• Title/Summary/Keyword: 지형공간정보기술

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Semi-Automatic Method for Constructing 2D and 3D Indoor GIS Maps based on Point Clouds from Terrestrial LiDAR (지상 라이다의 점군 데이터를 이용한 2차원 및 3차원 실내 GIS 도면 반자동 구축 기법 개발)

  • Hong, Sung Chul;Jung, Jae Hoon;Kim, Sang Min;Hong, Seung Hwan;Heo, Joon
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.99-105
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    • 2013
  • In rapidly developing urban areas that include high-rise, large, and complex buildings, indoor and outdoor maps in GIS become a basis for utilizing and sharing information pertaining to various aspects of the real world. Although an indoor mapping has gained much attentions, research efforts are mostly in 2D and 3D modeling of terrain and buildings. Therefore, to facilitate fast and accurate construction of indoor GIS, this paper proposes a semi-automatic method consisting of preprocessing, 2D mapping, and 3D mapping stages. The preprocessing is designed to estimate heights of building interiors and to identify noise data from point clouds. In the 2D mapping, a floor map is extracted with a tracing grid and a refinement method. In the 3D mapping, a 3D wireframe model is created with heights from the preprocessing stage. 3D mesh data converted from noise data is combined with the 3D wireframe model for detail modeling. The proposed method was applied to point clouds depicting a hallway in a building. Experiment results indicate that the proposed method can be utilized to construct 2D and 3D maps for indoor GIS.

Establishment and Application of Flood Forecasting System for Waterfront Belt in Nakdong River Basin for the Prediction of Lowland Inundation of River. (하천구역내 저지대 침수예측을 위한 낙동강 친수지구 홍수예측체계 구축 및 적용)

  • Kim, Taehyung;Kwak, Jaewon;Lee, Jonghyun;Kim, Keuksoo;Choi, Kyuhyun
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2019.05a
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    • pp.294-294
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    • 2019
  • The system for predicting flood of river at Flood Control Office is made up of a rainfall-runoff model and FLDWAV model. This system is mainly operating to predict the excess of the flood watch or warning level at flood forecast points. As the demand for information of the management and operation of riverside, which is being used as a waterfront area such as parks, camping sites, and bike paths, high-level forecasts of watch and warning at certain points are required as well as production of lowland flood forecast information that is used as a waterfront within the river. In this study, a technology to produce flood forecast information in lowland areas of the river used as a waterfront was developed. Based on the results of the 1D hydraulic analysis, a model for performing spatial operations based on high resolution grid was constructed. A model was constructed for Andong district, and the inundation conditions and level were analyzed through a virtual outflow scenarios of Andong and Imha Dam.

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Land Use Analysis of Chung-Ju Road Circumstance Using Remote Sensing (RS를 이용한 충주시 간선도로 주변의 토지이용 분석)

  • Shin, Ke-Jong;Yu, Young-Geol;Hwang, Eui-Jin
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.9 no.6
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    • pp.436-443
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    • 2009
  • There have been rapid increases to the demands for modeling diverse and complex spatial phenomena and utilizing spatial data through the computer across all the aspects of society. As a result, the importance and utilization of remote sensing and GIS's(geographic information systems) have also increased. It can produce digital data of enormous accuracy and value by incorporating remote sensing images into GIS analysis technology and make various thematic maps by classifying and analyzing land cover. Once such a map is made for the target area, it can easily do modeling and constant monitoring based on the map, revise the database with ease, and thus efficiently update geo-spatial information. Under the goal of analyzing changes to land cover along the road by combining the remote sensing and GIS technology, this study classified land cover from the images of two periods, detected changes to the six classes over ten years, and obtained statistics about the study area's quantitative area changes in order to provide basic decision making data for urban planning and development. By analyzing land use along the road, one can set up plans for the area along the road and the downtown to supplement each other.

The Grammar of Female Exploitation In a Digital Matrix: Analysis of the Mechanism of Digital Sexual Violence and Counter-Discourses on it (디지털 매트릭스의 여성착취문법: 디지털 성폭력의 작동방식과 대항담론)

  • YUN, Ji-Yeong
    • Journal of Korean Philosophical Society
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    • no.122
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    • pp.85-134
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    • 2018
  • In this article, I will provide a philosophical discourse on digital sexual violence that is a technological version of male violence. First, critical analysis of the mechanism of the spatiality and the temporality of the hidden and illicit camera is developed to focus on the immeasurable damage of this violence. I elaborate a notional division between digital sexual violence and cyber sexual violence. Secondly, the ease of taking images of women's bodies and the rapid transmission of these images through the advancement of digital communication technology and hyperconnectivity, lead to use these images as a new digital monet for men. They consolidate their male solidarity by reaffirming female inferiority and humiliating women. Thirdly, the invention of the structure of the new affect to resist to digital sexual violence is crucial. For that, it would be necessary to pass from the sexual shame to the sexual displeasure and to the socio-political indignation. These would create another opportunity to resist to digital sexual violence.

