• 제목/요약/키워드: 정신에 관한 표현

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What Changed and Unchanged After Science Class: Analyzing High School Student's Conceptual Change on Circular Motion Based on Mental Model Theory (과학수업 후 변하는 것과 변하지 않는 것: 정신모형 이론을 중심으로 한 고등학생의 원운동 개념변화 사례 분석)

  • Park, Ji-Yeon;Lee, Gyoung-Ho;Shin, Jong-Ho;Song, Sang-Ho
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.475-491
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    • 2006
  • In physics education, the research on students' conceptions has developed in the discussion on the nature and the difficulty of conceptual change. Recently, mental models have been a theoretical background in concrete arguments on "how students' conceptions are constructed or created." Mental models that integrate information in the presented problem and individual knowledge in their long-term memory have important information about not only expressed ideas but also in the thinking process behind the expressed ideas. The purpose of this study is to investigate the forming process and the characteristics of high school student's mental models about circular motion, and how they were changed by instruction. We used the think-aloud method based on the instrument for identifying student's mental models about circular motion, pretest of physics concept, mind map and interview for investigating student's characteristics. The results of the study showed that instructions based on the mental model theory facilitated scientific expressed model, but several factors that affected forming mental models like epistemological belief didn't change scientifically after 3 lessons.

Analysis on Mathematically Gifted Middle School Students' Characteristic of Mathematical Thinking and Verbal Expression in the Study of Parallel Lines in Non-Euclidean Disc Model using Dynamic Geometry Software (GSP를 사용한 비유클리드 원판모델 학습에서 나타난 중학교 수학 영재들의 평행선에 관한 인식 및 언어 표현 방식 분석)

  • Hong, Seong Kowan
    • Journal of Educational Research in Mathematics
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.53-74
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this paper is to analyze how mathematically gifted middle school students find out the necessary and sufficient condition for a certain hyperbolic line to be parallel to a given hyperbolic line in Non-Euclidean disc model (Poincar$\acute{e}$ disc model) using the Geometer's Sketchpad. We also investigated their characteristic of mathematical thinking and analyze how they express what they had observed while they did mental experiments in the Poincar$\acute{e}$ disc using computer-aided construction tools, measurement tools and inductive reasoning.

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The Implementation of an Assisitive Comunication System for the Mute and Language Disorder (언어장애인을 위한 통신보조기기의 구현)

  • 황인정;민홍기
    • Journal of Biomedical Engineering Research
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    • v.20 no.6
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    • pp.621-627
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    • 1999
  • 본 논문은 언어장애인을 위한 통신보조기기의 구현에 관한 연구이다. 통신보조기기에 적용되는 어휘는 사용자의 환경을 고려하여 선택되어야 하며 사용자의 환경에는 연령, 교육정도, 가족관계, 자주 이용하는 장소, 장애의 종류와 정도 등 사용자의 정신적, 육체적 능력을 모두 포함하여야 한다. 본 논문에서는 손의 사용이 가능하고, 어휘와 의미심볼의 관게를 이해할 수 있으면서, 음성표현이 부자유스러운 어린이를 사용자로 한정하였다. 사용자에 의해 발훼된 어휘는 중심어휘와 특정환경을 나타내는 장소 도메인에서의 사용어휘로 나눌 수 있다. 중심어휘는 장소에 구애받지 않고 일상생활에서 널리 쓰이는 어휘를 말하며, 장소 도메인에서의 사용어휘로 나눌 수 있다. 중심어휘는 장소에 구애받지 않고 일상생활에서 널리 쓰이는 어휘를 말하며, 장소 도메인에서의 사용어휘는 특정 장소에서 빈번히 사용하는 어휘를 말한다. 발췌된 어휘는 휴대용 통신보조기기로서의 공간적 제약을 극복하기 위하여 어휘를 명사, 동사, 조사로 나누어 좀더 많은 문장을 만들 수 있도록 하였으며, 동적 시스템과 정적시스템의 장점을 고려하여 장소 도메인 별 어휘로 나누면서 의미함축의 원리를 도입하였다. 또한 어휘의 인식이 쉽도록 의미심볼과 어휘를 대응하여 표현하였고, 시스템의 기능 혹은 어휘분류에 따른 화면의 배경색을 다르게 설정하여 쉽게 사용자가 선택할 수 있도록 하였으며 , 사용자의 선택에 의해 구성된 문장은 화면표시관에 보여진 후 음성으로 표현하였다.

