• Title/Summary/Keyword: 제품.서비스 혁신성

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Review and Prospects on Venture Firm Accumulation Center: The Case of Kwan-Ak Venture Town (벤처기업집적시설의 현황과 문제점 및 개선방안에 관한 연구 서울시 관악구 벤처타운 사례를 중심으로)

  • 최지훈
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.81-96
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    • 2000
  • The study examines the present condition and prospects of venture firm accumulation center in the case of kwan-ak venture town. The survey shows most of companies have been founded since 1997. Their major items are software development and the average employees are under 10 workers. According to the questionary about the type of R&D and the level of innovation, technology innovation such as the development of new product is advanced whereas tacit innovation like inter-firm cooperation is very weak. And the source of idea and information is concentrated on the within-firms and research center As a result of the analysis of regional linkage, the dependence of production and R & D is large on kwan-ak-gu, but sales and information services have emphasis on Seoul area. In the light of the affiliation of inter-firm, they response sympathy with cooperation, but could not strengthen their commercial ties yet. At last, the policy for venture firm accumulation center must intend to make tacit measures through inventing of system instead of the simple means such as the assistance of location, finance and tax.

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A Study on the Status and Supporting Strategy of National R&D Programs related to the Convergence Technology (융합기술 관련 국가 연구개발 사업 현황과 효과적 지원전략에 대한 연구)

  • Kim, Yun-Jong;Jung, Uk;Jeong, Sang-Ki
    • Journal of Korea Technology Innovation Society
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.413-429
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    • 2009
  • As science and technology which the society requires become highly advanced and complicated, the need of so-called Convergence Technology(CovT) is getting more significant. The major developed countries are presenting their own vision and strategies of CovT to take the lead of future society and global economies. In Korea, each ministries and government offices are suggesting their own directions of promoting CovT and supporting the related programs. This paper investigates the overall status of national and international R&D activities related to CovT in order to invigorate the related national R&D programs and maximize their effectiveness. It also purports to realize the growth potential and a ripple effect of CovT, such as new business creation and fulfillment of public needs, so that secure new CovT in an early stage. Based on the analysis of the overall status of national R&D programs, we redefine and re-categorize the CovT, which is especially oriented to the development of government support policy, and present the customized strategies to each categories.

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A Case Study on The CVC's Investment Motivations and Investment Decision Factors (CVC의 투자동기 및 투자 결정요인에 대한 사례연구: CVC 9개사(社)의 투자 사례를 중심으로)

  • Jo, Se Keun;Han, Ju He
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.13 no.6
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    • pp.27-38
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to find out common investment decision factors for CVC's invested technology-based startups and analyze them. We examined 17 CVCs that invested in technology startups for three years and six months from 2015 to June 2018. As a result, the final 9 CVCs that can be used in this study were confirmed and 188 companies were analyzed. This study was conducted as a case study to propose and demonstrate CVC investment objectives and investment decision factors analysis model. The results of this study are as follows. First, CVC focused on strengthening investment. Second, In 2015, Invested in an average of 19 months of technology-based startups. In recent years, we invested in 36 months of proven technology-based startups. Thirdly, ICT service was the main business type of the invested startups. Fourth, the investors were concentrated on the stage of Series A~B. It is observed that CVC investment determinants have a significant impact on product or service and parent company relations. In addition, it was found that factors such as innovation, business planning competency, enterprising, strategic competency, leadership, and opportunity recognition competency were influential factors for the startups of invested companies and it was found that these factors are important for CVC investment decision. Understanding of CVC investment determinants presented in this study is based on the establishment of the investment process of the investee, entrepreneurship and management education program. The results of this study can be applied to the selection of excellent startups, entrepreneurship education programs, mentoring, development of coaching guidelines, and establishment of investment process of other investment institutions when investing in CVC.

