• Title/Summary/Keyword: 주도적학습

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Change and Characteristics of Interactions in a Heterogeneous Group in Scientific Inquiry Experiments (이질 모둠이 수행한 과학탐구실험 과정에서 상호작용의 변화와 특성)

  • Seong, Suk-Kyoung;Choi, Byung-Soon
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.27 no.9
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    • pp.870-880
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this study was to understand the change and characteristics of interactions in a heterogeneous group in scientific inquiry experiments. For this purpose, the process of students' interactions in small group activities were analyzed. This study focused on two, small heterogeneous groups of eighth graders. Students were involved in 13 scientific inquiry experiments for one year and students' interactions in each experiments were observed and recorded using video/audio and the data recorded were transcribed. The analysis of data was based on the method of making a note by looking and listening to the data repeatedly. Students' interactions in heterogeneous group changed toward that 3A (early formal operation student solved the problems by oneself and other students only listened to 3A student's explanation or copied the answer. The least able student was alienated from peers' interactions. In the meantime, new interactions of two middle level students were shaped. Educational implications of the progression of activities emphasizing interactions and the organization of grouping were drawn.

Development and Application of Earth Science Module Based on Earth System (지구계 주제 중심의 지구과학 모듈 개발 및 적용)

  • Lee, Hyo-Nyong;Kwon, Young-Ryun
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.175-188
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    • 2008
  • The purposes of this study were to develop an Earth systems-based earth science module and to investigate the effects of field application. The module was applied to two classrooms of a total of 76 second-year high schoolers, in order to investigate the effectiveness of the developed module. Data was collected from observations in earth science classrooms, interviews, and questionnaires. The findings were as follows. First, the Earth systems-based earth science module was designed to be associated with the aims of the national Earth Science Curriculum and to improve students' Earth science literacy. The module was composed of two sections for a total of seven instructional hours for high schoolers. The former sections included the understanding of the Earth system through the understanding of each individual component of the system, its characteristics, properties and structure. The latter section of the module, consisting of 4 instructional hours, dealt with earth environmental problems, the understanding of subsystems changing through natural processes and cycles, and human interactions and their effects upon Earth systems. Second, the module was helpful in learning about the importance of understanding the interactions between water, rock, air, and life when it comes to understanding the Earth system, its components, characteristics, and properties. The Earth systems-based earth science module is a valuable and helpful instructional material which can enhance students' understanding of Earth systems and earth science literacy.

Teacher's Practice of Activity Materials in the Housing Area of Middle School Technology & Home Economics Textbook (중학교 교사의 기술.가정 주생활영역 활동자료 활용실태)

  • Lee, Young-Doo;Cho, Jea-Soon
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.157-171
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    • 2008
  • The year of 2007 Reformed Curriculum encourages various activity materials in the textbook facilitate students oriented self-help learning. The purpose of this paper is to find out how much the activity materials in housing area of middle school Technology and Home Economics are practiced in the class and why they are used or not used. The data were collected from 253 middle school teachers who had ever taught the housing unit in any of 6 textbooks. The analyses indicated that the most frequent teaching methode was lecture based on the textbook and internet data focused on the figures and contents of the individual textbook. The average rate of practicing the activity materials was differ by textbooks and the characteristics of the materials such as type of materials, feature of non sentence materials, and type of activity. The main two reasons to practice the activity materials were it's adequacy to class goals and application to everyday life. Low interests of students and shortage of time were the two main reasons why not used the materials. Textbook writers should consider these reasons as well as the characteristics of activity materials practiced in the class by the teachers in order to meet the goals of the reformed as well as current curricula.