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A Study on the Periodic Background & Characteristics of the Modern Metal Furniture Design -Focused on the Chair- (현대 금속가구디자인의 시대적 배경 및 특성에 관한 연구 -의자를 중심으로-)

  • 한영호
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.71-81
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    • 2001
  • Modem metal furniture design can be defined as the spirit of the times. It reflects the society we are living in; political and social issues, new technology and materials developed, structural solution and changes on the sense of value of a period. Therefore, the metal furniture design professionals must understand the flow of the society before designing or producing. Understanding the trends of a period is crucial for the metal furniture designers to develop the speciality. This study aims to offer the chance to understand and analyse the characteristics of contemporary metal furniture design and the cultural development. It gives the theories on the relationship between the environmental background and social factors that have influenced on the development of metal furniture design.

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주학해(周學海)의 "독의수필(讀醫隨筆) 기혈정신론(氣血精神論)"에 관한 연구(硏究);대주학해(對周學海) "독의수필(讀醫隨筆) 기혈정신론(氣血精神論)"적연구(的硏究)

  • Kim, Geun-Yeong;Lee, Jeong-Tae;Yun, Chang-Yeol
    • Journal of Korean Medical classics
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.113-125
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    • 2006
  • 주씨재(周氏在) "독의수필(讀醫隨筆) 기혈정신론(氣血精神論)" 중개괄정기신지총의위(中槪括精氣神之總義爲): 기자(氣者), 무형이유기자야(無形而有機者也). 이기기지소동(以基機之所動), 유삼초지분출야(有三焦之分出也). 정자(精子), 유형자야(有形者也). 유형칙유질(有形則有質), 이기질지소별(以其質之所別), 유사등지부동야(有四等之不同也). 신자(神者), 무형무기이유용자야(無形無機而有用者也). 이기용지소성(以其用之所成), 고추견오성지대본야(故推見五性之大本也). 개괄정기신지분류여소주위(槪括精氣神之分類與所主爲): 기유삼(氣有三), 왈종기야(曰宗氣也), 영기야(榮氣也), 위기야(衛氣也), 주어명문(主於命門); 정유사(精有四), 왈정야(曰精也), 혈야(血也), 진야(津也), 액야(液也), 주어신(主於腎); 신유오(神有五), 왈신야(曰神也), 혼야(魂也), 백야(魄也), 의여지야(意與智也), 지야(志也), 시오장소장야(是五臟所藏也), 주어심이복종어담(主於心而復從於膽). 개괄정기신삼자적상호관계위(槪括精氣神三者的相互關係爲): 대기자(大氣者), 정지어야(精之御也); 정자(精者), 신지택야(神之宅也); 신자(信者), 기여정지화야(氣與精之華也). 주씨인위(周氏認爲): 위기위열기(衛氣爲熱氣), 영기위습기(營氣僞濕氣), 종기위동기(宗氣爲動氣), 고위기유한열병(故衛氣有寒熱病), 영기유습병(營氣有濕病) 조병(燥病), 종기유욱결병(宗氣有郁結病), 유노권병(有勞倦病). 혈지질최중탁(血之質最重濁); 진지질최경청(津之質最經淸); 액지질청이정영(液之質淸而晶瑩), 후이응결(厚而凝結), 중이불탁(重而不濁); 정지질극청극후(精之質極淸極厚), 이우극령(而又極靈); 인신당중(人身當中), 혈위최다(血爲最多), 정위최중(精爲最重), 이진지용위최대(而津之用爲最大); 정혈진액지병변다표현위부족혹허탈(精血津液之病變多表現爲不足惑虛脫). 심장신(心藏神), 폐장백(肺藏魄), 간장혼(肝藏魂), 비장의여지(脾藏意與智), 신장지(腎藏志). 오신이혈기위용(五神以血氣爲用), 내장어오장(內藏於五臟), 외현위희(外顯爲喜) 노(怒) 사(思) 우(憂) 공지오지(恐之五志). 신지병변불가측(神之病變不可測), 차우최불역치(且又最不易治), 총이조신여안정위근본치신지법(總以調神與安靜爲根本治神之法).

