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Validation of Extreme Rainfall Estimation in an Urban Area derived from Satellite Data : A Case Study on the Heavy Rainfall Event in July, 2011 (위성 자료를 이용한 도시지역 극치강우 모니터링: 2011년 7월 집중호우를 중심으로)

  • Yoon, Sun-Kwon;Park, Kyung-Won;Kim, Jong Pil;Jung, Il-Won
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.47 no.4
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    • pp.371-384
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    • 2014
  • This study developed a new algorithm of extreme rainfall extraction based on the Communication, Ocean and Meteorological Satellite (COMS) and the Tropical Rainfall Measurement Mission (TRMM) Satellite image data and evaluated its applicability for the heavy rainfall event in July-2011 in Seoul, South Korea. The power-series-regression-based Z-R relationship was employed for taking into account for empirical relationships between TRMM/PR, TRMM/VIRS, COMS, and Automatic Weather System(AWS) at each elevation. The estimated Z-R relationship ($Z=303R^{0.72}$) agreed well with observation from AWS (correlation coefficient=0.57). The estimated 10-minute rainfall intensities from the COMS satellite using the Z-R relationship generated underestimated rainfall intensities. For a small rainfall event the Z-R relationship tended to overestimated rainfall intensities. However, the overall patterns of estimated rainfall were very comparable with the observed data. The correlation coefficients and the Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) of 10-minute rainfall series from COMS and AWS gave 0.517, and 3.146, respectively. In addition, the averaged error value of the spatial correlation matrix ranged from -0.530 to -0.228, indicating negative correlation. To reduce the error by extreme rainfall estimation using satellite datasets it is required to take into more extreme factors and improve the algorithm through further study. This study showed the potential utility of multi-geostationary satellite data for building up sub-daily rainfall and establishing the real-time flood alert system in ungauged watersheds.

Comparison of Determination Methods for Available-P in Soil of Plastic Film House (시설재배 토양의 유효인산 측정방법 비교)

  • Yang, Won-Seok;Kang, Seong-Soo;Kim, Ki-In;Hong, Soon-Dal
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.39 no.3
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    • pp.163-172
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    • 2006
  • Pot experiments were conducted from 1999 to 2001 to compare the different methods of available phosphorus (P) for estimation of biomass and P uptake by tomato and cucumber grown on different soils (25 soils for tomato and 8 soils for cucumber cultivation) collected from plastic film house of Chungbuk area. Supplementary experiment was conducted to estimate the relationship among several extraction methods of available P such as P adsorption, water extractable-P, Lancaster-P, Olsen-P, Bray No 1 and No 2-P, and Mehlich 1 and 3-P for a total of 71 soils that included 33 soils collected for tomato and cucumber cultivation and 38 soils taken from other sites of plastic film house. All the extraction methods of available phosphorus except P adsorption were mutually positive correlated with r ranging from 0.81 to 0.96 while the correlation coefficient between P adsorption and other methods ranged from -0.57 to -0.80. Phosphorus uptake by tomato plant applied with no fertilizer was significantly correlated with the available P extracted by different methods except P adsorption in all the experiments showing positive correlation coefficients from 0.49 to 0.76 in April, 1999, 0.53 to 0.71 in April, 2000, and 0.59 to 0.68 in October, 2000. Consequently relative amount of P uptake by tomato plant for all the experiments also significantly correlated with available P in soils showing correlation coefficients of r=0.64~0.73 (P<0.0000001) in the order of Mehlich 1-P > Mehlich 3-P > Lancaster-P. For tomato, critical concentrations of available P in soils estimated by Cate and Nelson split method were $1700mg\;kg^{-1}$ for Mehlich 3-P, $1,050mg\;kg^{-1}$ for Mehlich 1-P, and $95mg\;kg^{-1}$ for water extractable P. Also P uptake by cucumber plant was significantly correlated with Olsen-P, water extractable P, and Bray No 2-P with r value of 0.62, 0.59, and 0.51, respectively, in soils of no fertilization.

