• Title/Summary/Keyword: 지리학 내용

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The Economic Effect of the Public Financial Expenditure on the National Industrial Complexes (국가산업단지에 대한 재정지출의 경제적 효과)

  • Park Won Seok
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.40 no.1 s.106
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    • pp.47-62
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    • 2005
  • This paper aims at analyzing the economic effect of the public financial expenditure on the national industrial complexes. Since public finance support is indirectly supplied to the national industrial complexes, the economic effect of the public financial expenditure on the national industrial complexes may be analyzed indirectly and circuitously In this contort, this paper uses 3 stage analysis method. In the first stage, the economic effect that the public financial expenditure influence the allotment, production and employment of companies residing in the national industrial complexes is analyzed by multiple regression analysis. In the second stage, the economic effect that the investment on the national industrial complexes influence the national and regional economies is analyzed by multiple regression analysis. In the third stage, the economic effect of the public financial expenditure on the national industrial complexes is analyzed through the compromising the results of the first and second stage. The main results of this paper are as follows. Firstly, public financial expenditure on the infrastructure of national industrial complexes leaded to positive growth of the allotment of companies residing in the national industrial complexes. Additionally, growth of the allotment of companies leaded to the positive effect on the production and employment of companies. And secondly, growth of the allotment of companies leaded to the positive effect on the gross regional domestic production. Finally, financial expenditure on the infrastructure of national industrial complexes leaded to positive effect on the national and regional economic growth through the compromising the results of the first and second stage.

A Study on the Types of Old County-Maps in the Case of Dongrae-Bu(동래부) (조선 후기 군현지도의 유형 연구 - 동래부를 사례로 -)

  • Kim Kihyuk;Yoon Yongchul;Bae Miae;Jung Am
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.40 no.1 s.106
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    • pp.1-26
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    • 2005
  • This paper is to classify old county-maps of Dongrae-bu(東萊府), Busan in late-Chosun dynasty and to analyze place names in maps comparatively. 26 maps covering Dongrae-bu were collected from the old county-map atlas(郡縣地圖帖) and Eupji(邑誌). By e comparative analysis of contents, those maps can be classified into four types. The first type(named 'Haedong-Jido(海東地圖)') included 7 county-maps in which information of military, and administrative contents are mainly mapped. The second type(named 'Yeongnam-do(嶺南地圖)') included 5 coon maps in which information about beacon routes and road systems were regarded as very important. The third type(named 'Grid-system map(方眼式地圖)') included 4 county-maps which were drawn as same scale with 20-ri(理) grids. The fourth type(named 'Local Count-map(地方郡懸地圖)') included 7 county maps which were drawn by local mappers. Comparative analysis of place names between those four types revealed that Grid-system maps were developed toward the large scale whole map of Korea in the 19th century.

Prediction of the Land-surface Environment Changes in the Anmyeon-do Using Fuzzy Logic Operation (퍼지논리연산을 이용한 안면도 지표환경 변화 예측)

  • 장동호;지광훈;이현영
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.37 no.4
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    • pp.371-384
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    • 2002
  • It is very important to predict the environmental changes in the land-surface as a way of prevention of sustainable nature. This study investigated the difference between the predicted and actual data of Anmyeon-do from 1981 to 2000 through a fuzzy logic operation using multi-spectral image. According to literature survey, maps, and ground truth data, the types of land-use have changed due primarily to shore reclamation or wild land and grassland fostering before the eighties. After the mid-eighties, however, a number of private residents and commercial stores quickly have spreaded throughout beach resorts and quasi-agricultural and forest areas. Moreover, shore and community regions were severely damaged in the nineties with increased farmland, due to the development of tour places and expansion of city area. The predicted result of the environmental changes in the land-surface using the fuzzy logic operation was almost similar to the state of Anmyeon-do obtained through the satellite image. Particularly, the flat lands near the shore was predicted to change slightly. This area is largely under development, thereby raising concerns on the shore environment. Thus, this method is applicable to conducting research on the change in the land-surface.

