• Title/Summary/Keyword: 제도의 질

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Development of an accreditation system for dietary and nutrition related education resources (영양.식생활 교육자료의 인증 시스템 개발 연구)

  • Kim, Ji-Myung;Lee, Kyoung Ae;Park, Yoo Kyoung;Lee, Kyung-Hea;Oh, Sang Woo;Lee, Hee Seung
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.47 no.2
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    • pp.145-156
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    • 2014
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to establish accreditation systems of reliable educational materials for nutrition and dietary life which could be used in schools, workplace, and health promotion. Methods: The study was conducted from April 2011 to October 2011. Literature reviews, institutional visits, and telephone interviews were conducted. Expert meetings and advisory councils were held in order to receive feedback on development of the accreditation systems. A survey was conducted for the accreditation procedures on 143 professionals, including professors, researchers, health and medical experts, teachers, nutrition teachers, dietitians, and clinical nutritionists. Results: The final procedure of the developed accreditation system was finalized as follows: 1) receiving application twice per year 2) complete desk review (written evaluation) by three reviewers within two months, 3) board review (all board members) and decision, and 4) notification of results. The accreditation system is set for printed materials, web-site, and materials for activities. The certificate and accreditation mark is issued to the final certified educational materials. Expiration date is established only for the web-site form. The accreditation length lasts for two years, and can be extended by renewal application. Conclusion: The dietary and nutrition related materials, which are certificated by this accreditation system, could impart reliable information and knowledge to both learners and educators, and help them in effective selection of educational materials. Therefore, this accreditation system might be expected to increase satisfaction for teaching and learning about nutrition and healthy dietary life.

A Study on the Restructuration of Norm System in the Field of ICT for the Smart Media (Smart미디어시대 정보통신·미디어(ICT) 분야 규범체계의 재구조화에 관한 연구)

  • Ji, Seong-Woo
    • Journal of Legislation Research
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    • no.44
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    • pp.33-62
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    • 2013
  • In this paper, the consolidation of ICT basic legislation and ICT special legislation concerning "Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning" and "Korea Communications Commission" which came on the back of governmental reorganization in recent years is discussed in the theoretical and practical aspect. Development of "data communication technology" innovatively changed the method of livelihood of mankind, the emergence of network under global dimension provided financial social benefit and posed a challenge and a threat at the same time. Form digital revolution human kind can expect to receive many important blessings. Nevertheless, there are many advantages of development of technology by digital revolution, cyberspace like online media, internet etc. has realistically many problems that must be solved. To maximum positive aspects like the expansion of freedom of expression and creating plan of economy by the advance of transmission technology is needed. And to minimize side effects of informatization is required more. The First, Special Act on ICT has an adaptation in normative standardization to be fit in media convergence beyond convergence of broadcasting and telecommunications. Henceforth, there must be established a legal basis for the achievement of protection of economic evolution and freedom of speech in digital media, information, communication technology and content development. The second, the government action is to accomplish economic development and freedom of information in structural aspect of norm. Therefore minimizing normative problem by reorganization of organization remains clearly unresolved in politics. The third, Special Act on ICT must be basic law covering info-communications field, pay telecommunication and media contents field. The forth, from a technical point of view, net neutrality, conflict of interest for digital content and so on can be fixed easily. Special Act on ICT must not only pursuit of development of industry. Special Act on ICT and pursuit of enhancing quality of life of people and preparing program to promote democratization. From now on, we need to make powerful nation of information& communications technology and in information human rights protection field got to be one step ahead of others with reference to appear all the various aspects must be brought together in the discussion of legislation process of Special Act on ICT.

A Study on the Current Situation and Direction of Social Work Field Practicum - Focused on Cyber University - (사회복지현장실습교육의 현황과 방향에 관한 연구 -사이버대학교를 중심으로-)

