• Title/Summary/Keyword: 지하수위관리

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The Stability Assessment of ASSM Tunnels in Service (공용중인 ASSM 터널의 안정성 평가)

  • Kwon, Young Jeong;Park, Min Chul;Shin, Hyo Hee;Lee, Song
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.15 no.5
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    • pp.150-159
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    • 2011
  • The need of securing the stability and extending service lives by efficient maintenance of deteriorated tunnels for several decades has been increased. The stability and the usability of conventional tunnels can be decreased by change of physical properties of the surrounding ground, geometrical properties of the tunnel, an underground water level, environmental conditions, oxidation of lining and the breakdown of constituent materials. In respect of a long-term view, it is need to check all sorts of degradation, the degree of damage and durability to improve the serviceability and to come up with measures to maintain effectively. This paper is about study to analyze the stability of conventional tunnels(American Steel Support Method. ASSM). Three tunnels are chosen in those built in the 1930s and 1960s and the locations of tunnels are selected variously(ChungCheong, GyungBuk, GangWon, Jeolla, etc.) to secure reliability of this study. The state of repair and reinforcement of linings, cracks, and thickness and strength of lining of conventional tunnels in service are researched, compared and analyzed. The crack gauge, the GPR, the schmitt hammer was used for the crack investigation, cavitation, the strength respectively. By using these, the comparative analysis for conventional tunnels was conducted. As a result, there are more cracks in tunnels built in the 1930s than those of tunnels built in the 1960s, and lining strength of the 1930s is higher than those of the 1960s. The thickness of lining in tunnels built in the 1960s is higher than those in tunnels built in the 1930s. In proportion to thickness, cavitation occurred more frequently in tunnels built in the 1960s compared to those in tunnels built in the 1930s.

Protection for sea-water intrusion by geophysical prospecting & GIS (해수침투 방지를 위한 물리검층과 GIS 활용방안)

  • Han Kyu-Eon;Yi Sang-Sun;Jeong Cha-Youn
    • 한국지구물리탐사학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2000.09a
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    • pp.54-69
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    • 2000
  • There are groundwater trouble by high-salinity yield inducing sea-water intrusion in Cheju Island. It is used groundwater-GIS(Well-lnfo) in the maintenance and management of groundwater in Cheju Island to grasp groundwater trouble area and cause of high-salinity yield. For 16 wells certain to yield high-salinity, we logged specific electrical conductivity(EC) and tried to get hold of freshwater and saltwater relationship. As result of distribution of $Cl^-$ by depth, it is showed up groundwater trouble by high-salinity yield in the east coastal area and the partly north coastal area. The reason of high-salinity groundwater yield are low-groundwater level by the structure of geology and low-hydraulic gradient etc. There is necessity for management to development and use of groundwater in the high-salinity area, special management area.

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The Estimation of Groundwater Recharge with Spatial-Temporal Variability at the Musimcheon Catchment (시공간적 변동성을 고려한 무심천 유역의 지하수 함양량 추정)

  • Kim Nam-Won;Chung Il-Moon;Won Yoo-Seung;Lee Jeong-Woo;Lee Byung-Ju
    • Journal of Soil and Groundwater Environment
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    • v.11 no.5
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    • pp.9-19
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    • 2006
  • The accurate estimation of groundwater recharge is important for the proper management of groundwater systems. The widely used techniques of groundwater recharge estimation include water table fluctuation method, baseflow separation method, and annual water balance method. However, these methods can not represent the temporal-spatial variability of recharge resulting from climatic condition, land use, soil storage and hydrogeological heterogeneity because the methods are all based on the lumped concept and local scale problems. Therefore, the objective of this paper is to present an effective method for estimating groundwater recharge with spatial-temporal variability using the SWAT model which can represent the heterogeneity of the watershed. The SWAT model can simulate daily surface runoff, evapotranspiration, soil storage, recharge, and groundwater flow within the watershed. The model was applied to the Musimcheon watershed located in the upstream of Mihocheon watershed. Hydrological components were determined during the period from 2001 to 2004, and the validity of the results was tested by comparing the estimated runoff with the observed runoff at the outlet of the catchment. The results of temporal and spatial variations of groundwater recharge were presented here. This study suggests that variations in recharge can be significantly affected by subbasin slope as well as land use.