Lop-Nor Debates and the Xinjiang Production-Construction Army Corps: A Social Process of Desertification in Northwest China (롭노르 논쟁과 신쟝 생산건설병단 - 중국 서북지역 사막화의 사회적 과정-)

  • 이강원
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.38 no.5
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    • pp.701-724
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    • 2003
  • Since the late 19th century, the location and characteristics of Lop-Nor lake have been a major theme of debates among the scholars(Prejevalsky, Richthofen, Kozlov, Hedin, Huntington, Stein, Chen etc.) who have been interested in Inner Asia. In the 1980s the problem to find the exact location and characteristics of Lop-Nor lake was finally solved by the investigation group of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Ironically, it was possible to find the solution by drying up of the lake due to the change of land use and the expansion of irrigation system in Tarim basin. Specially the excessive development of this area for agricultural use by the Xinjiang Production-Construction Army Corps since 1949 must have influenced on drying up of Lop-Nor lake. Furthermore it can be observed to be the very similar situation to Lop-Nor lake in many areas of Chinese Inner Asia Frontier. According to this finding, it may be proposed that human factors played an important role in the changes of Lop-Nor lake over the previous years too. This study can give an insight on the ecological interpretation of Inner Asian history and the environmental interpretation of the rising nationalism in this area.

Point Symbols on Tourist Maps: Cognitive Characteristics with Levels of Symbolization and Preference (관광지도 점기호의 상징수준과 선호도에 나타난 인지특성 연구)

  • Shim, Hye-Kyoung;Jung, In-Chul
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.43 no.6
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    • pp.981-1001
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    • 2008
  • This research deals with cognitive characteristics of point symbols on the current tourist maps in terms of the communication theory in considering levels of symbolization and those of preference. The levels of symbolization are examined on the basis of the meaning of point symbols between map-makers and map-users. Preferences of point symbols are investigated by the tourist objects. As a result, when point symbols are expressed in conciseness, the meaning and interpretation about those symbols are highly accorded. And the point symbols that have familiarity by visual experience are preferred. Also, the higher symbolical levels symbols have, the more likely they are preferred. Through that fact, familiarity from the visual experience, conciseness in expression, concreteness of figures expressed in maps, and representativeness of visualized properties were deduced as factors that affect preferences. Those factors work to affect preference complicatedly, but familiarity is prior to simplicity in preferences. Likewise, ways that visualize information, contents that are expressed as images and familiarity in terms of cognitive characteristics make a relative difference in preferences and the levels of symbolization. On the basis of those cognitive characteristics, visual complexity and ambiguity should be removed and the higher symbolical level of point symbols for efficiency of map-reading should be developed.

The Variation of Industrial Location Demand by Changing Policy of Seoul Metropolitan Area (수도권 정책변화에 따른 산업입지 수요의 변동)

  • Lee, Hyeon-Joo;Kim, Mi-Suk
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.286-306
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    • 2011
  • Based on the announcement by the National Competitiveness Council in 2008, this study analyzed the direction of the changing policy in Seoul Metropolitan Area promoted by the current government and to inquire into such the effect, research was done to study the changes in space demand by companies which respond sensitively to changes in regulation in Seoul Metropolitan Area. In addition, the effect of Seoul Metropolitan Area policy on company location is explored while company location changes and changes in direction of space demand due to easing of regulation in Seoul Metropolitan Area by the current government are examined. Research methods utilized empirical analysis and survey analysis. Empirical analysis utilized statistical data since 1980's. For survey analysis, the effect of changing policy in Seoul Metropolitan Area, which is an exogenous shock, on decision making of the enterprise is considered to derive the direction of demand for company manufacturing lots. The results of the study showed that decision for company location or factory size has been affected greatly by Seoul Metropolitan Area policy and domain regulation and institution to restrict permission area of a manufacturing building from the law of improvement plan of the Metropolitan area were the biggest regulatory policies. Due to easing of regulation in Seoul Metropolitan Area by the current government, the demand for manufacturing lot is expected to increase. In particular, the demand for manufacturing lot is expected to increase centered around Seoul Metropolitan Area and Chungcheong province while demand is expected to decrease in Gangwon province. The reason is because company preference is high for the Seoul Metropolitan Area which has the best transportation/logistics and market conditions in Korea. But in the case of Southeast region and Daegyung region that form exclusive economic zones, changing policy in Seoul Metropolitan Area has little impact. In the case of Seoul Metropolitan Area, demand increase does not occur in the entire area but instead, demand is expected to increase in growth management zones.

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The Characteristics and Expression of Landform in Feng-shui Map on Genealogical Table in the Choson Dynasty (조선시대 족보(族譜)에 게재된 산도(山圖)의 특성과 지형표현 - "기계유씨족보(杞溪兪氏族譜)"와 "반남박씨세보(潘南朴氏世譜)"를 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Hyung-Yun;Sung, Dong-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.40-57
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    • 2011
  • A feng-shui map is a kind of map that features such propitious positions as fortune-bringing spots or ideal grave sites. The map is a representation of the most ideal natural terrains in terms of feng-shui perspectives. This study did research on two feng-shui maps registered on some genealogical tables in order to see how the map was drawn up. In addition, the detailed characteristics of landform expressions like the frame of the map, viewpoints, center-oriented mapping, water flow, mountain theories were delved into. The results of the research are as follows: the feng-shui maps for this research used the techniques of double scale and aerial view, described terrains with grave sites in their centers, and enlarged important terrains compared with surroundings for exaggeration purposes. In addition, other vital landforms not observed from grave sites were depicted with viewpoints moved and were represented in fine details. The part of mountain theories had the following points as their main subject matter: geographical locations, overall orientations of mountain ranges, topographical traits, grave seat directions and surrounding terrains.

