• Title/Summary/Keyword: 전략패턴

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Train Service Analysis of Intercity Rail Station (지역간 철도역의 열차운행체계 연구)

  • Lee, Jin-Seon;Kim, Gyeong-Tae;Park, Beom-Hwan
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.25 no.5
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    • pp.111-122
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    • 2007
  • This paper investigates the rail service patterns by train class. The emphasis in intercity rail planning is to more efficiently use of existing station facilities. Rail transit operations are affected by the system layout and ridership patterns and by work rules. Operations are also influenced by past practices and the institutional setting. Main factors to decide train service patterns are the location, socioeconomic characteristics, land use and travel demand of the station. In this context, the travel demand of intercity rail station is of crucial significance. Tests on a KTX case shows that train service frequency can be efficiently decreased in weekday to transport the same passenger demand. The work has shown many subjects that need further research including various factors influencing on train frequency. This study serves the railroad authorities in planning and determining business strategy in the increasingly competitive environment of regional rail transport.

Can Index Decomposition Analysis Give a Clue in Understanding Industry's Greenhouse Gas Footprint? (산업의 온실가스 배출 행태 이해를 위한 지수분해분석 적합성 실증 연구)

  • Chung, Whan-Sam;Tohno, Susumu
    • Environmental and Resource Economics Review
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.55-84
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    • 2015
  • Korea is one of the few OECD countries having no binding Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction obligations under the Kyoto Protocol. Korea is going to enforce a powerful greenhouse gas emissions control to the industry from 2015. Current GHG reduction policies do not take into account the trade-off between economic growth and GHG mitigation, this approach will not be sustainable. Sectoral approach, considering industry by industry may be more eco-friend approach. This study verified the validity of the analysis results counted from whole procedure of energy input-output analysis and decomposition analysis to sector 'Organic basic chemical products' and 'Cement and concrete products'. Empirical test was performed using changes in energy consumption, production, process improvements and new facilities. Although the results showed unstable fluctuations from Divisia index decomposition analysis, it was verified that the entire procedure can provide a clue in understanding of the industry's energy and GHG footprint.

Exploring Strategy of Health Contents for Smart Media : Utilizing Information and Data (스마트 미디어 환경에 적합한 헬스 콘텐츠 전략 탐색 : 정보와 데이터 활용을 중심으로)

  • Yoon, Hongsuk;Shin, Dong-Hee
    • Journal of Digital Contents Society
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.85-96
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    • 2015
  • With the emergence of smart media and devices which are able to continuous data monitor, the usage patterns of access and acquire health information are changed. Health contents should be provided to promote intrinsic motivation considering the way of cognizing and processing data in human information interaction. For this, planning for prevention centered health contents is required to utilize personal information and medical big data for engagement with the contents. Therefore, this paper reviews previous studies of health communication dealing with users' information literacy like e-health literacy. In addition, the paper classifies ways of communication when mediate IT as immediacy, interaction and data capturing. In conclusion, strategies of health contents for promoting users' intrinsic motivation are explored and its implications are discussed.

A Study on the Spatial Patterns of Creative Industries and Their Social Cohesion Effects in the Seoul Metropolitan Area (수도권 창조산업의 공간분포 패턴과 사회통합적 영향 분석)

  • Chae, Jimin;Lee, Wonho
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.660-674
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    • 2014
  • This paper analyzes the social cohesion effects of creative industrial as a core role player of emerging new economic paradigm of the creative economy using the case of Seoul Metropolitan Area(SMA) that is a typical cluster of creative industries in Korea. This study reclassified the creative industries in a Korean context into 13 industries in 6 sectors. Based on this reclassification, the study found out that the spatial pattern of creative industries in SMA is spatially much differentiated in terms of specialization, which demands more differentiated cluster strategy with different policy mix. This paper also investigates the social cohesion effects of creative industries using structural equation modelling. It turns out that the growth of creative industries is likely to contribute to the regional development capacity and also to provide positive effects on various aspects of the social cohesion.

