• Title/Summary/Keyword: 접근성공간

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The Evaluation of Physical Environmental Factors in Urban Parks for Healthy City - Focus on Seoul - (건강증진을 위한 도시공원의 물리적 환경요소 평가 - 서울시를 대상으로 -)

  • Chae, Jin-Hae;Kim, Won-Ju
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.48 no.4
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    • pp.29-40
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    • 2020
  • This study quantitatively and qualitatively analyzes the physical environment for health promotion in urban parks by indicators that were selected in consideration of overseas cases and previous studies. To evenly distribute the areas to be evaluated by region, Seodaemun Independence Park, Hongneung Park, Gocheok Park, Sillim Park, Cheongdam Park, Gaepo Park, and Sungin Park were selected among the old neighborhood parks already established in Seoul. The evaluation indicators consist of quantitative indicators (12 factors classified into the three categories of the surrounding environment, the park characteristics, and the park facilities) and qualitative indicators (14 factors classified according to the five categories of accessibility, safety, convenience, activities, and amenities). These indicators were selected after conducting advisory meetings with experts in the field. The physical environment perception factors were evaluated by experts and investigators by field inspections and were rated on a three-point scale (high, medium, low). According to the results of the analysis, first, not only were exercise facilities and trails, but also various factors which support health activities, such as rest areas, leisure spots, and cultural facilities, as well as accessibility, cleanliness, and drinking water facilities are important indicators for health promotion. Second, even if the requirements are met for quantitative factors, several inconveniences hinder the actual implementation or use in the qualitative evaluation. Thus, both quantitative and qualitative evaluations must be simultaneously performed for the proper judging of the physical environment of a park. Third, upon conducting a qualitative evaluation of the physical environmental factors, score differences depended on the evaluated categories in each park. These differences show that indirect indicators, such as accessibility, safety, and facility convenience are insufficiently equipped compared to direct indicators, such as activity, which includes exercise facilities and fitness centers for health promotion. As the utilization rate of parks is increasing due to COVID-19, more efforts should be made to improve park services in the post-corona era. To promote such services, it is necessary to regularly evaluate parks based on both quantitative and qualitative indicators and to contemplate services not only through direct factors but also indirect factors and security measures.

Historical Studies on the Characteristics of Buyongjeong in the Rear Garden of Changdeok Palace (창덕궁 후원 부용정(芙蓉亭)의 조영사적 특성)

  • Song, Suk-ho;Sim, Woo-kyung
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.40-52
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    • 2016
  • Buyongjeong, a pavilion in the Rear Garden of Changdeok Palace, was appointed as Treasure No. 1763 on March 2, 2012, by the South Korea government since it shows significant symmetry and proportion on its unique planar shape, spatial configuration, building decoration, and so forth. However, the designation of Treasure selection was mainly evaluated by concrete science, in that the selection has not clearly articulated how and why Buoungjeong was constructed as a present unique form. Therefore, this study aims to clarify the identity of Buyongjeong at the time of construction by considering its historical, ideological, philosophical background and building intention. Summary are as follows: First, Construction backgrounds and characters of Buyongjeong: Right after the enthronement, King Jeongjo had founded Kyujanggak(奎章閣), and sponsored civil ministers who were elected by the national examination, as a part of political reform. In addition, he established his own political system by respecting "Kaksin(閣臣)", Kyujanggak's officials as much as "Kain(家人)", internal family members. King Jeongjo's aggressive political reform finally enabled King's lieges to visit King's Rear Garden. In the reign of King Jeongjo's 16th year(1792), Naekaksangjohoe(內閣賞釣會) based on "Kaksin" was officially launched and the Rear Garden visitation became a regular meeting. The Rear Garden visitation consisted of "Sanghwajoeoyeon(賞花釣魚宴)" - enjoying flowers and fishing, and activities of "Nanjeongsugye". Afterward, it eventually became a huge national event since high rank government officials participated the event. King Jeongjo shared the cultural activities with government officials together to Buyongjeong as a place to fulfill his royal politics. Second, The geographical location and spatial characteristics of Buyongjeong: On the enthronement of King Jeongjo(1776), he renovated Taeksujae. Above all, aligning and linking Gaeyuwa - Taeksujae - a cicular island - Eosumun - Kyujangkak along with the construction axis is an evidence for King Jeongjo to determine how the current Kyujangkak zone was prepared and designed to fulfill King Jeonjo's political ideals. In 17th year(1793) of the reign of King Jeongjo, Taeksujae, originally a square shaped pavilion, was modified and expanded with ranks to provide a place to get along with the King and officials. The northern part of Buyongjeong, placed on pond, was designed for the King's place and constructed one rank higher than others. Discernment on windows and doors were made with "Ajasal" - a special pattern for the King. The western and eastern parts were for government officials. The center part was prepared for a place where government officials were granted an audience with the King, who was located in the nortern part of Buyongjeong. Government officials from the western and eastern parts of Buyongjeong, could enter the central part of the Buyongjeong from the southern part by detouring the corner of Buyongjeong. After all, Buyongjeong is a specially designed garden building, which was constructed to be a royal palace utilizing its minimal space. Third, Cultural Values of Buyongjeong: The Buyongjeong area exhibits a trait that it had been continuously developed and it had reflected complex King's private garden cultures from King Sejo, Injo, Hyunjong, Sukjong, Jeongjo and so forth. In particular, King Jeongjo had succeded physical, social and imaginary environments established by former kings and invited their government officials for his royal politics. As a central place for his royal politics, King Jeongjo completed Buyongjeong. Therefore, the value of Buyongjeong, as a garden building reflecting permanency of the Joseon Dynasty, can be highly evaluated. In addition, as it reflects Confucianism in the pavilion - represented by distinguishing hierarchical ranks, it is a unique example to exhibit its distinctiveness in a royal garden.