A Measures to Implements the Conservation and Management of Traditional Landscape Architecture using Aerial Photogrammetry and 3D Scanning (전통조경 보존·관리를 위한 3차원 공간정보 적용방안)

  • Kim, Jae-Ung
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.38 no.1
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    • pp.77-84
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    • 2020
  • This study is apply 3D spatial information per traditional landscape space by comparing spatial information data created using a small drone and 3D scanner used for 3D spatial information construction for efficient preservation and management of traditional landscaping space composed of areas such as scenic sites and traditional landscape architectures. The analysis results are as follows. First, aerial photogrammetry data is less accurate than 3D scanners, but it was confirmed to be more suitable for monitoring landscape changes by reading RGB images than 3D scanners by texture mapping using digital data in constructing orthographic image data. Second, the orthographic image data constructed by aerial photogrammetry in a traditional landscaping space consisting of a fixed area, such as Gwanghalluwon Garden, produced visually accurate and precise results. However, as a result of the data extraction, data for trees, which is one of the elements that make up the traditional landscaping, was not extracted, so it was determined that 3D scanning and aerial surveying had to be performed in parallel, especially in areas where trees were densely populated. Third, The surrounding trees in Soswaewon Garden caused many errors in 3D spatial information data including topographic data. It was analyzed that it is preferable to use 3D scanning technology for precise measurement rather than aerial photogrammetry because buildings, landscaping facilities and trees are dense in a relatively small space. When 3D spatial information construction data for a traditional landscaping space composed of area using a small drone and a 3D scanner free from temporal and spatial constraints and compared the data was compared, the aerial photogrammetry is effective for large site such as Hahoe Village, Gyeongju and construction of a 3D space using a 3D scanner is effective for traditional garden such as Soswaewon Garden.

A tool development for forced striation and delineation of river network from digital elevation model based on ModelBuilder (모델빌더 기반 하천망의 DEM 각인 및 추출 툴 개발)

  • Choi, Seungsoo;Kim, Dongsu;You, Hojun
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.52 no.8
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    • pp.515-529
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    • 2019
  • Geospatial information for river network and watershed boundary have played a fundamental roles in terms of river management, planning and design, hydrological and hydraulic analysis. Irrespective of their importance, the lack of punctual update and improper maintenance in currently available river-related geospatial information systems has revealed inconsistency issues between individual systems and spatial inaccuracy with regard to reflecting dynamically transferring riverine geography. Given that digital elevation models (DEMs) of high spatial resolution enabling to reproduce precise river network are only available adjacent to national rivers, DEMs with poor spatial resolution lead to generate unreliable river network information and thereby reduce their extensible applicabilities. This study first of all evaluated published spatial information available in Korea with respect to their spatial accuracy and consistency, and also provides a methodology and tool to modify existing low resolution of DEMs by means of striation of conventional or digitized river network to replicate input river network in various degree of further delineation. The tool named FSND was designed to be operated in ArcGIS ModelBuilder which ensures to automatically simulate river network striation to DEMs and delineation with different flow accumulation threshold. The FNSD was successfully validated in Seom River basin to identify its replication of given river network manually digitized based on recent aerial photograph in conjunction with a DEM with 30 meter spatial resolution. With the derived accuracy of reproducibility, substantiation of a various order of river network and watershed boundary from the striated DEM posed tangible possibility for highly extending DEMs with low resolution to be capable of producing reliable riverine spatial information subsequently.

A Study of Cyber Operation COP based on Multi-layered Visualization (멀티레이어드 시각화를 적용한 사이버작전 상황도 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Kwon, Koohyung;Kauh, Jang-hyuk;Kim, Sonyong;Kim, Jonghwa;Lee, Jaeyeon;Oh, Haengrok
    • Convergence Security Journal
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.143-151
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    • 2020
  • The cyber battlefield called the fifth battlefield, is not based on geological information unlike the existing traditional battlefiels in the land, sea, air and space, and has a characteristics that all information has tightly coupled correlation to be anlayized. Because the cyber battlefield has created by the network connection of computers located on the physical battlefield, it is not completely seperated from the geolocational information but it has dependency on network topology and software's vulnerabilities. Therefore, the analysis for cyber battlefield should be provided in a form that can recognize information from multiple domains at a glance, rather than a single geographical or logical aspect. In this paper, we describe a study on the development of the cyber operation COP(Common Operational Picture), which is essential for command and control in the cyber warfare. In particular, we propose an architecure for cyber operation COP to intuitively display information based on visualization techniques applying the multi-layering concept from multiple domains that need to be correlated such as cyber assets, threats, and missions. With this proposed cyber operation COP with multi-layered visualization that helps to describe correlated information among cyber factors, we expect the commanders actually perfcrm cyber command and control in the very complex and unclear cyber battlefield.

