• Title/Summary/Keyword: 전남대학

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The Effect of Shear Direction on the Behavior of the Post-earthquake Settlement of GBFS (반복전단 방향의 영향에 따른 GBFS의 지진후 침하 거동)

  • Baek, Won-Jin;Hiroshi, Matsuda;Park, Kyung-Hwan;Kim, Jin-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.5-12
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    • 2010
  • In this study, in order to clarify the effect of the direction of cyclic shear on the post-earthquake settlement the multi-directional shear tests were carried out for Toyoura Japan standard sand, Genkai natural sand, Kaolinite and the Granulated Blast Furnace Slag (GBFS). The diameter and the height of the specimen are 75 mm and 20 mm, respectively. In a series of tests, the number of strain cycles was adjusted as n=5, 20, 30, 100, 200 and the shear strain amplitudes were varied from 0.1% to 1.0%. The relative densities of each samples were also adjusted as Dr=50, 60 and 70%. From the test results for Toyoura sand and GBFS, it is clarified that the post-earthquake settlement is relatively large at the small relative density and becomes large with the shear strain amplitude. When the influence of difference on the direction of cyclic shear decreases, the post-earthquake settlement strain for Toyoura sand is converged to a constant value, but the GBFS increases with the number of strain cycles. In addition, the post-earthquake settlement is in the order of Kaolinite > Toyoura sand > Genkai sand > GBFS.

An Analysis of the Settlement Behavior of Soft Clayey Ground Considering the Effect of Creep during the Primary Consolidation (1차압밀과정중의 크리프의 영향을 고려한 연약 점성토지반의 침하거동 해석)

  • Baek, Won-Jin;Matsuda, Hiroshi;Choi, Woo-Jung;Kim, Chan-Kee;Song, Byung-Gwan
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.24 no.5
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    • pp.107-115
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    • 2008
  • This paper is performed to examine the effect of creep during the primary consolidation and the applicability of the Yin's EVP (Elasto-Visco-Plastic) model. In ordinary consolidation theories using the elastic model, the primary consolidation process can be expressed but the secondary consolidation process cannot. It is due to the viscosity, which can express the secondary consolidation, and is sometimes related to the scale effect (difference of the thickness of clay layer between laboratory sample and field condition) such as hypotheses Type A and Type B shown by Ladd et al. (1977). Usually, the existence of the creep during the primary consolidation has been conformed and the Type B is well acceped. On the other hand, from the large-scaled consolidation tests the intermediate characteristic between Type A and Type B was proposed as Type C by Aboshi (1973). In this study, to clarify the effect of creep on the settlement-time relation during the primary consolidation in detail, Type B consolidation tests were performed using the separate-type consolidation test apparatus for a peat and clay. Then the test results were analyzed by using Yin's EVP Model (Yin and Graham, 1994). In conclusion, followings were obtained. At the end of primary consolidation, the compression for the subspecimens should not be the same because of the difference of the excess pore water pressure dissipation rate. And the average settlement measured by the separate-type consolidometer coincides with the analyzed one using the Yin's EVP model. As for the dissipation of the excess pore water pressure, however, the measured excess pore water pressure dissipates faster compared with the Yin's model.

The Geomorphological Characteristics of Coastal Dune in Young Gwang, Jeonnam (전남 영광 지역의 해안사구 지형 특성)

  • PARK, Cheol-Woong
    • Journal of The Geomorphological Association of Korea
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.177-191
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    • 2011
  • This paper describes a dune field on shoreline of Young Gwang. To clarify geomorphic characteristics, made an analysis of grain size of the sand sediments samples and surface texture of quartz grains, and field survey. The following results were obtained : 1) Young Gwang sand dune is taking to pieces by human impact, and dose not move ahead the process of sand dune. 2) there was a turbulence of sand sediments outcrops saying to the cryoturbation that represents cold climatic environments, 3) Constituents of sand dune are mainly fine and very fine sand(2.5~4.5Φ) consisted by quartz and feldspar. Young Gwang sand grians have some analogy with different sites in west coast 4) In surface texture, roundness is thought to have been formed sub-angular, and some V cracks represented mechanical weathering environments. Especially, the dune environment has significant cultural and archaeological values arising from the occupation of human in the past. Those areas where occupation is known provide a valuable source of past records relating to human settlement.

