• Title/Summary/Keyword: 지역주도성

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한국석탄산업(韓國石炭産業)의 현황(現況)과 구조개선(構造改善) 방안(方案)

  • Kim, Ji-Hong
    • KDI Journal of Economic Policy
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.91-115
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    • 1988
  • 1980년대 하반기부터 한국(韓國)의 석탄산업(石炭産業)은 70년대말에서 80년대초까지와는 상이한 여건에 직면함으로써 구조적(構造的) 변화(變化)를 필요로 하고 있다. 이에 반하여 정부(政府)는 석탄정책(石炭政策)에 깊이 개입하면서도 경제여건변화(經濟與件變化)에 적절한 정책대응(政策對應)을 펴지 못하고 오히려 기업퇴출(企業退出)(exit)을 막고 산업합리화(産業合理化)를 저해함으로써 장기적으로 경제(經濟)의 효율성(效率性)을 떨어뜨리고 자원배분(資源配分)을 왜곡(歪曲)시키는 결과를 초래하였다. 본고(本稿)에서는 미래의 에너지파동(波動) 가능성(可能性)을 고려한 국내석탄정책(國內石炭政策)과 수입탄정책(輸入炭政策)에 대하여 논의하고, 개방경제하(開放經濟下)에서의 사회적(社會的) 마찰(摩擦)을 극소화하기 위한 석탄가격구조(石炭價格構造) 개선방안(改善方案)을 제시하였다. 분석결과(分析結果)에 따르면 현행(現行) 수입탄가격(輸入炭價格)은 오히려 국내탄질(國內炭質)의 저급화(低級化)를 유발시키는 저급화(低級化)를 유발시키는 왜곡현상(歪曲現象)을 초래 하고 있으므로, 앞으로는 국내탄가(國內炭價)를 석공원가기준(石公原價基準)에서 수입탄가(輸入炭價)를 기준으로 하는 결정방식으로 전환하고 수입탄가(輸入炭價)와 국내탄가(國內炭價)의 열량별(熱量別) 가격구조(價格構造)를 개선할 필요가 있다. 그리고 정부주도(政府主導)의 탄광통폐합(炭鑛統廢合)은 또다른 비효율성(非效率性)과 자원배분(資源配分)의 왜곡(歪曲)을 가져올 우려가 있으므로 가격정책(價格政策), 정부보조(政府補助) 등을 통한 간접통제방식(間接統制方式)으로 민간경제의 효율성을 유도하여 주는 것이 바람직하며, 또한 기업퇴출(企業退出)에 따른 탄광지역(炭鑛地域)의 경제활동(經濟活動) 위축(萎縮)과 실업문제(失業問題) 등에 사전적인 정책대응(政策對應) 필요하다.

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Entrepreneurial Local Governance and the Changing Regional Policy in Chonnam Region (기업가적 지방정치와 지역정책의 변화)

  • Kim, Jae-Chul
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.29-45
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    • 1999
  • This study reviewed theories on entrepreneurial local governance and inquired the changing regional policy in Chonnam region. The region became exposure as the direct investment unit of global capital by globalization of capital, the inter-regional competition and the relative reduction of the role and function of nation state. Therefore local government have the relative autonomy and the region is effected as the chosen space by capital according to the free movement of capital. It has been argued that there has been a reorientation of urban governance away from the local provision of welfare and services to a more outward-orientated stance designed to foster and encourage local growth and economic development. These profound changes in the way that cities operate have seen the public sector taking over characteristics once distinctive to the private sector leading many commentators to term such modes of governance as entrepreneurial. In Chonnam region, many local governments are introducing entrepreneurial policies for regional development. It appears as place marketing strategy to attract capital and tourists. This strategy is very important to used identity or culture of region in order to make the attractive region. The entrepreneurial characteristics and strategies appear as image unification of region, commodity development of natural or cultural resource, event and business projects. From this point of view, the entrepreneurial policy that is based upon regional growth can cause the problem of social justice like distributional distortion and inequality.