Characteristics of Nutrients Release by Submerged Plants in Flood Control Reservoirs within Juam Lake (주암호 홍수조절용지내 침수 식물체의 영양염류 용출 특성)

  • Kang, Se-Won;Seo, Dong-Cheol;Han, Myung-Ja;Han, Jong-Hak;Lim, Byung-Jin;Park, Jong-Hwan;Kim, Kap-Soon;Lee, Yeong-Jae;Choi, Ik-Won;Lee, Young-Han;Heo, Jong-Soo;Kim, Hyun-Ook;Cho, Ju-Sik
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.44 no.2
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    • pp.271-277
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    • 2011
  • To improve the quality of water from water supply source and to establish the management plan of dead plants in flood control reservoir around Juam Lake, the effect of water quality by dead plant in column with passing time was investigated. In column test, the amounts of release by Carex dimorpholepis were $7,893-7,917mg\;m^{-2}\;month^{-1}$ COD, $2,711-2,816mg\;m^{-2}\;month^{-1}$ T-N and $342-547mg\;m^{-2}\;month^{-1}$ T-P. The amounts of release by Miscanthus sacchariflorus were $6,487-6,507mg\;m^{-2}$ COD, $1,813-1,868mg\;m^{-2}$ T-N and $226-405mg\;m^{-2}\;month^{-1}$ T-P in column. Therefore, the release of COD, T-N and T-P by Carex dimorpholepis were more than those by Miscanthus sacchariflorus Benth in column.

Studies on the Feeding Value of Some Leguminosae Tree Leaves (두과수엽(荳科樹葉)의 사료가치(飼料價値)에 관한 연구(硏究))

  • Kim, Jong Woo
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.399-404
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    • 1975
  • In order to study on the utility for feed of several leguminosae tree leaves, the leaves of Lespedeza spp., Amorpha fruticosa and Robinia pseudo acacia were collected from several places of Daejon city and Daeduck-Kun at the different growing seasons. The leaf productivities, the change of the contents of chemical components on the different growing seasons. and the palatability trial were determined. The results were summarized as follows: 1. Leaf productivities of Amorpha fruticosa and Robinia pseudo acacia were higher than that of Lespedeza spp., and the highest production of Amorpha' fruticosa was showed in august and that of Robinia pseudo acacia was showed in september. 2. Crude protein contents of Lespedeza spp., Amorpha fruticosa and Robinia pseudo acacia were determined to 12.6, 18.63 and 15.87% respectively and the protein contents of them showed gradual decrease as growing. 3. Crude fat contents of Lespedeza spp., Amorpha fruticosa and Robinia pseudo acacia were determined to 9.00, 5.85 and 4.70% respectively, and they displayed gradual increase as growing, 4. Crude fiber contents of Lespedeza spp., Amorpha fruticosa and Robinia pseudo acacia were determined to 14.97, 12.61 and 9.80% respectively, and they showed gradual increase as growing. 5. The content of nitrogen free extract of Robinia pseudo acacia showed higher than those of Lespedeza spp. and Amorpha fruticosa, and all of them displayed gradual decrease as growing. 6. Crude ash contents of Lespedeza spp., Amorpha fruticosa and Robinia pseudo acacia determined to 4.40, 4.98 and 5.27% respectively, and variable changes were appeared as growing. 7. The results of palatability trial for three leaves showed superior to the order of Lespedeza spp., Robinia pseudo acacia and Amorpha fruticosa, and the dried leaves were more favorable than green leaves.

