• Title/Summary/Keyword: 지리학 내용

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Comparative Analysis of Korean and Japanese Textbooks on World Geography: Focused on the Contents of Global Education (한.일 고등학교 세계지리 교과서 내용 비교 분석 -국제이해교육의 관련 내용을 중심으로-)

  • Yang, Won-Taek
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.75-92
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    • 1996
  • Geography education is one of the best ways to improve the understanding of other countries. By analyzing Korean and Japanese textbooks on world geography, I tried to find out how well they explain the other country and to set forth guiding principles for geography education. To achieve these aims, weight analysis are used. The major findings in this study can be summarised as follow. The contents of Korean and Japanese geography textbooks were analyzed deviding into 2 major topics, 6 minor topics, and 20 key concepts. (1) By analyzing Korean geography textbook of the 5th curriculum the weight percentages which had been given to each minor topics were found. They are as follow: resource problem(57.7%), human right problem(21.4%), population problem (9.0%), mutual dependence(6.0%), environmental problem(3.3%), international competition(2.6%). (2) By analyzing Korean geography text-book of the 6th curriculum the weight percentages which had been give to each minor topics were found. They are as follow: resource problem(42.7%), human right problem(21.7%), mutual dependence (20.9%), environmental problem(7.7%), population problem(4.6%), international competition(2.4%) (3) By analyzing Japanise geography text-book of 5th curriculum ammendment the weight percentages which had been give to each minor topics were found. They are as follows: resource problem(49.9%) human right problem(21.7%), mutual dependence(15.5%), population problem (7.1%), international competition(6.2%), environmental problem(3.8%) (4) By analyzing Japanise geography textbook of 6th curriculum ammendment the weight percentages which had been give to each minor topics were found. They are as follows human right problem (31.6%), mutual dependence(22.8%), resource problem(20.7%), population problem(12.7%), environmental problem(8.6%), international competition(3.6%). We can see that in the field of dependence Korea and Japan put the similar weight but in the field of common problem they put the fairly different weight. It can be viewed as the difference of curriculum. That is to say Korea used both the systematic method on the basis of unit but Japan used only topical method on the basis of unit. Therefore Korean geography textbook introduce agriculture, forestry, fishery, mining industry and manufacturing industry. Japanese textbook, however gives a detailed account about residents' lives in specific area. For that reason in Korean textbook, resource was stressed, while in Japanese textbook, culture was stressed.

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Relevancy between Aliases of Eight Provinces and Topographical Features during the Chosun Dynasty (′조선 8도′의 별칭과 지형의 관련성)

  • 범선규
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.38 no.5
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    • pp.686-700
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    • 2003
  • In Korea, aside from their official administrative names, aliases of each province or some regions are widely used not only today but also during the Joseon period when the provincial system as local administrative system was firmly implemented. Of aliases, the most representative were Giho, Gwandong, Hoseo, Haeseo, Honam, Yaeongnam, Gwanseo, and Gwanbuk representing the eight provinces (precisely, Gyeonggi and seven provinces) of Chosun Dynasty, as well as Yeongdong and Yeongseo that represent the east and the west of Gangwon-do. These aliases are mostly based on topographical features and physiographical elements, and compared to the official names of eight provinces which depended solely on city names. Of aliases, some appeared in literature during 13-l4th centuries, and all provincial aliases seem to have been widely used after the late 15th century. Aliases continued to be used for 500 to over 700 years. Aliases of eight provinces, geographically, played not lesser role than their official names. Aliases of the eight provinces and regions during the Chosun Dynasty that have been handed down are considered as holding their places' cultural and historical backgrounds, and have become important enough to be accepted as a unit of geographical regional division. The origin and meaning of aliases of each province have been partially disclosed to the geographical circle and the general public. However, the details should be reviewed. First of all, Gwan in Gwanbuk, Gwanseo and Gwandong, as well as Yeong in Yeongnam, Yeongdong and Yeongseo, are each considered as meaning Sobaek Mountain Range and Taebaek Mountain Range with many borderline areas (borders) and military strategic hubs. Also, Ho in Honam, Hoseo, and Giho, are considered as based on the Geum River and Eurimji, and Haeseo are considered as meaning the west of the Gyeonggi Bay, and having relevancy with the first letters of Haeju and Seoha (Pungcheon).

