propagation loss generated by the various obstacles in the urban wireless environments. First, we measures the propagation loss about the radio frequencies in major road of the urban, and defines the correlation between the measured loss and the environment information for the road and its surrounding get from Urban GIS. Secondly, through the utilization of the loss-environment correlation, we describes the detailed instruction for requiring the radio coverage decision and deploy system implementation for the wireless sensor node in urban. By the consideration of interference factor by the building and the linear structure of road, we can evaluate the path loss below 5dB RMS error. And, we proposes the way to revise the sensor node deployment based on the corelation and the measured path loss.

Analysis of Georeferencing Accuracy in 3D Building Modeling Using CAD Plans (CAD 도면을 활용한 3차원 건축물 모델링의 Georeferencing 정확도 분석)

  • Kim, Ji-Seon;Yom, Jae-Hong;Lee, Dong-Cheon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.117-131
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    • 2007
  • Representation of building internal space is an active research area as the need for more geometrically accurate and visually realistic increases. 3 dimensional representation is common ground of research for disciplines such as computer graphics, architectural design and engineering and Geographic Information System (GIS). In many cases CAD plans are the starting point of reconstruction of 3D building models. The main objectives of building reconstruction in GIS applications are visualization and spatial analysis. Hence, CAD plans need to be preprocessed and edited to adapt to the data models of GIS SW and then georeferenced to enable spatial analysis. This study automated the preprocessing of CAD data using AutoCAD VBA (Visual Basic Application), and the processed data was topologically restructured for further analysis in GIS environment. Accuracy of georeferencing CAD data was also examined by comparing the results of coordinate transformation by using digital maps and GPS measurements as the sources of ground control points. The reconstructed buildings were then applied to visualization and network modeling.

Development of Java/VRML-based 3D GIS's Framework and Its Prototype Model (Java/VRML기반 3차원 GIS의 기본 구조와 프로토타입 모델 개발)

  • Kim, Kyong-Ho;Lee, Ki-Won;Lee, Jong-Hun
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.6 no.1 s.11
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    • pp.11-17
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    • 1998
  • Recently, 3D GIS based on 3D geo-processing methodology and Internet environment are emerging issues in GIS fields. To design and implement 3D GIS, the strategic linkage of Java and VRML is first regarded: 3D feature format definition in the passion of conventional GIS including aspatial attributes, 3B feature indexing, 3D analytical operators such as selection, buffering, and Near, Metric operation such as distance measurement and statistical description, and 3D visualization. In 3D feature format definition, the following aspects are implemented: spatial information for 3D primitives extended from 2D primitives, multimedia data, object texture or color of VRML specification. DXF-format GIS layers with additional attributes are converted to 3D feature format and imported into this system. While, 3D analytical operators are realized in the form of 3D buffering with respect to user-defined point, line, polygon, and 3D objects, and 3D Near functions; furthermore, 'Lantern operator' is newly introduced in this 3D GIS. Because this system is implemented by Java applet, any client with Java-enable browser including VRML browser plug-in can utilize the new style of 3D GIS function in the virtual space. Conclusively, we present prototype of WWW-based 3D GIS, and this approach will be contribute to development of core modules on the stage of concept establishment and of real application model in future.

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Analysis of Future Demand and Utilization of the Urban Meteorological Data for the Smart City (스마트시티를 위한 도시기상자료의 미래수요 및 활용가치 분석)

  • Kim, Seong-Gon;Kim, Seung Hee;Lim, Chul-Hee;Na, Seong-Kyun;Park, Sang Seo;Kim, Jaemin;Lee, Yun Gon
    • Atmosphere
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.241-249
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    • 2021
  • A smart city utilizes data collected from various sensors through the internet of things (IoT) and improves city operations across the urban area. Recently substantial research is underway to examine all aspects of data that requires for the smart city operation. Atmospheric data are an essential component for successful smart city implementation, including Urban Air Mobility (UAM), infrastructure planning, safety and convenience, and traffic management. Unfortunately, the current level of conventional atmospheric data does not meet the needs of the new city concept. New and innovative approaches to developing high spatiotemporal resolution of observational and modeling data, resolving the complex urban structure, are expected to support the future needs. The geographic information system (GIS) integrates the atmospheric data with the urban structure and offers information system enhancement. In this study we proposed the necessity and applicability of the high resolution urban meteorological dataset based on heavy fog cases in the smart city region (e.g., Sejong and Pusan) in Korea.

