• 제목/요약/키워드: 전산기구조

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Application of Ordinary Kriging Interpolation Method for p-Adaptive Finite Element Analysis of 2-D Cracked Plates (2차원 균열판의 p-적응적 유한요소해석을 위한 정규크리깅 보간법의 적용)

  • Woo, Kwang-Sung;Jo, Jun-Hyung;Park, Mi-Young
    • Journal of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea
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    • v.19 no.4 s.74
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    • pp.429-440
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    • 2006
  • This paper comprises two specific objectives. The first is to examine the applicability of ordinary kriging interpolation(OK) to the p-adaptivity of the finite element method that is based on variogram modeling. The second objective Is to present the adaptive procedure by the hierarchical p-refinement in conjunction with a posteriori error estimator using the modified S.P.R. (superconvergent patch recovery) method. The ordinary kriging method that is one of weighted interpolation techniques is applied to obtain the estimated exact solution from the stress data at the Gauss points. The weight factor is determined by experimental and theoretical variograms for interpolation of stress data apart from the conventional interpolation methods that use an equal weight factor. In the p-refinement, the analytical domain has to be refined automatically to obtain an acceptable level of accuracy by increasing the p-level non-uniformly or selectively. To verify the performance of the modified S.P.R. method, the new error estimator based on limit value has been proposed. The validity of the proposed approach has been tested with the help of some benchmark problems of linear elastic fracture mechanics such as a centrally cracked panel, a single edged crack, and a double edged crack.

Molecular Dynamics Simulation on the Thermal Boundary Resistance of a Thin-film and Experimental Validation (분자동역학을 이용한 박막의 열경계저항 예측 및 실험적 검증)

  • Suk, Myung Eun;Kim, Yun Young
    • Journal of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.103-108
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    • 2019
  • Non-equilibrium molecular dynamics simulation on the thermal boundary resistance(TBR) of an aluminum(Al)/silicon(Si) interface was performed in the present study. The constant heat flux across the Si/Al interface was simulated by adding the kinetic energy in hot Si region and removing the same amount of the energy from the cold Al region. The TBR estimated from the sharp temperature drop at the interface was independent of heat flux and equal to $5.13{\pm}0.17K{\cdot}m^2/GW$ at 300K. The simulation result was experimentally confirmed by the time-domain thermoreflectance technique. A 90nm thick Al film was deposited on a Si(100) wafer using an e-beam evaporator and the TBR on the film/substrate interface was measured using the time-domain thermoreflectance technique based on a femtosecond laser system. A numerical solution of the transient heat conduction equation was obtained using the finite difference method to estimate the TBR value. Experimental results were compared to the prediction and discussions on the nanoscale thermal transport phenomena were made.

Study on optimum structure of air-lift bio-reactor using numerical analysis of two-phase flow (이상 유동 수치해석을 이용한 기포 구동 생물 반응기 내부 최적 구조에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, San;Chung, Ji Hong;Lee, Jae Won;Sohn, Dong Kee;Ko, Han Seo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Visualization
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.24-31
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    • 2019
  • Recently, an air-lift bio-reactor operated by micro bubbles has been utilized to product hydrogen fuel. To enhance the performance, characteristics of hydrodynamics inside the bio-reactor were analyzed using a numerical simulation for two-phase flow. An Eulerian model was employed for both of liquid and gas phases. The standard k-ε model was used for turbulence induced by micro bubbles. A Population Balance Model was employed to consider size distribution of bubbles. A hollow cylinder was introduced at the center of the reactor to reduce a dead area which disturbs circulation of CO bubbles. An appropriate diameter of the draft tube and hollow cylinder were optimized for better performance of the bio-reactor. The optimum model could be obtained when the cross-sectional area ratio of the hollow cylinder to the reactor, and the width ratio of the riser to the downcomer approached 0.4 and 3.5, respectively. Consequently, it is expected that the optimum model could enhance the performance of the bio-reactor with the homogeneous distribution and higher density of CO, and more effective mixing.

A Study on the Integrated-Optical Electric-Field Sensor utilizing Ti:LiNbO3 Y-fed Balanced-Bridge Mach-Zehnder Interferometric Modulators (Ti:LiNbO3 Y-fed Balanced-Bridge 마하젠더 간섭 광변조기를 이용한 집적광학 전계센서에 관한 연구)

  • Jung, Hongsik
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers
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    • v.53 no.1
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    • pp.29-35
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    • 2016
  • We have demonstrated a $Ti:LiNbO_3$ electro-optic electric-field sensors utilizing a $1{\times}2$ Y-fed balanced-bridge Mach-Zehnder interferometric (YBB-MZI) modulator which uses a 3-dB directional coupler at the output and dipole patch antenna. The operation and design were proved by the BPM simulation. A dc switching voltage of ~16.6 V and an extinction ratio of ~14.7 dB are observed at a wavelength of $1.3{\mu}m$. For a 20 dBm rf power, the minimum detectable electric-fields are ~1.12 V/m and ~3.3 V/m corresponding to a dynamic range of about ~22 dB and ~18 dB at frequencies 10 MHz and 50 MHz, respectively. The sensors exhibit almost linear response for the applied electric-field intensity from 0.29 V/m to 29.8 V/m.