  • Bae, Na-Rae
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.19 no.12
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    • pp.197-211
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    • 2018
  • This is an exploratory study on the status of the social work field practicum at a cyber university. The purpose is to investigate the current situation and improvement plan of the social work field practicum. A qualitative analysis was conducted with 11 professors who have instructed the social work field practicum at cyber universities. The social work field practicum based on the experiences of the professors is investigated, and this paper analyzes the status according to students, schools, practitioners, and institutions. In order to improve the quality of the social work field practicum, factors for improvement were analyzed through the efforts of students, schools, the Korean social workers' association, institutional improvements, and social welfare instructors. The results of the study are as follows. Students, schools, and training organizations should recognize the importance of the social work field practicum and must strive for systematic and consistent education. It is also important to remember that a social worker is not a professional with simple qualifications, but an expert with a philosophy, values, and ideologies. The direction for improvement in the social work field practicum is as follows. When constructing a social welfare curriculum, the school should have a realistic curriculum and teaching method that can enhance the sense of the field. The student should not be qualified as a social worker only as a vague investment for the future, but should have the professional ability to serve clients as a social worker and to give professional help to clients, considering the best welfare service for human beings. Institutions should provide a place for students to integrate theory and practice in vital social welfare experiences as social workers. The Republic of Korea is now facing an age with one million social workers. In order to open the future of social welfare in Korea, we need united endeavors with government that can develop students as pre-social workers and establish universities, institutions, and their systems for a substantial social work field practicum.

Do Care Services for the Elderly Reduce Unmet Healthcare Needs? A Study Based on the 2020 National Survey of Older Koreans (노인 돌봄서비스는 미충족 의료를 낮추는가? 2020년 노인실태조사 분석)

  • Minjeong Ju;Roeul Kim;Sang Sook Beck;Woojin Chung
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • v.34 no.4
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    • pp.381-393
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    • 2024
  • Background: The importance of care and healthcare services for the elderly is growing due to the rapid aging of the population and changes in household types. In Korea, the Long-Term Care Insurance System was implemented in 2008, providing a universal system of public care services. However, the needs of the elderly for care and healthcare services are still not being fully met. Care and healthcare services are essential for the quality of life and survival of the elderly, making research in this area crucial. Therefore, this study aims to identify the association between the care provided to individuals aged 65 and older and their unmet healthcare needs. Methods: Based on the analysis of the National Survey of Older Koreans 2020, the final study population consisted of 9,920 elderly individuals aged 65 and over, after excluding 177 proxy respondents from an initial total of 10,097 participants. The dependent variable in this study is the experience of unmet healthcare needs, while the main variable of interest is care. The control variables include demographic characteristics, health behaviors, and health status. And technical analysis, univariate analysis using the Rao-Scott chi-square test, and survey logistic regression analysis were conducted after adjusting for various confounding variables. Results: The study found that 252 people (2.5%) of all the elderly had unmet healthcare need. In the adjusted model accounting for all variables, the odds ratio for experiencing unmet healthcare needs was 2.76 (95% confidence interval [CI], 1.60-4.78) for the private care group and 5.84 (95% CI, 2.65-12.89) for the public care group, compared to the group with no functional limitations. There was no significant difference in unmet healthcare experiences between the group receiving mixed care (private and public care) and the group in need of assistance but not receiving care. Conclusion: The results of this study indicate that unmet healthcare needs occur among both elderly individuals receiving public and private care, highlighting a lack of proper integration between care and healthcare services. In Korea, elderly care and healthcare are often operated in a fragmented manner, focusing on supply rather than demand. It is hoped that the findings of this study will serve as a foundational resource for improving integrated elderly health policies that connect care and healthcare services.

Analysis of Actual State for Hospice Programs in Korea (호스피스 프로그램 운영 현황 조사)

  • Chang, Hyun-Sook;Park, Sylvia;You, Sun-Ju
    • Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.4-17
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    • 2000
  • Purpose : This study aimed to investigate and to evaluate the present conditions of hospice programs in Korea for supplying data useful in making policy in hospice, which is not institutionalized yet. Method : For this purpose we surveyed 59 hospice programs regarding the general characteristics, manpower, patients, services, financial conditions, and facilities. Thirty-seven hospice programs answered the questionnaires. Result : They were 11 tertiary hospitals, 11 other hospitals, 3 clinics, 12 home care hospice, and 1 freestanding hospice. Only 9 hospice programs have all of the essential professionals: physicians, nurses, social workers, clergies, and volunteers. In some hospice programs, volunteers who had not been trained for hospice provided services to terminal patients. More than half of the hospice said they provided services to the patients who lost their consciousness and were not suitable for hospice care. 16% of the hospice said they did not keep the patients' record. Some hospitals including tertiary hospitals provided such intensive care as radiotherapy, TPN, injections to hospice patients. Many hospice programs other than hospitals didn't charge patients for hospice care. 60% of the hospice said they suffered from financial problems. Most of the hospice wards were not built for hospice use at first. So they did not have such supplementary facilities as dayroom, waiting room, special bathing facilities etc. Conclusion : For improving the quality of terminal patients and promoting the cost effective use of health care resources, it is necessary to consider the institutionalization of hospice. The institutionalization of hospice programs can improve the quality of hospice care and the standardization of the hospice program can hasten its institutionalization.