스타트업 기업의 양손잡이 역량 균형이 기업 성과에 미치는 영향

  • Choe, Seong-Cheol;Lee, U-Jin
    • 한국벤처창업학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2021.04a
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    • pp.49-53
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    • 2021
  • '양손잡이 조직(Organizational Ambidexterity)'은 새로운 기회를 찾고 위험을 감수하며, 신제품이나 신사업을 개발해 가는 탐색(Exploration) 역량과, 최소한의 리스크와 보유한 자원을 토대로 기존 제품이나 서비스를 중심으로 효율성을 높이는 활용(Exploitation)적 혁신을 동시에 추구하는 조직의 능력으로 경영자들이 비즈니스 환경의 난기류와 다차원성에 대처하도록 권고하는 개념들 중 하나이다. 본 연구는 스타트업의 양손잡이 역량 균형이 기업 성과에 미치는 영향에 대한 연구를 기반으로 양손잡이 역량이 실제 스타트업에 긍정적으로 영향을 미치는 지를 조사하는데 목적으로 하고 있다. 따라서 탐색(Exploration)과 활용(Exploitation)의 적절한 균형(Balance)을 중심으로 기업성과에 미치는 영향과 더불어 환경적 동태성(Environmental Dynamics)의 조절효과에 대하여 알아보고 분석하였다. 실제로 선행 연구를 통해 탐색(Exploration)과 활용(Exploitation)에 모두 관여하는 양손잡이 기업들이 하나에 집중하는 기업보다 우수한 성과를 달성할 가능성이 높은 것으로 나타났으며, 탐색(Exploration)과 활용(Exploitation)의 적절한 균형(Balance)을 유지하는 것이 생존과 번영을 위해 중요한 것으로 나타났다. 특히, 자원이 부족한 스타트업의 경우 부족한 자원을 효과적으로 활용하고 양방향으로 행동할 수 있는 능력은 경영 능력과 역량에 달려 있기 때문에 지속적인 생존을 위해 탐색과 활용의 균형을 맞추고 효과적인 조직을 구축해 양손잡이 조직으로 거듭나야만 한다. 양손잡이 조직에 대한 연구 이론은 보통 여유 자원이 높은 대기업을 기준으로 정의되고 있으며, 상대적으로 여유 자원의 수준이 낮은 중소기업이나 스타트업을 위한 양손잡이 조직의 의미와 이러한 기업들이 추구할 수 있는 현실적인 실행방안에 대해서는 연구가 부족한 실정이다. 따라서, 본 연구는 실제 스타트업 기업의 성장을 위한 전략적 방향 설정을 제시할 수 있으며, 급격하게 변화하는 시장에서 스타트업의 양손잡이 역량과 기업성과 영향 관계를 분석하여 학술적인 기여를 할 수 있을 것으로 기대한다.

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Analysis on value research trend and building the resource and competence based research framework for value creation (가치 연구의 동향 분석 및 가치창출에 대한 자원 및 역량기반 연구체계 구축)

  • Park, Changhyun;Lee, Heesang
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.1923-1931
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    • 2014
  • A value creation is understood as important business strategy these days in both academics and industry. But this phenomenon is not fully understood based on systematized framework. In this paper, we summarized value research trend based on exploratory research and inductive reasoning by exploring both international and domestic journals. And we built a research framework that can analyze value creation between supplier and customer. Value research prior to 2004 is primarily divided into values of goods or services and relationship values. After 2004, service-dominant (SD) logic has been outlined. There are other research trends to see the relationship value in terms of relationship benefits and relationship in the network or supply chain. 4 critical resource types (financial resource, knowledge resource, efficiency resource, and intellectual resource) and 5 competence types (relational capability, collaboration capability, innovation capability, managing capability) are constructed as principal factors for value creation from inductive reasoning based upon a resource-based view (RBV) and a competence-based view (CBV). The research framework was built based on 4 resources and 4 competences.

Innovation in Giorgetto Giugiaro's Automobile Design (Giorgetto Giugiaro의 자동차디자인의 혁신성)

  • Lee, Myung-Ki
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.19 no.5 s.67
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    • pp.383-394
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    • 2006
  • In 2005, Giorgetto Giugiaro unveiled the Ferrari GG50 at the 50th anniversary celebration of his design career. Beginning his career at the age of 17, he is a master designer who has achieved design revolution by uniting creativity, design methodology, and technology. He has been awarded a number of international prizes for his exquisite achievements and reputation for car design. Carrozzeria of ITAL DESIGN, founded by Giugiaro, is a company whose ideas combine cutting-edge technology and high quality craftsmanship. Beginning in car design, ITAL DESIGN achieved a positive reputation internationally and, since 1999, has expanded even more rapidly under its new name, ITAL DESIGN-GIUGIARO. The owner of 12 affiliates worldwide, all service systems are buyer-oriented, ensuring the highest level of technical consulting. Beginning with the 1971 Alfa Romeo Alfasud, the 1st major project, more than 100 cars have been designed in the past 35 years, leading to the production or in million cars by major motor companies around the world. Giugiaro has focused on practical performance as well as external beauty in his car design, the best of which enter the mass market. With his philosophy of "I want to be the 1st customer of my design" Giugiaro design invites customer participation and input to meet their needs and demands. Free from the routine, typical image, Giugiaro design has raised the bar for creativity and thinking beyond traditional values and ideologies.

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Factors Affecting Satisfaction and Continuous Use Intention of Subscription Economy (구독경제 이용 만족도 및 지속 이용 의도에 영향을 미치는 요인)

  • Chung, Byoung-gyu
    • Journal of Venture Innovation
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.1-16
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    • 2023
  • Due to the progress of the 4th industrial revolution and the COVID-19 pandemic, the subscription economy was rapidly expanding. In particular, the subscription economy was expected to expand further as the servicing of products(servitization) rapidly progresses. In this study, we tried to empirically analyze the factors that promote and hinder the spread of the subscription economy from the consumer's point of view. To this end, based on the Service Profit Chain (SPC) model, which identified mechanisms leading from quality to satisfaction, loyalty, and performance, a research model was established by combining the framework of the Value-based Adoption Model (VAM), which covers both benefit and sacrifice factors. Usefulness and convenience were derived as benefit factors, and perceived risks and perceived costs were derived as sacrifice factors. The effects of these factors on satisfaction and continuous use intention were analyzed. For empirical analysis, a survey was conducted targeting people who have experience in subscription economy, and 300 effective samples were analyzed. The analysis was performed as a structural equation model using AMOS 24. As a result of the empirical study, it was found that convenience had a significant positive (+) effect on satisfaction. Perceived risk and perceived cost were analyzed to have a negative (-) effect on satisfaction. On the other hand, usefulness was found to have no significant effect on satisfaction. The influences affecting satisfaction were in the order of perceived cost, convenience, and perceived risk. Satisfaction was found to have a significant positive (+) effect on continuous use intention. The results of this study were considered meaningful in that they broadened the horizons of research by combining existing validated models at the academic level and testing their validity, and found that perceived cost was still an important factor at the practical level.