A study on the need to build a complementary PNT system in preparation for GPS interruption (GPS 이용중단을 대비한 상호보완적 PNT 시스템 구축 필요성에 관한 연구)

  • Soon Park;Seung-Cheol Lee;Deok-hee Lee;Min-Seop Kim
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research Conference
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    • 2023.11a
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    • pp.175-176
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    • 2023
  • 1973년 최초로 서비스를 시작한 GPS는 전 세계 60억명 이상이 사용 중이며 거의 모든 사업에 큰 영향을 미치고 있으며, 자동차, 농업, 해양, 일반 안전, 레저활동, 지형공간정보, 항공, 금융, 통신 등 산업 전반에 걸쳐 경제적 이익이 약 1조4천억 달러에 이르는 글로벌 시스템이라 할 수 있다. 최근에는 미국의 GPS 뿐만 아니라 유럽, 러시아, 중국 등 세계 주요국들은 자국의 독자 위성항법시스템을 구축하고 있으며, PNT 정밀성 향상을 위한 위성항법보강시스템의 개발 또한 주요국 중심으로 이루어지고 있다. 4차산업기술의 발달로 인해 다양한 산업의 상용화와 대중화에 따라 PNT 정보의 고정밀, 고신뢰에 대한 수요도 급증하고 있으며, 이에 대한 응용기술 분야에 대한 시장도 급속하게 성장하고 있다. 우리나라에서도 KASS와 같은 위성항법보강시스템 구축을 추진하고 있으며, 향후 독자 위성항법시스템인 KPS의 개발도 진행중에 있다. 그러나 고도 23,000km에서 송출하는 위성신호의 전파교란·기만에 대한 취약성과, 도심지와 같은 위성신호 수신이 열악한 환경에서는 고정밀·고신뢰 PNT 정보를 제공하기가 현실적으로 어려운 실정이다. 이러한 GPS의 취약성을 보완하기 위해 지상기반의 PNT 정보제공 시스템 구축의 필요성이 증대되고 있으며, 전세계적으로 상호보완적 PNT 시스템의 구축·기술개발에 대한 연구가 다양하게 이루어지고 있다.

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A Study on the Possibility of Short-term Monitoring of Coastal Topography Changes Using GOCI-II (GOCI-II를 활용한 단기 연안지형변화 모니터링 가능성 평가 연구)

  • Lee, Jingyo;Kim, Keunyong;Ryu, Joo-Hyung
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.37 no.5_2
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    • pp.1329-1340
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    • 2021
  • The intertidal zone, which is a transitional zone between the ocean and the land, requires continuous monitoring as various changes occur rapidly due to artificial activity and natural disturbance. Monitoring of coastal topography changes using remote sensing method is evaluated to be effective in overcoming the limitations of intertidal zone accessibility and observing long-term topographic changes in intertidal zone. Most of the existing coastal topographic monitoring studies using remote sensing were conducted through high spatial resolution images such as Landsat and Sentinel. This study extracted the waterline using the NDWI from the GOCI-II (Geostationary Ocean Color Satellite-II) data, identified the changes in the intertidal area in Gyeonggi Bay according to various tidal heights, and examined the utility of DEM generation and topography altitude change observation over a short period of time. GOCI-II (249 scenes), Sentinel-2A/B (39 scenes), Landsat 8 OLI (7 scenes) images were obtained around Gyeonggi Bay from October 8, 2020 to August 16, 2021. If generating intertidal area DEM, Sentinel and Landsat images required at least 3 months to 1 year of data collection, but the GOCI-II satellite was able to generate intertidal area DEM in Gyeonggi Bay using only one day of data according to tidal heights, and the topography altitude was also observed through exposure frequency. When observing coastal topography changes using the GOCI-II satellite, it would be a good idea to detect topography changes early through a short cycle and to accurately interpolate and utilize insufficient spatial resolutions using multi-remote sensing data of high resolution. Based on the above results, it is expected that it will be possible to quickly provide information necessary for the latest topographic map and coastal management of the Korean Peninsula by expanding the research area and developing technologies that can be automatically analyzed and detected.

