• Title/Summary/Keyword: 지역사회 사회자본

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A Study on Lots of Change of Seongnagwon(no.35) Area - Focused on Cultural Heritage Area in Sungbook-dong - (성락원(명승 제35호) 주변지역 필지 변화과정에 관한 연구 - 성북동 문화재 주변을 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Won-Ho;Lee, Se-Mi
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.82-91
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    • 2013
  • This study was performed in order to analysis the landscape change and cause of scenic sites and surrounding environment is located in the Urban Residential Area since modern. The study was carried out using of field observations, literature review, cadaster map analysis from 1962 to 2010, and survey. It trace about Seongnagwon, Mapo Choi Sa-Young's old house, Seoul Seonjamdanji, Seoul Hanyang castle and those can be process of change per period. Also, it examine to original view of cultural assets and analysis about lots alteration with landscape alteration. Seongnagwon has original view which constructed the Songseokjeong and pond in 1954. Mapo Choi Sa-Young's old house has original view that move to Sungbook-dong and restore an old house. Seoul Seonjamdanji has it define original view that remained ruins by 1960's development. Seoul Hanyang castle has original view that stone fortress. Seongnagwon's landscape was changed by institutional factors. Mapo Choi Sa-Young house's landscape was changed by society economic factors. Seoul Seonjamdanji was changed by society economic and institutional factors. Seoul Hanyang castle was changed by technical and institutional factors. Generally cultural heritage of Sungbook-dong was changed by institutional and society economic factors. It is guessed that Seoul urban planning influenced Sungbook-dong development. The establishment of capitalistic economy system was backgrounds to it. Therefore, it expect to realized desirable landscape alteration that recognized potential value as culture resources.

Chronotope and Feeling: Gangnam Blues (시공간과 감정- 『강남1970』)

  • Kim, Miehyeon
    • Cross-Cultural Studies
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    • v.53
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    • pp.193-218
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    • 2018
  • In this essay, I examine the interactions of chronotopes in the narrative of Gangnam Blues, a film written and directed by Yu Ha and released in 2015. Bakhtin's chronotope, the connectedness of temporal and spatial relationships in literary narratives, provides the background for the representability of events and becomes the organizing center for the events. Each chronotope offers a different way of acting, interacting and understanding experience, and chronotopes can interact with each other in a single text or between the reader and the represented world. Gangnam Blues is a gangster movie, first of all, showing an individual's illusion of an unlimited possibility for achieving wealth and power. At the same time, the film describes the government's project to transform Gangam, a rural area in the south of the Han, into a new downtown and residential area for Seoul. As the world in the narrative and the world of the author or the reader are all chronotopic, we can see the interactions of chronotopes between the narrative of an individual and the historical narrative, as well as between the narrative about the beginning of Gangnam and the audience's perception of the present Gangnam. In this film, the main character's ambition is shown as part of the social desire for rapid economic achievements in the 1970s, along with high social mobility. The social desire can be explained as envy, as it is fueled by social comparisons and competitions. The main character's pursuit of money and power through the possession of Gangnam land overlaps with the envious desire for the present Gangnam shared by many. The individual's exceptional ambition and violence are not fully examined in this text. Moreover, the film's dependence on the feelings of envy to represent the individual's choice and violence can be a symptom of the lack of critical distance from social desire and envy.

Volatility of Urban Housing Market and Real Estate Policy after the IMF crisis (도시 주택시장의 변동성과 부동산 정책의 한계 : IMF 위기 이후 서울을 중심으로)

