• Title/Summary/Keyword: 주제색인과정

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Construction of Theme Melody Index by Transforming Melody to Time-series Data for Content-based Music Information Retrieval (내용기반 음악정보 검색을 위한 선율의 시계열 데이터 변환을 이용한 주제선율색인 구성)

  • Ha, Jin-Seok;Ku, Kyong-I;Park, Jae-Hyun;Kim, Yoo-Sung
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartD
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    • v.10D no.3
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    • pp.547-558
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    • 2003
  • From the viewpoint of that music melody has the similar features to time-series data, music melody is transformed to a time-series data with normalization and corrections and the similarity between melodies is defined as the Euclidean distance between the transformed time-series data. Then, based the similarity between melodies of a music object, melodies are clustered and the representative of each cluster is extracted as one of theme melodies for the music. To construct the theme melody index, a theme melody is represented as a point of the multidimensional metric space of M-tree. For retrieval of user's query melody, the query melody is also transformed into a time-series data by the same way of indexing phase. To retrieve the similar melodies to the query melody given by user from the theme melody index the range query search algorithm is used. By the implementation of the prototype system using the proposed theme melody index we show the effectiveness of the proposed methods.

Predicates Indexing for efficiency improvement in Korean Information Retrieval System (한국어 정보검색 시스템의 성능 향상을 위한 용언 색인)

  • 박진희;박대원;박민식;남현숙;김광영;권혁철
    • Proceedings of the Korean Information Science Society Conference
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    • 2000.10b
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    • pp.164-166
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    • 2000
  • 지금까지 대부분의 정보검색 시스템은 명사만을 색인어로 추출하여 사용하였다. 명사는 문서를 대표할 수 있는 어휘 요소이다. 그러나 명사 색인어만 가지고는 문서의 주제를 정확하게 나타낼 수 없다. 본 논문은 명사 색인어와 함께 용언도 색인어로 추출하여 사용하는 한국어 정보 검색시스템을 제시한다. 또한, 용역 색인어와 명사 색인어의 상대적 가중치를 검색에 이용하여 사용자의 질의에 적합한 문서를 검색할 수 있도록 한다. 이러한 과정에서 발견된 문제점은 향후 연구 과제로 계속 향상시켜나갈 것이다.

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A Study on Ontology-based Keywords Structuring for Efficient Information Retrieval (연구.학술정보 효율적 검색을 위한 온톨로지 기반의 주제 색인어 구조화 방안 연구)

  • Song, In-Seok
    • Journal of Information Management
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    • v.39 no.4
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    • pp.121-154
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    • 2008
  • In this paper, a ontology-based keyword structuring method is proposed to represent the knowledge structure of scholarly documents and to make inferences from the semantic relationships holding among them. The characteristics of thesaurus as a knowledge organization system(KOS) for subject heading is critically reviewed from the information retrieval point of view. The domain concepts are identified and classified by analysis of the information activities occurring in a general research process based on scholarly sensemaking model. The ontological structure of keyword set is defined in terms of the semantic relationship of the canonical concepts which constitute scholarly documents such as journal articles. As a result, each ontologically structured keyword set of a document represents the knowledge structure of the corresponding document as semantic index. By means of the axioms and inference rules defined for information needs, users can efficiently explore the scholarly communication network built on the semantic relationship among documents in an analytic way based on the scholarly sensemaking model in oder to efficiently retrieve the relevant information for problem solving.

A Study on Updating the Knowledge Structure Using New Topic Detection Methods (새로운 주제 탐지를 통한 지식 구조 갱신에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Pan-Jun;Chung, Young-Mee
    • Journal of the Korean Society for information Management
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    • v.22 no.1 s.55
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    • pp.191-208
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    • 2005
  • This study utilizes various approaches for new topic detection in the process of assigning and updating descriptors, which is a representation method of the knowledge structure. Particularly in the case of occurring changes on the knowledge structure due to the appearance and development of new topics in specific study areas, new topic detection can be applied to solving the impossibility or limitation of the existing index terms in representing subject concepts. This study confirms that the majority of newly developing topics in information science are closely associated with each other and are simultaneously in the phase of growth and development. Also, this study shows the possibility that the use of candidate descriptor lists generated by new topic detection methods can be an effective tool in assisting indexers. In particular. the provision of candidate descriptor lists to help assignment of appropriate descriptors will contribute to the improvement of the effectiveness and accuracy of indexing.

A Study on Information Resource Evaluation for Text Categorization (문서범주화 효율성 제고를 위한 정보원 평가에 관한 연구)

  • Chung, Eun-Kyung
    • Journal of the Korean Society for information Management
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.305-321
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this study is to examine whether the information resources referenced by human indexers during indexing process are effective on Text Categorization. More specifically, information resources from bibliographic information as well as full text information were explored in the context of a typical scientific journal article data set. The experiment results pointed out that information resources such as citation, source title, and title were not significantly different with full text. Whereas keyword was found to be significantly different with full text. The findings of this study identify that information resources referenced by human indexers can be considered good candidates for text categorization for automatic subject term assignment.