A Study on the Improvement of National Land Survey System (국토조사 체계 개선 방안 연구)

  • Yang, Sung-Chul
    • Journal of Cadastre & Land InformatiX
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    • v.45 no.2
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 2015
  • The national land survey is implemented for the purpose of accomplishing the basic goal called an effective development of national land through close survey on physical/social conditions and periodic/social requirements of national land. However, the situation is that there isn't much difference from other data because the data constructed at the local governments or other ministries are gathered to be processed and provided as national land index which is not a field survey while the situation is that the national land index are changed frequently according to domestic and foreign circumstances and transition so that the applicability is low because there is no data accumulated for a long period of time on the same index. Considering that most government offices and local governments are performing surveys out of their own unique necessity to construct the results followed by such survey as data which includes spatial data as a form of database since the importance of statistics data and map data has become highlighted recently, it is necessary to make a new approach in the aspect of investigating the current situation of national territory on the national level. Accordingly, this study has proposed a new national land survey system to prepare for unification of North and South Korea as well as to provide the decision making data necessary for setting up the policies for effective land development and value conservation of the national land.

A prediction of the rock mass rating of tunnelling area using artificial neural networks (인공신경망을 이용한 터널구간의 암반분류 예측)

  • Han, Myung-Sik;Yang, In-Jae;Kim, Kwang-Myung
    • Journal of Korean Tunnelling and Underground Space Association
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    • v.4 no.4
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    • pp.277-286
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    • 2002
  • Most of the problems in dealing with the tunnel construction are the uncertainties and complexities of the stress conditions and rock strengths in ahead of the tunnel excavation. The limitations on the investigation technology, inaccessibility of borehole test in mountain area and public hatred also restrict our knowledge on the geologic conditions on the mountainous tunneling area. Nevertheless an extensive and superior geophysical exploration data is possibly acquired deep within the mountain area, with up to the tunnel locations in the case of alternative design or turn-key base projects. An appealing claim in the use of artificial neural networks (ANN) is that they give a more trustworthy results on our data based on identifying relevant input variables such as a little geotechnical information and biological learning principles. In this study, error back-propagation algorithm that is one of the teaching techniques of ANN is applied to presupposition on Rock Mass Ratings (RMR) for unknown tunnel area. In order to verify the applicability of this model, a 4km railway tunnel's field data are verified and used as input parameters for the prediction of RMR, with the learned pattern by error back propagation logics. ANN is one of basic methods in solving the geotechnical uncertainties and helpful in solving the problems with data consistency, but needs some modification on the technical problems and we hope our study to be developed in the future design work.