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A Study on the Effects of Design Thinking Process and Maker Education on University Students' Start-Up Activities (디자인사고방법 활용 메이커교육이 대학생 창업역량에 미치는 영향에 관한 탐색 연구)

  • Kim, Tae-Ywan
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.177-196
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    • 2021
  • In the era of the 4th industrial revolution, high technology is causing many changes in modern society and economy. Among them, changes in industries and jobs require new competencies of future human resources. As an educational alternative to these changes, maker education and design thinking methods are spreading around the world, and it is necessary to actively apply such education in university curriculum. Therefore, this study examines the effects of the maker education using the design thinking method on the learners' competencies required as future human resources and, relationship between the development of university students' entrepreneurial competencies and learners' competencies. And the purpose of this study is to contribute to the vitalization of entrepreneurship education for university students by suggesting an educational model. For this purpose, this study investigated the prior research on maker education/environment and design thinking methods to examine concepts and characteristics, and analyzed the influences between maker education/environment and design thinking methods and the development of learners' personal, social and technological capabilities. In addition, this study analyzed the relationship between learners' developed capabilities and university students' entrepreneurial capabilities, and based on the results, suggested directions and conceptual models for education that combine maker education/environment and design thinking methods. In conclusion, maker education/environment and design thinking methods in university education have a positive effect on the cognitive, social, and technological development of learners, and this has a significant relationship with the factors of personal, social, and technological dimensions of university students' entrepreneurial competency. It is analyzed that it has a positive effect on the promotion of entrepreneurship activities of university students. Therefore, it is judged that university's interest and support should be given to the vitalization of maker education using the design thinking method for university student entrepreneurship education and future human resources nurturing.

Understanding Problem-Solving Type Inquiry Learning and it's Effect on the Improvement of Ability to Design Experiments: A Case Study on Science-Gifted Students (문제해결형 탐구학습에 대한 인식과 학습이 실험 설계 능력에 미친 효과 : 과학 영재학생들에 대한 사례 연구)

  • Ju, Mi-Na;Kim, Hyun-Joo
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.425-443
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    • 2013
  • We developed problem-solving type inquiry learning programs reflecting scientists' research process and analyzed the activities of science-gifted high school students, and the understanding and the effects of the programs after implementation in class. For this study, twelve science-gifted students in the 10th grade participated in the program, which consisted of three different modules - making a cycloidal pendulum, surface growth, and synchronization using metronomes. Diet Cola Test (DCT) was used to find out the effect on the improvement of the ability to design experiments by comparing pre/post scores, with a survey and an interview being conducted after the class. Each module consisted of a series of processes such as questioning the phenomenon scientifically, designing experiments to find solutions, and doing activities to solve the problems. These enable students to experience problem-solving type research process through the program class. According to this analysis, most students were likely to understand the characteristics of problem-solving type inquiry learning programs reflecting the scientists' research process. According to the students, there are some differences between this program class and existing school class. The differences are: 'explaining phenomenon scientifically,' 'designing experiments for themselves,' and 'repeating the experiments several times.' During the class students have to think continuously, design several experiments, and carry them out to solve the problems they found at first. Then finally, they were able to solve the problems. While repeating this kind of activities they have been able to experience the scientists' research process. Also, they showed a positive attitude toward the scientists' research by understanding problem-solving type research process. These problem-solving type inquiry learning programs seem to have positive effects on students in designing experiments and offering the opportunity for critical argumentation on the causes of the phenomena. The results of comparing pre/post scores for DCT revealed that almost every student has improved his/her ability to design experiments. Students who were accustomed to following teacher's instructions have had difficulty in designing the experiments for themselves at the beginning of the class, but gradually, they become used to doing it through the class and finally were able to do it systematically.