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A Study on the Activation of Citizen Participation through Living Lab (시민참여형 스마트시티 리빙랩 활성화 방안 연구)

  • Park, JunHo;Park, JeongWoo;Nam, KwangWoo
    • Journal of the Korean Regional Science Association
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    • v.35 no.3
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    • pp.33-44
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    • 2019
  • Smart City is the regional innovation platform that actively utilizes information and communication technologies to diversify city services and improve the performance and quality, hence improving the quality of life and creating new trends of urban activities. Recently, the importance of citizen participation is increasingly emphasized to build smart cities successfully and the Living Lab, an open innovation platform led by users, is taking center stage as a means of realizing it. Accordingly, this study aims to establish the plans for popularizing living labs that provide innovative environments for domestic smart cities. To this end, first of all, political trends related to domestic smart cities' living labs were analyzed, and then, individual characteristics and development processes of the relevant cases were investigated. In addition, in-depth interviews were conducted with the experts of specialized agencies from Netherlands, Finland, and Denmark, etc. which are considered as leading countries in smart cities' living labs. As a result, in order to popularize living labs in domestic smart cities, the following policies were proposed; establishing support systems for commercialization and dissemination, building intermediary support organizations, improvement of laws and institutions, establishing the joint response systems with neighboring areas, etc.

275 GHz 이상 전파천문대역 보호를 위한 APG-12 5차회의 최종결과

  • Chung, Hyun-Soo;Je, Do-Heung;Oh, Se-Jin;Roh, Duk-Gyoo;Sohn, Bong-Won;Lee, Sang-Sung;Kim, Hyo-Ryoung
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.36 no.2
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    • pp.134.1-134.1
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    • 2011
  • APT(Asian-Pacific Telecommunity)는 아시아-태평양지역 국가의 공동이익을 도모하기 위하여 결성된 아-태지역 전파협의체 조직으로, WRC(세계전파통신회의)회의에서의 아-태 지역 주관청의 공동이익을 얻기 위해 APG(APT Conference Preparatory Group for WRC)회의를 연간 1회의 비율로 개최하고 있다. 2012년의 WRC-12회의에 대비하여 아태지역 회원국의 최종 공동의견서를 작성하기 위해, APG-12 5차회의가 2011년 8월 29일-9월 3일 부산에서 개최되었으며, 전파천문업무 보호 및 22 GHz 대역 달탐사, 38 GHz 대역 Space-VLBI운용대역과 관련된 WRC-12 의제 1.6, 1.11, 1.12 등에 대한 회의가 있었다. WRC-12 의제 1.6은 수동업무(전파천문업무, 지구탐사위성 및 우주연구업무)를 능동업무의 유해혼신으로부터 보호하기 위하여 제정한 전파규칙 각주 5.565조의 개정 검토와 관련된 의제이다. 따라서 한국천문연구원에서는 275 GHz 이상 대역에서 전파천문업무의 원활한 운용을 위해, APG-12 5차회의에 참석하여 WRC-12회의에 제출하기 위한 아-태지역 국가의 공동의견서 작성에 주도적인 역할을 담당하였다. 본 발표에서는 APG-12 5차 회의에 제안한 우리나라의 기고서 제안 내용 및 동 회의에서 의 최종 아태지역 회원국 공동의견서 결과 및 향후 대응책에 대해서도 알아보고자 한다.

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Landslide Types and Susceptibilities Related to Geomorphic Characteristics - Yeonchon-Chulwon Area - (지형특성에 따른 산사태의 유형 및 취약성 - 연천-철원지역을 대상으로 -)

  • 김원영;이사로;김경수;채병곤
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.115-130
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    • 1998
  • An analysis on landslide types and susceptibilities associated with geomorphic characteristics has been conducted with 916 landslide inventories in Yeonchon-Chulwon District, where two day's heavy rainfall was concentrated on July, 1996. The precipitation during the 2 days, which is equivalent to 0.372 of event cofficient, can cause large landslides based on Olivier's equation. Sliding materials are dominantly composed of debris mixed with rock fragments and soil derived from colluvium and residual soils. 66% of the landslides are belong to debris flow md 23% are due to sediments flow, in accordance with the classification of sliding materials. Most of landslides(> 90%) are small and shallow, less than l00m in length and about 1m in depth, and classified as transitional type. Granite is more susceptible as much as 4.7 times than metamorphic rocks and 2.7 times than volcanic rocks, probably due to higher weathering grade of granite. The highest landslide frequency is concentrated on the areas between 200 and 300m in height and on the slopes between $10-20^{\circ}$ in dgree. More than 50% of landslides occurred under these geomorphic conditions. Consequently, colluviums and residual soils distributed on the gentle slopes are most susceptible to the landslides of the area.