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Development of 'the safety' theme-based integrated teaching·learning process plans for the middle school Home Economics Instruction (중학교 가정과 수업을 위한 '안전' 주제 중심 통합 교수·학습 과정안 개발)

  • Kim, Nam Eun;Chae, Jung Hyun;Cho, Jae Soon
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.19-39
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study was to develop the safety theme-based integrated teaching learning process plans for the middle school Home Economics(HE) Instruction and ultimately to contribute for the middle school students to live their safe lives. To achieve the goals of this study, HE curriculum documents from the 1st to the 2015 revision were analyzed and a survey was conducted to identify the middle school students' current status of safety accidents and needs on the HE safety education. The respondents of the survey were the 512 students of one ${\bigcirc}{\bigcirc}$ Girls' Middle School in Busan. And then, the seven integrated themes were selected, each seven integrated theme-networks were formed, and safety theme-based Home Economics curriculum and learning materials were developed. The results of this study were as the follows. The safety education content has continually been included from the first HE curriculum of 1954 to the 2015 revised HE curriculum. The middle school student respondents highly needed the content of 'the methods to deal with sexual violence and prostitution prevention', 'suicide prevention', and 'bullying net' for the HE safety education. All the 42 items were needed for the HE safety education by the respondents. The safety theme-based HE teaching learning process plans developed finally included the seven integrated themes, which were (1) dietary life safety, (2) adolescents' sex and safety, (3) adolescents' relationships with friends and safety, (4) family life and safety, (5) dwelling life and safety, (6) adolescents' egos and safety, and (7) social environment and safety. Each integrated theme consisted of three to six small themes, which amounted to total 28(for 35 lessons). Each small theme was presented with learning objectives and particular goals. The total 157 learning materials including the Home Economics curriculum were developed, which offered learning objectives and content for each safety theme, total 28 teaching and learning plans(for 35 lessons) were developed, which offered specific instructions for the easy implementation of the curriculum in the classroom, 28 PPTs, 25 film materials, four reading materials, 61 workbooks, 14 activity sheets, 16 evaluation sheets, 3 test sheets, 2 reference materials, and 4 learning material models(the refrigerator model, traffic lights for discussions, food tray model and stickers, and food mileage card). In this study, the safety education themes of 'clothing life and safety', 'conflict and safety', 'professional life and safety', and 'consumer and safety' were not addressed because these theme were not needed highly by the respondents. Therefore, for the further development of the teaching learning process plans for the HE safety education, it is necessary to develop and evaluate the teaching learning process plans to address the themes of 'clothing life and safety', 'conflict and safety', 'professional life and safety', and 'consumer and safety'.

A Survey on Communication Status between Parents and their Adult Children (부모와 분거자녀간의 상호연락실태)

  • 박광모;강복수;이성관
    • Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.93-106
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    • 1984
  • Today, elderly people has desperately felt isolation and desolation due to the loss of activity at home and society by the change of social structure and the tendancy of nuclear family. The mutual-relationship between parants and their children is important to solve the problem of eldery people's isolation and desolation. The present study was conducted to investigate the status of mutual-communication by visiting, telephone and letter on 678 parents over 55 years of age and 1,316 their adult children from September 1st to 30th, 1982. It was investigated with questionaire by students. The frequency of communication from children to parents was highest in 25.4% by telephone and 21.6% by visiting, 4 times a month. Correspondence of letter showed only 18.1% in a year. The frequency of communication from parents to children was highest 16.1% by telephone and 15.6% by visiting, 4 times a month. Correspondence of letter showed only 11.3% in a year. Urban parents showed higher frequency than rural parents by visiting and telephone, but lower by letter. The older age group of children showed higher frequency than the younger by visiting and telephone but 3rd decade was highest by letter. The younger age group of parents showed higher frequency than older age group. Mother was showed higher frequency than father by visiting and telephone, but father by letter. Higher education level group showed higher frequency than lower education level group. Merchants and factory workers showed the highest frequency by visiting and telephone, but officials by letter. Upper class group in socio-economic status showed higher frequency than lower class group generally, but lower class group dy letter from parents to children. The group within samedistrict between parents and children showed the highest frequency by visiting and telephone, but the group within long distance by letter.

