• Title/Summary/Keyword: 전염

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Estimation of infection distribution and prevalence number of Tsutsugamushi fever in Korea (국내 쯔쯔가무시증의 감염자 분포와 유병자수 추정)

  • Lee, Jung-Hee;Murshed, Sharwar;Park, Jeong-Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Data and Information Science Society
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.149-158
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    • 2009
  • Tsutsugamushi fever occupies more than 80% of total fall epidemic diseases and has an incubation period of 1 or 2 weeks as well. We have assumed that the incubation period distribution is gamma and therefore, reach an agreement that the infected distribution is normal with ${\hat{\mu}}=309.92$, ${\hat{\sigma}}=14.154$ by back calculation method. The infection cases are found severely large around the month of October. The infection case distribution demonstrates the incidence number increasing rapidly and progresses fast during the month of November. In this study, we have calculated the future prevalence number of maximum 1,200 people by inferred infection probability and incubation period distribution with some sort of limitation that the trend of increasing incidence number is not taking into an account. We considered the SIRS model which is also known as epidemic model, familiar to interaction between epidemiological classes. Our estimated parameters converged well with the initial parameter values.

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Two New PVY Strains Isolated from Tobacco Plant in Korea (한국 잎담배에서 분리된 PVY계통)

  • Park E. K.;Kim J. J.;Boo K. S.
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.23 no.4 s.61
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    • pp.209-214
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    • 1984
  • Since 1980, burley tobacco plants grown mainly in the western hat of the Korea. have shown two new types of disease symptom. Both symptoms were found to be caused by two different PVY strains : the vein banding type by a PVY strain designated as PVY-VB and necrosis on leaf veins by a PVY strain designated as PVY-VN, Identification of the PVY strains was based on host range test. aphid( Myzus Persicae) transmission test, physical properties, serology, and observation of virus particle morphology. The virus particles were measured to be about 730 nm without any difference in shape or dimensions between the two strains. Both strains also gave a positive reaction to the PVY antiserum in SDS-agar gel double diffusion test. These strains, however, gave a negative reaction to the tobacco etch virus and tobacco vein mottling virus antisera.

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Detection of Pseudomonas tolaasii causing brown blotch disease in water from oyster mushroom cultivation farms by PCR (PCR을 이용한 느타리버섯 재배사 물로부터 세균성갈색무늬병 병원균 Pseudomonas tolaasii 검출)

  • Jeong, Kyu-Sik;Kim, Woo-Jae;Chang, Who-Bong;Cha, Jae-Soon
    • Journal of Mushroom
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.28-33
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    • 2003
  • Pseudomonas tolaasii causing brown blotch disease was detected by PCR from water samples collected from the oyster mushroom cultivation farms to find the contamination level of the pathogen in water. Sixteen water samples (28.1%) contain less than 1,000 cfu, 31 samples (54.4%) contain 1,001-10,000 cfu, 6 samples (10.5%) contain 10,001-100,000 cfu, and 4 samples (7%) contain of bacteria per milliliter. P. tolaasii-specific DNA band was amplified in 3 samples (5.3%) by nested-PCR and in 20 samples (35.1%) by immunocapture (IC)-nested PCR respectively. These results suggest that IC-nested-PCR was much more sensitive than nested-PCR in detection of P. tolaasii and a quite few waters using for oyster mushroom cultivation were contaminated with P. tolaasii.

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Analysis of Foot-and-mouth Disease Diffusion Velocity using Network Tool (네트워크기법을 이용한 구제역 확산 속도 분석)

  • Choi, Seok-Keun;Song, Hae-Hwa;Park, Kyeong-Sik
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.101-107
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    • 2012
  • With the foot-and-mouth disease problems emerging as a serious social issue, this study set out to analyze the problems with the current setting of preventive zones against epidemics and find ways to minimize damage through preventive measures. For those purposes, the study analyzed the outbreaks of the foot-and-mouth disease and assumed that the disease would be transmitted via vehicles along the roads based on the network map of national roads and boundaries among administrative districts to conduct network analysis. The analysis results were then used to estimate spread time, whose results were then categorized according to lineal road distance and actual road distance. Then lineal moving speed and actual moving speed on the road were obtained according to the national roads and administrative districts to analyze the problems with the current method of setting preventive zones against the foot-and-mouth disease. As for spread speed around the areas where the foot-and-mouth disease broke out, the average lineal spread speed was 53.9km/day, and the average spread speed on the road was 71.1km/day, which indicates there are problems with the current method of setting preventive zones against epidemics.

