• Title/Summary/Keyword: 중.약진

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표면처리 약품의 국산화에 대하여

  • Kim, Dong-Hyeon
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Surface Engineering Conference
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    • 2016.11a
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    • pp.58-58
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    • 2016
  • 국내의 표면처리 약품은 선진국의 다국적 기업에 의존하는 경향이 크다. 최근 십 수년간 국내 표면처리 약품 제조사의 약진이 괄목하다고는 하나, 아직도 대부분을 외국으로부터 수입하는 실정이며, 특히 자동차용, 전자부품용 등 부가가치가 높은 약품에 대한 해외 의존도가 높은 실정이다. 본 보고에서는 당사가 표면처리 약품을 국산화하기 위하여 걸어온 분야 중 중심이 되는 몇 가지를 소개하고, 그 문제점 및 앞으로 나아갈 방향에 대하여 토론하는 기회가 되었으면 한다.

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Progress in Seismic Design Concept in Moderate Seismicity regions (중약진 지역에서의 내진설계 개념의 발전동향)

  • 장승필
    • Proceedings of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea Conference
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    • 1999.04a
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    • pp.217-222
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    • 1999
  • Seismic design in low to moderate seismic regions has to be based on the characteristics of seismic risk ground motion and structural response in that region. The characteristics of seismic hazard in low to moderate seismic regions are reviewed briefly. The recent findings on the dynamic behavior subjected to the moderate intensity level of ground motion are summarized. The seismic design considerations in Easterm America China Australia Thailand and Hong Kong will be introduced, . The effort to adopt the limited ductility design in low to moderate seismicity regions will be reported. Finally research works that are required for the implementation of the limited design concept will be proposed.

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Seismic Performance Evaluation of RC Bridge Piers with Limited Ductility by the Pseudo-Dynamic Test (한정연성 철근콘크리트 교각의 유사동적 실험에 의한 내진 성능 평가)

  • Chung, Young-Soo;Park, Chang-Kyu;Park, Jin-Young
    • Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute
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    • v.15 no.5
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    • pp.705-714
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    • 2003
  • Even though Korean peninsula is located in regions of moderate seismic risks, current seismic design provisions of the roadway bridge design code have adopted the AASHTO code which is based on the requirements for high seismic regions. The objective of this research is to investigate the seismic performance of circular reinforced concrete (RC) bridge piers with limited ductility, which may be desirable in low or moderate seismic regions, such as in Korea. Four test specimens were designed and constructed. The reference specimen was designed with longitudinal steel ratio as 1.01% and the confinement reinforcement ratio as 0.13% without considering earthquake, and three other test specimens were designed in accordance with a limited-ductility concept as 0.3% for the confinement steel ratio. This confinement ratio is 0.32 times of minimum lateral reinforcement specified in current seismic design provisions, and 2.3 times of lateral reinforcement required in nonseismic design provisions. The pseudo-dynamic test was carried out to evaluate the seismic performance of full-scale specimens in size of 1.2m diameter and 4.8m height. Judging from the experiment, the reference specimen was not satisfactory for the demand displacement ductility ${\mu}$=5.0, but three limited-ductility specimens appeared to have the displacement ductility of more than 5.

Cost Effectiveness Evaluation of Seismic Isolated Bridges in Low and Moderate Seismic Region (중약진 지역에서의 지진격리교량의 비용효율성 평가)

  • 고현무
    • Proceedings of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea Conference
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    • 2000.10a
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    • pp.440-447
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    • 2000
  • In order to evaluate the cost effectiveness of seismic isolation for bridges in low and moderate seismic region, a method of calculation minimum life-cycle cost of seismic-isolated bridges under specific acceleration level and soil condition is developed. Input ground motion is modeled as spectral density function compatible with response spectrum for combination of acceleration coefficient and site coefficient. Failure probability is calculated by spectrum analysis based on random vibration theories to simplify repetitive calculations in the minimization procedure. Ductility of piers and its effects on cost effectiveness are considered by stochastic linearization method. Cost function and cost effectiveness index are defined by taking into consideration the characteristics of seismic isolated bridges. Limit states for calculation of failure probability are defined on superstructure, isolator and pier, respectively. The results of example design and analysis show that seismic isolation is more cost-effective in low and moderate seismic region than in high seismic region.

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Prediction Equation of Spectral Acceleration Responses in Low-to-Moderate Seismic Regions using Domestic and Overseas Earthquake Records (국내·외 계기지진 정보를 활용한 중·약진 지역의 스펙트럴 가속도 응답 예측식)

  • Shin, Dong Hyeon;Kim, Hyung Joon
    • Journal of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.77-86
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    • 2018
  • This study develops an empirical prediction equation of spectral acceleration responses of earthquakes which can induce structural damages. Ground motion records representing hazards of low-to-moderate seismic regions were selected and organized with several influential factors affecting the response spectra. The empirical equation and estimator coefficients for acceleration response spectra were then proposed using a robust nonlinear optimization coupled with a regression analysis. For analytical verification of the prediction equation, response spectra used for low-to-moderate seismic regions were estimated and the predicted results were comparatively evaluated with measured response spectra. As a result, the predicted shapes of response spectra can simulate the graphical shapes of measured data with high accuracy and most of predicted results are distributed inside range of correlation of variation (COV) of 30% from perfectly correlated lines.