A Study on the Objectives of Cultural Property Education for establish of the U.V.E.C.(Understand, Value, Enjoy, Create) Cultural Property Education (U.V.E.C.(Understand, Value, Enjoy, Create) 문화재교육 정립을 위한 문화재교육 목표 연구)

  • PARK Sanghye
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.55 no.4
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    • pp.278-294
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    • 2022
  • To date, cultural property education has seen rapid quantitative growth due to national and personal needs. However, qualitative growth is lacking. The objectives of cultural property education have not been established, and therefore, even its identity is not clear. The most pressing issue at present in cultural property education is to first set objectives. This study aimed to analyze the objectives of current cultural property education, identify the problems, and set new objectives to meet significant national and personal needs in terms of education. The problems with the objectives of current cultural property education are that the persons interested in the education do not understand the concept of the education objectives clearly and that the objectives do not contain much actual content of the education. Also, the objectives of the education do not take into account the dynamic competencies and interests of the learners and do not satisfy the changes of the times. To solve these problems, new cultural property education, called 'U.V.E.C.,' was offerred. U.V.E.C. education is aimed at understanding cultural properties, recognizing their value, and enjoying them, and at creating culture. The objectives of U.V.E.C. cultural property education were set such that they can be modified flexibly in a learner-centric way with clear and practical format and contents. Based on this direction, stepwise objectives were set including overall objectives, detailed objectives, and practice objectives, and objective cases of each step were proposed. Considering the generality of the education and the distinct characteristics of the cultural properties, the U.V.E.C. education objectives took into account the diversity of behavioral objectives, clearness in statements, the objectives of problem solving, the initiative of learners and openness for expression outcomes. The U.V.E.C. objectives are clear and specific so that teachers can enhance their pedagogical efficiency and learners are able to develop interesting and diversified competencies. In addition, it is expected that the U.V.E.C. objectives will significantly affect objective setting for education on cultural properties which have not been studied widely. Further systemic and specific studies on the contents and methods of the U.V.E.C. education would help to change the overall education on cultural properties and position the field as a new academic area.

The Impact of Education-Orientation on Technology Innovation and Company Outcome : Focusing on Korean Companies in China (기업의 교육지향성이 기술혁신과 기업성과에 미치는 영향 : 대 중국 투자 한국기업을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Jung Hoon;Lim, Young Taek
    • The Journal of Society for e-Business Studies
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.231-249
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    • 2014
  • We define $21^{st}$ century as an amalgamation of globalization and localization, or Glocalization. Additionally, due to the increasing supply of smart phones and wide usage of social networking services, the ability to utilize such global and regional information has increased a coperation's competitiveness in its market, and even the business models have evolved from the conventional "production and distribution" to E-commerce, through which either a direct or a non-direct transaction is possible. My hypothesis is that the ability to adapt to this trend is possible through transfer of learning, and consequently, this will have an impact on company's performance. Thus, this thesis analyzes the mid- to the long-term impact of such ability and environmental factors on the performance and technology innovation of Korean companies in China. Ultimately, this study intends to engender a basic foundation for a corporation's management strategy in China. Finally this research focuses on those Korean companies in China only and on the proof of influential factors' impact on technological innovation and technological innovation's impact on those corporations' future performances. Section I is an abstract and section II, the case examines the uniqueness and current status of Korean companies in China identifies the concept and the definition of influential factors such as education-orientation, technological innovation, and performance, and then scrutinizes each factors through a closer look at their past researches. Section III explains the thesis model, the survey's method and target, the thesis, variable factors, the content, and the method of analysis. In section IV, the thesis is proved based on the outcome of the survey. The result in Section V highlights the high comprehension of technological innovation: both education-orientation and technological innovation prove to have a positive (+) correlation with the performance. The vision on education orientation proves to have a positive (+) influence on technological innovation. The vision on education-orientation and technological innovation prove to have a positive (+) influence individually on company's performance.

