• Title/Summary/Keyword: 지진 피해감소

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Study on the Nonlinear Analysis Model for Seismic Performance Evaluation of School Buildings Retrofitted with Infilled Steel Frame with Brace (철골 끼움가새골조로 보강된 학교건물의 내진성능평가를 위한 비선형 해석 모델에 관한 연구)

  • Yoo, Suk-Hyeong;Ko, Kwan-Wook
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.65-72
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    • 2022
  • Recently, damage to buildings due to earthquakes in Korea occurred mainly in school buildings and Piloti-type multi-family houses, highlighting the need for seismic retrofit for buildings of the same type. In the early days of the seismic retrofit project for school facilities, various patented methods using dampers as a ductile seismic retrofit method were applied without sufficient verification procedures. However, in 「School Facility Seismic Performance Evaluation and Retrofit Manual, 2021」, when the patented method is applied, it must be applied through a separate strict verification procedure, and instead, the strength/stiffness retrofit method was induced as a general method. In practice,when evaluating seismic performance for retrofit by infilled steel frame with brace, the analysis model is constructed by directly connecting only the steel brace to the existing RC member. However, if the frame is removed from the analysis model of the infilled steel frame with brace, the force reduction occurring on the existing RC member near the retrofit is considered to be very large, and this is judged to affect the review of whether to retrofit the foundation or not. Therefore, in this study, preliminary analysis with variables such as whether or not steel frame is taken into account and frame link method for the analysis model of RC school building retrofitted by infilled steel frame with brace and nonlinear analysis for actual 3-story school building was performed, and basic data for rational analysis model setting were presented by comparing preliminary analysis and pushover analysis results for each variable.

Dynamic Behavior Characteristics of Group Piles with Relative Density in Sandy Soil (건조 모래지반의 상대밀도에 따른 무리말뚝의 동적거동특성)

  • Heungtae Kim;Hongsig Kang;Kusik Jeong;Kwangkuk Ahn
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.24 no.9
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    • pp.33-40
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    • 2023
  • The lateral load which is applied to the pile foundation supporting the superstructure during an earthquake is divided into the inertia force of the upper structure and the kinematic force of the ground. The inertia force and the kinematic force could cause failure to the pile foundation through different complex mechanisms. So it is necessary to predict and evaluate interaction of the ground-pile-structure properly for the seismic design of the foundation. The interaction is affected by the lateral behavior of the structure, the length of the pile, the boundary conditions of the head, and the relative density of the ground. Confining pressure and ground stiffness change accordingly when the relative density changes, and it results that the coefficient of subgrade reaction varies depending on each system. Horizontal bearing behavior and capacity of the pile foundation vary depending on lateral load condition and relative density of the sandy soil. Therefore, the 1g shaking table tests were conducted to confirm the effect of the relative density of the dried sandy soil to dynamic behavior of the group pile supporting the superstructure. The result shows that, as the relative density increases, maximum acceleration of the superstructure and the pile cap increases and decreases respectively, and the slope of the p-y curve of the pile decreases.

Flood Hazard Map and EAP Establishment Against Dam/Levee Failure (댐.제방 붕괴에 대비한 홍수위험지도 및 EAP 작성)