Investigating the Transfer Status and Improvement Strategies for Records from Defunct Elementary, Middle, and High Schools: After the Enactment of the Public Records Management Act (폐교(초·중·고)기록물 이관현황과 개선방안에 관한 연구: 공공기록물법 제정 이후)

  • Dasom Cheon;Jisue Lee
    • Journal of Korean Society of Archives and Records Management
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.113-135
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    • 2023
  • This study explores the transfer of defunct school records (by preservation period, type, and place of transfer) in South Korea since the Public Records Management Act was enacted in 1999 and suggests improvements. Metropolitan and provincial offices of education, totaling 17, were asked to disclose information about the status of defunct school records. Since 1999, 1,411 schools nationwide have closed permanently, predominantly elementary schools, followed by high then middle schools. By preservation period, there were more records in the 1 to 10-year category than in the 30-year to permanent category. By record type, most were electronic records, followed by paper records, archival objects, and audiovisual records. By place of transfer, most nonelectronic records were transferred to integrated schools, and most electronic records were transferred to the Records Management System. In-depth interviews with 10 record managers from local education offices found that the management of defunct school records varies widely by region and institution because of the lack of specified manuals. Participants also reported difficulties in transferring web-based records, archival objects, and audiovisual records, as well as insufficient archival space and computer systems. This study also provides suggestions to improve the management of defunct school records, such as establishing specified manuals, creating a dedicated government department for managing defunct school records, deploying workforces, and improving computer systems.

Analysis of Marketing Performances according to Raising Environment in Broilers (육계의 사육환경에 따른 출하성적 분석)

  • Kim, Gye-Woong;Kim, Ji-Hyuk;Kim, Hack-Youn;Kim, Bong-Ki;Park, Hee-Bok;Choe, Juhui;Kim, Jun-Ho
    • Korean Journal of Poultry Science
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    • v.46 no.1
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    • pp.25-30
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    • 2019
  • This study was conducted to investigate basic data of development for appropriate management system in broiler. Data such as ages at marketing, livability, body weight, etc. were collected from a total of 53 broiler farms located in Chungnam, Chungbuk, Jeollanam, Jeollabuk, Gyeongbuk. 1. Average of ages at marketing were 32 days. Those of windowless house and open-type house were 31.96 and 32.03 days, respectively. The significant difference among four seasons was highly found (P<0.001). The longest ages at marketing were 32.86 days in winter. Average of livability was 96.25%. According to type of chick house, those of windowless house and open-type house were 95.93% and 96.59%, respectively. The livability according to season showed significant difference (P<0.05). The highest livability was 97.39% in autumn. However, the lowest livability was 95.36% in summer. 2. Average body weight at marketing was 1.62 kg. The significant difference was found in marketing weight by season (P<0.05). The heaviest body weight was 1.65 kg in winter, but the lowest weight was 1.60 kg in summer. Average of FCR was 1.62. the significant differences according to the season were highly found (P<0.01). Especially, the best FCR was 1.59 in autumn. Average cycles of marketing was 5.70. The significant differences according to farms size were found (P<0.05), cycles of small farms and big farms were 5.8 and 5.3, respectively. The ages at marketing were highly correlated with marketing weight (r=0.684) and feed conversion (r=0.439). The correlation between feed conversion and livability was highly negative (r=-0.614). According to the above result, livability and body weight at marketing were badly detected in summer. In conclusion, broiler farms should be controlled through properly environmental management system for improvement of performances.

A Study on the Bioactivity Exploration of the Collected Marine Microorganisms and Microalgaes in Korea (우리나라에서 확보한 해양미생물과 미세조류에 대한 기초생리활성 연구)

  • Seung Sub Bae;Yong Min Kwon;Dawoon Chung;Woon-Jong Yu;Kichul Cho;Eun-Seo Cho;Yoon-Hee Jung;Yun Gyeong Park;Hyemi Ahn;Dae-Sung Lee;Jin-Soo Park;Jaewook Lee;Dong-Chan Oh;Ki-Bong Oh;EunJi Cho;Sang-Ik Park;You-Jin Jeon;Hyo-Geun Lee;Keun-Yong Kim;Sang-Jip Nam;Hyukjae Choi;Cheol Ho Pan;Grace Choi
    • Journal of Marine Life Science
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.136-149
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    • 2023
  • Basic bioactivities (antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, anticancer, antiviral) were investigated from 370 strains of marine bacteria, fungi, and microalgae obtained from various marine environmental regions in Korea, and the activity results were obtained at the collection site, isolation source, and species level was compared. In the case of marine bacteria, strains belonging to the generally useful genera Streptomyces and Bacillus were observed to have particularly strong efficacy and useful resources were mainly isolated from marine sediments. In the case of marine fungi and microalgae, results showing strong species-specific activity were confirmed, and results showing efficacy-specific activity were also obtained. Based on these results, it is a research result that can facilitate priority access as a strategic material for industrial revitalization and the establishment of a strategy to secure resources based on usefulness when conducting research on chemicals that are selectively effective against specific diseases or when conducting resource-based research. In addition, we believe that by using these results as material for sale through the Marine BioBank (MBB), academia and industry can use them to help accelerate the revitalization of the marine bio industry.