Providing the combined models for groundwater changes using common indicators in GIS (GIS 공통 지표를 활용한 지하수 변화 통합 모델 제공)

  • Samaneh, Hamta;Seo, You Seok
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.55 no.3
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    • pp.245-255
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    • 2022
  • Evaluating the qualitative the qualitative process of water resources by using various indicators, as one of the most prevalent methods for optimal managing of water bodies, is necessary for having one regular plan for protection of water quality. In this study, zoning maps were developed on a yearly basis by collecting and reviewing the process, validating, and performing statistical tests on qualitative parameters҆ data of the Iranian aquifers from 1995 to 2020 using Geographic Information System (GIS), and based on Inverse Distance Weighting (IDW), Radial Basic Function (RBF), and Global Polynomial Interpolation (GPI) methods and Kriging and Co-Kriging techniques in three types including simple, ordinary, and universal. Then, minimum uncertainty and zoning error in addition to proximity for ASE and RMSE amount, was selected as the optimum model. Afterwards, the selected model was zoned by using Scholar and Wilcox. General evaluation of groundwater situation of Iran, revealed that 59.70 and 39.86% of the resources are classified into the class of unsuitable for agricultural and drinking purposes, respectively indicating the crisis of groundwater quality in Iran. Finally, for validating the extracted results, spatial changes in water quality were evaluated using the Groundwater Quality Index (GWQI), indicating high sensitivity of aquifers to small quantitative changes in water level in addition to severe shortage of groundwater reserves in Iran.

Analysis of Bed Change Caused by Hydraulic Structure Using 2-D model (수공구조물에 따른 2차원 모형을 이용한 하상변동 분석)

  • Son, Ah-Long;Son, In-Ho;Han, Kun-Yeun;Kwon, Taek-Hoon
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2012.05a
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    • pp.535-535
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    • 2012
  • 하천 환경의 변화는 자연적으로 일어나기도 하지만, 우리나라 경우 대부분 하천 정비, 골재 채취, 수중보와 하구둑 등 하천시설물의 건설, 그리고 댐 및 교량건설 등 인위적인 요인에 의한 변화가 지배적이다 이렇게 환경이 변화하면 하천의 평형 상태는 파괴되며 하천의 평형 상태를 복원하는 과정에서 하천의 침식 또는 퇴적이 일어나며 이러한 과정의 총체적인 결과로서 하상변동이 일어나게 된다. 하상변동은 단기적인 면에서는 하천에서의 취수, 배수, 주운동 하천관리에 직접적인 영향을 주며, 장기적인 면에서는 하천시설물의 안정, 홍수위 및 지하수위 변화, 홍수터와 같은 하천부지의 변화 등 하천 및 유역 관리에 광범위한 영향을 주고 있다 하천의 유황 및 하상재료의 인위적인 변화에 의한 장기적인 하상변동 효과를 예측하고 분석하는 것은 하천계획 및 관리 면에서 매우 중요하다. 또한 하천 정비사업 등에 의한 영향을 제대로 평가하기 위해서는 비교적 단기간의 홍수 또는 호우 사상에 대한 단기적인 하상변동 효과를 정확하게 예측하는 것은 필수적이다. 외국에서는 하상변동 예측의 필요성을 일찍이 인식하여 다수의 하상변동 예측모형이 개발되어 하천 실무에 사용되고 있으며, 국내에서도 하천 흐름의 등수 역학적 해석을 위해 여러 가지 수치 기법들에 대한 연구가 진행되고 발전되어져 왔다. 현재 국내에서는 측량 자료이용과 모형적용의 용이성을 이유로 1차원 점변 부정류 해석프로그램인 HEC-RAS 모형을 많이 사용하고 있으며 대부분의 하천 정비 기본계획 수립에 있어서도 1차원 해석 모형을 적용하고 있는 실정이다. 국내에 서 수행된 하상변동 예측에 관한 연구들은 대부분 1차원 모형이므로 하천의 사행의 진행이나 유사의 횡방향 분포 등은 고려할 수 없다. 또한 하상변동 계산 시 이동상 부분의 전체가 균일하게 상승 또는 하향하는 것으로 가정하기 때문에 흐름이 급변하는 데 적용하는 것은 적합하지 않다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 4대강살리기 사업이 진행중인 낙동강유역 구미보지점을 대상으로 2차원 흐름 및 하상변동 수치모형인 CCHE2D 모형을 적용하여 50년, 100년, 200년 빈도별로 모의를 실시, 보설치 전 후의 하상변동을 비교 분석 하였다. 모의 결과 보설치 후의 경우 보 상류단은 전반적으로 퇴적의 양상을 보였으며, 보 하류단의 만곡부의 경우 홍수량이 증가함에 따라 유속 및 소류력이 비슷한 패턴으로 증가하여 침식이 관찰되었다. 특히 보 직하류의 경우 수문을 기준으로 다량의 침식이 있음을 보였으며, 침식이 계속 진행된다면 보유실과 같은 심각한 결과를 초래할 수 있기 때문에 침식을 방지 할 수 있는 다양한 장치가 마련되어야 할 것으로 판단된다.