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A Study on the Development Strategies for e-commerce Innovation (e-커머스 서비스 혁신을 위한 발전전략 연구)

  • Kwon, Hyeog In;Baek, Bo Hyun;Ahn, Yea Jin;Lee, Jin Hyung
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.217-232
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study is to organize prior research related to e-commerce activation factors available to stakeholders in the online distribution industry, and to conduct FGI with e-commerce experts to calculate the importance of each factor in order based on the 3 Level Service Model of Kwon Hyeog-in (2010), the key factors derived through the preceding study and the FGI were structured and the weighting of each factor was derived using AHP methodology. In the higher factors, the private sector (0.542) > communes (0.237) > public (0.2222) appeared to be important. Sub-factories included 'search service development' (0.0970)', 'recommendation service development (0.0805)', 'consumer needs analysis (0.0534)', 'consumer consumption pattern analysis (0.0505)' and 'other platform-linked service development (0.0450)', in the order of weighting down, indicating each of the factors within the top 15 priority. The results of this study will be utilized throughout the e-commerce industry as well as e-commerce enterprises, providing an academic foundation for the rapidly growing e-commerce ecosystem.

Marketing Strengthening Strategy for Building Model House through Non-face-to-face Video Content Services (비대면 콘텐츠 서비스를 통한 건축 모델하우스 마케팅 강화 전략)

  • Shin, Seong-Yoon;Lee, Hyun-Chang
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.24 no.10
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    • pp.1288-1293
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    • 2020
  • As fears of infection with the Corona 19 virus increase, an untact mood is also blowing in the real estate market. Changes in life style are bringing about changes in the way of life and patterns of consumption. In the real estate marketing market, such changes are inevitable. In particular, marketing using a real estate model house has the characteristics of marketing that is closely related to the denseness that many people visit in an enclosed space. These characteristics include all three features (airtight, dense, close), characteristics mentioned in the COVID-19 prevention rules. Therefore, in this study, we will look at ways to reinforce model house customer marketing in line with the untact (non-face-to-face) trend and to avoid the above three features, characteristics in the model house customer marketing process, and show the implementation results to avoid features. Through this, we propose a safe and expandable real estate marketing strategy through the avoidance of the three features of corona 19.

Radar rainfall forecasting evaluation using consecutive advection characteristics of rainfall fields (강우장의 연속 이류특성을 활용한 레이더 강수량 예측성 평가)

  • Kim, Tae-Jeong;Kim, Jang-Gyeong;Kwon, Hyun-Han
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2021.06a
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    • pp.39-39
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    • 2021
  • 기상재해를 극소화하기 위해서는 그 원인이 되는 기상현상의 규모와 거동을 명확히 감시하고 분석하여 신뢰성 있는 예측정보가 제공되어야 한다. 최근 위험기상 발생빈도가 증가하여 초단기 및 위험기상 예보의 정확도 향상을 위한 고품질 레이더 정보 활용 연구가 활발하게 진행되고 있다. 레이더는 전자파를 이용하여 강우의 양과 분포, 이동특성을 관측하는 장비로써 우리나라는 초단기적 위험기상 대응능력 향상을 추진하기 위한 목적으로 첨단 성능의 이중편파레이더 관측망을 구축하고 있다. 국내 기상관측용 레이더는 기상예보(기상청), 홍수예보(환경부), 군 작전 기상지원(국방부) 등으로 각 기관이 개별적으로 설치운영 하고 있다. 본 연구에서는 관계부처에서 운영하고 있는 레이더의 합성장을 이용하여 강수장의 상관성을 기반으로 이류(advection) 특성을 도출하였다. 정확도 있는 이류특성을 도출하기 위하여 시간해상도는 10분을 적용하였으며 가우시안 필터링 기법을 적용하여 강수장 상관분석을 수행하였다. 호우와 태풍을 대상으로 강수장의 이류패턴을 추출하여 강수장의 이동방향 및 속도를 고려한 강수량 예측기법의 적용성을 평가하였다. 본 연구 결과는 격자형 강수예측정보를 제공하여 AI 홍수예보 및 수치예보 모델의 초기조건 입력 등에 활용되어 기후변동성에 따른 대국민 안전 실현을 확보하는데 기후변화 대응전략의 핵심기술로 활용될 수 있을 것으로 판단된다. 덧붙어, 4차 산업혁명에 따른 수문기상 빅 데이터(big data) 통합 플랫폼을 구축하여 고해상도 홍수대응 기술 및 GIS 및 모바일 시스템을 연계한 실시간 기후재해 예·경보가 가능할 것으로 사료된다.

