• Title/Summary/Keyword: 주동 형태

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Morphological Traits of Trisomic Plant in Durum Wheat (듀럼밀 3염색체 식물의 형태적 특성)

  • 오세관
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    • v.42 no.4
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    • pp.392-402
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    • 1997
  • The morphological traits of different types of primary trisomics(2n=28+1) in durum wheat, Triticum durum var. hordeiforme(2n=28 AABB) were compared with disomics (2n=28) through the examination of reciprocal gene action on the extra chromosomes. However it was not easy to distinguish morphologically the trisomies containing A genome from those containing B genome. These results suggested that the chromosomal location of the major genes for some morphological traits exists on homoeologous chromosome. It is important that these results revealed the homoeology and linkage groups of both A and B genomes in durum wheat. These primary trisomies will be valuable materials for the trisomic analysis and genetic mapping on the chromosome of both A and B genomes in durum wheat. Furthermore, it must be useful for the evolutionary study of Triticum durum(AABB) and Triticum squarrosa(DD) by way of the ancester species of Triticum aesitivum(AABBDD).

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Taxonomic Review of Flathead Fishes(Platycephalidae, Scorpaeniformes) from Korea (한국산 양태과 어류(농어목)의 분류학적 재검토)

  • Lee, Chung-Lyul;Joo, Dong-Soo
    • Korean Journal of Ichthyology
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.216-230
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    • 1998
  • The taxonomic review of the family Platycephalidae from Korea was made based on the morphological characteristics of specimens collected in the Korean coasts from December 1987 to April 1998. The family Platycephalidae from Korea was classified into 10 species belonging to 7 genera: Onigocia macrolepis, O. spinosa, Rogadius asper, Suggrundus meerdervoorti, lnegocia japonica, I. guttata, Cociella crocodila, Ratabulus megacephalus, Platycephalus indicus and Platycephalus sp. Of them, Onigocia macrolepis was recorded for the first time in Korea and Platycephalus sp. was demanded to recheck its taxonomic position comparing with other Asian specimens in future. A new key to the genera and species of the family Platycephalidae from Korea was reported, with description of their morphological characteristics and distribution.

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A Study on the Circulation Planning of Multi Shopping Mall with User Evaluation (사용자 평가를 통한 복합쇼핑몰 동선 계획 연구)

  • Kim, Ji Soo;Hwang, Yeon Sook
    • Design Convergence Study
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    • v.15 no.5
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    • pp.55-70
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    • 2016
  • Multi shopping malls provide us new life-style nowadays with the term, malling. Multi shopping malls are consisted of selling space, entertainment space and convenience space so that arrangement and circulation planning of each facilities have large influence to users. Based on this influences, this study aims to provide basic data for multi shopping malls' circulation planning. Therefore, this study selected 6 multi shopping malls in Seoul and conducted survey that satisfaction of circulation planning of multi shopping malls. For user satisfaction investigation, we studied concept of multi shopping mall following Korean building act and selected composition and characteristics of circulation. Also, we classified the malls to size and circulation shapes for comparison of the satisfaction results. Classified types are high-rise and low-rise and they are separated to small size and big size. In addition, classified circulation shapes are categorized to net type, loop type, cyclical loop type and multi type by forms of central space and main stream of the malls.

Seedling Growth and Morphology as Influenced by Removal of Cotyledon and Unifoliolate in White Clover (자엽 및 단엽 제거에 따른 White Clover의 유묘기 생장과 형태적 특성)

  • 강진호;박진서;이희원
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    • v.39 no.5
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    • pp.480-488
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    • 1994
  • Low seedling growth rates of white clover (Trifolium repens L.) have been limited its good establishment to pastures. The experiment was done to determine the effect of removal of cotyledon and unifoliolate on the growth and morphological characters of contrasting white clover cultivars for 8 weeks after the treatment. Individual plants of cv. Regal (large leaf), Louisiana S-l (medium-large leaf), Grasslands Huia (medium-small leaf) and Aberystwyth S184 (small leaf) were grown in 10cm plastic pot containing a 2:1:1 soil:sand:peat moss mixture until the cotyledon or unifoliolate stage and then removed one (C1) or two cotyledons (C2) at cotyledon stage, and unifoliolate only (U), unifoliolate and one cotyledon (DC1) or unifoliolate and two cotyledons (DC2) at the unifoliolate stage. To measure the removal effect on biomass and morphological characters (leaf area, petiole and stolon lengths, growing tips and leaves), plants were sampled 4, 6 and 8 weeks after the treatment. Intact plants had greater biomass and morphological characters than removal-treated ones, Removal treatments at cotyledon stage, C1 and C2, were decreased more biomass and morphological characters than removal ones at unifoliolate stage while the severer cotyledon removal, the more reduction. Stolon length per plant and petiole length markedly inclined 6 weeks after the treatments although biomass and the other characters continuously did. Relatively large-leaved cultivar had more biomass, leaf area per plant and longer petiole than the other(s) but the reverse results were true in stolon length, growing tips and no. of leaves per plant. Biomass was linearly increased with increased leaf area but the earlier and severer removal, the less slope. The severer damage of cotyledon and unifoliolate had detrimental effects on the growth and aftermath establishment of white clover

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A New Record of the Thorny Flathead Fish, Rogadius asper (Platycephalidae) from Korea (한국산 Rogadius속(양태과) 어류 1 미기록종 Rogadius asper)

  • Lee, Chung-Lyul;Joo, Dong-Soo
    • Korean Journal of Ichthyology
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.1-6
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    • 1994
  • A thorny flathead fish, Rogadius asper Cuvier and Valenciennes of family Platycephalidae was collected for the first time in Pusan, Korea. The R. asper is closely similar to R. patriciae in exomorphological features but well distinguished from the following characters : a strong antrose spine of preopercle, 4 fine spines of serrations on the occipital. caudal fin with the dark vertical bands and first dorsal fin with black linear patterns. A new Korean name "Baneul-Yangtae" is proposed for the R. asper.

