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Dietary Habits and Foodservice Attitudes of Students Attending American International Schools in Seoul and Gyeonggi Area (서울.경기지역 외국인 학교 학생들의 식습관 및 급식만족도 -미국계 외국인 학교를 중심으로-)

  • Kim, Ok-Sun;Lee, Young-Eun
    • Journal of the East Asian Society of Dietary Life
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.744-757
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    • 2012
  • This study was designed to obtain basic data for the globalization of Korean food and the expansion of food exports through contract foodservices. A survey of dietary habits and attitudes toward school foodservices was given to students in three American international schools served by a domestic contract foodservice management company located in Seoul and Gyeonggi area. The results showed an average of three meals taken daily 3.39 times for male students and 2.95 times for female students and the time required for a meal was about 24~26 minutes. The average breakfast frequency was 5.10 times(4.59 times for male students and 5.35 times for female students) and many students reported skipping breakfast due to a lack of time. The average weekly frequency of dining out was 1.78 times(2.15 times for male students and 1.60 times for female students). In all schools, irrespective of gender and grade, students responded that a desire for snacking was 'why they want to have cookies', and snacking hours were frequently listed as 'between noon and evening'. Many also responded that an unbalanced diet is the reason some snacks are 'not to their taste'. Overall, students were highly satisfied with the foodservice menu, although there was a significant difference in what was considered proper food temperature, proper food seasoning, suitable amounts of food, and freshness of food. Male and female students were specifically highly satisfied with the 'freshness of food materials' and 'variety of menu' respectively. Overall, all students were highly satisfied with the foodservice, including the 'cleanliness of tables and trays'.

A Study of the Health Promoting Life Style in Rural Area (일부 농촌주민의 건강증진 생활양식 수행정도)

  • Jung, Young-Ok;Kim, Sang-Soon
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.133-148
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    • 1995
  • This study was to identify the factors affecting the performance in health promoting lifestyle and measuring health promoting lifestyle. The subjects for this study were all adult in rural area, Kakbuk Nyun, Chung-do Gun, Kyungpook, Korea. The data were collected during the period from April 1 to April 30, 1995. The instruments used for this study were the health promoting lifestyle by Park(1995). The results of this study are as follows. Health condition felt by the subjects was worse in female group and was getting worse according as the age increase. According to health promoting life style implementation questionnaire, more than half of the subjects responded "never" in deep breathing 3 times a day item and non-smoking item; more than half of the subjects responded "yes" in 3 meal a day item, home-cooked meals item, never to omit breakfast item and frequent wearing of cotton underwear item. Health promoting life style implementation by health condition is higher in healthy group and frequency of consulting a specialist is higher in unhealthy group. Health promoting life style implementation by sex is higher in male group. Frequency, of consulting a specialist and non-excessive drinking are higher in female group. Health promoting life style implementation by age showed that the implementation of never omitting breakfast, keeping early hours and proper sleeping is higher in old age group ; that of enjoying hobby, pastime, cleaning as well as reading health books is higher in young age group. Health promoting life style implementation by religion showed that the implementation of deep breathing 3 times more a day, regular checking of blood pressure, never having non-healthful food and keeping right posture in sitting and standing is higher in religion group. Health promoting life style implementation by education is higher in highly-educated group ; the implementation of keeping early hours is higher in low-educated group. Health promoting life style implementation by marriage state showed that the implementation of deep breathing 3 times more a day, twenty minutes of brisk physical movement three or four times a week, enjoying his or her own time, relaxation to relieve from tension and pressure and equalized movement of each part of body is higher in unmarred group ; that of having elaborately cooked food, never omitting three meals a day and keeping early hours is higher in married group. Health promoting life style implementation by the number of family members showed that more-member-group has more plans and objectives for their future. Health promoting life style implementation by family type showed that the implementation of reading health books and articles, living with positive way of thinking and enjoying favorite hobby in pastime is higher in nuclear families ; that of having three meals a day never omitting breakfast is higher in large families.

