• Title/Summary/Keyword: 지리교육사이트

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Design and Implementation of Geographic Education Website Using the Google Earth (구글어스 기반의 지리교육 사이트 설계 및 구현)

  • Lee, Sun-Ju;Kang, Young-Ok
    • Proceedings of the Korean Association of Geographic Inforamtion Studies Conference
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    • 2010.06a
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    • pp.3-5
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    • 2010
  • 본 연구의 목적은 온라인과 오프라인 공간에 다양하게 존재하는 지리 관련 학습 자료를 매쉬업하여 지리교육사이트를 구현해 봄으로써 지도를 기반으로 한 지리교육용 웹 사이트 구축 가능성을 모색하는 데 있다. 그동안 교육 분야에서 API를 활용한 대부분의 연구가 사이트 구현을 제안하는 단계에 머무르고 있었다. 그러나 본 연구에서는 교과서 분석을 통하여 지리교육과 관련된 사진, 영상, 개념도, 모식도 등 다양한 자료를 매쉬업해 봄으로써, 정보 제공 방식의 변화를 추구하고, 직접 구현하여 API를 활용한 지리교육사이트의 구현 가능성을 제시한 것에 의의가 있다.

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Design and Implementation of Geographic Education Website Based on the Google Earth (구글어스 기반의 지리교육 사이트 설계 및 구현)

  • Lee, Sun-Ju;Kang, Young-Ok
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.13-24
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this research is to explore the possibility of geographic education by implementing the map-based geographic education site which mashed up with Google earth by referring the various materials of geographic education which exist in on-line and off-line. In recent years map-based geographic education is required by the radical change of geoweb environments, but there have been few researches in this field. This research is folded up as follows: First, we designed the contents through the textbook analysis and then collect various data related to the contents such as pictures, video clips, conceptual map, etc. which are required to explain the concept. Second, we mashed up the collected data on the Google earth by using the Google's open API. Third, we implemented the geographic education website based on the classification of contents in textbook and the various collected data. This research is important in both that it explores the possibility of the map-based education rather than the text-based education in the geographic field which handles mainly the space and finds the best method to express the various concepts of the textbook on the geoweb environments.

Analysis on pothole landforms at Naerin River in Inje-gun (인제군 내린천의 포트홀 지형 분석)

  • LEE, Gwang-Ryul;KIM, Dae Sik;KIM, Chang Hwan
    • Journal of The Geomorphological Association of Korea
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.113-122
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    • 2012
  • The geomorphic properties of potholes at Naerin River, Inje-gun are analyzed to discover the geosites of DMZ geopark in Gangwon-do. The furrow-type potholes along the river flow are mainly found in the P1 and P2 sites. The P3 site can be divided in to the zones where the furrow-type potholes densely distribute and various types of potholes are scattered, while the various types of small potholes are scattered in the P4 site. After measuring the 44 potholes, the potholes with a U-shaped cross-section, similar directivity with river flow and deposited gravels with in them show large values in length, width, depth and slope. Because the P1 and P2 sites are characteristic in the scales and forms of potholes and show beautiful scapes, it can be suggested that they are suitable for the geosite developments.

Study on the Policies of the National Land Education (국토교육에 관한 정책연구)

  • Kwon, Yong-Woo;Sohn, Jung-Yul;Hwang, Chul-Sue;Lee, Jae-Joon;Byun, Byung-Seol;Lee, Ja-Won;Lee, Sung-Chul;Nam, Sun-Ae
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.45 no.6
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    • pp.721-734
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    • 2010
  • This study suggests two kinds of policies to strengthen the national land education in Korea. One is the substantiality of school education on the national land. Korea Should take the national land education by the way of teaching the national and worldwide geography in schools, so that Korea can get to the place of advanced countries like Germany, France, England, and the USA. The other is the strengtheness of citizens education on the national land. We can have the thorough knowledge of the natinal land by the three methods, including the establishment of the Citizens University of the National Land, the arrangement of Various national land events, and the book publication and portal site management of the national land.

Geomorphological characteristics and its value of Gokungugok in Hwacheon (화천 곡운구곡(谷雲九曲)의 지형과 가치)

  • SEO, Jongcheol;KIM, Changhwan
    • Journal of The Geomorphological Association of Korea
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2012
  • The aim of this study is to reevaluate the elements of Gokungugok in geomorphic perspective to discover the geosite of DMZ Geopark in Gangwon-do. The perception for the landscapes contained in Gokungi and Gokungukok-ga is similar to today's geomorphic elements. The most frequent geomorphic landscape shown in Gokungukok is ripple-pool system, and follow after falls and bedrock stream bed. The potholes along the granite bedrock of 3rd and 4th sites accentuate the beauty of Gokungugok. Between 1st and 3rd sites are very long section, and there are many beautiful sceneries, but between 7th and 9th sites is very short section and there are no distinct geomorphic landscapes. After a historical review for the position of 'Seolbeokwa', 'Mangdangi' and 'Beokuiman' called by Dasan Jeong Yak Yong, there is necessary to establish the name and the position of New Gokungugok. Because Gokungugok consists of the beautiful geomorphic landscapes and is well preserved, it can be suggested that it is a suitable geosite.