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A Study on the Grounded Theory of Motivation in Clinical Music Therapy Practice for the Mental Rehabilitation Members (정신재활 회원을 위한 음악치료 임상실습에서의 동기부여에 관한 근거이론 연구)

  • Kang, Kyungsun
    • Journal of Music and Human Behavior
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.37-53
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    • 2012
  • This study is conducted to analyse the process and the pattern of motivation for musical expression in clinical music therapy for the adults in the mental health center. The participant were 8 adults purposive sampling who had more than one year music therapy experience in the mental health center and their age ranged from 27 to 53. A major category derived and analysed from the grounded theory method by Strauss and Corbin. The qualitative analysis indicated that motivation for musical expression in music therapy, which was the central phenomenon in this study, was determined by the music therapist and songs used in the sessions. The central phenomenon was caused by the therapist's friendly attitude, high musical capacity, the familarity of the selected songs and the significancy of the lyrics of selected songs. The levels of reliability about the therapist's personality and musical ability as a professional music therapist and the positive arousal of the songs used in sessions affected as the contextual condition. Spontaneous musical expression in music therapy brought the escape from reality, release of stress and sharing by the intervening condition 'empathy' and this resulted in mood regulation, the instillation of hope and group cohesion. It has been found that there were three types of motivation in music therapy: intrinsic motivation, relationship dependent extrinsic motivation and evasive motivation.

The Study About Intra-Familial Transmission of the Neurological Soft Signs in Schizophrenia (정신분열병에서 연성 신경학적 징후의 가족내 전달에 관한 연구)

  • Yoo, Sujung;Choi, Yongrak;Lee, Sangick;Shin, Chuljin;Kim, Siekyeong;Son, Jungwoo
    • Korean Journal of Biological Psychiatry
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.83-91
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    • 2008
  • Objectives : Neurological soft signs have been regarded as endophenotypes associated with the genetic basis of schizophrenia. This study was to investigate the intra-familial correlations of the neurological soft signs according to their genetic loading. Methods : Schizophrenic patients(N=14) were included, who had one parent with a family history of schizophrenia and the other without it. Genetic loading was determined by the patient's family history of schizophrenia using the Family Interview for Genetic Studies(FIGS). These parents were subdivided into two groups. The first group was designated as 'presumed carriers'(N=9) of genetic loading, who had one or more schizophreic firstor second-degree relatives. The second group was designated as 'presumed non-carriers'(N=11) of genetic loading, who had no schizophrenic first- or second-degree relatives. Normal controls(N=12) consisted of people without schizophrenic relatives. NSS were evaluated using the Neurological Evaluation Scale-Korean Version (NES-K), and the intra-familial correlations of NSS were tested using the Intra-Class Coefficients(ICC) method. Results : The scores of Motor Coordination subdimension of NES-K were significantly correlated between the patients and their presumed carriers(ICC=.804, p=.016), but not significantly correlated between the patients and their presumed noncarriers. In other subdimensions of NES-K, no significant correlation were found between the patients and their parents regardless of the genetic loading. But, there were no statistically significant differences in the scores of Motor Coordination subdimension of NES-K between the patients and controls. Conclusion : This study did not prove that the neurological soft signs might be an endophenotype of schizophrenia that cosegregate with the genetic loading. The future study using more subjects than this would be needed.