Mite infestation rate of pet dogs with ear dermatoses (귀 피부병이 있는 애완견에서 진드기 감염률)

  • 박건수;박진성
    • Parasites, Hosts and Diseases
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.143-150
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    • 1996
  • This study aimed to investigate the incidence of the canine ear dermatoses caused by mitts and the relativity of the causative mites of canine dermatoses to the pruritic dermatoses of the families possessing the pet dogs. Total 970 samples were collected from the lesional hairs and scales of the ear of pet dogs referred to Chung-Woon animal clinic in Seoul from January, 1990 to December, 1995. The mites were collected from the samples by means of the washing method . Presence of pruritic dermatoses in the families possessing the pet dog was evaluated. Among 2,147 mites collected from 970 samples, 2,117 specimens were Octonectes cwnotis and others were Scrcoptes conis (30 mites). O. cwnotis were found in 382 samples out of total 970 samples (39.4%) and S. cams were found in 3 samples (0.3%). Although two families out of 382 families that possessed the diseased pet dog by O. cwnotis had the family histories of pruritic dermatoses, their pruritic dermatoses were not related to the infestation by O. cwnotis. In conclusion, O. cwnotis, the most common canine mite producing pruritic ear dematoses, does not cause pruritic dermatoses in man.

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Survey of Overwintering Inoculum Potential of Anthracnose of Sweet Persimmon Caused by Colletotrichum gloeosporioides (감나무 탄저병균(Collectotrichum gloeosporioides)의 월동 전염원 조사)

  • Kwon, Jin-Hyeuk;Jeong, Seon-Gi;Chung, Bu-Keun
    • Research in Plant Disease
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.204-206
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    • 2007
  • In 2006 to 2007, the potential inoculum source of the anthracnose of sweet persimmon caused by Colletotrichum gloeosporioides was surveyed. The infected twigs, buds, dead twigs, petiole, leaves, dropped fruits were collected and tested for their possibility as overwintering inoculum. The detection rates of the pathogen from various parts of sweet persimmon tree were varied. When the collected samples were examined in April. Over than 93.3% of infected twig samples were harbored mycelia of C. gloeosporioides, and 46.7% of infected buds, 36.7% of dead twigs, 23.3% of petioles, and 16.7% of leaves were beared pathogenic fungus. No pathogenic fungus were detecded from healthy twigs and buds. Infected twigs and bud was important overwintering sites and formed conidia actively in next spring. The infected twigs, leaves, petioles, and fruits in growing season produced great number of conidia and caused active dissemination of the anthracnose disease in sweet persimmon. In growing season, all of the infected parts, such as twigs, leaves, petioles, and fruits produced pathogenic fungus.

Twig Blight on Chinese Magnolia Vain Caused by Botryosphaeria dothidea in Korea (Botryosphaeria dothidea에 의한 오미자 줄기마름병)

  • Park, Sangkyu;Kim, Seung-Han;Lee, Seung-Yeol;Back, Chang-Gi;Kang, In-Kyu;Jung, Hee-Young
    • Research in Plant Disease
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.44-49
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    • 2016
  • The twig blight symptoms were observed in Chinese magnolia vine (Schisandra chinensis) at Mungyeong city, Gyeongbuk province, Korea in June 2015. The typical symptoms of infected plant were shriveled and wilted in leaves which led to blight resulted in death. Based on the morphological characteristics, the isolate was suspected as Botryosphaeria sp. Inoculation of isolated pathogen was performed to identify its pathogenicity according to Koch's postulates. Re-isolated fungi from the inoculated stem was showed same morphological characteristics with original pathogen. Phylogenetic analysis was performed using combined sequence of rDNA internal transcribed spacer region, EF1-${\alpha}$ and ${\beta}$-tubulin gene. The isolated pathogen was identified to the B. dothidea by phylogenetic analysis. This is the first report of twig blight on S. chinensis caused by B. dothidea in Korea.