Deep Analysis on Index Terms Using Baysian Inference Network (베이지안 추론망 기반 색인어의 심층 분석 방법)

  • Song, Sa-Kwang;Lee, Seungwoo;Jung, Hanmin
    • Annual Conference on Human and Language Technology
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    • 2012.10a
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    • pp.84-87
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    • 2012
  • 대분분의 검색 엔진에서 색인어의 추출 및 가중치의 부여방법은 매우 중요한 연구주제로, 검색 엔진의 성능에 큰 영항을 미친다. 일반적으로, 불용어 리스트를 통해 성능에 긍정적인 영향을 미치지 않는 색인어를 제거하거나, 핵심어 또는 전문용어 등 상대적으로 중요한 색인어를 강조하는 방식을 사용하여 검색엔진의 성능을 향상시킨다. 하지만, 어절 분리, 형태소 분석, 불용어 처리 등 검색엔진의 단계열 처리 과정에서, 개별적인 색인어가 검색엔진에 미치는 영향을 분석하고 이를 반영한 검색 엔진 성능 향상 기법은 제시되지 않고 있다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 각 단계별 처리 과정에서 생성된 색인어가 미치는 영항을 계랑화하여 긍정적/부정적 색인어를 분류하는 방법론을 소개하고, 이를 기반으로 색인어 가중치를 조절함으로써 검색 엔진의 성능 또한 향상 가능한 방법을 소개한다.

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A Study on the Development of Unit Catalog System for Curriculum Linkage in School Libraries: Focusing on Middle School Science Department (교과연계를 위한 학교도서관 단원목록 시스템의 개발에 관한 연구 - 중학교 과학과를 중심으로 -)

  • Bolan, Kim;Jeong-Hyen, Kim
    • Journal of the Korean BIBLIA Society for library and Information Science
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.27-47
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of the study is to develop a unit catalog system that can be linked with the curriculum. As for the research method, first, unit subject words were extracted through the analysis of middle school curriculum and science textbooks in all grades. Based on this, we designed a unit catalog system that has a unit book catalog by connecting books related to the unit topic of the subject, an index word catalog that organizes unit subject words into index words, and a grade and school level linked subject linked to the unit topic as a subsystem. Using the Notion program, a unit catalog system was implemented on the web using a middle school science unit 1 as a sample. To evaluate the system, experiments and surveys were conducted targeting students, and very positive results were shown in terms of satisfaction with the system and intention to use it in the future. Meanwhile, this study was limited to middle school science departments, but it was proposed to expand the application to all grades and subjects.

Topic based Question-Answering System using Real-Time Search Terms (실시간 검색어를 이용한 주제어 기반의 질의응답시스템)

  • Song, Il-Hyeon;Kang, Sang-Woo;Seo, Jung-Yun
    • Annual Conference on Human and Language Technology
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    • 2011.10a
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    • pp.33-37
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    • 2011
  • 본 논문에서는 실시간 검색어를 이용한 주제어 기반의 질의응답 시스템을 제안한다. 제안 시스템은 주제어로 사용자의 질의 범위를 제한함으로써 질의과정에서 발생할 수 있는 오류의 감소를 기대할 수 있다. 제안 시스템은 주제어 기반의 질의응답을 수행하기 위해 검색대상문서 색인, 질의유형결정, 검색결과의 순위화 과정을 거친다. 제안한 방법으로 기준시스템에 비해 P@5에서 질의유형별 평균 69%의 성능향상을 얻었다.

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A Comparative Study of Printed versus Digital Index and Abstract Users' Behaviour Patterns (인쇄형 색인초록과 전자형 색인초록의 이용행태에 관한 비교연구)

  • Hoang Gum-Sook
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.169-187
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    • 1998
  • The primary purpose of this study is to compare printed index and abstract user's behaviours with digital index and abstract user's behaviours, and to verify of structured characteristics of a printed index and abstract. The major findings are as follows: (1) When the research topic is not specified enough, users tend to rely on printed indexes and abstracts search, whereas they utilize digital form in order to do retrospective search in the stage of research when the topic is determined. (2) Printed index and abstract users are expecting small number of literatures in search, whereas digital index and abstract users are expecting large number of literatures to be found The former are more satisfied with the result of search than the latter. (3) Digital index and abstract users experience more search failure than printed Index and abstract users. When they fail to find wanted materials, both users turn to the other form of indexes and abstracts. (4) Printed index and abstract users shows significantly less knowledge on online searching than digital index and abstract users.

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A Study on Natural Language Keyword Indexing for Web-based Information Retrieval (웹기반 정보검색을 위한 자연어 키워드 색인에 관한 연구)

  • 윤성희
    • Journal of the Korea Computer Industry Society
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    • v.4 no.12
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    • pp.1103-1111
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    • 2003
  • Information retrieval system with indexing system matching single keyword is simple and popular. But with single keyword matching it is very hard to represent the exact meaning of documents and the set of documents from retrieval is very large, therefore it can't satisfy the user of the information retrieval systems. This paper proposes a phrase-based indexing system based on the phrase, the larger syntax unit than a single keyword. Web documents include lots of syntactic errors, the natural language parser with high Quality cannot be expected in Web. Partial trees, even not a full tree, from fully bottom-up parsing is still useful for extracting phrases, and they are much more discriminative than single keyword for index. It helps the information retrieval system enhance the efficiency and reduce the processing overhead.

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