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Citizens' Consciousness on Urban Changes in Large Cities in the 1990s(1) : A Comparative Study on Urban Social Sectors (1990년대 대도시의 변화에 관한 시민 의식 연구(1) : 사회 부문별 비교)

  • Choi, Byung-Doo;Lee, Kyung-Ja;Choi, Gum-Ae
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.428-446
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    • 2004
  • This paper is to analyze citizens' consciousness on urban changes during the 1900s in the sectors of economy, politics and socio-culture of large cities in Korea, especially comparing them in Seoul, Daejeon, Daegu, and Kywangju. The items of questionnaire are drawn from theories on each sector of new urbanization of large city in Western countries, that is, that of post-Fordism, of urban governance, of post-modernism, and of sustainable city. Some major findings of this questionnaire analysis are as follows. First, on the change of large cities in general, citizens think that the sectors of spatial structure, and of socio-culture of the cities were changed more than those of urban economy and of urban politics. Secondly, in the sector of urban economy, citizens recognize that the obstructing factors of development, that is, the lack of regional capital and the absence of head-quarter of large firms, which seems to be resulted from uneven regional development in the previous periods were much more serious than others, while acknowledging the importance of high-tech industry. Thirdly, in the sector of urban politics, citizens think that the centralized structure of politics and of political parties was still problematic, while acknowledging the importance of entrepreneur mind of urban governor. Finally, in the sector of urban socio-culture, citizens emphasize the development of telecommunication, the popularization of private automobile and the increasing use of credit card, as three major factors which have exercised major impacts on the development of urban socio-culture.

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Communal Ontology of Landmarks for Urban Regional Navigation (도시 지역 이동을 위한 랜드마크의 공유 온톨로지 연구)

  • Hong, Il-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.41 no.5 s.116
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    • pp.582-599
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    • 2006
  • Due to the growing popularity of mobile information technology, more people, especially in the general public, have access to computerized geospatial information systems for wayfinding tasks or urban navigation. One of the problems with the current services is that, whether the users are exploring or navigating, whether they are travelers who are totally new to a region or long-term residents who have a fair amount of regional knowledge, the same method is applied and the direction are given in the same way. However, spatial knowledge for a given urban region expands in proportion to residency. Urban navigation is highly dependent on cognitive mental images, which is developed through spatial experience and social communication. Thus, the wayfinding service for a regional community can be highly supported, using well-known regional places. This research is to develop the framework for urban navigation within a regional community. The concept of communal ontology is proposed to aid in urban regional navigation. The experimental work was implemented with case study to collect regional landmarks, develop the ontological model and represent it with formal structure. The final product of this study will provide the geographical information of a region to the other agent and be the fundamental information structure for cognitive urban regional navigation.

Limitations of Applying Land-Change Models for REDD Reference Level Setting: A Case Study of Xishuangbanna, Yunnan, China (REDD 기준선 설정 시 토지이용변화 예측모형 적용의 한계: 중국 운남성 시솽반나 열대림 사례를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Oh Seok
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.50 no.3
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    • pp.277-287
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    • 2015
  • This paper addresses limitations of land-change modeling application in the context of REDD (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation). REDD is an international conservation policy that aims to protect forests via carbon credit generation and trading. In REDD, carbon credits are generated only if there is measurable quantied carbon sequestration activities that are additional to business-as-usual (BAU). A "reference level" is defined as simulated baseline carbon emissions for the future under a BAU scenario, and predictive land-change modeling plays an important role in constructing reference levels. It is tested in this research how predictive accuracies of two land-change models, namely Geographic Emission Benchmark (GEB) and GEOMOD, vary with respect to different spatial scales: Xishuangbanna prefecture and Yunnan province. The accuracies are measured by Figure of Merit. In this Chinese case study, it turns out that GEB's better performance is mainly due to quantity (e.g., how many hectares of forest will be converted to agricultural land?) rather than spatial allocation (e.g., where will the conversion happen?). As both quantity and allocation are crucial in REDD reference level setting it appears to be fundamental to systematically analyze accuracies of quantity and allocation independently in pursuit of accurate reference levels.

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