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A Study on Efficient Methods of Pesticide Control Using Agricultural Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (농업용 무인항공기를 활용한 농약방제 효율성 방안에 관한 연구)

  • Jeong, Ga-Young;Cho, Yong-Yoon
    • Journal of Internet of Things and Convergence
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.35-40
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    • 2022
  • In the agricultural environment, pesticide control requires a high risk of work and a high labor force for farmers. The effectiveness of pesticide control using unmanned aerial vehicles varies according to climate, land type, and characteristics of unmanned aerial vehicles. Therefore, an effective method for pesticide control by unmanned aerial vehicles considering the spraying conditions and environmental conditions is required. In this paper, we propose an efficient pesticide control system based on agricultural unmanned aerial vehicles considering the application conditions and environmental information for each crop. The effectiveness of the proposed model was demonstrated by measuring the drop uniformity of pesticides according to the change in altitude and speed after attaching the sensory paper and measuring the penetration rate of the drug inside the canopy according to the change in crop growth conditions. Experiment result, the closer the height of the UAV is to the ground, the more evenly the crops are sprayed, but for safety reasons, 2m more is suitable, and on average a speed of 2m/s is most suitable for control. The proposed control system is expected to help develop intelligent services based on the use of various unmanned aerial vehicles in agricultural environments.

Observation Test of Field Surface Reflectance Using Vertical Rotating Goniometer on Tarp Surface and Grass (수직 축 회전형 측각기 제작 및 야외 지표면 반사도 관측 시험: 타프와 잔디에서)

  • Moon, Hyun-Dong;Jo, Euni;Kim, Hyunki;Cho, Yuna;Kim, Bo-Kyeong;Ahn, Ho-Yong;Ryu, Jae-Hyun;Cho, Jaeil
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.38 no.6_1
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    • pp.1207-1217
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    • 2022
  • Vegetation indices using the reflectance of selected wavelength, associating with the monitoring purpose such as identifying the progress of crop growth, on the vegetation canopy surface is widely used in the digital agriculture technology. However, the surface reflectance anisotropy can distort the true value of vegetation index related to the condition of surface, even though the surface property be unchanged. That causes difficulty to observe accurately crop growth on the monitoring system. In this study, a simple type goniometer was designed to measure the reflectance from the anisotropic surface according to various zeniths and azimuths of sun and viewing sensor in the field. On the tarp like as Lambertian surface, the reflectance of Blue, Green, Red, Near-Infrared band was similar to the tarps' reflectance properties. However, the reflectance was slightly overestimated in the cloudy day. The relative difference values of vegetation indices on grass were overestimated for the forward viewing and underestimated for the backward viewing. In addition, enhanced vegetation index (EVI) showed less sensitive according to the positions of sun and sensor viewing. Field observation with a goniometer will be helpful to understand the anisotropy characteristics on the vegetation surface.

Surface soil moisture memory using stored precipitation fraction in the Korean peninsula (토양 내 저장 강수율을 활용한 국내 표층 토양수분 메모리 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Kiyoung;Lee, Seulchan;Lee, Yongjun;Yeon, Minho;Lee, Giha;Choi, Minha
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.55 no.2
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    • pp.111-120
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    • 2022
  • The concept of soil moisture memory was used as a method for quantifying the function of soil to control water flow, which evaluates the average residence time of precipitation. In order to characterize the soil moisture memory, a new measurement index called stored precipitation fraction (Fp(f)) was used by tracking the increments in soil moisture by the precipitation event. In this study, the temporal and spatial distribution of soil moisture memory was evaluated along with the slope and soil characteristics of the surface (0~5 cm) soil by using satellite- and model-based precipitation and soil moisture in the Korean peninsula, from 2019 to 2020. The spatial deviation of the soil moisture memory was large as the stored precipitation fraction in the soil decreased preferentially along the mountain range at the beginning (after 3 hours), and the deviation decreased overall after 24 hours. The stored precipitation fraction in the soil clearly decreased as the slope increased, and the effect of drainage of water in the soil according to the composition ratio of the soil particle size was also shown. In addition, average soil moisture contributed to the increase and decrease of hydraulic conductivity, and the rate of rainfall transfer to the depths affected the stored precipitation fraction. It is expected that the results of this study will greatly contribute in clarifying the relationship between soil moisture memory and surface characteristics (slope, soil characteristics) and understanding spatio-temporal variation of soil moisture.