A Modern Geomorphological Explanation and Practical Use of TAENGNIGI (택리지의 현대지형학적 해석과 실용화 방안)

  • Jeon, Young-Gweon
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.256-269
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    • 2002
  • This paper is the first geomorphological research on TAENGNIGI which is famous for old geography book in Korea. The purpose of this paper is to explain TAENGNIGI in modem geomorphological viewpoint and then, lay the foundation for establising Korean style geomorphological terms. It also analyzes TAENGNIGI from Lee, Jung-Hwan(the authority of TAENGNIGI's geomorphological viewpoint. The main results are summarized as follows. Firstly, It is estimated that TAENGNIGI is a geography book including human and physical geography. Secondly, in spite of Lee, Jung-Hwan's some metaphysical explanation of feng-shui in TAENGNIGI. his geomorphological appreciative eye is excellent. Thirdly, it is possible that a Korean style geomorphological term will be established based upon the result of this paper on TAENGNIGI. Fourthly, Lee, Jung-Hwan indicted geography(地理), profit(生利), human nature(人心), landscape(山水) as factors in selecting of people's dwelling place(可居地) and he described that geography(mainly physical geography) was mostly important among the four factors mentioned in selecting of people's dwelling place. Especially he also mentioned that good landscapes have a favorable influence upon the forming of people's character.

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Global Citizenship Education in the Primary Geography Curriculum of the Republic of Korea: Content Analysis Focusing on the Semantic Structure of 2009 Revised School Curriculum (초등지리 교육과정에 반영된 세계시민교육 관련 요소의 구조적 특성에 관한 연구: 2009 개정 교육과정 성취기준에 대한 내용분석을 중심으로)

  • Lee, Dong-Min
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.49 no.6
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    • pp.949-969
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the share of global citizenship education in the 2009 Revised Social Studies (geography area) School Curriculum of the Republic of Korea. I selected the achievement standards of the geography domain in the fifth and sixth grades as the subjects of analysis. The chosen subjects were examined using content analysis: I used KrKwic, a Korean language content analysis tool, to analyze the content and drew a semantic network of the analysis results using UciNet/NetDraw. I found that the geography domain of the 2009 Revised Primary School Curriculum included the concepts of and factors of global citizenship education. However, global citizenship education did not account for a major portion of the curriculum, and the curriculum achievement standards were noticeably nation-state centered. Global citizenship education factors were not closely associated with to other related factors in fact, they even revealed a isolated pattern. These findings suggest that the inclusion of global citizenship education in primary geography education is limited, because the connections between global citizenship education and related contents, such as the environment, sustainable development, conflict, and cooperation, are probably impeded. Globalization accompanies the transformation of territories, identities, and the relations between nation-states and the world, although nation-states continue to play a significant role in the globalized worlds. Therefore global citizenship education, a educational trend focusing on the global community, is particularly important and is required in the geography curriculum of the global era. I expect that the examination undertaken in this study to contribute to future curriculum revisions regarding globalizatin and global citizenship.

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Spatial Distribution Patterns of Twitter Data with Topic Modeling (토픽 모델링을 이용한 트위터 데이터의 공간 분포 패턴 분석)