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Influence of the Hoping Number of Children, the Policy of Childbirth, and the Causes of Reduced Childbirth to the Perception of Childbirth in Health-Line College Students (일 지역 보건계열 대학생을 대상으로 한 희망자녀수, 출산정책, 출산저하 원인이 출산인식에 미치는 영향)

  • Jung, Sang-Jin
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.15 no.8
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    • pp.5031-5041
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    • 2014
  • Purpose: The influence of the hoping number of children, the policy of childbirth, and the causes of reduced childbirth to the perception of childbirth, which will be the subject of future childbirth, was surveyed by health-line college students. Results: In terms of the attitude to the perception of childbirth, the quality of personal life, childcare, insufficient support of childbirth, and breeding of descendants had the largest influence on childbirth, and in terms of the attitude to the hoping number of children, economic reasons, childcare expenses, and education expenses had the largest influences. Second, when the causes of social demographic properties influencing childbirth was analyzed, sex showed significance to all the factors on the hoping number of children in terms of growing areas, to all the factors excluding childbirth policy in terms of the economic level, and hoping number of children in terms of the parents' jobs. Third, when the correlation was analyzed, a correlation was found in every area excluding the hoping number of children in terms of the causes of childbirth reduction and economy, childbirth policy in terms of the personal causes, personal factor in terms of the causes of childbirth policy, and family factor in terms of the causes of childbirth reduction and economy. Fourth, when the influences of the causes of hoping number of children, childbirth policy, and childbirth reduction to perception of childbirth were analyzed, the case hoping no or one child, the case hoping 2 or more children, childbirth policy, and childbirth reduction had a positive significant influence on the perception of childbirth. Conclusion: The childbirth rate will be improved if the following occur: childbirth policy and laws are established at the level of government, education programs are developed and operated for the formation of the value of perception of childbirth, and a new support policy is established after analyzing the current childbirth support policies. To change the perception of childbirth in college students who are future subjects of childbirth, successive studies will be needed to verify the effect of aforesaid measures.

Methods of Record Management for Head of Local Government (광역자치단체장의 기록 관리 방안 연구)

  • Lee, Young-eun
    • The Korean Journal of Archival Studies
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    • no.27
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    • pp.35-88
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    • 2011
  • This study suggested the methods of record management for the heads of local government, which would be the most valuable among local records. In order to conduct a systematic record management for the heads of local government, this study suggested the methods of establishing a record management system regarding regulation arrangement, production registration, preservation, utilization and services. First of all, in order to estimate the record category of the heads of local government, the study examined the duties of the offices of the deputy heads of local government, secretary's offices and information offices, which have been subsidiary & assistance branches in charge of producing the record. In addition, it investigated the present conditions of record management for the heads of local government through the interviews with secretary offices and information offices belonging to 16 cities and provinces and the claims for information disclosure and found out the following problems. They included incomplete record production, non-registration of produced records, abolition of records and taking them out of designated places with due notice, record preservation period regardless of the term of the heads of local government, varied preservation period for the records of the heads of local government by local self-government, short preservation period of primary records and non-management of home pages after the term of the heads of local government. To solve such problems, the study suggested the regulation arrangement for record management and a record management system. The regulation arrangement could be obtained through the establishment of the administrative organization setup condolence etiquette enforcement regulation and the recorders in local government and the revision of operation rules and through the revision of the reference plan for operation rules enactment of recorders from National Archives of Korea. As for the record management system, the study suggested the establishment of production, registration and preservation system of records for the heads of local government and the utilization and services of their records. In order to produce and register the records, the unit assignments should be founded by department in charge of the duties related to the records of the heads of local government on record management criteria, thus letting the staff surely produce and register the records. In terms of utilization and services of the records, the study suggested the use of websites and drawing up the record list, through which each record viewer would be able to figure out which records have been managed through the list services and which services could be given to the residents, thus letting the residents and the heads of local government who finished their term of duties use the records.