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Comparison of Nutritional Compositions between Amaranth Baby-Leaves Cultivated in Korea (국내 재배 아마란스 어린잎의 영양성분 비교)

  • Jang, Hye-Lim;Yoo, Min;Nam, Jin-Sik
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.45 no.7
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    • pp.980-989
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    • 2016
  • In the present study, we compared and investigated the nutritional compositions of Amaranthus cruentus and Amaranthus hypochondriacus baby-leaves cultivated in Korea. Baby-leaves of two amaranthes consisted of more than 92% moisture, and A. cruentus contained a higher amount of moisture than A. hypochondriacus. Meanwhile, A. hypochondriacus contained higher levels of crude ash, crude protein, crude lipid, carbohydrates, and dietary fiber than A. cruentus. The major free sugars of the two amaranth baby-leaves were fructose and glucose. Fructose content of A. hypochondriacus was higher than that of A. cruentus, and glucose content of A. cruentus was higher than that of A. hypochondriacus. Acetic acid, malic acid, and fumaric acid were detected in two amaranth leaves, but succinic acid was not detected. Two amaranth leaves contained 17 amino acids except for methionine, proline, and tyrosine, and leaves contained the highest glutamic acid contents. In addition, A. cruentus and A. hypochondriacus leaves contained high contents of taurine and ${\gamma}$-aminobutyric acid and showed various biological activities. The major mineral and fatty acid of the two amaranth leaves were potassium and linolenic acid (C18:3), respectively. The ${\beta}$-carotene contents of A. cruentus and A. hypochondriacus leaves were $478.72{\mu}g/100g$ and $474.12{\mu}g/100g$, respectively. In vitamin B complex, $B_2$, $B_3$, and $B_5$ were detected in the two amaranth leaves whereas vitamins $B_1$, $B_6$, and $B_{12}$ were not detected. A. hypochondriacus contained higher amounts of vitamin C and E than those of A. cruentus. Overall, amaranth leaves contained high amounts of nutritional components. Therefore, amaranth leaves are expected to be useful for the development of a functional food. Moreover, these results will provide fundamental data for advancing sitological value, breeding new cultivars, and promoting leafy vegetable usage.

Measuring Attitudes and Satisfaction Level towards Military Foodservices (군 급식소의 이용실태 및 만족도 조사)

  • Kang, Bo-Kyoung;Lee, Young-Eun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.40 no.7
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    • pp.1032-1042
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the attitudes and satisfaction level towards military foodservices as well as suggest effective ways to increase foodservice quality. A questionnaire survey was administered to 413 subjects, which included 400 soldiers and 13 foodservice managers. The survey period was from August 6 to August 25, 2008. The collected data were statistically treated using SPSS V12.0. Most of the investigated soldiers were 20~25 years old. The foodservice managers were male general officials and the majority of them had no prior food service training. None of the foodservice managers had a dietician certificate. Menu was planned through a local foodservice conference, and most food materials were delivered in the form of center-type and military unit-type. Deficiency and deterioration of food service facilities (28.6%) as well as deficiency in the number of cooking personnel (14.3%) increased the difficulty of operational management. Soldiers expressed a desire for increases in Western (25.7%) and Korean traditional foods (21.5%), which meant menu diversity. To increase the quality of military foodservices, taste of food (40.6%), increased portion size (30.4%), and improvement in hygienic conditions (13.6%) were demanded by the soldiers. Food taste (30.8%), improvement in hygienic conditions (23.1%), and better job management were all demanded by the foodservice managers. After factor analysis, quality attributes were rearranged into five dimensions, including facilities, food, menu, service, and sanitation most attributes were over 4 points out of 5 total in importance, but only 3 points in performance. The importance score was higher than the performance score. Soldiers' overall satisfaction level was on average 3.43 points out of 5 points.