  • Woo, Hyun Jee;Kim, Young Hoon
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.376-387
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    • 2017
  • This paper attempts to analyze the geographical characters of Twitter data and presents analysis potentials for social network analysis in geography. First, this paper suggests a methodology for a topic modeling-based approach in order to identify the geographical characteristics of tweets, including an analysis flow of Twitter data sets, tweet data collection and conversion, textural pre-processing and structural analysis, topic discovery, and interpretation of tweets' topics. GPS coordinates referencing tweets(geotweets) were extracted among sampled Twitter data sets because it contains the tweet place where it was created. This paper identifies a correlated relationship between some specific topics and local places in Jeju. This correlation is closely associated with some place names and local sites in Jeju Island. We assume it is the intention of tweeters to record their tweet places and to share and retweet with other tweeters in some cases. A surface density map shows the hotspots of tweets, detecting around some specific places and sites such as Jeju airport, sightseeing sites, and local places in Jeju Island. The hotspots show similar patterns of the floating population of Jeju, especially the thirty-year age group. In addition, a topic modeling algorithm is applied for the geographical topic discovery and comparison of the spatial patterns of tweets. Finally, this empirical analysis presents that Twitter data, as social network data, provide geographical significance, with topic modeling approach being useful in analyzing the textural features reflecting the geographical characteristics in large data sets of tweets.

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The Impact of Reflective Thinking Methods on Improvement of Pre-service Geography Teacher's Teaching Knowledge (반성방법의 차이가 예비 지리교사의 수업전문지식에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, So-Young;Oh, Jeong-Joon
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.459-476
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    • 2011
  • This research aims to figure out the impact of different reflective thinking methods on pre-service geography teachers' teaching knowledge. Four pre-service teachers in the same level were selected through the first simulated instruction, Then, different reflective methods were given them to carry out the reflection. Afterwards, they carried out their second simulated instruction. The change of average score of pre-service teachers was analyzed through the peer reviews and Paired samples T-test. The results are as follows. First, when the first peer review score were compared with second peer review, average score of all pre-service teachers improved. But, pre-service teachers who got cooperative reflection with a specialist had the widest variation in the increase level of average score comparing to those without reflection or reflective journal writing. Second, reflective journal writing through self-reflection led to their reflective thinking, but it did not induce them to reflective practice. Finally, pre-service teacher who got cooperative reflection with experienced teachers got the significant improvement in PCK through the T-test. In particular, it had significant statistical value in instruction section and understanding of students section. It demonstrates that the contextual section could be improved by self-reflection or repetitive class practices, while instruction section and understanding of students section needed consulting by assistants.

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A Study on the Visitor's Satisfaction Decisive Factors of the Local Festival : In Case of Simchung Festival in Goksung County (지역축제 방문객의 만족도 결정요인에 관한 연구 -곡성심청축제를 중심으로-)

  • Lee, Jeong-Rock;Ahn, Zong-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.642-653
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    • 2004
  • The purpose of this study is to measure the factor of determination on satisfaction level of the Goksung Simchung Festival. Goksung Simchung Festival has been held since 2000, and Goksung Simchung Festival 2004, which is the fifth, is holding soon. Simchung Festival has unique aspect that it is organised various experience programs and items which stress the importance of "environment" in Seomjin river and Simchung's "Hyo (filial piety)". A study is analysed through research that is consisted of satisfaction factors' items of 17 local festival visitor to study factors of determination of local festival visitor's satisfaction level. This research data is analysed statistical techniques, which are multivariate regression analysis, factor analysis, and reliability analysis, and extracted 4 factors, which are souvenir and food, content of the festival, convenient facilities, and publicity work. In conclusion, the festival is likely to attract more tourists and make them satisfied if better content of the festival is provided. Therefore, most of the tourists need to becoming cleared lo be satisfied due to its values of culture recognition through various contents of the festival. fun factors, and experience programs, So the manager and the director should have continual attention to satisfaction factors of local festival.

