• Title/Summary/Keyword: 정서적 어려움

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Design of Online Web Counseling System for Emotional Development of Science-Gifted Students (과학영재의 정서 발달을 위한 온라인 상담 시스템 설계)

  • Kim, Seong-Won;Jeong, Yuri;Ryu, Jiyoung
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Computer Information Conference
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    • 2019.07a
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    • pp.205-206
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    • 2019
  • 과학영재의 인지적 영역을 발달시키기 위한 연구는 활발하게 진행되었지만, 과학영재가 겪고 있는 사회-정서적 어려움과 어려움을 해결하기 위한 지원 체계에 대한 연구는 부족하다. 과학영재는 낮은 자아존중감으로 인하여 정서적 민감성, 과흥분성, 완벽주의, 실존적 우울감 등 다양한 정서적 어려움을 겪고 있다. 선행연구에서는 과학영재의 정서적 어려움을 지원하기 위해서는 지속적이고 개별화된 상담이 필요하다고 말하였다. 하지만, 시공간적 한계로 인하여 지속적이고 개별화된 상담을 진행하는 데 많은 어려움이 존재한다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 과학영재에게 지속적이고 개별화된 상담을 제공하기 위하여 온라인 상담 시스템을 설계하였다. 온라인 상담 시스템은 과학영재가 내인적 요인에 따른 상담을 신청하면, 상담 전문가가 Peterson과 Moon(2008)의 상담 모형을 기반으로 상담을 지원하도록 설계하였다. 향후 연구에서는 이러한 상담 시스템을 구축 및 실행하여 시스템에 대한 과학영재의 만족도와 자아효능감의 변화를 관찰하고자 한다.

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Review on Science and Invention-gifted Students Having Social and Emotional Problem (사회-정서적 어려움을 겪고 있는 과학영재에 대한 고찰)

  • Lyu, Eun-Joo;Kim, Jung-Eun;Paik, Seoung-Hey
    • Journal of Gifted/Talented Education
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.659-682
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    • 2011
  • The objective of this research is to search the solution for the difficulties of science and invention gifted middle school students with social and emotional problems that they are faced. The result of this research has shown that the gifted students were feeling difficulties of low self-esteem in their peer relationships, communication and cooperation skills. They were feeling less confident in their stress processing capacity and their multi-processing capacity. Some were also troubled with the intense expectations from their environment and theirselves which led them to feel confusion in their identities and their future. Therefore, instead of education focused on academic achievement and cognitive activity, present education for the gifted must focus on helping to solve the student's social and emotional problems and to strengthen social and emotional skills they need. To achieve this, the education for the gifted students should include a social-emotional learning program, and it should also run a continued and personalized consultation program for gifted students.

A study of worker's stress symptoms and coping related variables: Focusing on emotional support, self-efficacy, job-satisfaction and job-performance (직장인의 스트레스 증상과 대처 관련 변인에 대한 연구: 정서적 지원, 자기효능감, 직무만족도, 직무성취도를 중심으로)

  • Young-Shin Park;Kyung-Lan Lee;Ja-Young Ahn;Sang-Hee Lee
    • Korean Journal of Culture and Social Issue
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.317-338
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    • 2015
  • The main purpose of this research is to examine the relation of variables related to the worker's stress symptoms and coping. The influence of emotional support(from family, colleague, and boss), self-efficacy (self-regulatory, social, relational, resiliency, and management of work), job-satisfaction, and job-performance on worker's stress symptoms and coping is analyzed. Participants were 559 teachers (elementary 205, junior high 203, senior high 151; male 132, female 427). The results were as follows: There were no significant differences in stress symptoms and coping among primary, junior and senior high school teachers. On the other hand, there were significant differences in stress symptoms and coping between male and female teachers. Female teachers experienced more stress symptoms than male teachers. At the same time female teachers coped more efficiently in stress situation than male teachers. With emotional support, self-efficacy, job-performance and job-satisfaction as independent variables, the result of multiple regression showed that job-satisfaction has a negative influence on stress symptoms. Positive influences on stress coping was found for resiliency of self-efficacy in case of male teachers, and in case of female teachers resiliency of self-efficacy, emotional support from colleague, job-performance, and emotional support from family. Therefore, regardless of the gender of the teachers, high job-satisfaction decreased stress symptoms and high resiliency of self-efficacy increased efficient stress coping. As for female teachers, not only resiliency of self-efficacy but also emotional support from colleague and family, job-performance contributed to coping with stress.