Usability Evaluation of the Drone LiDAR Data for River Surveying (하천측량을 위한 드론라이다 데이터의 활용성 평가)

  • Park, Joon-Kyu;Um, Dae-Yong
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.5
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    • pp.592-597
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    • 2020
  • Currently, river survey data is mainly performed by acquiring longitudinal and cross-sectional data of rivers using total stations or the GNSS(Global Navigation Satellite System). There is not much research that addresses the use of LiDAR(Light Detection and Ranging)systems for surveying rivers. This study evaluates the applicability of using LiDAR data for surveying rivers The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport recently launched a drone-based river fluctuation survey. Pilot survey projects were conducted in major rivers nationwide. Studies related to river surveying were performed using the ground LiDAR(Light Detection And Ranging)system.Accuracy was ensured by extracting the linearity of the object and comparing it with the total station survey performance. Data on trees and other features were extracted to generate three-dimensional geospatial information for the point-cloud data on the ground.Deviations were 0.008~0.048m. and compared with the results of surveying GNSS and the use of drone LiDAR data. Drone LiDAR provided accurate three-dimensional spatial information on the entire target area. It was able to reduce the shaded area caused by the lack of surveying results of the target area. Analyses such as those of area and slope of the target sites are possible. Uses of drones may therefore be anticipated for terrain analyses in the future.

Assessment of LODs and Positional Accuracy for 3D Model based on UAV Images (무인항공영상 기반 3D 모델의 세밀도와 위치정확도 평가)

  • Lee, Jae One;Kim, Doo Pyo;Sung, Sang Min
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.10
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    • pp.197-205
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    • 2020
  • Compared to aerial photogrammetry, UAV photogrammetry has advantages in acquiring and utilizing high-resolution images more quickly. The production of 3D models using UAV photogrammetry has become an important issue at a time when the applications of 3D spatial information are proliferating. Therefore, this study assessed the feasibility of utilizing 3D models produced by UAV photogrammetry through quantitative and qualitative analyses. The qualitative analysis was performed in accordance with the LODs (Level of Details) specified in the 3D Land Spatial Information Construction Regulation. The results showed that the features on planes have a high LoD while features with elevation differences have a low LoD due to the occlusion area and parallax. Quantitative analysis was performed using the 3D coordinates obtained from the CPs (Checkpoints) and edges of nearby structures. The mean errors for residuals at CPs were 0.042 m to 0.059 m in the horizontal and 0.050 m to 0.161 m in the vertical coordinates while the mean errors in the structure's edges were 0.068 m and 0.071 m in horizontal and vertical coordinates, respectively. Therefore, this study confirmed the potential of 3D models from UAV photogrammetry for analyzing the digital twin and slope as well as BIM (Building Information Modeling).

Geographic Information Systems(GIS) Use in Forest Pest Management : A Simulated Study on Mountain Pine Beetle Infestation (지리정보(地理情報)시스템(GIS) 이용(利用)과 산림(山林) 병충해(病蟲害) 관리(管理) : 소나무 좀벌레의 모형적(模型的) 예(例))

  • Lee, Kyu Sung
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.78 no.2
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    • pp.168-176
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    • 1989
  • Recent development of geographic information systems(GIS) provides a great deal of potential in handling a variety of spatial data required by forest resource managers. This study is designed to identify a possible GIS application in forest pest management. Several mountain pine beetle risk assessment parameters(stand characteristics, weather conditions, and topographic factor) were spatially analyzed through computer map overlaying operations in order to estimate the hazard level of the pest damage. In addition, the expected infestation route from an initially infected forest stand was located through further may analysis operations(distance measurement and connectivity analysis). Although current GIS technology may have a few limitations in operational situations, the computer based GIS has been proven as an invaluable tool to resource managers by providing flexible spatial data handing capabilities.

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