Development of Pedagogical Content Knowledge of Novice Secondary Science Teachers through Collaborative Reflection (초임 중등 과학교사들의 협력적 성찰을 통한 수업 전문성 발달)

  • Shin, Minkyoung;Kim, Heui-Baik
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.42 no.1
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    • pp.77-96
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    • 2022
  • This study investigated how collaborative reflection between novice secondary science teachers promoted the development of teaching professionalism. We intentionally selected research participants who shared sufficient rapport. Data were collected by videotaping the classes taught by participants, pre-talk, post-interviews and nine collaborative reflection processes. All data were transcribed and analyzed. Results indicated that all three teachers showed changes in teaching practice. Minyoung's practice involved a teacher-led lecture, but through collaborative reflection, she could create a learning environment to enhance students' power and ownership in her class. Emphasizing academic rigor, Soyoung used to teach content outside the scope of the curriculum, but through collaborative reflection, she became more considerate of students' understanding. Finally, in Jiyeon's classes inquiry activities and theoretical explanations were separated from each other. However, she repeated her efforts to improve her class after collaborative reflection, allowing students to construct explanations through activities. In this study, three factors that promoted the development of teachers' pedagogical content knowledge through collaborative reflection were identified. First, the different teaching orientations of the three teachers who participated in this study, promoted sharing of opinions through collaborative reflection. Second, reflection based on teaching practice enabled practical feedback on the class, which enhanced the development of teachers' pedagogical content knowledge. Third, the equal status and formation of rapport between the three teachers created an environment for productive reflection. These results suggest that future teacher education programs should target communities that can promote collaborative reflection based on teachers' teaching practice.

Science Teachers' Recognition of the Changing School Environment and Challenges for Teaching Practices (학교의 변화를 마주한 과학 교사들의 인식과 수업 실천에서 나타난 도전과 변화)

  • Ji, Youngrae;Shim, Hyeon-Pyo;Baek, Jongho;Park, Hyoung-Yong
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.37 no.6
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    • pp.937-949
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    • 2017
  • In this study, we investigated how science teachers perceive the changes in school systems, including infrastructure and curriculum, in the context of preparing for future education. And the changes in their perception of the educational environment, the challenges, and changes of science teachers' classroom practices were also explored. In-depth interviews and analysis were conducted with two science teachers in a middle school that is trying to innovative on changes compared with general schools. The results of the study are as follows: First, teachers perceived that their schools had factors that could change the science class in terms of school size and infrastructure, peer teacher culture, and students' abilities. Second, the enthusiasm of teachers who are trying various ways of teaching and the students' ability to adapt in a smart learning environment formed a synergistic circle that lowered entry barriers to trying changes. Third, science classes changed to activity-centered classes, and teachers realized that these changes promoted students' self-directed learning. Fourth, teachers perceived themselves as playing an independent role in curriculum management, and this perception promoted more varied attempts in improving their classes. Through the changes of the learning environment and systems of the school and the formation of a culture that shares their challenges and innovations with the voluntary learning community, teachers constantly try to change their classes and schools. The changes of school need to be understood in the context of the interaction of teachers, students, and infrastructure.

A Latent Growth Modeling of the Longitudinal Changes of Students' Perception about Schools (학교에 대한 학생인식의 종단적 변화 연구 : 잠재성장모형의 접근)

  • Kim, Soo Jung;Lee, Yunsoo;Song, Miryoung;Song, Ji Hoon
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.6
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    • pp.275-285
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    • 2020
  • This study aimed to track changes in students' perception about schools over time, to analyze how participation in the Education Welfare Priority Support Project(hereafter "the Project") explains the changes, and to determine how the results of changes affect students' learning engagement, self-confidence, and peer relationship. Data were collected from 103 schools nation-wide(51 elementary and 52 middle schools) from 2015, 2016 and 2017 from 820, 911, and 837 students, respectively. The data were analyzed by applying a latent growth model with two stages: unconditional and conditional. The findings are that first, the perception about schools by the students who participated in the Project increased over time; and second, that the improvement of students' perception of schools has a positive influence on their learning engagement, self-confidence, and peer relationship. In the future, it was suggested that programs aimed at improving positive perception about schools should be provided to all students led by teachers, and a customized integrated support program should be arranged to students in need of intensive support by the educational welfare specialists.