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A study on the formation of worker's job-satisfaction: The influence of emotional support, resiliency of self-efficacy, stress and job-performance (직장인의 직무만족도 형성에 대한 연구: 정서적 지원, 어려움극복효능감, 스트레스 및 직무성취도의 영향)

  • Young-Shin Park;Kyung-Lan Lee
    • Korean Journal of Culture and Social Issue
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.469-491
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this research is to examine the factors influencing on worker's job-satisfaction analyzing the influence of emotional support from fellow workers, resiliency of self-efficacy, stress and job-performance. A total of 456 completed questionnaire, consisted of small business workers 253 (male 89, female 164) and middle school teachers 203 (male 44, female 159). The questionnaire showed relatively high reliability, with Cronbach α ranging from .83 to .91. The results of the path analysis and effect analysis showed very similar pattern in the group of small business workers and middle school teachers. Based on the path analysis, emotional support from fellow workers had a positive influence on the workers resiliency of self-efficacy. Consequently, the enhanced resiliency of self-efficacy increased the job-performance, however decreased the stress, which in turn contributed to increase the job-satisfaction significantly. Based on the effect analysis, resiliency of self-efficacy showed the most big size of positive total effect to worker's job-satisfaction, followed by job-performance and emotional support. On the other hand, stress showed negative effect on job-satisfaction.

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A Qualitative Study on Multicultural Families Female Marriage Immigrants Difficulties Life in Korea (다문화가정 여성결혼이주자의 한국생활 어려움에 관한 질적(CQR) 연구)

  • Lee, Hyun Sim
    • Journal of Agricultural Extension & Community Development
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.143-176
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    • 2014
  • In this study, the multicultural families female marriage immigrants experience life in Korea to evaluate the difficulty. To this end, a multi-cultural families living in Gyeonggi Province accomplished female marriage immigrants choose eight people to consensual conduct in-depth interviews with qualitative analysis methods(CQR) were analyzed using. The findings in the three categories and therefore the region of 49 to 12 depending on the frequency analysis. Female marriage immigrants living in Korea psychological and emotional difficulties experienced in the relationship with your spouse, in-laws and relations, communication problems, difficulties in expressing emotional difficulties, respectively. Social and economic difficulties experienced discriminatory gaze, economic hardship, as a multicultural families become psychological atrophy, life, customs, and cultural differences, respectively. The process of coping with these experiences self-help meetings, participate in cultural programs, and community systems were used. By the results of this study multicultural families immigrant women to help overcome difficulties in the practical help and social services to the community through the ongoing support system was required to suggestions.

Analysis of Employment Effects on Life Satisfaction of the Elderly (취업이 노인의 삶에 미치는 영향 분석)

  • Hu, Sungho;Kim, Jongdae;Jung, Taeyun
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.1103-1118
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    • 2011
  • This study aims to examine the effects of employment on the physical health, psychological function, and life satisfaction of the elderly. Participants were 4,165 persons (men 1,739, women 2,426) aged 65 over. Physical health was composed of ADLs(Activities of daily living), pains, and disorders. Psychological function was measured by cognitive functions (subtraction, instruction execution, memory test, and item use) and emotional difficulty. Life satisfaction, work satisfaction, and work level were also measured. Major findings in this study are as follows: First, gender, marriage, and education level had significant effects on the participants' life satisfaction, but religion and financial incomes did not. Second, employment had significant effects on their physical health, psychological function, and life satisfaction. Third, pain, cognitive functions, emotional difficulty, and work satisfaction had significant effects on the life satisfaction of the working elderly. But, work level and incomes had not significant effects on the elderly's life satisfaction. In addition, an interaction between cognitive functions and emotional difficulty on life satisfaction was found.

The Effectiveness of a Program for Enhancing Parent Education and Counseling Competence for Child Care Teachers (보육교사를 위한 부모교육 및 상담능력 강화 프로그램의 효과)

  • Kim, Min Jung
    • Korean Journal of Childcare and Education
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    • v.11 no.5
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    • pp.311-332
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    • 2015
  • The present study employed a pretest-posttest quasi-experimental design to evaluate the effectiveness of a teacher education program for child care teachers. Twenty-seven teachers were randomly assigned to intervention and control groups with 12 and 17 teachers in each group. Teachers in the intervention group participated in the program. After termination of the program, differences between pre- and post-tests were examined in regards to teachers' emotional regulation, efficacy, parent-teacher communication and job satisfaction. There were four major findings. First, self-reported teachers'emotional regulation, teachers'efficacy and job satisfaction were significantly improved in the intervention group, but not in the control group. Second, parent-teacher communication difficulty was significantly reduced in the intervention group, but not in the control group. These findings emphasize the importance of the teachers' positive characteristics in improving the outcome of preschoolers.

