• Title/Summary/Keyword: 지역 정보

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A strategic plan of providing regional information using internet GIS in Seoul (인터넷 GIS를 이용한 서울시 지역정보 제공전략)

  • 강영옥;원종석;이영주
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.365-384
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    • 2002
  • As Internet CIS technology keeps improving dramatically, its use on ordinary people is widely expanded. Informatization of local government is accelerated by the introduction of e-government policy with the purpose of providing public information to the citizen. According to this, construction of Internet homepage is increasing very rapidly by each department of local government. However, the public information service using Internet GIS is very limited. In this study, we propose how to provide the regional information by using Internet GIS by analyzing the following cases; 1) homepages using GIS technology in public and private sectors in case of Seoul, 2) homepages using GIS of foreign local governments, 3) the Seoul Metropolitan government' tasks and data which are important in terms of information service to the citizen. In results of the analysis, we propose a strategic plan of construction of Internet CIS homepage.

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한미 FTA와 디지털환경의 지역방송 콘텐츠 활성화 방안

  • Kim, Deok-Mo;Kim, Man-Gi
    • Proceedings of the Korea Society for Industrial Systems Conference
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    • 2008.10b
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    • pp.322-330
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    • 2008
  • 한미 PTA 타결로 미디어 자본의 시장 침투와 전면적인 콘텐츠 경쟁 상황에서 국내방송과 통신융합이 미치는 영향과, 이러한 변화에 따른 지상파 방송의 디지털전환이 방송콘텐츠 산업의 향후 방향을 짚어보았다. 나아가 지역방송의 지상파 디지털 콘텐츠 활성화를 위한 프로그램 경쟁력 제고 방안, 지역방송의 역할로써 지역사회의 정치, 경제, 문화의 계승발전과 지역민의 통합과 화합을 위한 소통의 장의 수행, 그리고 새롭게 발족하는 방송통신위원회와 지역방송발전위원회에 정책적 대안을 제안하였다.

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Development of a Screening Method for Deforestation Area Prediction using Probability Model (확률모델을 이용한 산림전용지역의 스크리닝방법 개발)

  • Lee, Jung-Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.108-120
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    • 2008
  • This paper discusses the prediction of deforestation areas using probability models from forest census database, Geographic information system (GIS) database and the land cover database. The land cover data was analyzed using remotely-sensed (RS) data of the Landsat TM data from 1989 to 2001. Over the analysis period of 12 years, the deforestation area was about 40ha. Most of the deforestation areas were attributable to road construction and residential development activities. About 80% of the deforestation areas for residential development were found within 100m of the road network. More than 20% of the deforestation areas for forest road construction were within 100m of the road network. Geographic factors and vegetation change detection (VCD) factors were used in probability models to construct deforestation occurrence map. We examined the size effect of area partition as training area and validation area for the probability models. The Bayes model provided a better deforestation prediction rate than that of the regression model.

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Information Education to a Territorial Inhaitants based on Information Infrastructure (교육정보 인프라기반 지역주민의 정보화 교육)

  • 최정배;신주영;김윤호;윤호군
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2003.05a
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    • pp.73-76
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    • 2003
  • The information society is greatly contributing to the improvement of our standard of living by the providing various types of information and facilitating communication. However, the excessive use of the internet and consequent physical and psychological damages are emerging as serious adverse effects or social problems of the information society. It is urgently required to reduce damages caused by adverse effects of information and to establish correct value systems and behavioral modes fit for social members in the information society. This study shows the process of understanding between the inhabitants of a rural community and a school equipped with information infrastructure. As an organ of education, information education by school, whose goal is forming the sense of school-inhabitants unity, is expected to be helpful in preventing negative phenomena resulting from the adverse effects of information by responding activity to them and in developing inhabitants' ability to accept and utilize the favorable effects of the information society. This info-education experience can provide better ideas for the next learners.

