" as keywords. In terms of search engine, Pubmed are utilized to search foreign journals and National electronic library, National assembly library and Research Information Sharing Service(RISS) are used to search for internal journals. Results : The result showed that 12 journals, 11 foreign and 1 internal research, were discovered. Interventions for improving participation were implemented in two of them. The most prevailing design was survey and questionnaires, phone researches, home visiting surveys were conducted in 4 papers. 21 kinds of measurements were used in participation researches for 29 times. The most frequently used tools were Activity Card Sort(ACS), conducted for 3 times. Conclusion : In summary of literature survey, there were not enough researches regarding participation internationally. This aspects showed that not only the researches for improving physical function improvement, but the studies focusing on enhancing participation is needed to catch up with the recent research trends and for better lives of stroke patients.

  • https://doi.org/10.22683/tsnr.2014.3.1.007 인용 PDF
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