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Cultural Change and Regional Development in the age of Glocalization: Focused on Cultural Contents (글로컬라이제이션 시대의 문화변동과 지역발전: 문화콘텐츠를 중심으로)

  • Lee, Byung-Min;Lee, Won-Ho
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.215-230
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    • 2014
  • This study aim to do observation to 1) Trajectory of cognitive-cultural economy growth with regional historical context, 2) Spatial, cultural and social change caused by cognitive-culture economy growth, and 3) Draw the meaning of the change in glocalizational view. They said that 'Creativity' has been related with spatial, economical, cultural and social change and it leads to new economical system, what we call 'Cognitive-cultural economy'. It is the important event which is to affect economic geography and local development greatly. New cultural changes are characterized by variations from abstract discourse to concrete reality and show the emphasis on real project specific in the region. Further more, possibility of local development in the glocalization found in the specific form of cultural content, for example, Korean Wave. New media environment changes that include SNS function not only interact each other in space but also expand the scope of local units and cultural content to the world. In order to enhance the further development of local content, it will require conjunction with space and specific region, variety of organic link between the principal participants, and building infrastructure for future development.

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The Utility of State Public Library Standards for Planning and Evaluation: A Survey of Public Library Directors' Perceptions (공공도서관 계획과 평가에 있어서 도서관기준의 유용성: 미국 공공도서관장 인식조사를 중심으로)

  • Cha Mi-Kyeong
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.69-88
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    • 1999
  • Despite the continuous development and provisions of state public library standards there has been little research about how useful they are for what aspects of public library activities The purposes of the present study are 1) to understand, from the directors points of view the utility of state standards for planning and evaluation: and 2) to explore the types of factors, related to the directors' backgrounds and/or the library planning and evaluation contexts associated with the directors perceptions. Through a self-administered mail questionnaire, 1,198 public library directors in Kansas Texas and Wisconsin were surveyed. and 737 directors replied ($61.5\%$ response rate). The directors perceived the standards useful for both planning and evaluation. Public library directors viewed the collection and service standards as more useful than administration, staffing and facilities standards. Library size and community involvement were associated with the directors perceptions, yet the directors professional background, was not significantly related to his or her perceptions. The findings suggest that public library directors perceptions of the utility of state standards need to be understood within the library condition and Its community context. and the emphasis on community based public library planning and evaluation should continue to be employed in the standards.

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Brain Drain and International Mobility of High-Skilled Scientists (고급과학기술인력의 국가간 유출입 결정요인에 관한 연구: 미국과 한국의 사례를 중심으로)

  • Han, Woongyong;Jeong, Wonil;Jeon, Yongil
    • International Area Studies Review
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.267-288
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    • 2011
  • As world trade becomes more active and expansive, job mobility has progressed correspondingly in growth. In particular, high-skilled scientists (including advanced-degree holders) now possess the option of various occupational and residential mobilities. We explain the "brain drain" by using two empirical examples. One concerns the U.S. experience of foreign-born Ph.D holders living and working in the United States. The other pertains to the Korean experience, where Korean-origin and foreign-born experienced scientists are actively recruited by the government. We also explore the necessary conditions for recruiting and keeping advanced-skilled scientists, the attainment of which will result in strong future economic growth.