Mountain Meteorology Data for Forest Disaster Prevention and Forest Management (산림재해 방지와 산림관리를 위한 산악기상정보)

  • Keunchang, Jang;Sunghyun, Min;Inhye, Kim;Junghwa, Chun;Myoungsoo, Won
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.346-352
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    • 2022
  • Mountain meteorology in South Korea that is covered mountains with complex terrain is important for understanding and managing the forest disaster and forest ecosystems. In particular, recent changes in dryness and/or rainfall intensity due to climate change may cause an increase in the possibility of forest disasters. Therefore, accurate monitoring of mountain meteorology is needed for efficient forest management. Korea Forest Service (KFS) is establishing the Automatic Mountain Meteorology Observation Stations (AMOS) in the mountain regions since 2012. 464 AMOSs are observing various meteorological variables such as air temperature, relative humidity, wind speed and direction, precipitation, soil temperature, and air pressure for every minute, which is conducted the quality control (QC) to retain data reliability. QC process includes the physical limit test, step test, internal consistency test, persistence test, climate range test, and median filter test. All of AMOS observations are open to use, which can be found from the Korean Mountain Meteorology Information System (KoMIS, http://mtweather.nifos.go.kr/) of the National Institute of Forest Science and the Public Data Portal (https://public.go.kr/). AMOS observations with guaranteed quality can be used in various forest fields including the public safety, forest recreation, forest leisure activities, etc., and can contribute to the advancement of forest science and technology. In this paper, a series of processes are introduced to collect and use the AMOS dataset in the mountain region in South Korea.

Effects of the Subgrid-Scale Orography Parameterization and High-Resolution Surface Data on the Simulated Wind Fields in the WRF Model under the Different Synoptic-Scale Environment (종관 환경 변화에 따른 아격자 산악모수화와 고해상도 지면 자료가 WRF 모델의 바람장 모의에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Hyeon-Ji;Kim, Ki-Byung;Lee, Junhong;Shin, Hyeyum Hailey;Chang, Eun-Chul;Lim, Jong-Myoung;Lim, Kyo-Sun Sunny
    • Atmosphere
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.103-118
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    • 2022
  • This study evaluates the simulated meteorological fields with a particular focus on the low-level wind, which plays an important role in air pollutants dispersion, under the varying synoptic environment. Additionally, the effects of subgrid-scale orography parameterization and improved topography/land-use data on the simulated low-level wind is investigated. The WRF model version 4.1.3 is utilized to simulate two cases that were affected by different synoptic environments. One case from 2 to 6 April 2012 presents the substantial low-level wind speed over the Korean peninsula where the synoptic environment is characterized by the baroclinic instability. The other case from 14 to 18 April 2012 presents the relatively weak low-level wind speed and distinct diurnal cycle of low-level meteorological fields. The control simulations of both cases represent the systematic overestimation of the low-level wind speed. The positive bias for the case under the baroclinic instability is considerably alleviated by applying the subgrid-scale orography parameterization. However, the improvement of wind speed for the other case showing relatively weak low-level wind speed is not significant. Applying the high-resolution topography and land-use data also improves the simulated wind speed by reducing the positive bias. Our analysis shows that the increased roughness length in the high-resolution topography and land-use data is the key contributor that reduces the simulated wind speed. The simulated wind direction is also improved with the high-resolution data for both cases. Overall, our study indicates that wind forecasts can be improved through the application of the subgrid-scale orography parameterization and high-resolution topography/land-use data.

An Analysis of 3D Mesh Accuracy and Completeness of Combination of Drone and Smartphone Images for Building 3D Modeling (건물3D모델링을 위한 드론과 스마트폰영상 조합의 3D메쉬 정확도 및 완성도 분석)

  • Han, Seung-Hee;Yoo, Sang-Hyeon
    • Journal of Cadastre & Land InformatiX
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    • v.52 no.1
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    • pp.69-80
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    • 2022
  • Drone photogrammetry generally acquires images vertically or obliquely from above, so when photographing for the purpose of three-dimensional modeling, image matching for the ground of a building and spatial accuracy of point cloud data are poor, resulting in poor 3D mesh completeness. Therefore, to overcome this, this study analyzed the spatial accuracy of each drone image by acquiring smartphone images from the ground, and evaluated the accuracy improvement and completeness of 3D mesh when the smartphone image is not combined with the drone image. As a result of the study, the horizontal (x,y) accuracy of drone photogrammetry was about 1/200,000, similar to that of traditional photogrammetry. In addition, it was analyzed that the accuracy according to the photographing method was more affected by the photographing angle of the object than the increase in the number of photos. In the case of the smartphone image combination, the accuracy was not significantly affected, but the completeness of the 3D mesh was able to obtain a 3D mesh of about LoD3 that satisfies the digital twin city standard. Therefore, it is judged that it can be sufficiently used to build a 3D model for digital twin city by combining drone images and smartphones or DSLR images taken on the ground.