Manufacturing Digital Map Version 2.0 Increased Visual Information (시각적 정보력이 향상된 수치지도 Ver. 2.0제작)

  • Park Kyeong Sik;Lee Jae Kee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.221-231
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    • 2005
  • Though Digital Map Ver. 2.0 is adequate to GIS, the possibility to gain information from its external form and the ease of producing paper map had retrogressed. In this research, concerned with the problems, we plan to make Digital Map Ver. 2.0, which satisfies the conditions of GIS. It will have geometrical and logical data structure, and also possess informative ability as much as that of Ver. 1.0. For the study, the process to analyze the topographic code, color, code priority order, etc. of paper relief map, digital map Ver. 1.0, and digital map Ver. 2.0 was taken. For the topographical feature with diverse expression, we changed the portrayal of digital map Ver. 2.0 to make it fit the regulations of map portrayal. At the point of topographic code priority order, the rule is to arrange them in the same order as the real territory. However, we made a special code in the case of any change of the locational order. According to the property of this study, we observe the regulations of map portrayal, for the elements related to subjective sense, such as colors. And we give priority on the data construction when the portrayal of topographical feature and the schema of GIS database system are contradictory.

표면효과에 의한 Si 나노와이어의 전류 전압 특성

  • Park, Seong-Ju;Go, Jae-U;Lee, Seon-Hong;Baek, In-Bok;Lee, Seong-Jae;Jang, Mun-Gyu
    • Proceedings of the Korean Vacuum Society Conference
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    • 2012.08a
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    • pp.409-409
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    • 2012
  • 최근 나노크기의 미세구조 가공기술이 발달함에 따라 다양한 응용을 위한 나노소재/구조가 활발히 연구 되고 있다[1]. 그 중에서 실리콘 나노선은 태양전지, 메모리, 트랜지스터 그리고 광 공진기에 쓰일 수 있는 소재로서 기존의 실리콘 가공기술을 바로 사용할 수 있을 뿐 아니라[2], 비용 면에서 탁월한 잇점이 있기 때문에 주목 받고 있는 소재이다. 실리콘 나노선의 물리적 특성을 연구하기 위한 많은 연구가 진행되었지만, 매우 작은 크기와 높은 표면적-부피비율로 인해 생긴 독특한 특징을 완전히 이해하기에는 아직 부족한 점이 많다. 실리콘 나노선의 전류-전압특성에 영향을 미치는 요소는 도핑농도, 표면상태, 채널의 크기 등으로 다양한데, 이번 연구에서는 실리콘 나노선의 표면환경이 공기와 물 두 종류로 매질에 접하고 있을 경우에 대하여 각각 전류-전압을 측정하였다. 물이 공기와 다른 점은 크게 두 가지로 볼 수 있다. 첫째로 물의 경우에는 물에 용해된 수소이온과의 화학반응을 통하여 실리콘 표면전하가 유도되며 pH 값에 민감하게 변화한다. 둘째로 물의 유전율은 공기의 80배로서 표면부근에서의 전기장분포가 많이 왜곡된다. 이를 위하여 SOI를 기반으로 채널길이 $5{\mu}s$, 두께 40 nm, 너비 100 nm인 실리콘 나노선을 일반적인 반도체공정을 사용하여 제작하였다. 나노선의 전기적 특성 실험은 Semiconductor Parameter Analyzer (Agilent, 4155C)를 사용하여 전류-전압특성을 표면 상태를 변화시키면서 측정하였다. 실험을 통해 실리콘 나노선은 물과 공기 두 가지 표면환경에 따라 전류-전압특성이 확연히 변화하는 것을 볼 수 있었다. 동일한 전압 바이어스에서 표면에 물이 있을 때가 공기 있을 때 보다 훨씬 증가한 전류를 얻을 수 있었고(3V에서 약 2배), 비선형적인 전류-전압특성이 나타남을 관찰하였다. 본 발표에서는 이러한 실험결과를 표면에서의 전하와 정전기적인 효과로서 정성적으로 설명하고, 전산모사결과와 비교분석 하고자 한다.

