• Title/Summary/Keyword: 접합부 손상추정

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Comparison of Stress Response in Diallel Crossed Korean Domestic Chicken Breeds (토종 종계를 이용한 이면 교배조합 계통 간 스트레스 반응정도 비교 분석)

  • Cho, Eun Jung;Park, Ji Ae;Choi, Eun Sik;Sohn, Sea Hwan
    • Korean Journal of Poultry Science
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    • v.43 no.2
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    • pp.77-88
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    • 2016
  • To establish a new synthetic Korean meat chicken breed, we tested 5×55×5 diallel cross mating experiment with domestic chicken breeds. Comparing stress responses among diallel crossed chicken breeds, we analyzed telomere length, DNA damage and expressions of heat shock protein genes (HSPs) as the markers of the stress response. The telomere length was measured by quantitative fluorescence in situ hybridization on the nuclei of lymphocytes. The expression levels of HSP-70, HSP90αHSP90α and HSP90βHSP90β genes were analyzed by quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction in lymphocytes. The DNA damage rate of lymphocytes was quantified by the comet assay known as the single cell gel electrophoresis. In results, there were significant differences in the values of the stress markers such as telomere length, HSPs and DNA damage rate, and also were significant differences in viabilities and body weights among the $5{\times}5$ diallel crossed chicken breeds. The telomere shortening rate, expression values of HSPs and DNA damage rate were significant low in W and Y crossed chickens compare to the others, but GG pure breed showed the highest values in the 25 crossed chickens. Estimating correlation coefficient, the survival rate positively correlated to telomere length, but negatively correlated to the expression levels of HSP-70, HSP90αHSP90α, HSP90βHSP90β genes and to the value of % DNA in tail as DNA damage rate. The expression levels of HSP-70, HSP90αHSP90α and HSP90βHSP90β genes of dead chickens had significantly higher than those of survival chickens. According to the results on the stress marker analysis, it would be considered that the crossed breeds had more stress resistant than the pure breeds, and the crossed chickens with a light strain such as W or Y were relatively resistant to stress, but the crossed chickens with a heavy strain such as G, H, F were susceptible to stress.

Study of the method of production of excavated arrow bundle and its conservation treatment (발굴 출토 화살다발 제작기법 연구 및 보존처리)

  • Lee, Byeonghoon;Choi, Bobae;Huh, Ilgwon
    • Conservation Science in Museum
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    • v.25
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    • pp.9-26
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    • 2021
  • This paper describes the production methods that were originally used for an arrow bundle excavated from a Bronze Age residential area in Auraji in Jeongseon, Gangwon-do Province and the conservation treatment process that it subsequently underwent. An arrow conventionally consists of an arrowhead and a shaft. It is rare to excavate a shaft along with an arrowhead in a complete form since the shaft is made of organic materials. Notably, the arrow bundle from the Auraji site is of great significance as it shows traces of tangless stone arrowheads attached to charred shafts and offers an important case of the split end of a piece of a tree being inserted into an arrowhead. For a further examination of the characteristics of the arrows from Auraji, microscopic investigation was conducted and the type of wood used for the arrow shafts was examined. The sequence and direction of processing and the particle sizes of the grinding tools were revealed through the analysis of traces of grinding on the stone arrowheads. The shaft is presumed to have been made from a green length of three-year-old willow (Salix spp.). A curing agent with a high degree of waterproofing and reversibility was used during the on-site curing process according to demands of the surrounding environment, and a technique that the authors call the "Bridge" method was used for emergency collection of the relics. Once the bundle was transferred to the conservation treatment lab, reinforcing materials were carefully chosen as it was important not to damage the relics during the process of turning them for the repair of their reverse sides. For this purpose, artificial clay was selected since it can safely bear a load and has excellent physical properties. Finally, detached parts were rejoined, the relics and their surrounding materials were cleaned, and the bottom sides were finished with epoxy resin prior to the display of the relics at the museum.