Steel Frame Clamp Deformation and Performance Check based on Clamping Orientation (철골용 클램프 시공방향에 따른 변형 및 성능확인)

  • Mo, Seung-Un;Lim, Nam-Gi
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Building Construction
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.161-169
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    • 2022
  • The government [3] specifies steel pipe scaffolding as conventional scaffolding and is promoting the installation of system scaffolding, an integrated work platform, and avoidance of the use of steel pipe scaffolding as much as possible. However, in places where equipment cannot enter, such as power plants and plant sites, places the structure is complex, and places where scaffolding cannot be stacked on the ground, there is no choice but to install steel pipe scaffolding. When installing steel pipe scaffolding on an H-beam structure at a high place, the performance of the steel frame clamp is very important in order to form a work space which workers can work safely. In this study, the displacement magnitude and tensile load of members in each installation direction of the clamp for steel frame were verified through performance tests and structural analysis modeling. As a result, it was confirmed that the performance for each installation direction satisfies the safety certification standard tensile load of 10,000N. Although the performance value is satisfactory, deformation of the attachment pressing bolt was verified and was confirmed to have minimal deformation. Thus, to ensure the load is properly to the attachment body, the clamp for a steel frame must be installed in the direction in which the load is transmitted.

Consideration of Korean Ajaeng and Chinese Yazheng Based on Organology (한국 아쟁(牙箏)과 중국 알쟁(軋箏)의 악기학적 고찰)

  • Lee, You-Jung
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.14 no.7
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    • pp.217-226
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    • 2020
  • Ajaeng is the bowed string instrument among zither instruments in East Asia, which has a circular form to date, and it has established itself as an important instrument in today's creative Gugak along with traditional music. Looking at previous prior studies, musical instrument studies have not been actively conducted due to insufficient data from musical history studies, and this study looked at the origin, form of musical instrument, and performance methods of zither bowed string instrument through historical records of Chinese Yazheng and music drawings. The analysis of various documents showed that Ajaeng originated from an ancient Chinese traditional musical instrument called Chuk. In terms of the performance style, the Chinese Yazheng had different musical forms depending on the purpose and location of the performance, and there was a method of standing up and fixing the musical instrument horizontally to the ground. Ajaeng in Korea has been handed down without much change in the form of musical instruments introduced in China during the Goryeo Dynasty and the way they sit on the floor and play on a pedestal. Through this study, we hope that it will help to preserve and develop traditional music and Korean traditional musical instruments by enhancing understanding of musical.

Evaluation of Geospatial Information Construction Characteristics and Usability According to Type and Sensor of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (무인항공기 종류 및 센서에 따른 공간정보 구축의 활용성 평가)

  • Chang, Si Hoon;Yun, Hee Cheon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.39 no.6
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    • pp.555-562
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    • 2021
  • Recently, in the field of geospatial information construction, unmanned aerial vehicles have been increasingly used because they enable rapid data acquisition and utilization. In this study, photogrammetry was performed using fixed-wing, rotary-wing, and VTOL (Vertical Take-Off and Landing) unmanned aerial vehicles, and geospatial information was constructed using two types of unmanned aerial vehicle LiDAR (Light Detection And Ranging) sensors. In addition, the accuracy was evaluated to present the utility of spatial information constructed through unmanned aerial photogrammetry and LiDAR. As a result of the accuracy evaluation, the orthographic image constructed through unmanned aerial photogrammetry showed accuracy within 2 cm. Considering that the GSD (Ground Sample Distance) of the constructed orthographic image is about 2 cm, the accuracy of the unmanned aerial photogrammetry results is judged to be within the GSD. The spatial information constructed through the unmanned aerial vehicle LiDAR showed accuracy within 6 cm in the height direction, and data on the ground was obtained in the vegetation area. DEM (Digital Elevation Model) using LiDAR data will be able to be used in various ways, such as construction work, urban planning, disaster prevention, and topographic analysis.

SAR(Synthetic Aperture Radar) 3-Dimensional Scatterers Point Cloud Target Model and Experiments on Bridge Area (영상레이더(SAR)용 3차원 산란점 점구름 표적모델의 교량 지역에 대한 적용)

  • Jong Hoo Park;Sang Chul Park
    • Journal of the Korea Society for Simulation
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2023
  • Modeling of artificial targets in Synthetic Aperture radar (SAR) mainly simulates radar signals reflected from the faces and edges of the 3D Computer Aided Design (CAD) model with a ray-tracing method, and modeling of the clutter on the Earth's surface uses a method of distinguishing types with similar distribution characteristics through statistical analysis of the SAR image itself. In this paper, man-made targets on the surface and background clutter on the terrain are integrated and made into a three-dimensional (3D) point cloud scatterer model, and SAR image were created through computational signal processing. The results of the SAR Stripmap image generation of the actual automobile based SAR radar system and the results analyzed using EM modeling or statistical distribution models are compared with this 3D point cloud scatterer model. The modeling target is selected as an bridge because it has the characteristic of having both water surface and ground terrain around the bridge and is also a target of great interest in both military and civilian use.