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Scale Estimation of External Garden by Landscape Components and Fractal Structure in Seoseokjiwon(瑞石池園) (영양 서석지원(瑞石池園)의 경관요소를 통한 외원 규모 추정 및 프랙탈 구조(Fractal Structure))

  • Kil, Sung-Ho;Yang, Byoung-E
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.41 no.5
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    • pp.57-67
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    • 2013
  • The studies of Korean traditional gardens have been a lot of diachronic approaches through ancient documents and on-site investigation. Previous research has focused on the characteristics that are inherent symbolism of the traditional landscape space, such as site characteristics. There are many studies for inner gardens, outer gardens and other influential ranges of gardens of the location characteristics. However, studies on the scale of external gardens were not satisfactory from a quantitative perspective. Unlike private life sphere, quantitative analysis was conducted on the role of a sphere of public community life for outer gardens. Visibility analysis was performed through the existing literature and GIS programs to estimate the magnitude of the outer garden. When it was compared with Min G. H.(1982) research, it is almost the same if it is estimated to focus on Buyoung -bong(芙蓉峯) and Ip-am(立巖). Also, as a result of the fractal structure for a variety of symbols in the garden, fractal dimension in landscape elements is relatively concentrated, unlike in other areas. Thus, the external scale can be a means of cultural property protection out of the crucial perspective for the inner garden. There has been consideration of the cooperation with the visual complexity using the concept of fractal structure as one of the elements of landscape analysis.

A Study of the Landscape Agreement Project for Historical and Cultural Landscape Preservation (역사문화경관 보전을 위한 경관협정 항목에 관한 연구)

  • Shin, Min-Ji;Shin, Ji-Hoon
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.41 no.6
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    • pp.129-139
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    • 2013
  • This study was designed to suggest a landscape agreement in order to effectively preserve historical and cultural landscapes at this point of time when many landscape agreements are being concluded for landscape management, to analyze landscape management methods according to the problems of comprehensive and widespread landscape agreements and landscape types and to generalize landscape agreement contents. To begin, sustainable and practical landscape management plans that local people can themselves participate and carry out were proposed, based on historical and cultural landscape preservation guidelines extracted from the consideration of domestic and foreign cases about landscape management by citizen autonomy and participation. The guidelines considered what regional residents would follow by themselves, as well as what should be considered with regard to the accessibility and symbolism of a building's appearance and external spaces designed with the motif of historical and cultural landscapes. The guidelines also pay attention to the maintenance management of outdoor advertisements and facilities in order to maintain a pedestrian-friendly street environment which pursues designs in harmony with the existing historical and cultural landscapes. In addition, the recommended guidelines that are considered less important,are restricting the sizes of buildings, encouraging maintenance management of the details and external spaces to hide building facilities and block them from being exposed and including information about the use of nature-friendly materials, and the management of neon signs in the landscapes and lighting time during the night. These results demonstrate that local residents need to improve the landscapes and change their consciousness by themselves to maintain the historical and cultural landscapes with a sense of tradition.

The Impact of the Panorama on Contemporary Sculpture and Installation - The Panorama in the Development of the Perspective-

  • Halbherr, Bernd;Yoo, Jong Yoon
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.41
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    • pp.407-427
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    • 2015
  • This thesis is research about the development and application of the panorama image in contemporary artwork, focusing on sculpture and installation. The samples of artworks are a selection of representatives from numerous examples of works that cannot be introduced without exceeding a reasonable scope of the thesis. A brief outline of the historical concepts of the perspective will describe the development of the panorama in itself. Some technical explanations and the practical use of the panorama with its link to 3-dimensional applications should bridge the explanation gap between the 2nd and 3rd dimensional usage of the panorama in contemporary artwork. Furthermore, some philosophical statements are proposed in the discussion. One of the main interests and initial motivation of this study was my personal believe that there is always a relationship between social philosophical values and the way a society sees or encounters visual structures. In other words the contemporary understanding of space and perspective is mirroring the actual zeitgeist and creates an exemplary visual aesthetics.