  • Choi, Byung-Doo
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.138-160
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    • 2009
  • The urban housing market in Korea, especially in Seoul and the Capital region, has been revitalized with massive urban (re)developments and expanding real estate finance after the IMF crisis. This brought about a boom of housing price during the mid-2000s, which has been virtually stabilized by strong regulation policies of the previous government. But with impacts of the recent international financial crisis together with some inherent problems, the housing market of Korea faces with a worry of collapse in relation with the financial market volatility and the serious depression of real economy, and hence the current government attempts to implement strong deregulation policies on the housing market. In this paper it is argued that this kind of volatility of urban housing market seems to be caused by strategies of capital which involve continuous massive urban (re)development, residential segregation and appropriation of monopoly rent(or capital gain), and fictitious capitalization of real estates and integration of real estate market and financial market. In these reasons, the current tendency of urban housing price shows a slow downward, which seems to give the current neoliberal government a rationale for deregulation policies to prevent the downward tendency. But this paper suggests that such a slow downward of housing price shift would have positive effects on the housing market in particular and social and economic situations in general, and hence an alternative housing policy is required to realize such positive effects.

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Design of Agricultural Drought Impact Assessment Platform Based on WEF(Water-Energy-Food) Nexus (WEF(물-에너지-식량) 넥서스 기반 농업 가뭄 영향 평가를 위한 플랫폼 설계)

  • Na, Ra;Joo, Donghyuk;Kim, Hayoung;Yoo, Seung-Hwan;Choi, Gyuhoon;Oh, Bu-Yeong;Hur, Seung-oh
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2022.05a
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    • pp.292-292
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    • 2022
  • 가뭄은 사회기반시설, 인적 자본 등과 같은 자산에 직접적인 영향을 미치지 않으나 물을 중요한 투입재로 사용하는 농업부문에 피해가 집중된다. 가뭄 재해는 준비와 대응에 따라 피해에 큰 차이가 크기 때문에 다른 재해와는 달리 강도뿐만 아니라 지속기간을 고려해야 한다. 효과적인 가뭄 위험 관리를 위해서는 가뭄의 특징과 가뭄 준비 및 대응 수단에 따른 환경 및 경제적 영향을 평가할 수 있는 모형 구축과 다양한 농업자원을 동시적으로 연계 평가하여 지속가능성을 판단할 수 있는 기술 개발이 필요하다. 이에 본 연구에서는 기후변화 등의 외부요인을 반영한 물-에너지-식량 (Water-Energy-Food, WEF) 넥서스 기반 농업 가뭄 평가 플랫폼 설계를 제안하고자 한다. 이를 위해 물-에너지-식량 넥서스 연계 해석 고도화 기술을 개발하고, 생물-물리학적 모델 및 경제학적 모델 연계형 기후-토양-물-에너지-식량 넥서스 (CS-WEF NEXUS) 플랫폼을 구축하여, 최종적으로 기후변화 및 농업부문 가뭄 준비 및 대응 수단의 영향 평가를 바탕으로 한 의사결정 지원 도구를 제시하는 것이 최종 목표이다. 본 연구에서 구축된 플랫폼은 넥서스 연계 해석을 통해 농업 가뭄 대응을 위한 식량 및 에너지 안보 정책에도 미칠 수 있는 영향을 분석할 수 있으며, 다양한 식량-물-에너지 정책들이 타 요소들에 미치는 영향을 쉽게 평가할 수 있다는 점에서 정책적 의사결정 지원 시스템으로서 활용도가 높을 것으로 예상한다.

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Institutional Approach to Innovation: the Knowledge Spillovers in Regional Innovation System and Innovative Cluster - Review and New Issue of Antecedent Research - (혁신의 제도적 접근: 지역혁신체제와 혁신클러스터의 지식파급효과 -선행연구의 검토와 새로운 쟁점-)

  • Bae, Eong Hwan
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.115-135
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    • 2015
  • In the glocalization a common phenomenon of several nations reveals knowledge innovation and growth by the important subject of region and state and is studied at theory and practice. the successful cases of regional development in an advanced country have leading innovation through regional innovation system and cluster. therefore we are necessary to analyse how the knowledge spillovers in innovative cluster as the reduced model of regional innovation system guide firm innovation and region growth. this article reviews theories and empirical studies of the knowledge spillovers in the regional innovation system and innovative cluster of innovative geography and proposes a new research issues for further explorations of the knowledge spillovers. Previous studies assist that knowledge spillovers exist in knowledge-based industries of specific local area and local innovation accomplishes through pure knowledge spillover. but limits of these studies include narrow region and technological area, few analytical variable and exclusion of rent knowledge spillover. therefore new research topics related with that exemplifies geographical dimension(concentration and decentralization), technological dimension(knowledge based industry), category of analytic variables(previous indicators, time, and social capital), conceptualization(appropriation means, markets for technology) etc.