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항정신분열증 약물인 Risperidone(R 64766)의 산화대사 과정에 관한 연구

  • 신상구;장인진;이경훈;정원석;임동석
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Applied Pharmacology
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    • 1993.04a
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    • pp.93-93
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    • 1993
  • 도파민 D 수용체 및 5-HT 수용체 차단기전을 지닌 새로운 항정신분열증 약물인 risperidone은 활성형 대사물로 9-OH risperidone을 체내에서 생성하는 바, 이 대사과정의 유전적 다형성의 여부 즉 hydroxylation 과정에 CYPIID6의 관여 여부를 검토코자 하였다. Metoprolol 100 mg 경구투여로 CYPIID6의 대사능의 표현형을 결정한 12명의 정상 피험자(11명: extensive metabolizer, 1명: poor metabolizer)를 대상으로 하였으며, 피험자는 risperidone 1 또는 2 mg 경구투여후 혈중 risperidone 및 9-OH risperidone 농도를 경시적으로 radioimmunoassay법으로 측정하였다. 이들 피험자중 6명의 extensive metabolizer는 quinidine 600 mg/day의 용량 투여로 CYPIID6의 활성도를 완전 억제시킨 후 risperidone 1 mg 경구투여에 따른 약동학적 성상을 재검토하여 risperidone hydroxylation에 CYPIID6의 관여 여부를 검토하였다. 1) 1명의 poor metabolizer는 extensive metabolizer에 비해 현저히 긴 risperidone 반감기를 보였다. 2) 12명의 피험자에서 관찰된 metoprolol metabolic ratio는 risperidone 혈장 반감기 및 log(risperidone AUC/9-OH-risperidone AUC)와 유의한 상관성을 나타내었다. 3) Quinidine 투여는 risperidone의 반감기의 유의한 증가와 9OH risperidone AUC의 현저한 감소를 보였으나, 9-hydroxylation 대사과정이 완전히 억제되지는 않았다.

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Breathing of Korean Dance for Develop Methodology of Expression (동작연기의 표현력 향상을 위한 한국춤의 호흡운용법)

  • Jung, Seon-Hye
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.10 no.6
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    • pp.249-257
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    • 2010
  • In performance art, actors on the stage play an important role. The purpose of performance art is not in producing expression of superficial or trite pleasure, but in presenting a source of philosophical catharsis regarding essence of a human life. It is actors' responsibility to bring such expression onto the stage. Performance art not only involves technical skills but should be a cultural expression to represent tradition, spirituality and identity of a nation. In Korea, performance art tends to follow Western methods of expression. It is desirable to set a future direction to further develop methodology of expression in performance art. As part of such effort, the research examines how the rhythm of traditional Korean dance and dimension of time and space in performance art are effectively visualized in their relation to "stage direction." The research illustrates characteristics and concepts of Korean dances in terms of inhalation in deliberate hypogastric breathing ("danjeon') and rhythms of exhalation (gutgeori, jajinmori, huimori). Also, the research aims to enhance dramatic effect on the stage, which is distinguished from presentation of ordinary actions, by emphasizing dimension of time and space in visualizing expression.

A study on baby face makeup to create a baby face image (동안이미지 연출을 위한 동안 메이크업에 관한 연구)

  • Yong-Shin Kim
    • Journal of the Korean Applied Science and Technology
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    • v.40 no.1
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    • pp.146-159
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    • 2023
  • As a makeup technique for a baby-faced image, there will be a difference in perception of the expression technique of baby-faced makeup according to general matters.' Two hypotheses were supported: 'There will be a difference in perception of the expression technique of baby face makeup depending on the general characteristics', and the makeup technique for creating a baby face image is an important function for both men and women, as well as appearance. As a 'physical resource' for social activities, it was confirmed that there is an improvement in the efficiency of the body and mind and an outstanding improvement in mental ability in daily life. Through the results of the study on 'expression of baby face image makeup', awareness and interest in baby face images are high, but research on the production of baby face images is needed. The need for facial expression elements for baby face makeup is expected to be used as basic data for developing baby face images, and this study focuses on external face management for baby face images and baby face makeup.