A study on the effects of Information asymmetry and sentimental communication in Crowdfunding platform (크라우드펀딩 플랫폼에서 정보 비대칭과 감성 커뮤니케이션이 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Lim, Sung Jun;Lee, Jong Hag
    • Journal of Service Research and Studies
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.1-16
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    • 2021
  • Recently, crowdfunding has been receiving increased attention due to the variety of novel ways it provides for connecting funders and fundraisers. Concurrently, however, it has been criticized on the grounds of information asymmetry. We are interested in whether information collected from an asymmetric information source significantly influences crowdfunding success. Through this study, we would like to establish a social field of convergence pursued by Serve Science and to conduct practical research and practice together. First, we investigated the importance of interaction between funders and fundraisers within the crowdfunding platform. In the "comments" section, communication between funders and fundraisers reduces the degree of asymmetric information. In the aspect of presumable funders, they should make the best of the "comments" section to collect more solid information without losing return on their investment. Second, we analyze sentiment-based optimistic and pessimistic information from the "story" (asymmetric source) and "comments" sections. In conclusion, it shows that the optimistic and pessimistic information of the "comments" section has a great impact on crowdfunding success and that the influence of the "story" section is limited to pessimistic information under certain conditions. The crowdfunding platform is an innovative and productive way for startups and entrepreneurs to start a business, and since information an important role in the success of crowdfunding, It can be seen that it is essential to focus on establishing the best communication methods.

A Study on The Effect Business Performance of Convergence Capabilities on Corporate (기업의 융합역량이 경영성과에 미치는 영향)

  • Choi, Seung-Il;Song, Seong-Bin
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.177-184
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    • 2015
  • Modern society is rapidly going digital as blowing hot air about it Convergence castration. Iran fusion product management, technology, and services such as free from black-and-white logic of various activities such as management of alternative recognition by further series of management innovation in the way of trying to fill the other gaps win-win. In addition, the company is to survive through the creation and unceasing. Performance of firms in contemporary globalization, which is still more sensitive. In this study, based on the fusion needs of the enterprise and explores how this convergence competencies affect to business performance. Results showed that the fusion capacity is affecting the financial performance and non-financial performance. That fusion technology education learning capability and convergence capabilities appeared to affect the financial performance and non-financial performance.

An Empirical Study on the Effects of SMEs Competition, ESG Management Activities and Organizational Justice on Job Satisfaction : Focusing on Mediating Effects of Self-efficacy (중소기업의 경쟁력, ESG 경영 활동 및 조직공정성이 직무만족에 미치는 영향에 관한 실증 연구 : 자기효능감의 매개효과를 중심으로)

  • Jun, Se-hoon
    • Journal of Venture Innovation
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.41-62
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    • 2023
  • Given that SME workers are the driving force of national competitiveness and the basis and cornerstone of the industry, it is meaningful to study workers' job satisfaction and the factors that affect job satisfaction. In addition to variables related to corporate competitiveness and organizational justice, this study introduced variables such as environmental(E) activities, social(S) activities, and governance(G) activities, which th national government uses as major management evaluation indicators. Therefore, a literature study and empirical analysis were conducted on how self-efficacy affects job satisfaction when workers are faced with a changed work environment. To conduct this study, 300 copies of data were collected from workers in small and medium-sized enterprises and used for analysis. For data analysis, the SPSS statistical program (Ver. 25.0) was used. The study finds, first, that product or service quality and employee competency among corporate competitiveness had a significant positive(+) effect on job satisfaction. Secondly, among ESG management activities, social(S) activities and governance(G) activities were found to have a significant positive(+) effect on job satisfaction. Third, among organizational justice, distribution justice and procedural justice were found to have a positive(+) effect on job satisfaction. Fourth, self-efficacy was found to mediate the effect of product or service quality, employee competency, social(S) and governance(G) activities among ESG management activities, and procedural justice among organizational justice on job satisfaction. The academic value of this study is that it empirically analyzed the factors that ESG management activities affect workers' jobs,. As a result, it was confirmed that workers were satisfied with their jobs by actively showing interest in social(S) activities and governance(G) activities among ESG management activities and participating in corporate management. In addition, workers sensitive to changes in the external environment can become satisfied with their jobs through self-efficacy when SMEs actively enhance corporate competitiveness, execute ESG management activities, and provide a fair organizational culture. Finally, this study suggests that there's a possibility of improving the competitiveness of SMEs through a virtuous cycle created by a change in perception of job conversion and a decrease in turnover.