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Enhancing Smart Grid Efficiency through SAC Reinforcement Learning: Renewable Energy Integration and Optimal Demand Response in the CityLearn Environment (SAC 강화 학습을 통한 스마트 그리드 효율성 향상: CityLearn 환경에서 재생 에너지 통합 및 최적 수요 반응)

  • Esanov Alibek Rustamovich;Seung Je Seong;Chang-Gyoon Lim
    • The Journal of the Korea institute of electronic communication sciences
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.93-104
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    • 2024
  • Demand response is a strategy that encourages customers to adjust their consumption patterns at times of peak demand with the aim to improve the reliability of the power grid and minimize expenses. The integration of renewable energy sources into smart grids poses significant challenges due to their intermittent and unpredictable nature. Demand response strategies, coupled with reinforcement learning techniques, have emerged as promising approaches to address these challenges and optimize grid operations where traditional methods fail to meet such kind of complex requirements. This research focuses on investigating the application of reinforcement learning algorithms in demand response for renewable energy integration. The objectives include optimizing demand-side flexibility, improving renewable energy utilization, and enhancing grid stability. The results emphasize the effectiveness of demand response strategies based on reinforcement learning in enhancing grid flexibility and facilitating the integration of renewable energy.

Spatio-temporal Analysis of Freeway Emissions for Establishing Public Health Policies Based on Transportation (교통기반 공공보건 정책 수립을 위한 고속도로 차량배출가스 시공간 패턴분석)

  • LEE, Seol Young;JOO, Shinhye;YOUN, Seok Min;OH, Cheol
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.34 no.5
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    • pp.377-393
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    • 2016
  • Vehicle emissions have been known as a critical factor to give a negative impact on the public health. In particular, particulate matters(PM) and NOx are highly related with respiratory diseases such as asthma. This study aimed at analyzing spatio-temporal patterns of PM and NOx generated from urban freeway traffic. MOVES, which is a well-known emission analysis tool presented by US Environmental Protection Agency(EPA), was applied to estimate PM and NOx based on traffic volume and speed data obtained from Seoul Outer Ring Expressway during January~June, 2012. K-means clustering analysis was used for categorizing the Level of Vehicle Emissions(LOVE) to support more systematical identification of the significance of emissions. Then, spatio-temporal analyses of estimated emissions were conducted by LOVE. Finally, this study proposed a set of strategies to reduce both PM and NOx to enhance public health based on analysis results.

Military Life Pattern of Maladjusted Soldiers (복무부적응 병사의 군생활 패턴)

  • Lee, Eun-Joo
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.8
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    • pp.501-511
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    • 2020
  • This qualitative research examined the experiences and patterns of military life of service maladaptive soldiers. The research site was the place where the soldiers of the A-adaptive soldiers' healing program were conducted, and the study period was conducted from September 2016 to December 2017. Maladaptive soldiers' military life experience pattern was analyzed, and their experience consisted of three domains (early domain after joining the army, middle domain after joining the army, and last domain where they failed to adapt themselves), five cultural themes, 12 categories, and 29 attributes. The cultural themes of maladaptive soldiers in their military life experiences were as follows: facing unfamiliar military culture, hardship, being left alone in a group, pain becoming unbearable, and the last choice of leaving a painful military life. Maladaptive soldiers attempted suicide after they failed to overcome the psychological pain, but they needed help during their early period of adaptation. Moreover, during their middle period of adaptation, they needed guidance for their immature coping strategies, and ultimately they had misperceptions about their death together with a pessimistic view about their life. These results are expected to be used as basic data for the development of mental nursing arbitration programs and suicide prevention projects to help service maladaptive soldiers.