A study on the traditional salt-making of the Joolpo inlet area during the 18th and 19th century (18~19世紀 茁浦灣의 煮鹽 - 鹽場의 分布와 煮鹽法을 중심으로 -)

  • ;Hong, Keum-Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.46-64
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    • 1994
  • Among every civilized people salt has been recognized as an essential foodstuff to the human society without which even man's survivor is unthinkable. The cultural-anthropological meaning of salt is estimated highly as well, and in geographical perspective salt itself symbolize regional interrelationship. Playing a decisive role in freeing innermost settlement from isolation, salt aiso made a contribution to expanding human habitats. This study tries to reconstruct historica geography of 18th and 19th century surrounding traditional salt-roasting (chayeom). The Joolpo Inlet area which is located on the mid-western coast in Honem Region is selected for study area. Established on the basis of optimum physical geographical conditions such as topography, climate and vegetation, salt-making of Joolpo Inlet area was run dynamically with the sudden turn of events in the 18-19th century which was chacterized as an age of transition from medieval society to modern one. In this paper the writer attempts to clarify mainly following three points: physical conditions and socio-economic background leading to the initiation and later development of roasting of salt in Joolpo Bay; distribution of saltworks; methods of saltmaking. Main points drawn from these analyses can be summarized as follows: of iron pan and cow-drawn tools rendered labour-saving and output growth. 1, Saltworks of Joolpo Inlet area in the 18-19th century were distributed evenly over Kobu, Puan, Mujang and Heungduck counties among which Kobu's was located in Puanmyon - a sort of exclave. All saltworks belonging to above four counties were clasified as most lucrative ones in Honam Region on government archives. In particular, Gumdang saltwork which belongs to Mujang county is noteworthy in that it was first introduced by one Paekje priest in 6th century and therefore it provides a clue to examine the history of salt-roasting of Joolpo Inlet area. In light of the fact that temple or monastery economy, regardless of East and West, has been closely connected with traditional industry, the case of Gumdang is not unusual. 2. The process of saltmaking follows this order: harrowing of salt field exposed to solar heat; construction of saltern mound with saline earth; acquiring of brine by leaching saline earth; roasting of salt. Salterns (saltworks) are consisted with various salt making facilities such as roasting shed, saltern mound, salt field, salt well) salt pit or brine pit) and seawater reservoir. Among them roasting shed which is constructed chiefly with hundreds of pieces of pine tree as a frame and with straw as roof and wall is customarily considered as an unit of saltwork. And inside it is saltpan made of two kinds of materials, that is iron pan or plaster pan. The area attached to one unit of roasting shed is approximately 1 ha, and that of saltern mound is a tenth of it.

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Analysis of Household Textbooks for MiddleㆍHigh School in Colonial Age (식민지 시대 '가사교과서'에 관한 연구: 1930년대를 중심으로)

  • Jun Mi-Kyung
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.1-25
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    • 2004
  • This study analyzes the external forms of the household textbooks and also the contents of them used at girls' middleㆍhigh schools during the period of Japanese ruling over Korea. To this end, 8 household textbooks published from 1928 to 1937 were analyzed. The results of the study are summarized as follows. 1. The household subject had become the one of the most important subjects to girl students as the practical uses were emphasized in educational area during the period. As a result. the classes of the household were the second in hours, following the class of Japanese (the national language) to girl students. 2. The contents of the household textbooks were intended to contain 'the modern' and 'the newest'. The students were also suggested to apply the contents of the textbooks to real home life. Many pictures, photos and illustrations were included in household textbooks to help students to understand the contents of the subject. 3. The purposes of the household class were the reformation of the living conditions and home economics. 4. The external characteristics of the household textbooks during the period were as follows. - Written in Japanese vertically and the size of the textbook was A5 (150/210) with pulp paper of good quality - The type style of the body of the textbooks was Ming-style type- The sequent order of the textbooks was the outer cover, the title page, pictorial, introduction, table of contents, the body, appendix and the back cover. 5. The household textbooks consisted of the first volume and the second volume. The first volume contained clothing and textiles, food and nutrition and housing. Taking care of the aged. nursing. child care, household economy and home management were included in the second volume. 6. The household textbooks were designed to make women the housewives.

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