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8VSB Equalization Techniques for the Performance Improvement of Indoor Reception (실내 수신 성능 개선을 위한 8VSB의 등화 기법)

  • 김대진;박성우;이종주;전희영;이동두;박재홍
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.103-118
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    • 1999
  • This paper analyzes the performance of symbol timing recovery and equalizer in 8VSB digital terrestrial TV receiver under various multipath signals and proposes equalization techniques which improve indoor reception performance. Data segment sync is used for symbol timing recovery and timing offset is measured for echoes of various delays and amplitudes by using symbol timing detection filter whose pattern is +1. +1. -1. and -1. Measured timing offsets were below 10% for long echoes with more than 5 symbol delay and above 30% for short echoes with around 1 symbol delay. Indoor reception is always more challenging than outdoor reception due to lower signal strength. large and short multipaths. and moving interfering objects. So it is considered to use FSE (Fractionally Spaced Equalizer) which is very robust to timing offset and blind equalizer which can update equalizer tap coefficients even by information data. We compare the performance of conventional DFE (Decision Feedback Equalizer) and FSE-DFE using LMS algorithm and Stop and Go algorithm for the indoor reception. Experiments reveals FSE has excellent performance for large timing offset and Stop and Go algorithm shows good performance for Doppler shift. so we propose to use FSE-DFE structure with Stop and Go algorithm for the reliable indoor reception.

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Characteristics of Lineament and Fracture System in the North-eastern Area of Yosu Peninsula (여수반도 북동부지역의 선상구조와 단열계 분포특성)

  • 김경수;이은용;김천수
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.31-43
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    • 1999
  • This study aims to quantify the distribution characteristics of the fracture system for the numerical modeling of groundwater flow in the north-eastern area of Yosu peninsula. The study area is composed mainly of volcanic rocks and granite. The regional and site scale lineament in the range of magnitude Order 1 to Order 3 were analyzed from the geologic map, air-photograph and shaded relief map. The geometric parameter of Order 4 fracture system was acquired from the scanline survey on the ground surface. There is a similar trend in the preferred orientation between the regional lineament and the Order 4 fracture system except the Set 4 of Order 4 fracture system which is not prominent in the type. That is classified to three fracture sat of high dip angle and one of ow dip angle. From the lineament trend. The orientation of Order 4 fracture system has similar characteristics in each rock termination mode analysis, it is considered that the fracture system was developed systematically and sequentially from Set 1 to Set 4 Filling materials are distinct relatively in low dip angle set. The fracture spacing follows to lognoral distribution and the fracture frequency corrected by the modified Terzaghi correction ranges from 0.38 to 1.01 per mater in each fracture set. The fracture trace lenght also follows to lognormal distribution and ranges from 2.9m to 3.7m in each fracture set.

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Analysis of Subsurface Geological Structures and Geohazard Pertinent to Fault-damage in the Busan Metropolitan City (부산시 도심지의 지하 지질구조와 단층손상과 관련된 지질위험도 분석)

  • Son, Moon;Lee, Son-Kap;Kim, Jong-Sun;Kim, In-Soo;Lee, Kun
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.40 no.1 s.182
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    • pp.87-101
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    • 2007
  • A variety of informations obtained from satellite image, digital elevation relief map (DEM), borehole logging, televiewer, geophysical prospecting, etc were synthetically analyzed to investigate subsurface geological and structural characteristics and to evaluate geohazard pertinent to fault-damage in the Busan metropolitan city. It is revealed that the geology is composed of the Cretaceous andesitic$\sim$dacitic volcanics, gabbro, and granitoid and that at least three major faults including the Dongrae fault are developed in the study area. Based on characteristics of topography, fault-fractured zone, and isobath maps of the Quaternary sediments and weathered residuals of the basement, the Dongrae fault is decreased in its width and fracturing intensity of damaged zone from south toward north, and the fault is segmented around the area between the Seomyeon and Yangieong junctions. Meanwhile, we drew a geohazard sectional map using the five major parameters that significantly suggest damage intensity of basement by fault, i.e. distance from fault core, TCR, RQD, uniaxial rock strength, and seismic velocity of S wave. The map is evaluated as a suitable method to express the geological and structural characteristics and fault-damaged intensity of basement in the study area. It is, thus, concluded that the proposed method can contribute to complement and amplify the capability of the present evaluation system of rock mass.

A Computerized Database and Statistical Analysis System for Radiotherapy (방사선 치료 환자 자료처리 및 통계의 전산화에 관한 연구)

  • Ha Sung Whan;Kim Il Han;Kang Wee Saing;Park Charn Il
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.103-109
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    • 1990
  • A computerized system for database of radiotherapy Patient and for its application was developed in 1987 and has been utilized till now. A radiotherapy Planning computer (Eclipse S-140) operated under AOS (Advanced Operating System) is the main processing unit of the system which was programmed with Fortran-5. Records of 30,000 patients can be separately registered and data of 5 courses of radiotherapy delivered to one patient can be separately registered but structurally linked together. The same environment is allowed for 60 follow-up data. Our system's utility is very convenient to use and provides simple or conditional list of records or items, periodic statistics concerning many parameters and survival or complication analysis of stored database or data manually put in. Structure, operation and several retrieval formats by data processings are reported.

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