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A Study of Nutritional Intake, Eating Habit, Iron Status of Urban and Rural Middle School Girls (도시와 농촌 여중생의 영양섭취상태, 식습관 및 철영양상태 연구)

  • Hong, Soon-Myung;Seo, Yeong-Eun;Hwang, Hye-Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.33 no.10
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    • pp.1634-1640
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    • 2004
  • This study was designed to compare the nutritional intake and iron nutritional status between urban and rural middle school girls. Along with a questionnaire, blood samples were obtained from 311 middle school girls (urban 129 girls, rural 182 girls). Nutrient intakes were measured with a convenient method, and clinical symptoms relating anemia was investigated by 4-point Likert scale. For the nutrient intake, the total energy intake was 1722.2 kcal (82.0% of RDA) for the urban group and 1649.5 kcal (78.6% of RDA) for rural group. The rural group showed significantly lower level than the urban group in all nutrients except fat, carbohydrate and total energy intake. Regarding the food frequency, students from the rural group marked significantly lower intake of milk (p<0.00l), kimchi (p<0.05), fruit (p<0.05), tofu, bean (p<0.00l) than the urban group. For every clinical finding regarding anemia, the rural group marked higher value than the urban group but the difference was not significant. The hemoglobin concentration of urban group was 13.28 g/dL, and rural group showed 12.51 g/dL which was significantly lower than urban group (p<0.00l). The hematocrit rate was 37.82% for the urban group and 38.13% for the rural group and there was no significant difference between two groups. The red blood cell (RBC) count of the rural group was significantly lower than the urban group (p<0.00l). Evaluating with the iron deficiency standard which is less than 12 g/dL, the urban group was 6.2% and the rural group was 34.6% thus the deficiency rate was significantly higher in the rural group. This study showed that nutrient and iron status of the girls of rural group is not as good as the urban group. As middle school girls require high level of iron absorption due to blood loss which occurs during abrupt physical growth and menstruation, dietary counselling is required to enhance the iron status. When iron deficiency is serious, they need to take more positive action such as iron supplement in addition to food-iron fortification.

Bone Density and Related Factors of Vegetarian and Non-vegetarian University Students in Seoul Area (서울지역 채식.비채식 대학생의 골밀도에 미치는 영향요인에 관한 연구)

  • Chung, Nam-Yong;Choi, Soon-Nam
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.86-98
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    • 2006
  • This study was conducted to investigate factors affecting bone density of food and nutrition vegetarian and non-vegetarian university students in Seoul area. Data for food habits, dietary and health-related behaviors were obtained by self administered questionnaires. BQI(bone quality index) of the subjects was measured by an Quantitative Ultrasound (QUS). The results are summarized as follows: The average height, weight, BMI and osteopenia percentage of the vegetarian and non-vegetarian male and female student were 172.61cm, 62.42kg, 20.98 and 24.2%; 175.38cm, 72.52kg, 23.71 and 16.7%; 160.47cm, 55.76kg, 21.66 and 55.9%; 161.77cm, 56.34kg, 21.53 and 37.6%, respectively. The BQI of the subjects were 101.73 and 107.43 in male student group, and 84.15, 89.64 in female student group, respectively. The BQI, Z-score value of bone density was significantly different in female group. Weight and BMI were positively related with BQI in male and female group. BQI was positively affected by nutrition supplement and negatively affected by seafood in vegetarian male student group. In vegetarian female student group, amount of meal was positively related with BQI and meal regularity was negatively related BQI. The result of this study revealed that the desirable food habits, dietary behaviors and health-related lifestyles may have a beneficial effect on bone density. They should have practically and systematically organized nutritional education on optimum body weight, good eating habits, weight bearing exercise and intakes of good quality nutrient for higher bone density level.