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A Study on the Impact of Military Service Experience on their Entrepreneurial Intention (군복무 경험 특성이 창업의도에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Jung, soo-sung;Kim, do-hyeon
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.14 no.5
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    • pp.141-157
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study was to verify the effects of personal characteristics and military service experience on their entrepreneurial intention. Hypotheses were developed based on extant literature and tested using the data collected by surveys to retiring officers and NCOs. The conclusions drawn from the analysis were as follows. First, the major factors affecting the voluntary self-employment intention are role model, perceived desirability, and working environment. Second, the biggest difficulty in preparing to start a self-employed business is the lack of founding capital and entrepreneurial information. Third, the respondents believe that military career is not helpful in starting a business. Fourth, there were many negative perceptions that the education and training from the military does not help the self-employment. As a result, it is believed that improvement of entrepreneurial education in the military and expansion of entrepreneurial education during service are required. Especially, the education focusing on self-employed entrepreneurship should be improved. It is recommendable that the entrepreneurial education now being carried out by the Military Outplacement Training Institute should be extended not only during the outplacement period but also the normal service period, thereby increasing the intention of the military official.

Current Research Trends in Entrepreneurship Based on Topic Modeling and Keyword Co-occurrence Analysis: 2002~2021 (토픽모델링과 동시출현단어 분석을 이용한 기업가정신에 대한 연구동향 분석: 2002~2021)

  • Jang, Sung Hee
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.245-256
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study is to provide comprehensive insights on the current research trends in entrepreneurship based on topic modeling and keyword co-occurrence analysis. This study queried Web of Science database with 'entrepreneurship' and collected 14,953 research articles between 2002 and 2021. The study used R program for topic modeling and VOSviewer program for keyword co-occurrence analysis. The results of this study are as follows. First, as a result of keyword co-occurrence analysis, 5 clusters divided: entrepreneurship and innovation cluster, entrepreneurship education cluster, social entrepreneurship and sustainability cluster, enterprise performance cluster, and knowledge and technology transfer cluster. Second, as a result of the topic modeling analysis, 12 topics found: start-up environment and economic development, international entrepreneurship, venture capital, government policy and support, social entrepreneurship, management-related issues, regional city planning and development, entrepreneurship research, and entrepreneurial intention. Finally, the study identified two hot topics(venture capital and entrepreneurship intention) and a cold topic(international entrepreneurship). The results of this study are useful to understand current research trends in entrepreneurship research and provide insights into research of entrepreneurship.

The Community Consciousness and Social Capital in Rural Korea (탈 농촌화 지역 주민의 공동체의식과 사회적 자본)

  • Lee, Geum-Ok
    • Journal of Agricultural Extension & Community Development
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.223-234
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    • 2001
  • The community consciousness used to be the core of the social capital in rural Korea, and there used to be a long tradition of mutual trust and cooperation in rural village community in Korea. However, recent trends in rapid urbanization or de-ruralization may affected community consciousness and social capital in rural society in Korea. The social capital has been existed in terms of mutual trust, commonly shared norms, and cooperative behavior in farm work and daily life of rural people. Commonly shared norms and networks have accelerated social effectiveness and promoted cooperative work as well as moral and spiritual aspects of rural society. Social capital in terms of community consciousness, participation of village work, visit and invitation of the neighborhood, and participation in various village group and networks were suveyed in JanggogRi, Jori Myun, Paju city, Gyeonggi province. The data collected from 65 persons, and the major findings of the study were as follow; The respondents responded that the community consciousness of de-rural area decreased in general with a few exception in the groups of alumni, family, religion and voluntary society. Social capital in terms of participation of village work, visiting the neighbors and voting increased slightly. Further research on social capital should be conducted to strengthen community consciousness, and various measures to increase the social capital should be adopted for livable community development.