Effects of Excess Dietary Supplementation of Several Micronutrients on Immune Response in Layers Inoculated with Newcastle Disease and Infectious Bronchitis Vaccines (미량영양소들의 추가급여가 뉴캣슬 또는 전염성 기관지염 백신 접종시 산란계의 면역성에 미치는 효과)

  • 김정우;고승연;조석현;김춘수
    • Korean Journal of Poultry Science
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.85-95
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    • 1995
  • This study was conducted to investigate the immune response of layers fed diets supplemented with excess micronutrients, i.e., vitamin A, methionine, Zn, Cu, and Fe to the inoculation of Newcastle disease vaccine(NDV) or infectious bronchitis vaccine(IBV). The antibody titer against the NDV increased immediately after the inoculation and stayed high during the next 6 wk. On the other hand, The antibody titer against the IBV increased after 4 wk of inoculation The IgM level increased rapidly after 1 wk of NDV inoculation, however, it decreased after 5 wk of inoculation. The IgA displayed similar pattern to that of IgM in response to NDV inoculation. The pattern of IgM change after IBV inoculation was similar to that when layers were treated with NDV. However, IgA level changed earlier than did IgM. The IgG response to the NDV and IBV was very weak compared to the other immune responses. The excess supplementation of micronutrients to the diets of layers inoculated with NDV elicited favorable antibody titer and immune response compared to the layers fed the control diet. The excess Zn, however, allowed the layers to have higher antibody titer for the 4-wk period after NDV injection: after that they showed no effect of extra-Zn. The immune responses of layers fed excess vitamin A, Cu, methionine, and Fe were markedly higher in IgA and IgG than the control layers. The excess Zn, however, did not bring about any favorable result. No difference was detected in IgG level between control and micronutrients-treated groups.

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Survey on Seed-borne Fungi in Some Important Crops of Korea (한국산(韓國産) 주요작물(主要作物)의 종자전염성(種子傳染性) 진균(眞菌)에 관(關)한 조사(調査))

  • Yu, Seung Heon;Park, Jong Seong
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.275-283
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    • 1982
  • One hundred and sixteen seed samples of 16 different crops were tested by routine seed health testing methods. Seeds of rice, soybean and barley were found to be associated with 18, 15 and 7 species of fungi, respectively. Discoloration and spotting of various kinds were observed in rice seeds. Epicoccum purpurascens, Pyricularia oryzae and Trichoconiella pedwickii were higher in these discoloured than in normal seeds of rice. Macrophomina phaseolina, the charcoal-rot fungus is a new record for soybean in Korea. Seeds of sesame were infected by 13 fungi Alternaria sesami, A. sesarmicola and Corynespora cassiicola were detected predominantly. Twenty one species of fungi were detected in seed samples of 12 commercial vegetable crops. Alternaria, Colletotrichum and Fusarium were found predominantly. Some seed samples of commercial vegetable crops were heavily infected with pathogenic fungi and showed heavy seed and seedling rot.

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Studies on Ginger Mosaic Virus (생강모자이크바이러스병에 관한 연구)

  • So In Young
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.19 no.2 s.43
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    • pp.67-72
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    • 1980
  • A mosaic virus disease of ginger plant was investigated to determine its virus group on the basis of host range, physical and chemical properties, serological behavior and electron-microscopic morphology. The disease gave rise to yellowsih and dark-green mosaic on the leaves in the early stage and stunted all the leaves as well as rhizomes in the late stage. In the field about 43\% of the plants were observed to be diseased The disease was able to be artificially infected to the ginger plants by the sap and transmission as well as to 23 other species of plants which were known to be the CMV susceptible plants by the sap transmission; Chenopodium amaranticolar, Nicotiana tabaccum var. Havana, cow pea, cucumber, tomato,... etc. The dilution end point of the virus ranged $10^{-4}-10^{-5}$ and the thermal inactivation point $65-70^{\circ}C$. Serological test showed a positive reaction by a CMV antiserum. An electron microscopy of the purified virus showed that the virus particles were spherical with a diameter of $28-32m\mu$. Virus particles from the infected tissue were observed to be free or aggregated in the mesophyll tissue of artificially infected tobacco plant. The mosaic disease of ginger plants were conclusively suggested to the CMV group.

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