  • Han, Kun-Yeun;Kim, Keuk-Soo
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2006.05a
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    • pp.291-295
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    • 2006
  • 비상대처계획(EAP, Emergency Action Plan) 수립 및 홍수위험지도 작성의 목적은 댐.제방 붕괴 등 비상상황이 발생하였을 때 하류부의 생명과 재산 손실을 최소화하기 위한 것으로서 댐 운영 및 관리책임자가 극한홍수 및 지진발생 조건하에서 댐의 물리적, 지형적, 구조적 특성에 따른 발생 가능한 비상상황을 예상하고 이에 효율적으로 대처하기 위한 가능한 최선의 사전계획을 수립하는 것이다. 또한, 댐의 비상상황에 대처하기 위한 비상대처계획 수립 의무화 및 이에 대한 실제적인 모의훈련 등에 필요한 기초자료를 체계적으로 제공하고자 함에 있다. 국내에서 EAP를 수립하여야 할 대상 댐 저수지는 한국수자원공사에서 관리하는 다목적댐, 생공용수댐과 한국농촌공사에서 관리하는 농업용저수지, 한국수력원자력주식회사에서 관리하는 수력발전댐 및 지방자치단체에서 관리하는 댐 등이 해당된다. 제방의 경우 인구가 밀집되어 있는 전 지역이 그 대상이 될 수 있다. EAP의 주요 내용에는 만약에 발생할 수 있는 붕괴 사고시 인명의 손실이나 재산상의 피해를 발생시킬 수 있는 댐 저수지들에 대해서는 EAP를 수립하거나 갱신하기 위한 지침들이 포함되어 있어야 한다. 댐으로부터의 하류 연안지역의 개발이나 소유권은 다양하며, 이로 인해 댐의 운영이나 붕괴로 인한 잠재적 인명손실 또한 다양할 수 있다. 따라서 모든 EAP는 댐, 저수지 하류부 현장 조건에 맞도록 구성되어야 한다. EAP 수립의 주체는 댐 및 저수지 관리자이며 EAP에는 비상상황 확인, 평가, 등급분류, 비상연락체계 및 경보전달체계 수립, 비상시 응급행동요령, 홍수범람예측지도 작성, 비상주민대피계획 및 훈련방안, 부록, 주기적 또는 필요시마다 보완 계획 등이 포함되어야 하며, EAP의 주요 구성요소인 홍수위험지도에는 홍수위험정보 및 대피정보를 제시함으로써 실제 주민 대피계획시 실제적이고 효율적인 대피계획 수립에 활용될 수 있다. 있는 기술가치평가 모형의 구축이 요구된다. 이에 본 연구에서는 효율적인 R&D 투자 정책 수립과 정부정책수립에 기여하고자 AHP(Analytic Hierarchy Process, 계층 분석 과정)기법을 이용, 수자원의 지속적 확보기술의 특성에 따른 4개의 평가기준과 26개의 평가속성으로 이루어진 2단계 기술가치평가 모형을 구축하였으며 2개의 개별기술에 대한 시범적용을 실행하였다.하는 것으로 추정되었다.면으로의 월류량을 산정하고 유입된 지표유량에 대해서 배수시스템에서의 흐름해석을 수행하였다. 그리고, 침수해석을 위해서는 2차원 침수해석을 위한 DEM기반 침수해석모형을 개발하였고, 건물의 영향을 고려할 수 있도록 구성하였다. 본 연구결과 지표류 유출 해석의 물리적 특성을 잘 반영하며, 도시지역의 복잡한 배수시스템 해석모형과 지표범람 모형을 통합한 모형 개발로 인해 더욱 정교한 도시지역에서의 홍수 범람 해석을 실시할 수 있을 것으로 판단된다. 본 모형의 개발로 침수상황의 시간별 진행과정을 분석함으로써 도시홍수에 대한 침수위험 지점 파악 및 주민대피지도 구축 등에 활용될 수 있을 것으로 판단된다. 있을 것으로 판단되었다.4일간의 기상변화가 자발성 기흉 발생에 영향을 미친다고 추론할 수 있었다. 향후 본 연구에서 추론된 기상변화와 기흉 발생과의 인과관계를 확인하고 좀 더 구체화하기 위한 연구가 필요할 것이다.게 이루어질 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.는 초과수익률이 상승하지만, 이후로는 감소하므로, 반전거래전략을 활용하는 경우 주식투자기간은 24개월이하의 중단기가 적합함을 발견하였다. 이상의 행태적 측면과 투자성과측면의 실증결과를 통하여 한국주식시장에 있어서 시장수익률을 평균적으로 초과할 수 있는 거래전략은 존재하므로 이러한 전략을 개발 및 활용할 수 있으며, 특히, 한국주식시장에 적합한 거래전략은 반전거래전략이고, 이 전략의 유용성은 투자자가 설정한 투자기간보다 더욱 긴 분석기간의 주

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A Study on the Safety Ratio of Reservoir Embankment by Seismic Reinforcement Section Shape (내진보강 단면형상에 따른 국내 저수지 제방의 안전율에 대한 검토)

  • Lim, Seonghun;Kim, Daehyeon
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.343-355
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    • 2021
  • Agricultural reservoirs seek human convenience by supplying agricultural water and providing flood damage effects and rest areas at the same time, but preventing them from aging reservoirs and earthquakes is important. The safety of levees is influenced by field material properties such as soil parameter values of the granular materials that make up the levees, but since precision safety diagnosis or general literature values are diverted, the final safety factors are limited to material properties alone. Since safety factors are determined by physical characteristic values and embankment shapes and have a significant impact on safety factors, accurate contemplation is required when examining reinforced cross sections. Therefore, this study analyzed the case of reasonable and economical reinforcement intersections when designing '◯◯reservoir' in Goheung-geun, Jeollanam-do using the GEP-SLOPE program to enable rational economic design of reinforcement intersections through repeated reviews. As a result of reducing and analyzing the first, second, and third seismic reinforcement of the levees, it was confirmed that the safety ratio was secured even with a significantly smaller amount of reinforcement than the first, second, and lower slopes by obtaining design standards of 1.20. In addition, when determining all seismic reinforcement cross-sectional shapes, it was confirmed that the shape that reinforces only the lower side rather than the upper side of the slope and the entire slope was economical with minimized cross-sectional reinforcement.

Behavior of Steel Fiber-Reinforced Concrete Exterior Connections under Cyclic Loads (반복하중을 받는 강섬유 보강 철근콘크리트 외부 접합부의 거동 특성)

  • Kwon, Woo-Hyun;Kim, Woo-Suk;Kang, Thomas H.K.;Hong, Sung-Gul;Kwak, Yoon-Keun
    • Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute
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    • v.23 no.6
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    • pp.711-722
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    • 2011
  • Beam-column gravity or Intermediate Moment frames subjected to unexpected large displacements are vulnerable when no seismic details are provided, which is typical. Conversely, economic efficiency of those frames is decreased if unnecessary special detailing is applied as the beam and column size becomes quite large and steel congestion is caused by joint transverse reinforcement in beam-column connections. Moderate seismic design is used in Korea for beam-column connections of buildings with structural walls, which are to be destroyed when the unexpected large earthquake occurs. Nonetheless, performance of such beamcolumn connections may be substantially improved by the addition of steel fibers. This study was conducted to investigate the effect of steel fibers in reinforced concrete exterior beam-column connections and possibility for the replacement of some joint transverse reinforcement. Ten half-scale beam-column connections with non-seismic details were tested under cyclic loads with two cycles at each drift up to 19 cycles. Main test parameters used were the volume ratio of steel fibers (0%, 1%, 1.5%) and joint transverse reinforcement amount. The test results show that maximum capacity, energy dissipation capacity, shear strength and bond condition are improved with the application of steel fibers to substitute transverse reinforcement of beam-column connections. Furthermore, several shear strength equations for exterior connections were examined, including the proposed equation for steel fiber-reinforced concrete exterior connections with non-seismic details.