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An empirical study on distribution channel choice of major firms (우리나라 주요 기업의 유통경로 실증분석)

  • Kim, Chan-Seong;Park, Min-Yeong;Kim, Jun-Hyeong;Jin, Gi-Jae
    • Proceedings of the KOR-KST Conference
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    • 2007.11a
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    • pp.219-228
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    • 2007
  • 기업의 물류활동은 화물의 기종점 정보와 더불어 출발지와 도착지간 수배송특성, 업종간 거래 관계, 가격흐름, 경로 등 다양한 공급사슬관점에서 설명되어야 한다. 본 연구는 화물의 흐름을 물적인 흐름의 공급사슬망인 유통경로 관점에서 실증분석을 목적으로 한다. 그동안 공공부문의 물류관련 연구들은 물류현황조사 자료로부터 지역간 기종점 통행량에 기초하여 물류시설을 포함한 국가의 사회간접자본 투자정책에 주로 활용된 경향이 있었다. 또한, 민간부문의 유통경로 관련 연구는 주로 상적인 유통경로에 한정되어 보다 종합적인 공급사슬관리 측면에서 기업의 물적 유통경로선택에 대한 이해가 부족하였다. 본 연구에서는 2001년 전국물류현황조사중 기업의 물류실태조사에서 수행된 600개의 표본자료에 기초하여 기업들의 유통경로 선택의 특성을 분석하였다. 사용된 자료들의 설문조사방식은 다양한 유통노드들이 제시되고, 기업들이 상위 매출액이 높은 품목들이 다양한 유통경로 상에서 어떻게 노드들을 이용하는지 조사되었고, 이를 공장순회형, 물류센터 중심형, 도매자 중심형, 소비자 중심형 등 4개로 유형화하였다. 본 연구는 이들 4개의 유통경로들의 선택에 미치는 영향을 사업체 현황, 수배송현황, 물류활동평가, 물류시설관리 현황 등의 다양한 특성변수를 고려하여 선택에 미치는 영향을 분석하였다.

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Mediating Effect of Ego-Resilience in the Relationship between Social Capital and Safety Awareness·Safety Pursuit Behavior of Adult Learner : Focusing on Changwon City (성인학습자의 사회적 자본과 안전의식·안전추구행동과의 관계에서 자아탄력성의 매개효과 : 창원지역 중심으로)

  • PARK, Sin-Young;EO, Yong-Sook
    • Journal of Fisheries and Marine Sciences Education
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.162-171
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the mediation of ego-resilience in the relationship between social capital and safety awareness safety pursuit behavior of adult learners in order to provide a basis for planning safety education to improve the safety behaviors. The participants were 162 adult learners who participated in the "Go to find safety classroom of citizens" in Changwon city. Data were collected using self-report questionnaires and analyzed with the SPSS-WIN 20.0 program. As a results, first, the mean score for social capital was 3.36(social confidence 3.38, reciprocal norms 3.29, networks 3.22, democratic citizen awareness 3.56), ego-resilience 3.57. Second, social capital was significant correlation ego-resilience(r=.63, p<.001) and safety awareness safety pursuit behavior(r=.44, p<.001). Third, ego-resilience was significant correlation safety awareness safety pursuit behavior(r=.54, p<.001). Forth, ego-resilience had a partial mediating effect in the relationship between social capital and safety awareness safety pursuit behavior. Based on these findings of this study, safety education focusing on ego-resilience and social capital improvement are highly recommended to promote safety behavior in adult learners.