Dimensionality of emotion suppression and psychosocial adaptation: Based on the cognitive process model of emotion processing (정서 처리의 인지 평가모델을 기반으로 한 정서 억제의 차원성과 심리 사회적 적응)

  • Woo, Sungbum
    • Korean Journal of Culture and Social Issue
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.475-503
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study is to clarify the constructs of emotion suppression and help understanding on the multidimensional nature of emotion suppression by classifying constructs for suppression according to the KMW model. Also, this study examined the gender differences of emotion suppression. For this purpose, 657 adult male and female subjects were evaluated for attitude toward emotions, and difficulty in emotional regulation, as well as depression, state anger and daily stress scale. As a result of the exploratory factor analysis on the scales related to the emotion suppression factors, the emotion suppression factors corresponding to each stage of the KMW model were found to be 'distraction against emotional information, 'difficulty in understanding and interpretation of emotions', 'emotion control beliefs', 'vulnerability on emotional expression beliefs'. Next, the study participants were classified by performing a cluster analysis based on each emotion suppression factor. As a result, four clusters were extracted and named 'emotional control belief cluster', 'emotional expression cluster', 'emotional attention failure cluster', and 'general emotional suppression cluster'. As a result of examining the average difference of male depression, depression, state anger, and daily stress for each group, significant differences were found in all dependent variables. As a result of examining whether there is a difference in the frequency of emotional suppression clusters according to gender, the frequency of emotional suppression clusters was high in men, and the ratio of emotional expression clusters was high in women. Finally, it was analyzed whether there was a gender difference in the effect of the emotional suppression cluster on psychosocial adaptation, and the implications were discussed based on the results of this study.

Effects of Cognitive Impairment on Self-reported Hearing Handicap in Older Adults with Early-stage Presbycusis (초기 노인성 난청자에서 인지장애가 일상생활 듣기 어려움에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Soo Jung
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.38 no.1
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    • pp.1-14
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    • 2018
  • Everyday hearing handicap caused by presbycusis ultimately reduces quality of life in older adults. The aim of this study was to explore effects of cognitive impairment on self-reported hearing handicap in older adults with early-stage presbycusis. We compared K-HHIE scores between 40 elderly subjects with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and age- and hearing-threshold matched 40 cognitively normal elderly (CNE) subjects. The results are as follows: 1) The MCI group scored significantly higher than the CNE group on the social/situational and emotional sections, and in total. 2) The MCI group scored significantly higher than the CNE group on all four subscales, and the most significant group difference was on the first subscale relating to interpersonal relationships and social handicaps. 3) Both groups scored highest on the item 8 (problems hearing whispering sounds) and item 15 (problems hearing TV or radio sounds). Besides those two items, the MCI group also scored high on the item 21 (problems hearing in a restaurant), item 6 (problems hearing when attending a party), item 3 (avoiding groups of people), and item 20 (personal or social restrictions). Our findings suggest that, among older adults with early-stage presbycusis, older adults with cognitive impairment tend to report greater everyday hearing handicap than their peers with normal cognitive function. Especially, they show significant problems hearing in background noise or multi-talker situations, which cause social restrictions and social/emotional loneliness.

Emotion-Specific Autonomic Nervous System Responses and Patterns in Children (아동의 정서 특정적 자율신경계 반응 분석)

  • 손진훈;이정미;이경화;석지아;방석원;김경환;이미희
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Emotion and Sensibility Conference
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    • 2001.11a
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    • pp.96-103
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    • 2001
  • 그동안 정서의 실험적 유도의 어려움과 많은 제약으로 인해 성인 위주로만 이루어져 오던 정서연구가 최근 수 년 간의 정서연구에 대한 방법론의 발달로 아동에게까지 그 범위가 확대되고 있다. 본 연구에서는 아동의 다섯 가지 정서 (기쁨, 분노, 슬픔, 스트레스, 놀람)에 의해 유발되는 아동의 자율신경계 패턴을 확인하고자 한다. 놀람 정서를 추가한 "아동용 정서유발 프로토콜 (양경혜 등, 2000)"을 사용하여 아동에게 정서를 유발시키고, 정서가 유발되는 도안의 자율신경계 반응(KST, ECG, EDA, PPG)을 측정하였다. 초등학교 1, 2 학년인 34명(남: 18, 여:16)의 아동이 실험에 참여하였다. 실험 결과 다섯 가지 정서가 아동들에게 적절하고 효과적으로 유발되었으며, 정서에 따른 생리반응 변화가 관찰되었다. 분석에 사용된 12개 생리반응 변수 중 8개 변수에서 정서에 따른 차이가 발견되었으며, 정서에 따라 다른 자율신경계 반응 패턴을 얻을 수 있었다. 또한, 동일한 방법으로 수행한 본 연구실의 선행 연구와도 일치하는 결과를 보였다. 이는 아동용 정서유발 프로토콜이 표준화된 아동정서 유발자극으로 사용될 수 있으며, 생리반응 주형(template)을 이용하여 아동정서를 구분할 수 있음을 제시한다.

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