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A New Record of the Family Hoplichthyidae(Pisces : Perciformes ) from Korea (한국산(韓國産) 가시양태과(科) 어류(魚類) 1 미기록종(未記錄種) Hoplichthys gilberti)

  • Lee, Chung-Lyul;Joo, Dong-Soo
    • Korean Journal of Ichthyology
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.109-113
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    • 1995
  • A ghost flatheads, Hoplichthys gilberti Jordan et Richardson of the family Hoplichthyidae was studied for the first time in Korea. Five specimens were collected from Pusan in March 28, 1995. The Hoplichthys gilberti is similar to H. langsdorfii in morphological characters, but differs in having 1 rows of spinous processes on scute of both side of body, nearly same size between snout length and eye diameter and 13+3 pectoral fin rays. A new Korean name "Oegasiyangtae" is proposed for the H. gilberti.

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A Study on Solar Radiation Analysis and Saving Elements of Heating Load according to the Location and Type of Housing in Multi-family Apartments (공동주택 주동형태별 세대위치에 따른 일사분석 및 난방부하 절감요소에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Soo-Jeong;Park, Doo-Yong;Kim, Kang-Soo
    • KIEAE Journal
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.47-55
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    • 2013
  • This study aims to evaluate the correlation between vertical solar radiation and the level of heating load according to the location and type of housing in multi-family apartments. This study shows that heating load is related with factors such as wall loss, window loss, ventilation loss and solar radiation gain. The heating load increases in the order of the middle floors, the highest floors and the lowest floors. The lowest and the highest floors are the most vulnerable floors, and it should be as emphasized as the middle floors. The heating load saving proposal contains 52 Alt. that shows heating load savings from min. 4% to max. 49%. The goal is to reduce the heating load of the highest and the lowest floors to the level of the middle floors. The result showed that there are 3 Alt. for the lowest floors and 16 Alt. for the highest floors as the heating load saving proposal. This study suggests integrated application to compose saving elements of heating load. so it could be utilized as a data for the construction of passive houses.

A New Record of Family Chanidae (Gonorhynchiformes ; Chanoidei) from Korea (한국산(韓國産) Chanidae과(科) (압치목(目)) 어류(魚類)의 1 미기록종(未記錄種), Chanos chanos)

  • Lee, Chung-Lyul;Joo, Dong-Soo
    • Korean Journal of Ichthyology
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.1-4
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    • 1997
  • A species, Chanos chanos (Forssk$\aa$l), collected in Puan, Chollabuk-do on August 1994, of family Chanidae belonging to order Gonorhynchiformes was studied for the first time in Korea. C. chanos was characterized by the form of dorsal and caudal fin and the shape of mouth. A new Korean name "Gaednongeo" is proposed for the C. chanos.

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A Prediction of the Static and Dynamic Horizontal Active Thrusts Exerted by a Backfill Consisting of Two or Three Layers of Different Properties (2종류 또는 3종류의 흙으로 뒷채움이 구성될 경우의 정적 및 동적 수평주동토압합력 예측)

  • Kim, Hong Taek;Kang, In Kyu
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.65-76
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    • 1991
  • A numerical solution method for the evaluation of the static and dynamic horizontal active thrusts exerted by a backfill, consisting of two or three layers of different properties, on a retaining wall is proposed in the present study based on the Mononobe-Okabe analysis. Using the proposed method, the efficient type in forming a backfill with two layers of different properties is analyzed. In addition, for the design examples of a backfill made up of two or three layers of different properties, the static and dynamic horizontal active thrusts computed using the soil property of each layer are compared with those obtained from the proposed method, and also the problems expected in design are presented based on the comparisons.

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Improving the natural ventilation in multi-housing units of tower-type buildings according to their shapes and directions (탑상형 공동주택의 주동형태와 배치각에 따른 주호의 자연환기 성능)

  • Yoo, Seon-Yong;Kim, Ji-Yoeng;Kim, Tae-Yeon;Leigh, Seung-Bok
    • Proceedings of the SAREK Conference
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    • 2006.06a
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    • pp.897-902
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    • 2006
  • Natural ventilation is an effective method for improving IAQ(Indoor Air Quality) and removing heats in buildings. In oder to use natural ventilation, many factors such as wind pressure around the buildings and possibility of air intake on different shapes need to be known. On this paper, the natural ventilation performance in multi-housing units of tower-type buildings was investigated. Tower-type multi-housing buildings are recently more and more constructed for they may change urban landscape and get more openness in multi-housing site. However, such housing buildings have problems with natural ventilation because of the various directions of the building units. The purpose of this paper is to find the proper building direction regarding to wind direction in order to optimize air intake in every units in the building.

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