Seismic Reliability Evaluation of Electric Power Transmission Systems in Low and Moderate Seismicity Regions (중약진 지역에서의 전력송전시스템의 지진재해 신뢰성 평가)

  • 고현무;김영호;박원석
    • Proceedings of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea Conference
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    • 2002.09a
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    • pp.155-162
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    • 2002
  • A technique for the seismic reliability evaluation of electric power transmission systems(EPTS) adapted to ground motion characteristics of Korea has been developed to evaluate reliability indices corresponding to the whole system and to each node within. A network model with nodes and links for EPTS has been established, and a seismic substation-fragility curve obtained from seismic fragilities of power system facilities has been derived. A point source model, the doubly truncated Gutenberg-Richter relationship, and earthquake intensity attenuation formula have been applied to simulate seismic events. Using Monte-Carlo simulation method, the seismic reliability of EPTS is evaluated and, it appeared that seismic effect on EPTS in low and moderate seismicity regions has to be considered.

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hysteretic behaviour of exterior HSC column-steel beam joints (고강도 콘크리트 기둥-강재 보 외부 접합부의 이력거동)

  • 조순호;선성규
    • Journal of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea
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    • v.4 no.3
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    • pp.23-34
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    • 2000
  • 반복하중을 지지하는 4개의 2/3 크리 접합부 실험을 통하여 콘크리트 기둥 및 강재 보로 구성된 골조에 대한 외부 모멘트 접합부의 이력거동을 조사하였다. 주요 실험 변수는 접합부에 배치된 후프근의 수, 콘크리트만의 전단강도 발현응ㄹ 유도한 접합부 상세, 강재 보 플랜지 상, 하부에 스터드 형태의 전단키를 사용한 상세 등이다. 실험 시 관측된 균열양상, 파괴형상 및 다양한 계측결과에 근거하여 접합부 상세에 따른 각 시험체의 거동이 자세히 기술되었으며, 항복 후 보유강도, 강성저하 정도 및 에너지 소산능력 등이 분석되었다. 실험결과에 의하면, 이들 중 패널 및 인접 기둥 영역에 각각 2개의 후프근을 갖는 시험체 (CF3) 가 가장 우수한 이력응답을 나타냈으며, 이러한 형태의 접합부 상헤는 우리나와 같은 약진 지역에 적합할 것으로 판단되었다.

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Seismic Performance Evaluation of Wind-Designed High-rise Steel Diagrid Frames (내풍설계된 초고층 철골대각가새골조의 내진성능평가)

  • Kim, Seon-Woong;Kim, Jong-Ho;Kim, Tae-Jin;Kang, Dae-Eon
    • Proceedings of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute Conference
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    • 2011.04a
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    • pp.14-17
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    • 2011
  • 본 논문에서는 강풍대이면서 중/약진대에 위치하는 초고층건물에 내습할 수 있는 잠재적 지진에 대하여 다양한 지반조건에 따른 응답스펙트럼해석과 내진성능평가를 수행하였다. 국내와 같이 강풍대에 위치하면서 중약진대에 속하는 지진환경하에서 세장비 5.2이상의 초고층 철골대각가새골조는 10%/50년 재현주기 지진동에 대해서는 탄성저항가능성을 나타내었고 세장비 6.9이상의 초고층 철골대각가새골조는 2%/50년 재현주기 지진동에 대해서도 탄성적으로 저항할 수 있음을 보여주었다.

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Rail-Stress Analysis of High-Speed Railway Bridges using Long Rails in Low and Moderate Seismic Areas (중약진 지역에서의 고속철도 연속교량 장대레일의 응력 해석)

  • Koh, Hyun-Moo;Kim, Yong-Gil;Choo, F. Jinkyo;Kwon, Ki-Jun;Kang, Junwon
    • Proceedings of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea Conference
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    • 2003.09a
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    • pp.352-359
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    • 2003
  • 철도나 고속철도 교량에 사용되는 장대레일은 차량에 의한 동적충격의 완화, 주행시 승차감의 향상과 같은 장점을 가져온 반면에, 인접한 교량의 연결부에서 레일과 교량 상부구조간의 거동 불일치로 인해 레일에 부가적인 응력을 발생시킨다. 이러한 부가적인 레일응력과 지반운동의 특성에 따른 구조적 응답의 민감도 및 열차의 안전한 정지를 고려하여, 지진 발생시 고속철도교량의 장대레일 응력을 해석하기 위해 레일의 재료비선형성, 지반운동의 위상차 등을 고려한 비선형 시간이력해석 방법을 제시하였다. 그리고 우리나라의 여러 지반조건을 고려하고 고속철도의 대표적인 연속교량 모델에 적용하여 제시한 방법의 타당성을 검토하였다.

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Seismic Response Analyses of the Structure-Soil System for the Evaluation of the Limits of the Site Coefficients (지반계수의 한계값 평가를 위한 구조물-지반체계에 대한 지진응답해석)

  • Kim, Yong-Seok
    • Journal of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea
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    • v.11 no.1 s.53
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    • pp.67-77
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    • 2007
  • Site coefficients in IBC and KBC codes have some limits to predict the rational seismic responses of a structure, because they take into account only the effect of the soil amplification without the effects of the structure-soil interaction. In this study, upper and lower limits of the site coefficients are estimated through the pseudo 3-D elastic seismic response analyses of structures built on the linear or nonlinear soil layers taking Into account the effects of the structure-soil interaction. Soil characteristics of site classes of A, B and C were assumed to be linear, and those of site classes of D and E were done to be nonlinear and the Ramberg-Osgood model was used to evaluate shear modulus and damping ratio of a soil layer depending on the shear wave velocity of the soil layer, Seismic analyses were performed with 12 weak or moderate earthquake records scaled the peak acceleration to 0.1g or 0.2g and deconvoluted as earthquake records at the bedrock located at 30m deep under the outcrop. With the study results of the elastic seismic response analyses of structures, new standard response spectrum and upper and lower limits of the site coefficients of $F_{a}\;and\;F_{v}$ at the short period range and the period of 1 second are suggested including the effects of the structure-soil interaction, and new site coefficients for the KBC code are also suggested.