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The Study on the Contexts and Place Names in Old County Maps of Goryeong-hyeon(高靈縣) in Late-Joseon Dynasty (조선 후기 고령현 군현지도의 계열별 특성과 고지명 연구)

  • Kim, Ki-Hyuk
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.16-35
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    • 2009
  • This paper is to compare the contexts and old place names in old county maps of Goryeong-hyeon(高靈縣) according to the four types of maps. 23 maps covering Goryeong-hyeon were collected from the old county-map atlas(郡縣地圖帖) and Eupji(邑誌). The first type(named 'picture county map') included 8 county-maps in which information of military, and administrative contents are mainly mapped. The second type(named '1-ri grid system map') included 4 county maps in which information about beacon routes and road systems were regarded as very important. The third type(named '20-ri grid-system map(方眼地圖)' included 4 county-maps which were drawn as same scale with 20-ri(里) grids. The fourth type(named 'local county-map(地方郡縣地圖)' included 5 county maps which were drawn by local mappers. Types of toponyms which were included in maps are different by the propose of map-drawing. In the picture county maps, place names from military, and administrative contents are written. In the 1-ri grid system county maps, place names especially from military and transportation are fluent. In the 20-ri grid system county maps, generic name from natural environment, such as mountains are very fluent. In the local county maps, city-walls and castles are drawn exaggeratively and detailed generic name from warehouses and villages are written in those maps. This study shows that Daedongyeo-jido was drawn on the basis of 20-ri grid system county maps with the supplementation of geographical information.

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A Study on the Relationship of Stereotypical Attitudes of Middle School Students toward Saeteomins (North Korean Refugees) to Knowledge of North Korea (중학생의 북한에 대한 지식과 새터민에 대한 고정관념의 관계에 대한 연구)

  • Yoon, Ok-Kyong
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.15 no.6
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    • pp.820-833
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    • 2009
  • Multiculturalism in education are different from each countries, It is needed to practice multicultural education in many fields facing changes to multicultural society in Korea. This study demonstrates on the relationship of social friendliness and stereotypical attitudes toward Saeteomins (North Korean refugees) to the knowledge of North Korea. Saeteomins are special in the respect of linguistic and ethnic homogeneity of Korea. They have to adapt themselves to new circumstances like other immigrants from abroad. At the same time they have cultural senses of difference to live in a divided country in spite of ethnic homogeneity. It is important to get openminded attitudes to be receptive to cultural diversity in the respect of getting multicultural sensitivity. On account of a growing migration of Saeteomins family, Saeteomin students have difficulties in adapting to Korean society. This study focuses on the point of middle school (general) students' view to Saeteomin students, who have experiences to meet each other. There are three categories of contents knowledge, common sense of North Korea and social issues related to North Korea in this paper. All of them are significant to social friendliness and stereotypical attitudes toward Saeteomins to the knowledge of North Korea. That is important point to contents construction in curriculum about North Korea. This study is meaningful to find the potential to link contents knowledge of subject to multicultural education practice in the process of curriculum change especially in relation to the knowledge of North Korea in 2007.

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The Role of Geography Education in Marine Education (해양 교육의 중요성과 지리 교육의 역할)

  • Yoon Ok-Kyong
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.41 no.4 s.115
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    • pp.491-506
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    • 2006
  • In terms of the importance of ocean as a present and future resource and the Korean peninsular location, it is strongly urged to develop renewed recognition and educational programs on ocean, so as to respond properly to the newly emerging political changes surrounding the country. By setting up the purpose of marine education as engendering greater interests in and knowledge of ocean, this research suggests that the frame of marine education can be founded appropriately on four educational sub-categories: humanity education, territory education, economy education, and resources and environment education. At an operational scale, this paper particularly analyzed ocean- related contents in the 7th national curriculum in order to find substantial ways for strengthening marine education. The study simultaneously compared the result of content analysis with the curriculum of marine education in other countries, and founded that explicit ocean-related contents in the 7th curriculum were significantly limited. Yet, the study alternatively points out that it is possible to use a variety of teaching materials and apply them for writing textbooks or developing teaching-teaming curriculum. I provide some of the ways for strengthening marine education by using marine-related themes in the curriculum of geography education. Marine is not simply one of the key elements in the discipline of geography. But, more importantly, I suggest that geography is particularly useful in developing various and familiar themes such as swimming beach, fishing villages, ports, marine-bound industrial district and port cities into teaching materials.