A Study on Life Styles, Dietary Attitudes and Dietary Behaviors According to Extracurricular Activities of Elementary Students in Sejong (세종시 일부 초등학생의 과외수강에 따른 생활습관, 식태도 및 식행동에 대한 연구)

  • Oh, Keun-Jeong;Kim, Mi-Hyun;Kim, Myung-Hee;Choi, Mi-Kyeong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.42 no.8
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    • pp.1335-1343
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    • 2013
  • Parents in South Korea are known for their high level of educational zeal for their children. As a result, their children usually take extra classes in institutions as well as participate in other extracurricular activities such as sports and music. The purpose of this study was to examine the lifestyle and dietary behaviors of Korean elementary students involved in such activities. The total number of subjects was 550 fourth to sixth graders in elementary schools in Sejong, Korea. Of the total subjects, 88.0% were involved in extracurricular classes or other activities for an average of 7.34 hours/week. The subjects were assigned to one of four groups based on the degree of extracurricular activities: No extra-class (n=66), Low extra-class (1${\leq}$taking time<5 hours/week, n=118), Medium extra-class (5${\leq}$taking time<10 hours/week, n=184), and High extra-class (taking time${\geq}$10 hours/week, n=182). More subjects in the High extra-class group went to bed late (P<0.01), were under stress (P<0.01), and skipped breakfast, compared with those in the other groups. The ratio of students who answered 'I go to an institute without a meal' (P<0.01), 'I prepare a meal for myself' (P=0.053), or 'I eat out before going to an institute' (P<0.01) was higher in the High extra-class group than in the Low extra-class group. The frequency of eating fast food was higher in the High extra-class group, compared with the other groups. These results indicate that a high amount of extracurricular studies may have a negative effect on the children's lifestyles and dietary behaviors. Therefore, this study alerts parents to the potential harm of excessive extracurricular activities to their children's health.

A Study on the Degree of Satisfaction with School Dinner by School Meal Service in Daegu (대구지역 고등학생의 학교급식서비스 공급 유형에 따른 석식만족도 조사)

  • Lee, Eun-Ju
    • Culinary science and hospitality research
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.277-291
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    • 2012
  • To compare satisfaction with school meals provided by two different types of school meal services, a survey was conducted with 252 high school students (male: 138, female: 114) consisting of 133 students offered by on-site school meal service and 114 ones by transporting school meal service in Daegu. Anthropometric measurements of the study subjects showed that 68.1% of male and 41.2% of female students had normal weight while 50.0% of female and 10.1% of male students were underweight on the basis of BMIs. 'Taste' was the most important factor when eating meals followed by 'nutrition', 'hygiene' and 'preference by the students'. (of the both schools). Eating habits of the subjects were influenced mostly by family. Female students (17.5%) skipped breakfast more frequently than the male students (8.0%). The students (68.4%) offered by on-site school meal service were more satisfied with meals than those (9.2%) by transporting school meal service. Top reason for not being satisfied was 'taste' in both schools but the second reason (36.3% of the subjects) was 'quantity of food' only in the school with transporting school meal service. In satisfaction with menu, temperature, quantity and hygienic condition of foods, higher dissatisfaction was shown in the students offered by transporting school meal service. Items needed for improvement in school meals suggested by the students were 'taste of food' (25.6% vs 62.2%), 'diversity of menu items' (21.1% vs 8.4%), 'hygienic conditions' (17.3% vs 8.4%), 'quantity of food' (10.5% vs 17.6%) and 'balanced nutrition' (8.4% vs 1.7%) for on-site service and transporting one. It is concluded from these results that transporting meal service for school meals has to be changed from the present condition to improve the quality of meals and that managing and supporting programs should be developed by public institutions such as office of education.

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Relationships between Dietary Variety and Activities of Daily Life in Elderly People Living in Rural Areas of Chungnam Province (충남 일부 농촌지역 노인들의 식품섭취 다양성과 일상생활기능과의 관련성)