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Division of Soil Properties in Reclaimed Land of the Mangyeong and Dongjin River Basin and Their Agricultural Engineering Management (만경강과 동진강 유역 간척농경지 토양특성 구분과 농공학적 관리 대책)

  • Hwang, Seon-Woong;Kang, Jong-Gook;Lee, Kyung-Do;Lee, Kyung-Bo;Park, Ki-Hun;Chung, Doug-Young
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.45 no.3
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    • pp.444-450
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    • 2012
  • The physical and chemical properties of soil in the Mangyeong and Dongjin river basin had been investigated in order to establish the most optimum soil improvement plan on the reclaimed land. The total soil area by reclamation in Saemangeum basin is 113,971 ha. The classification by the distribution of soil series and soil texture is as following. 13 soil series including Chonnam, Buyong and Chonbuk series are period-unknown areas. Regarding the soil texture, they are fine silty ~ clayey very fine. From 1920s to 1960s, Mangyeong, Gwanghwal and Chonbuk series had coarse silty textured soil. After the 1970s, Mangyeong, Gwanghwal, Munpo, Yeompo, Poseung, Gapo and Hasa series have more sandy soil ~ moderately coarse loamy textured soil. Regarding the chemical properties, the concentrations of EC, Exch. $K^+$, $Mg^{2+}$, $Na^+$ and pH are high regardless of the time of reclamation. On the other hand, organic matter (OM) of top soil were 3.3~16.1 g $kg^{-1}$. The organic matter contents were very low though the soil had been farmed for a long time. Furthermore, the deep soil had almost no organic matter with 5.6~1.1 g $kg^{-1}$. The reason is believed that there had not been any movement of OM and clay because pressure or induced pans had been formed by large agricultural machineries and poor vertical drain. Regarding the forming of illuvial horizon (B layer) which tells the development extent of soil, only in the Hwapo reclaimed area where rice had been cultivated for past 90 years, Fe and Mn from top soil are deposited at underground 20~30 cm with 7~8 cm thickness by the movement of clay. It is believed that it had been possible because the earthiness is silty clay loam soil with relatively high content of clay. The soils are soil with concern of damage from sea water, soil on flimsy ground and sandy soil. Therefore, soil improvement for stable crop production can be expected; if the water table would be lowered by subsurface drainage, the water permeability would be enhanced by gypsum and organic matter, and the sandy soil would be replaced by red soil with high content of clay.

