• Title/Summary/Keyword: 정동성 해석

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Perspective on Rapid and Selective Method for Detecting Microbiology in Dairy Industry: A Review (낙농산업에 필요한 미생물 검사방법과 전망: 총설)

  • Chon, Jung-Whan;Kim, Hyun-Sook;Kim, Hong-Seok;Kim, Dong-Hyeon;Song, Kwang-Young;Yim, Jin-Hyuk;Choi, Dasom;Lim, Jong-Soo;Jeong, Dong-Gwan;Kim, Soo-Ki;Seo, Kun-Ho
    • Journal of Dairy Science and Biotechnology
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.119-127
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    • 2015
  • To date, detection of microbial populations in dairy products has been performed using culture media, which is a time-consuming and laborious method. The recently developed chromogenic media could be more rapid and specific than classical culture media. However, the newly developed molecular-based technology can detect microbial populations with greater rapidity and sensitivity than the classical method involving culture media and chromogenic media. This molecular-based technology could provide various options for monitoring the characterization of different states of bacteria and cells. Thus, it could help upgrade the processing system of the dairy industry so as to maintain the safety and quality of dairy foods. Among the various newly developed molecular-based technologies, flow cytometry can potentially be used for monitoring microbiological populations in the dairy industry if official international standards are available for this purpose. When omics technology would have biomarker identification, it could be regarded as the rapid and sensitive analytical methods. Methods based on PCR, which has become a basic technique in microbiological research, can be developed and validated as alternative methods for quantification of dairy microorganisms. This review discusses methods for monitoring microbiological populations in dairy foods and the limitations of these studies, as well as the need for further research on such methods in the dairy industry.

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Re-Analysis of Clark Model Based on Drainage Structure of Basin (배수구조를 기반으로 한 Clark 모형의 재해석)

  • Park, Sang Hyun;Kim, Joo Cheol;Jeong, Dong Kug;Jung, Kwan Sue
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.33 no.6
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    • pp.2255-2265
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    • 2013
  • This study presents the width function-based Clark model. To this end, rescaled width function with distinction between hillslope and channel velocity is used as time-area curve and then it is routed through linear storage within the framework of not finite difference scheme used in original Clark model but analytical expression of linear storage routing. There are three parameters focused in this study: storage coefficient, hillslope velocity and channel velocity. SCE-UA, one of the popular global optimization methods, is applied to estimate them. The shapes of resulting IUHs from this study are evaluated in terms of the three statistical moments of hydrologic response functions: mean, variance and the third moment about the center of IUH. The correlation coefficients to the three statistical moments simulated in this study against these of observed hydrographs were estimated at 0.995 for the mean, 0.993 for the variance and 0.983 for the third moment about the center of IUH. The shape of resulting IUHs from this study give rise to satisfactory simulation results in terms of the mean and variance. But the third moment about the center of IUH tend to be overestimated. Clark model proposed in this study is superior to the one only taking into account mean and variance of IUH with respect to skewness, peak discharge and peak time of runoff hydrograph. From this result it is confirmed that the method suggested in this study is useful tool to reflect the heterogeneity of drainage path and hydrodynamic parameters. The variation of statistical moments of IUH are mainly influenced by storage coefficient and in turn the effect of channel velocity is greater than the one of hillslope velocity. Therefore storage coefficient and channel velocity are the crucial factors in shaping the form of IUH and should be considered carefully to apply Clark model proposed in this study.

Space design Effect on Marketing ­ - Concentrating on B to B transaction - (공간 디자인이 마케팅에 미치는 영향 ­ - 전문전시회에서 B to B 거래중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Young Soo;Jeong, Dong Bin;Kim, Kyong Hoon
    • Korea Science and Art Forum
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    • v.20
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    • pp.147-158
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    • 2015
  • This study made an approach to the industrial exhibition space, which is a medium of marketing communication, from the position of an enterprise and consumers through the output of Space Design, and conducted it with focus on B2B transactions among specialized exhibitions. In addition, this study inquired into what factors should be considered along with space design by interpreting the purpose of participating in the exhibition and space design of the enterprise which supply capital goods, elements, related technologies and materials, etc. This study aimed at drawing the direct/indirect effect, produced by space design, on the marketing by analyzing correlation between space design and participating enterprises' marketing. Despite the marketing effect of the exhibition, which was proved by preceding research results, the reality is that exhibition-participating expenses work as considerable burden on enterprises. Particularly, booth design, which is forming the most proportion among the participating expenses, was found to have insufficient influence on visitors due to the decline in its importance among diverse factors influencing visitor's decision to visit a booth. Regardless of the business category of participating enterprises in the exhibition, the standard of exhibits was ranked as the most important consideration factor in visiting a booth. Even by business category, the standard of booth design rarely had an influence on booth visit. Booth design had an affirmative influence on participating enterprise's preference, but its influence on product purchase or business talk & contact with a participating enterprise or price was found to be extremely low. It's difficult to judge marketing success or failure of an exhibition by the form and standard of booth design. Preferably, this study infers that it's necessary to put much weight on qualitative excellence of an exhibition, which consists of participation of an enterprise in possession of excellent technologies, exhibits with higher standards and high-quality visitors with purchasing power. This study suggests that it's more effective to set up the plan for expansion of participation in exhibition by optimally regulating the proportion of space design in participating expense to increase marketing effectiveness of an exhibition. The limitations of this study, analysis of which based on the visitors to an exhibition only, requires supplementation through the follow-up research work on participating enterprises in the exhibition.