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Construction and Analysis of Geospatial Information about Submerged District Using Unmanned Aerial System (무인항공시스템에 의한 수몰지역 공간정보 구축 및 분석)

  • Lee, Keun-Wang;Park, Joon-Kyu
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.14 no.12
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    • pp.225-230
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    • 2016
  • Dam is built to supply water necessary for life stably and reduce the damage caused by heavy rains. Recently there has been required the analysis and utilization of spatial information on the area around the dam because construction of the dam gives a great impact on the environment of the surrounding area. In this study, we build spatial information about the submerged district due to dam construction using drone and propose the effective method for analysis of the spatial information. As a result, orthoimage and DSM of study area were constructed effectively. Change of submerged district of this area was calculated according to the analysis of spatial information. Building and analyzing spatial information carried out in this study are expected to be utilized as the basis in related fields.

Contribution of the Free Learning Semester Programs of Public Library to Local Development: Focused on Cases of Busan City (공공도서관 자유학기제 프로그램의 지역발전 기여 - 부산지역 사례를 중심으로 -)

  • Yoon, Hee-Yoon;Kim, Gyoung Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.53 no.2
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    • pp.29-48
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    • 2019
  • The free learning semester system focuses on the activation of career education of middle school students as an educational policy that links career recognition in elementary school, career search in middle school, and career planning in high school. This system was fully implemented in 2016 and public libraries also provided various programs. This study analyzed the free learning semester system programs of public libraries in Busan city and demonstrated the contribution of local development. As a result, career and job search, career exploration and experience, and information literacy enhancement programs contributed to local knowledge culture, reading culture, learning culture, living culture and leisure culture. However, contribution of reading exhibitions, job experience, information literacy enhancement to the leisure culture and local economy were limited. Therefore, it is desirable that all libraries should add programs related to knowledge ecosystem structure, digital information gap, human healing, social environment issues, future job prospects, and provide information literacy programs.

Development and Use of Interregional Input-Output Table under the Limited Information: A case of Korea (정보가 제약된 조건하에서 지역관 산업연관표의 작성과 그 응용 - 한국의 경우 -)

  • Ko, Suk-Nam;Kwack, Chul-Hong
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.480-491
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    • 2002
  • The purpose of this study is to construct interregional input-output table for multi-regions using non-survey methods. Despite of wide use of interregional input-output table, there have been continuing debates with respect to it's accuracy mostly when it is constructed by non-survey method. The best ideal one is to construct through real survey, while we must pay much time and cost. With regard to this concern, Hulu and Hewings developed a step by step method for the estimation of interregional input coefficients for the Indonesian economy which might be a challenge for the limitation of location quotient method, for which Round pointed out earlier. A five regions interregional input-output table for Korea is developed in this study by expanding Location Quotient method. Some development was made, however, according to the degree of collection of data and the assumption in treating the interregional flows. Finally, a comparison was made for the accuracy of input coefficients between the real surveyed and derived ones.

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The Study for Classifying Snowfall Area Types with Consideration of Snowfall Characteristics and Times (강설특성과 강설시간을 고려한 강설지역의 유형 구분에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Geunyoung
    • Journal of the Society of Disaster Information
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.21-33
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    • 2020
  • Purpose: The objective of this research is to classify snowfall area types with consideration of past regional snowfall characteristics and times for the effective local snow removal response systems of 229 local government districts. Method: This research first collected snowfall data of South Korea meteorological stations, and classified regional types using successive snowfall time. This research finally produced GIS maps using regional type information of snowfalls by applying GIS analysis methods. Result: This research provides five types of snowfall regions including 'frequent heavy snowfall regions', 'frequent light snowfall regions', 'rare heavy snowfall regions', 'average snowfall regions', and 'rare light snowfall regions' based on analysis results. Conclusion: Results of this research can be used as basic information for regional demand estimations of snow removal equipments, materials, vehicles, and personnel for the efficient snow removal response systems.

경기지역 정보화 촉진 방안

  • Jo, Yeong-Ho
    • 정보화사회
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    • s.44
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    • pp.34-40
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    • 1991
  • 정보사회의 건설도 지역의 발전과 국토의 균형적 성장이라는 대전제에 맞추어 이루어져야 하며, "정보의 지방화"와 "지방의 정보화"가 동시에 이루어져야 한다.

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