A Study on Human Rights Behavior of Korean Care Workerin Long Term Care Facilities: The Interaction Effect of Human Rights Awareness and Service Orientations (장기요양기관 요양보호사의 노인인권옹호행동 영향요인: 개인의 인권의식과 조직의 서비스 지향성을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Min-Kyoung;Kim, Mee-Hye;Kim, Ju-Hyun;Chung, Soon-Dool
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.36 no.3
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    • pp.673-691
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    • 2016
  • As the provision of long-term care policy takes root and with a gradual increase in elderly population, the use of elderly care service has become a growing norm. More than ever, there exists an urgent need for a paradigm shift in the building of an institutional basis for the improvement of care service, from the prevalent practice of 'need based service' toward the concept of 'human rights based service'. A great focus is being shed on care-workers, at the 'front line' of advocating human rights, as their human rights advocacy behaviour is seen as a key variable in providing high quality care service for elders. This study aims to examine how care-workers' individual human rights awareness levels, and the influence of their respective organizations, as an environmental factor, affect their human rights advocacy behaviour. The study includes a comprehensive analysis of the interactions between the regulatory effect of environmental factors (service orientation?) on an organizational level, human rights awareness (individual level) and the service environment (organizational). The analysis sample consisted of 782 registered non-profit corporation of long-term care facilities all over the country in 2014. The findings of the thesis suggest that human rights awareness at individual levels has a significant influence on human rights advocacy behavior. The interaction of human resources management in service orientations was also found to influence human rights advocacy on a significant level. Both human rights awareness at individual level and service orientations at organizational level were thus determined as key variables for improving the human rights awareness of care worker in long-term care facilities in Korea.

A Study on the Policy Directions of Sports Welfare in Gangwon Province for Improving Quality of Life (삶의 질 향상을 위한 강원도 스포츠복지 정책방향 연구)

  • Kim, Heung-Tae;Kim, Tae-Dong
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.13 no.8
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    • pp.411-424
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is to explore the feasible policy directions for sports welfare that can not only improve the standard of living through health but also ensure a happy and enjoyable life for the people of Gangwon Province. For this purpose, I have conducted studies such as the analysis on the sports class voucher project being implemented by the South Korean government and the case analysis in sports welfare, and present policy directions as follows. First of all, it is about upgrading the sports class voucher project. And as its implementation plans, I suggest ① increased publicity, ② the earmarking of the province's own budget for the sports class voucher project, ③ the establishment of a system for cooperation for work implementation between the related organizations and their staff in charge with a view to activating the sports class voucher project, and ④ the upgraded services for the sports class voucher project and the upgraded access to the life cycle-based universal welfare. Second, it is about using public sports facilities and developing various programs. I suggest the active utilization of the public sports facilities that enable people to learn the skills for such sports disciplines as baseball, badminton, ice sports, and golf and the development and distribution of distinctive educational programs for dance for media entertainment shows for female youths, climbing, cheer leading, fencing, surfing and horseback riding. Third, it is about nurturing the human resources and networking. For this, I suggest the creation of 'Sports Welfare Specialist Training Program' and the training of the college students majoring in sports science with the aim of creating a number of jobs. Fourth, it is about refurbishing the system and establishing the support system. I suggest the dismantling of the partitions in the welfare policy related to sports activities and the formation of (tentatively named) 'Gangwon Province Sports Welfare Implementation Committee', and the creation of (tentatively named) 'Sports Welfare Project Support Team' in Health, Welfare & Women's Affairs Bureau or Culture, Tourism and Sports Bureau in the short term and then its long-term expansion into (tentatively named) 'Gangwon Province Sports Welfare Support Center' in responding to the needs that reflect the provincial demographics, with a view to establishing a single lineup for the administrative support system. Furthermore, as budget and manpower are needed to realize customized sports welfare that suits the characteristics of the province and in which all the provincial residents can collect benefits, I suggest that the province provide the legal basis through creating 'Ordinance Promoting Sports Welfare in Gangwon Province' and pushing forward with (tentatively named) 'Gangwon Province Sports Welfare Competition' as what revises the sports class voucher project for the purpose of broadening the basis for sports welfare promotion.