Development of Expansive Contents for Jeju-do Geopark - Focus on Sanbangsan and Yongmuri Beach- (제주도 지오파크의 발전적 콘텐츠 개발 - 산방산·용머리 해안을 중심으로 -)

  • Kwon, Dong-Hi
    • Journal of The Geomorphological Association of Korea
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2011
  • Sanbangsan and Yongmuri Beach as geosites are very wide areas, and tourists have accessed them via various courses; hence the need to double the number of geosite signs and disperse them at each point. The signs should read "Sanbangsan lava dome," "Yongmuri tuff ring," and "Relationship between the Sanbangsan lava dome and Yongmuri tuff ring." The contents of the sign should be systemic, simple, and clear because tourists have to read it in a short time. The viewpoint of the research area can be largely divided into Sanbangsan View, Yongmuri Beach View, Sanbangsan, and Yongmuri Beach View. Three of each viewpoint (total of 9 viewpoints) can be placed. In the geosite of Sanbangsan and Yongmuri Beach are 5 sub-theme views including the boundary sheet of Sanbangsan and Yongmuri tuff ring, xenolith basalt, marine pothole, tafoni, and crossed sedimentary layer. These sub-theme views are important in understating not only the geosite but the overall geopark as well, so they should be developed and utilized aggressively.

A Study on the Content Development of Regional Learning in Social Studies (社會科에서 地城學習 內容構成의 寶際에 관한 脚究 -連山地方을 사례로 한 내용구성의 scope와 sequence -)

  • 全 情 漢
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.177-190
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    • 2002
  • In this article, I intended to develop the contents of regional learning in social studies and in geography education. In achieving the goal of regional teaming, we have to investigate three facets, i .e. theoretical, organizational, and practical facet. In particular, practical facet is very important one in that it is directly related to content development. As the criteria of content constitution, I proposed two elements, 'historical-geographical landscape'and 'region-related discourse' which are pertinent to the case region, Yonsan in Chungcheongnam-do, Korea. And then, on the basis of disciplinary results in geography, I developed the scope and sequence of contents by utilizing three lagers of space which are 'habitat space', 'social space', and 'power space', three geographical concepts of 'site→symbolic landscape→territoriality', and three spatial scales of 'local→inter-local →regional one'correspondingly.

A study on the Stream Piracy at Subunchi in Jangsu-Gun, Jeonlabuk-Do, Korea (전북 장수군 수분치의 하천쟁탈에 관한 연구)

  • Son, Ill
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.49 no.6
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    • pp.795-811
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    • 2014
  • Stream piracy is one of the dynamic geomorphic processes in the mountainous area. If many stream piracies were concentrated in a certain region, the concentrated distribution of those might reflects the geological structure and tectonic movements of that region. In this study, the stream piracies identified in the lower areas between the Chiri and the Deokyoo mountainous areas were analyzed in relation with the tectonic line from Kwangju to Pohang and the so-called Hansan Mountains. The stream piracy at the Subunchi occurred between the lower-altitude, higher-gradient upper reach of the Seomjin-River flowing on the lower-level basin and the higher-altitude, lower-gradient upper reach of the Geum-River flowing on the higher-level basin. The geomorphic evidences concerning the stream piracy and the human responses to the headward erosion might be found in the vicinity of stream piracy site. Together with the Deunbongsaem(the source fountain of Geum-River), the Subunchi at which the geomorphic processes of stream piracy could be identified in a small area will be a good site for the geography education as well as the geo-tourism.

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A study on basin structures in Yanggu and Hwacheon and their application to Geotoursim purposes (강원도 양구, 화천 일원의 분지 지형과 지오투어리즘 활용방안에 관한 연구)

  • PARK, Kyeong;KIM, Chang Hwan
    • Journal of The Geomorphological Association of Korea
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.97-108
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    • 2012
  • There exist plenty of geomorphological resources in Haean Basin, Yonghwasan Mt., and Gandong Basin in Eastern DMZ area in Gangwon Province which can be used as geotourism resources. Meticulous strategies are necessary to improve the geotourism bases in such a mountainous region. Potential geosites including Yongneup and Simjeog wetlands are nearby, so it is necessary to include these geosites when planning geotourism courses. The values of these sites coinciding with the goal of geopark are as follows: this region shows contrasting landforms derived from distinctive rocks such as gneiss and biotite granite, and there are many landforms derived from differential weathering of granite too. They can be used to explain the developmental history of numerous basin structures in entire Korean peninsula.

Topographic Tourism Resources of Mureung Valley in Donghae-si: Analysis and Valuation (동해 무릉계곡의 지형관광자원 분석과 평가)

  • Kwon, Dong Hi
    • Journal of The Geomorphological Association of Korea
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.65-77
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    • 2013
  • This study investigated and analyzed the topographic landscape resources of Mureung Valley in Donghae-si from the viewpoint of geotourism in order to suggest the tourism contents and tour course. A total of 29 topographic landscapes were observed; these are broadly divided into 4 features including weathering landform, mountainous landform, fluvial landform, and structural landform. Major topographies are fluvial landform (13) and weathering landform (12). At least 19 topographies (14 sites, 19 topographic landscapes) are currently used as tourism resources, with 10 topographies having potential to be developed as new tourism resources. The 10 topographic landscapes are as follows: (1) Jamryong Bawi (Hidden Dragon Rock), (2) Janggipan Bawi (Korean Chessboard Rock), (3) Nurungji Bawi (Parched Rice Rock), (4) Damjang Bawi (Fence Rock), (5) Gyedan Bawi (Stairs Rock), (6) Heundeul Bawi (Rocking Rock), (7) Jeopsi Bawi (Dish Rock), (8) Dol Umul (Stone Well), (9) Jogak Bawi (Carved Rock), and (10) Dubu Bawi (Topu Rock). The topographic tour course can be divided into 3 routes considering accessibility and time. Route 1 is a basic one that anyone can easily use; Route 2 and 3 can be used by visitors who have more time to spare or who are more active.