Rewetting Strategies for the Drained Tropical Peatlands in Indonesia (인도네시아의 배수된 열대 이탄지에 대한 재습지화 전략)

  • Roh, Yujin;Kim, Seongjun;Han, Seung Hyun;Lee, Jongyeol;Son, Yowhan
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Biology
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    • v.36 no.1
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    • pp.33-42
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    • 2018
  • The tropical peatlands have been deforested and converted to agricultural and plantation areas in Indonesia. To manage water levels and increase the overall productivity of crops, canals have been constructed in tropical peatlands. The canals destructed the structure of the tropical peatlands, and increased the subsidence and fire hazard risks in the region. The Indonesian government enacted regulations and a moratorium on tropical peatlands, in order to reduce degradation. A practical method under the regulations of rewetting tropical peatlands was to permit a canal blocking. In this study, four canal blocking projects were investigated regarding their planning, construction priority, design, building material, construction, monitoring, time and costs associated with the canal blockings. In the protected areas, regulations restricted the development of the tropical peatlands areas that were noted as deeper than 3 m, and the administration stopped issuing new concessions for future work projects for this noted criteria of land use. A noted purpose of canal blockings in these areas was to effectuate the restoration of the lands in the region. The main considerations of the restoration efforts were to maintain a durability of the blockings, and to encourage the participation of the area stakeholders. In the case of a concession area, regulations were set into place to restrict clear-cutting and shifting cultivation, and to maintain groundwater level in the tropical peatland. The most significant priorities identified in the canal blocking project were the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of the project. Nevertheless, the drainage of tropical peatlands has been continued. On the basis of a literature review on regulations and rewetting methods in tropical peatlands of Indonesia, we discussed the improvements of the regulations, and adequate canal blockings to serve the function to rewet the tropical peatlands in Indonesia. Our results would help establishing an adequate direction and recommended guideline on viable rewetting methods for the restoration of drained tropical peatlands in Southeast Asia.

Cause-based Categorization of the Riparian Vegetative Recruitment and Corresponding Research Direction (하천식생 이입현상의 원인 별 유형화 및 연구 방향)

  • Woo, Hyoseop;Park, Moonhyeong
    • Ecology and Resilient Infrastructure
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    • v.3 no.3
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    • pp.207-211
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    • 2016
  • This study focuses on the categorization of the phenomenon of vegetative recruitment on riparian channels, so called, the phenomenon from "white river" to "green river", and proposes for the corresponding research direction. According to the literature review and research outputs obtained from the authors' previous research performed in Korea within a limited scope, the necessary and sufficient conditions for the recruitment and retrogression of riparian vegetation may be the mechanical disturbance (riverbed tractive stress), soil moisture (groundwater level, topography, composition of riverbed material, precipitation etc.), period of submergence, extreme weather, and nutrient inflow. In this study, two categories, one for the reduction in spring flood due to the change in spring precipitation pattern in unregulated rivers and the other for the increase in nutrient inflow into streams, both of which were partially proved, have been added in the categorization of the vegetative recruitment and retrogression on the riparian channels. In order to scientifically investigate further the phenomenon of the riparian vegetative recruitment and retrogression and develop the working riparian vegetative models, it is necessary to conduct a systematic nationwide survey on the "white to green" rivers, establishment of the categorization of the vegetation recruitment and retrogression based on the proof of those hypotheses and detailed categorization, development of the working mathematical models for the dynamic riparian vegetative recruitment and retrogression, and adaptive management for the river changes.

A Study on Water Quality Management on Urban Water Circulating System in the New City (신도시 내 물순환시스템 구축 및 수질관리 연구)