Laryngeal Measurement on Neck CT (경부 전산화단층촬영상에서 후두계측)

  • 유영채;오재식
    • Korean Journal of Bronchoesophagology
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.71-81
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    • 1996
  • The normal larynx locates to the front of the neck symmetrically and the thyroid notch lies in the center of the neck, but practically the larynx is not symmetric in all people. From a clinical point of views, there are vague cases to decide whether a disordered laryngeal structure is within normal variations or a pathologic condition. The purpose of this study is to investigate the anatomy of the laryngeal framework in normal population. Authors investigate various measures of normal laryngeal framework, such as symmetry and length of the larynx, levels of the hyoid bone and vocal cord and angle of thyroid cartilage by using calipers and protractor on 45 cases of neck CT. The results are summerized as follows. 1. The laryngeal framework was asymmetric to a greater or lesser extent in most cases with directional preponderance to the right side. The degree of asymmetry did not differ among different age groups and between seres. 2. The level of the hyoid bone ranged from C2-C3 vertebrae to C5-C6 intervertebral space with most frequent level of C5. 3. The level of the vocal cord ranged from 01 vertebra to C6-C7 intervertebral space with most frequent level of C5. 4. The angle of thyroid cartilage ranged from 58 degree to 100 degree with average of 81.5 and mean angle between both thyroid alae were 77.24 degree in male and 87.88 degree in female.

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Sexual Consciousness, Gender Egalitarianism and Awareness Levels of Sexual Harassment among College Students (대학생의 성의식, 성평등 의식과 성희롱 인식 수준)

  • Chung, Eun Sook
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.16 no.7
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    • pp.4679-4688
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study was to identify the factors influencing sexual consciousness, gender egalitarianism and awareness levels of sexual harassment among college students. Methods: As a descriptive, correlative study, the data was collected from 274 college students. The copies of the questionnaire were collected from April 23 to 30, 2015. The data was analyzed using a t-test, ANOVA, Pearson correlation coefficients and multiple linear regression. Results: Sexual consciousness, gender egalitarianism and sexual harassment awareness levels averaged 3.00 (range of score 1-5), 1.97(1-4) and 4.09 (1-5), respectively. Awareness levels of sexual harassment had a positive correlation with sexual consciousness, and a negative correlation with gender, major field of study, living patterns, and gender egalitarianism. Conclusion: This study has identified sexual consciousness and gender egalitarianism, as well as the associated influencing factors, among college students. The results of this study are expected to be used as basic data for developing strategies and programs for the prevention of sexual harassment among college students.

Satisfaction of College Students for 4-Year Beauty Convergence Curriculum and methods of operation (4년제 미용융합 교과과정 및 운영방법에 대한 재학생 만족도)

  • Lee, Kyoung-A;Kang, Su-Youn
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.227-233
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    • 2017
  • This study aimed to analyze satisfaction of the college students of the beauty-related departments for the curriculum and the operation of the curriculum and find the basic directions and improvement measures of the curriculum. As to the research method, the study selected and analyzed 156 pieces of survey sheets after conducting a survey by randomly extracting the samples of the students who are majoring in the beauty-related departments of 4-year universities in the Jeonnam area. According to the research, the students of the beauty-related departments had strong pride and were highly satisfied with the practical curriculum. They were highly satisfied with the teaching capacity of the professors but less satisfied with the practical training equipment in terms of the department operation method. It is expected to improve the learning environment of the beauty-related department through this research and continue to study the measures to improve satisfaction of the college students of the beauty-related departments for the curriculum and the operation methods of the curriculum.

Effects of Lime and Phosphate Applications on Growth and Nitrogen Fixation of Alfalfa in Acid Soil (산성토양에서 석회와 인산시용이 Alfalfa의 생장 및 질소고정에 미치는 영향)

  • Jeon, U-Bok;Choe, Gi-Chun;Kim, Jeong-Cheol;Kim, Dong-Hu;Kwang Hyun Kim
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.274-277
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    • 1993
  • We investigated the effects of applications of various levels of lime(0, 250, 500 and 1,000 kg/10a) and phosphate (0, 17 and 34 kg/10a) on growth and nitrogen fixation of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.). Effects of lime and phosphate applications were significantly different on dry matter (DM) weight of each part and on acetylene reduction activity (ARA) of alfalfa at 9 weeks alter sowing (p<.05). The effect of lime on DM of shoot and root was not significantly different at 14 weeks after sowing (early bloom stage), but that of phosphate on DM was significantly improved as increasing of phosphate levels (p<.01). The effects of lime and phosphate on ARA were significantly increased (p<.05). Application of lime and phosphate decreased total nitrogen (TN) content of each part of alfalfa at 9 weeks after sowing (p<.05). The effects of lime application on TN was higher but that of phosphate application on TN was lower than no application of lime or phosphate at 14 weeks after sowing (p<.05).

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