Data Modeling to Connect HyGIS with Hydrologic Model (HyGIS와 수문모형의 연계 시스템 개발을 위한 데이터 모델링에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Kyung-Tak;Choi, Yun-Seok
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2006.05a
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    • pp.874-878
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    • 2006
  • 수자원 분야에서 이용하고 있는 모형을 구동하기 위해서는 대상 지역의 지형특성과 시계열 자료 및 비공간적 매개변수 등의 많은 정보가 필요하다. 이러한 자료들은 다양한 과정을 거쳐서 모형에 입력되며, 모의대상이 복잡한 구조를 가지고 있거나 모형의 구동조건이 변할 경우, 모형의 구동과 결과의 관리를 위해서는 더욱 많은 노력이 필요하게 된다. 따라서 이러한 자료들을 효과적으로 관리하고 운용하는 것은 모형구동의 효율성과 객관성을 유지하는데 매우 중요한 요소가 될 수 있다. 이를 위하여 국내 기술로 개발된 GIS 기반의 수자원시스템인 HyGIS(Hydro Geographic Information System)와 수자원 모형을 연계하여 운영할 수 있는 시스템을 개발하고자 하며, 이를 HyGIS-Model이라고 한다. 본 연구에서는 HyGIS의 시공간 데이터 모델을 소개하고, HyGIS-Model 중 HyGIS와 SWAT2000 모형이 연계된 시스템(HyGIS-SWAT)을 개발하기 위한 데이터 모델링에 대해서 기술하고자 한다. 연구결과 HyGIS 데이터 모델과 HyGIS-Model 통합시스템 운영 표준은 HyGIS-SWAT 데이터 모델링과 시스템 설계에 효과적으로 적용될 수 있었다. 이를 통하여 GIS와 수자원 모형의 연계 시스템을 개발하기 위한 시스템 설계에 대한 기술을 확보할 수 있었으며, GIS를 이용한 수자원 모형의 입력자료의 생성, 운영 및 모형 구동 결과의 관리에 대한 표준적 절차를 수립할 수 있었다.

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Extracting Individual Number and Height of Tree using Airborne LiDAR Dataa (항공라이다 자료를 활용한 수목의 개체수 및 수고 추출)

  • Kim, Doo-Yong;Choi, Yun-Woong;Lee, Geun-Sang;Cho, Gi-Sung
    • Journal of Cadastre & Land InformatiX
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    • v.46 no.1
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    • pp.87-100
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    • 2016
  • The acquisition of the forest resource information has depended on a partial sampling method or aerial photographs which demand a lot of effort and time because of the vast areas and the difficult approach. For the acquisition of the forest resource information, there have been the optical remote-sensing and the multi-spectrum image to offer only horizontal distributions of trees, but a new technological approach, such as Airborne LiDAR, is more necessary to acquire directly three dimensional information related to the forest terrains and trees' features. This paper proposes an algorithm for the forest information extraction such as trees' individual numbers and the heights of trees by using LiDAR data. Especially, this proposed algorithm adopts a region growing method for the extraction of the vegetation-point and extracts the forest information using morphological features of trees.

BIM-based visualization technology for blasting in Underground Space (지하공간 BIM 기반 발파진동 영향 시각화 기술)

  • Myoung Bae Seo;Soo Mi Choi;Seong Jong Oh;Seong Uk Kim;Jeong Hoon Shin
    • Smart Media Journal
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    • v.12 no.11
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    • pp.67-76
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    • 2023
  • We propose a visualization method to respond to civil complaints through an analysis of the impact of blasting. In order to analyze the impact of blasting on tunnel excavation, we propose a simulation visualization method considering the mutual influence of the construction infrastructure by linking measurement data and 3D BIM model. First, the level of BIM modeling required for simulation was defined. In addition, vibration measurement data were collected for the GTX-A construction site, terrain and structure BIM were created, and a method for visualizing measurement data using blast vibration estimation was developed. Next, a spherical blasting influence source library was developed for visualization of the blasting influence source, and a specification table that could be linked with Revit Dynamo automation logic was constructed. Using this result, a method for easily visualizing the impact analysis of blasting vibration in 3D was proposed.