A Pedestrian Network Assignment Model Considering Space Syntax (공간구문론(Space Syntax)을 고려한 통합보행네트워크 통행배정모형)

  • Lee, Mee Young;Kim, Jong Hyung;Kim, Eun Jung
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.14 no.6
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    • pp.37-49
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    • 2015
  • In Space Syntax, the greater the degree of integration between separate links, the greater the links' accessibility from the target network. As such, planning pedestrian walks so that links with high degrees of integration are connected, or else inducing high integration value land use are both valid options. The travel distribution model reflects how walking demand, or more specifically, the pedestrian, partakes in route choosing behavior that minimizes select criteria, notably level of discomfort, as measured using travel distance and time. The model thus demonstrates travel patterns associated with demand pertaining to minimization of discomfort experienced by the pedestrian. This research introduces a method that integrates Space Syntax and the pedestrian travel distribution model. The integrated model will determine whether regions with high degrees of integration are actually being used as pivots for pedestrian demand movement, as well as to explain whether the degree of integration is sustained at an appropriate level while considering actual movement demand. As a means to develop the integrated model, a method that combines display of the visibility of the space syntax network and road-divided links is proposed. The pedestrian travel distribution model also includes an alternative path finding mechanism between origin and destination, which allows for uniform allocation of demand.

Tunnel risk assessment model using a probabilistic approach (확률론적 접근을 통한 터널 위험도 평가 모델)

  • Jeong-Heum Kim
    • Journal of Korean Tunnelling and Underground Space Association
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    • v.26 no.6
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    • pp.761-776
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    • 2024
  • This study proposes a new model for the systematic assessment and management of tunnel collapse risks. Tunnel construction is essential for developing infrastructure, including roads, railways, and subways, but managing collapse risks remains critical. To address this, 14 key influencing factors were identified, and their relative importance and weights were determined using the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) method. Monte Carlo method was applied to incorporate the probability distribution of each factor, resulting in a comprehensive risk assessment and the development of a tunnel collapse risk index. The findings indicate that factors such as Joint face conditions, groundwater inflow, auxiliary methods, joint face spacing, support pattern levels, and ground grade significantly affect tunnel collapse risks. The proposed model was validated using collapse accident data from the ◯◯ Tunnel, demonstrating a strong correlation between the calculated risk index and actual collapse incidents, thereby confirming the model's applicability. The results of this study are expected to enhance the safety of tunnel construction and contribute to minimizing human casualties and economic losses. Future studies should focus on applying this model across diverse tunnel construction sites, conducting further evaluations, and refining the framework to develop a more sophisticated and precise risk assessment model.

Mobilities and Phenomenology of Place, A Perspective for the Popular Narrative Studies -David Seamon's Life Takes Place (모빌리티와 장소 현상학, 대중서사 연구의 한 관점 -데이비드 시먼의 『삶은 장소에서 일어난다』를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Tae-Hee
    • Journal of Popular Narrative
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.469-506
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    • 2019
  • More than a few existing studies on popular narratives that pay attention to 'place' tend to adopt as their theoretical framework the celebrated distinction between space and place. According to this distinction, to put it simply, space is allegedly mobile, whereas place is static. Given this distinction, and in this age of high-mobility, where the spaces of mobilities seem to rapidly and extensively undermine the places of immobilities, would studies on popular narratives focusing on 'place' still remain convincing? Referring to David Seamon's recent book Life Takes Place: Phenomenology, Lifeworlds, and Place Making, this article aims to consider the possibility of studies on popular narratives in the era of high-mobility. To explore the concept of 'place' through phenomenological methodology, Seamon's book uses a theoretical framework called the 'progressive approximation,' which is attentive to synergistic relationality. According to this approach, the place should first be put under scrutiny as a whole, i.e. as the monad of place. Phenomenological studies on the monad of place as a whole identify places as the fundamental condition for human beings. Then, in accordance with the 'progressive' order of research, places are studied as dyads, i.e. as binary oppositions. Through these analyses, movement/rest, insideness/outsideness, the ordinary/the extra-ordinary, the within/the without, homeworld/alienworld are identified as the five dyads of place. To make a detour around these binary oppositions and confrontations, however, phenomenological studies on place now advance to the higher order of six place triads including place interaction, place identity, place release, place realization, place intensification, and place creation, whereby the study of place progressively approaches the 'approximate' essence of place. Reflectively asking himself about the idea of 'place' in the high-mobility era, the author of this informative and insightful book submits an answer that place is still the fundamental sine qua non of human beings. However, this answer is more likely to be bounded by the binary opposition of space/place, and movement/rest accordingly. In this article, I suggest as an alternative and hopefully more promising answer a perspective of transcending this kind of a dead-end dichotomy and of performing 'place-making' through the mobilities themselves, while presenting a noticeable example of the manner in which research on popular narratives could begin from this perspective.