  • Chi, Kyung-Hee;Cho, Young-Chae
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.75-88
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    • 2005
  • Objectives: This survey was intended to provide basic data which can be available as a baseline in the set up of dietary guidelines for assuring community-based self-support of the rural elderly, through investigation of the relationship of the various dietary consumptions with their ADL and IADL. Methods: The study subjects, 439 rural residents(male: 196, female:243) aged over 65 in Kumsan Kun and Chongyang Kun, Chungchongnamdo Province were interviewed, in June of 2004, about their sociodemographic characteristics, daily life styles, the variety of dietary consumption, ADL and IADL with the following major findings: Results: In terms of the scores' distribution to show variety of food consumption among all subjects, 68.3% got 1~3 points, 23.2% 4~6 points, and 8.4% 7~10 points with a decreasing proportion of subjects in higher points. In terms of their functional status, normal-range groups showed 93.2% of ADL and 72.9% of IADL whereas, impaired ADL group 6.8% of ADL and 27.1% of IADL, respectively. Concerning the relation of ADL and IADL with the variety of their consumed food, the greater scores for food variety was associated with the significantly higher proportion of normal ADL group and the lower proportion of impaired ADL group. Multiple logistic regression analysis with ADL and IADL as dependent variables, and food variety scores as explanatory variables, the relative risk of impaired-ADL group was 0.84 in the food variety group of 4~6 points, 0.63 in 7~10 points with no statistical significance. The relative risk of impaired- IADL group was 0.52(p<0.01) in the food variety group of 4~6 points, 0.41(p<0.05) in 7~10 points with statistical significance. Conclusions: These study results suggest that the lower dietary variety, the lower functional capacity of daily living, and the variety of dietary is associated with the functional capacity of daily living in rural elderly.

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Bone Density and Related Factors of Food and Nutrition Major and Non-Major University Students in Seoul Area (서울지역 식품영양전공.비전공대학생의 골밀도에 미치는 영향요인에 관한 연구)

  • 정남용;최순남
    • Journal of the East Asian Society of Dietary Life
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    • v.13 no.5
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    • pp.391-407
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    • 2003
  • This study was conducted to investigate the factors affecting the born density of food and nutrition major and non-major university students in Seoul area. Data for food habits, dietary and health-related behavior were obtained by self administered questionnaires. BQI(bone quality index) of the subjects were measured by Quantitative Ultrasound (QUS). The results are summarized as follows: The average height, weight, BMI and osteopenia percentage of the major and non-major male and female student were l74.49cm, 67.05kg, 21.96 and 22.0%; l74.34cm, 65.98kg, 21.69 and 11.8%; l60.76cm, 54.48kg, 21.07 and 40.0%; l61.30cm, 54.22kg, 20.84 and 40.2%, respectively. The BQI of the major and non-major subjects were 108.07 and 110.47 in male student group, and 89.13, 88.18 in female student group, respectively. The T-score and Z-score of bone density of the subjects were not significantly different. Weight and BMI were positively related with BQI in male and female group but the relationship with BMI tended to be stronger in non-major female group than other groups. BQI was positively affected by exercise time, favorite food, and intake of seafood and tea in major and non-major male student group. One-side eating habit and intake of instant foods were negatively related with BQI in both male groups. In major and non-major female student group, exercise time, meal regularity, favorite food, amount of meal, intake of tofu were related with BQI positively and intake of tea and/or meats negatively. The result of this study revealed that desirable food habits, dietary behavior and health-related lifestyle may have a beneficial effect on bone density. They need practically and systematically organized nutrition education on optimum body weight, good eating habits, weight bearing exercise and intakes of good quality nutrient for higher bone density level.

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Development of a Test Rig with Hydraulic Circuit for the Front Axle Suspension System of an Agricultural Tractor (농용트랙터 전방차축 현가장치를 위한 유압회로 시험기 개발)