A Participatory Action Research of Social Workers on the Practice Methods for Single Parents Self-help Groups in Community Welfare Centers (지역사회복지관 한부모 자조집단 지원 실천 방안 모색을 위한 사회복지사 참여실행연구)

  • Yang, Haewon;Kim, Heesoo;Choi, Jung Sook;Kim, Sun Hwa;Kim, Eun Kyung
    • Korean Journal of Family Social Work
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    • no.61
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    • pp.93-136
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to find specific practice methods of single parents self-help groups in community welfare centers. A participatory action research was conducted to achieve the purpose. Six social workers and three researchers participated in the study who shared the problem of lack of specific practice methods even though a self-help group was useful for self-reliance and empowerment of low-income single-parents. Various activities such as reading articles, analysis of each self-help group, case studies, and learning facilitation methods were conducted during 10 meetings. At the same time, peer supervision proceeded at each meeting. The progress of each group was shared, the application of practice methods and plans were discussed, and applying discussed methods to group practice and reviewing the process and outcomes of the practice were repeated in the peer supervison. As a result, the following positive changes appeared: First, the goals and vision of each group became clearer. Second, initiative of the members was promoted. Third, intimacy, mutual cooperation, the attatchment to the group were strengthened. A qualitative analysis was also conducted on the content discussed. As a result, 17 practice methods were derived in four themes such as initiative/ empowerment, cohesion, leadership, and destandardization. Practice issues concerning single parents self-help groups in community welfare centers were discussed based on the results.

Changes of The Epidemiologic Competences after Introductory Course of The Korea - Field Epidemiologist Training Program(K-FETP) in Epidemiologic Intelligence Servise(EIS) Officers (한국 역학조사관 기본교육(K-FETP) 전후 역량 평가)

  • Kim, Eun-Young;Lee, Moo-Sik;Lee, Tae-Jun;Lee, Kwan;Nam, Hae-Sung;Lee, Ju-Hyoung;Kim, Hong-Bin;Chun, Byung-Chul;Lee, Sang-Won;Lee, Dong-Han;Kim, Hee-Jung;Kwon, Sung-Whe;Yoon, Na-Bi;Shin, Moon-Chul;Lim, Mee-Jee
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.47 no.2
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    • pp.78-89
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    • 2022
  • 목적: 이 연구는 2019학년도 역학조사관 입문교육 과정에 참여한 29명의 수습과정생에게 참여형 자기주도 학습 역학조사관 연수 프로그램(FETP)의 효과와 만족도 등 역량 변화를 분석해 그 결과를 향후 과정 개발의 참고 자료로 활용하고자 하였다. 방법: 교육 프로그램의 만족도와 교육 후 모듈에 대한 역량 변화를 평가하는 연구가 수행되었다. 만족도와 역량의 차이 비교는 크루스칼 왈리스 검정(Kruskal-Wallis test)를 실시하였고, 역량의 차이는 윌콕슨 부호순위검정(Wilcoxon signed rank test)에 의해 이루어 졌다. 결과: 2019년 FETP에 참여한 역학조사관 중 여성은 48.3% 였으며, 40세 미만은 9.4% 였다. 역학조사관 입문교육과정 모듈(역학조사, 보건통계 및 정보통계, 감염병 국가 체계, 감염병 질환 감시 체계, 진단 및 실험실 검사, 생물 안전 및 관리, 주요 감염성질환 관리와 조사, 커뮤니케이션, 협동과 리더십, 일반과정)별 만족도는 실무적 도움, 전문성, 기능, 태도 등에서 4점(5점 만점)을 초과하였고, 전체 4.2±0.21(5점 만점)점으로 높은 수준이였다, 모듈의 교육훈련 전후 평균 점수는 2.25±0.91, 3.68±0.63점 등으로 유의한 향상이 있었으며, 모든 모듈 및 하위 주제들도 유의한 향상이 있었다(p<0.001). 그 중에서 현장역학조사 경험이 가장 높은 변화가 있었고, 표본 수집과 실무가 가장 낮은 역량 변화가 있었다. 결론: 2019년 진행된 입문교육 과정은 수료 후 학생들의 역량은 개선되었고, 만족도는 높은 편이었다. 참여형 자기주도학습의 촉진은 역량을 향상시킬 뿐만 아니라 보건 종사자들의 자신감을 높일 수 있었다.