  • Ahn, Chang-Hyuk;Joo, Jin-Chul;Kwon, Jae-Hyeong;Song, Ho-Myeon;Ahn, Ho-Sang
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2012.05a
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    • pp.743-743
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    • 2012
  • 최근 국내에서는 저탄소 녹색도시 조성의 일환으로 도시의 환경오염과 기후변화의 문제의 원인이 되고 있는 탄소 배출을 억제하고 고유가 시대에 에너지저감을 동시에 고려하는 저탄소 도시 조성을 통해 기후변화 시대에 대응을 추진하고 있다(국토해양부, 2009). 이러한 결과로 최근 도시내 물순환시스템(urban water circulating system or blue-network)의 구축이 요구되며 이는 자연의 생태 기능을 복원하고 오염부하를 저감하여 도시 환경의 건강성과 지속성 향상에 기여한다. 이러한 도시물순환시스템은 시민의 휴식 및 문화 공간, 도심열섬현상 완화, 재해방지, 생물서식공간(biotope) 제공 등의 기본적인 기능 이외에도 탄소배출 감소, 우수 저류공간 확보, 지하수위 유지, 비상용수 확보, 대기오염물질의 집진제거, 습지보전 및 생물종 다양성 확보 등의 주요 기능을 수행할 수 있기 때문에 구도심의 재개발 또는 신도시 개발 시 도시 어메니티(amenity) 증진에 널리 적용되고 있다(서울시정개발연구원 2003; 한국토지공사 2003). 남한산성을 포함하는 청량산 계곡수를 발원지로서, 공간적 범위는 장지천과 창곡천을 따라 약 3.5 km 서쪽으로 흘러 탄천에 이르기까지의 물길축(blue-network)를 기반으로 하며 총면적은 $6.8km^2$ 으로 서울, 성남, 하남의 3개 행정구역에 걸쳐있다. 내용적 범위는 현황조사(개발 컨셉, 하천분포현황, 인접지역 연계, 수질), 수량 및 수질 확보방안(물수지분석, 다중 수원 확보방안, 목표수질 설정, 부영양화 가능성 평가), 물순환시스템 구축(소하천 등과 연계 방안), 유지관리 방안의 순서로 진행하여 기본계획을 도출하였다. 현황조사 결과 본 사업대상지는 장지천, 창곡천, 학암천 등 3개 소하천이 서쪽의 탄천과 연결되어 있으며 동쪽은 산지로 청량산이 인접하기에, 주변 자연지형을 최대한 고려하여 물순환시스템을 계획하였다. 하천 유량은 기존 환경영향평가서, 하천 연계방안, 신도시 조성 관련기준 등을 종합적으로 고려하여 하류에서 각각 장지천 $10,087m^3/d$, 창곡천 $7,103m^3/d$, 복우천 $5,530m^3/d$ 의 유지용수량을 산정하였다. 도시 친수공간 확보와 어메니티 향상을 위해 지구내 수로(휴먼링)을 조성하여 장지천, 창곡천과 연계하였으며 주요 유지용수는 저탄소 녹색도시 건설에 부합하도록 우수을 활용한 함양지 및 계곡수로 조성 계획하였다. 또한, 인접한 장지천 및 창곡천 등 소하천은 지속적인 유량공급 및 양질의 수질을 확보하기 위해서 하상여과수를 검토 후 제안하였다.

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Structural Stability Analysis Study for Existing Subway Tunnels Using a 3D Stress-Pore Pressure Coupled Finite Element Modelling of NATM Tunneling (NATM 터널굴착시 응력-간극수압 연계 3차원 유한요소모델링을 통한 기존 지하철터널의 구조적 안정성 해석연구)

  • Kong, Byung-Seung
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.13 no.6 s.58
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    • pp.192-203
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    • 2009
  • In the new Seoul-Busan high speed railroad construction specially in area of city center passage the roadbed establishment is recommended the staibility for the existing subway tunnel segments of Busan subway 1st and 2nd lines regarding the appearance condition, a quality condition and the durability of the objective facility, and it evaluates the numerical analysis using MIDAS/GTS which leads the stability of the objective facility and investigatesd tunnels. Fundamental issues in tunneling under high groundwater table are discussed and the effect of groundwater on tunnel excavation was examined using a 3D stress-pore pressure coupled Finite-Element Method. Based on the results the interaction mechanism between the tunnelling and groundwater is identified. In the both of 1st and 2nd Line the maximum sinkage, unequal sinkage and the lining stress from numerical analysis are within permission and the damage degree is appearing to be disregarded. But it enforces necessary Pre-grouting in order to minimize an actual tunnel face conduct and when the tunnel is excavated it is also necessary to minimize the outflow possibility.