  • Lee, Jung-Hwan;Cho, Bong-Jin;Kim, Hak-Jin;Koo, Kang-Mo;Ki, In-Hyun
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Agricultural Machinery Conference
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    • 2017.04a
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    • pp.71-71
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    • 2017
  • 농용트랙터의 운전자는 작업, 주행으로 인한 유해한 저주파 진동에 장시간 노출된다. 이에 따라 운전자에게 전달되는 노면 진동을 감소시켜주기 위한 전방차축 현가장치의 역할이 커지고 있다. 트랙터의 전방차축 현가장치는 주로 유압식으로 설계되어 있으며 이를 구성하는 유압요소 선정이 현가장치의 성능에 중요한 영향을 미친다. 하지만, 실제와 유사한 조건에서 트랙터 차체 무게만큼 큰 부하를 제공하여 유압회로의 성능을 실험하는 것은 비용과 시간 측면에서 비효율적이다. 본 연구에서는 이를 대체하기 위하여 개별 유압요소의 성능을 테스트 할 수 있는 현가장치 유압회로 요인 시험기를 설계제작 하였다. 이를 이용하여 개별 부품의 성능곡선을 센서를 이용 측정하였고 얻은 특성값을, 구성한 유압 시뮬레이션 모델에 반영하여 실제조건의 유압특성을 얻을 수 있는 유효한 시뮬레이션 모델 개발에 활용하였다. 또한, 실험실 환경에서 유압식 현가장치를 간소화 시킨 형태로 유압회로의 성능을 예비시험해 볼 수 있도록 다양한 센서를 장착 데이터를 취득할 수 있도록 하였다. 개발한 요인 시험기는 하부에 설치된 가진 실린더를 이용하여 상부에 설치된 현가장치 실린더의 스트로크 변위와 속도에 따른 힘을 측정할 수 있도록 구성하였다. 이를 위해 현가장치 실린더의 헤드부와 로드부에 각각 압력센서를 설치하였으며 헤드부, 로드부의 압력 차이와 로드셀을 이용해 측정한 가진 실린더의 힘의 관계를 확인하였다. 상부의 현가 실린더 장치는 복동 형태로 제작되어 헤드부, 로드부 양쪽 방향으로 유량이 흐를 수 있도록 설계되었다. 이를 이용해 헤드부와 로드부 사이에 어큐뮬레이터, 가변 오리피스, 릴리프 밸브 등으로 유압회로를 구성하였으며 어큐뮬레이터 용량에 따른 힘의 변화, 가변 오리피스의 개도량에 따라서 전달되는 힘의 크기 등을 측정하였다. 하부의 가진 실린더는 사인파, 삼각파, 계단 입력, DC 레벨 등의 신호를 발생시킬 수 있도록 제작되었다. 신호의 주파수는 0~4Hz, 범위에서 사용자가 조절할 수 있도록 설정되었으며 계단응답 성능 측정 시험을 평가한 결과 정상상태오차는 0.470mm~0.536mm, 입상시간은 0.194초~0.202초, 정착시간은 0.230초~0.421초로 나타났다.

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Electromagnetic Flapping Shutters for Phone Cameras (폰 카메라용 전자기력 Flapping 셔터)

  • Choi, Hyun-Young;Han, Won;Cho, Young-Ho
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.34 no.10
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    • pp.1385-1391
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    • 2010
  • In this study, we present small-size, low-power, and high-speed electromagnetic flapping shutters for phone cameras. These shutters are composed of trapezoidal twin blades suspended by H-type torsional springs. The existing electrostatic rolling and flapping shutters need high input voltage, while the existing electromagnetic rotating shutters are too big to be used for phone cameras. To achieve low-power and high-speed angle motion for small-size electromagnetic flapping shutters for camera phones, low-inertia trapezoidal twin blades, each suspended by the low-stiffness H-type torsional springs, are employed. The electromagnetic flapping shutters used in this experimental study have steady-state rotational angles of $48.8{\pm}1.4^{\circ}$ and $64.4{\pm}1.0^{\circ}$ in the magentic fields of 0.15 T and 0.30 T, respectively, for an input current of 60 mA; the maximum overshoot angles are $80.2{\pm}3.5^{\circ}$ and $90.0{\pm}1.0^{\circ}$ in the magentic fields of 0.15 T and 0.30 T, respectively. The rising/settling times of the shutter while opening are 1.0 ms/20.0 ms, while those while closing are 1.7 ms/10.3 ms. Thus, we experimentally demonstrated that the smallsize (${\sim}8{\times}8{\times}2\;mm^3$), low-power (${\leq}60\;mA$), and high-speed (~1/370 s) electromagnetic flapping shutters are suitable for phone cameras.